name: Check git apply on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: rtag: description: 'uazo/bromite TAG or COMMIT' required: true default: '' env: GITHUB_SHA: ${{ github.event.inputs.rtag }} REMOVEDOCKERSUPPORT: true # CUSTOM RUNNER: remove sharing of docker socket USELOCALIMAGE: false # CUSTOM RUNNER: permit use of local images USEINTERNALNETWORK: false # CUSTOM RUNNER: create the docker network as internal jobs: get-git-apply: runs-on: ci container: image: uazo/build-deps:latest steps: - name: Prepare container run: | # reset proxy env HTTP_PROXY= HTTPS_PROXY= http_proxy= https_proxy= apt update apt install -y wget unzip tar sed dos2unix patchutils wiggle curl git wget tar xfz SuperPatchUtils.tar.gz rm SuperPatchUtils.tar.gz git clone wget unzip rm BRANCH=$(curl$GITHUB_SHA | ./pup -p li.branch:last-child a text{}) echo "BRANCH=$BRANCH" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Checkout 'uazo/bromite' ${{ env.BRANCH }} uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: repository: 'uazo/bromite' ref: ${{ github.event.inputs.rtag }} path: 'bromite' fetch-depth: 1 - name: Check chromium version run: | VERSION=$(cat bromite/build/RELEASE) echo "VERSION=$VERSION" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Download chromium ${{ env.VERSION }} sources run: | ./bin/SuperPatchUtils bromite $GITHUB_SHA chromium/src cd chromium/src git init git config "" git config "Your Name" git add . git commit -m $VERSION git tag -a $VERSION -m $VERSION cd ../.. - name: Apply patches ${{ github.event.inputs.rtag }} run: | export HOME=$(pwd) cd ~/chromium/src export SILENT=true export CGA_REMOTE=true export SKIPAUTOGENERATED=true bash ~/bromite-buildtools/ || sleep 23h rm -rf ~/bromite/build/patches-new/ rm ~/bromite/build/bromite_patches_list_new.txt - name: Export patches run: | export HOME=$(pwd) cd ~/chromium/src bash ~/bromite-buildtools/ cd ~/bromite rm -rf build/patches/* mv build/patches-new/* build/patches rm -rf build/patches-new/ - name: Check differences CHANGES=${{ env.CHANGES }} run: | cd bromite CHANGES=0 && git diff --quiet || CHANGES=1 echo "CHANGES=$CHANGES" >> $GITHUB_ENV if [[ CHANGES -eq 1 ]]; then git add build/patches/*.patch git diff --name-only --staged # MESSAGE=$(git diff --name-only --staged) # echo "MESSAGE='$MESSAGE'" >> $GITHUB_ENV fi - name: Create Pull Request uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@dcd5fd746d53dd8de555c0f10bca6c35628be47a #v3.12.0 if: env.CHANGES == '1' with: path: bromite base: ${{ env.BRANCH }} #push-to-fork: uazo/bromite add-paths: | build/patches/*.patch commit-message: 'AUTOMATED - git apply results' title: Git apply result for ${{ env.BRANCH }} branch body: ${{ env.MESSAGE }} delete-branch: true branch-suffix: short-commit-hash