import re from pathlib import Path from custom_components.hon.binary_sensor import BINARY_SENSORS from custom_components.hon.button import BUTTONS from custom_components.hon.number import NUMBERS from import SELECTS from custom_components.hon.sensor import SENSORS from custom_components.hon.switch import SWITCHES, HonSwitchEntityDescription APPLIANCES = { "AC": "Air conditioner", "AP": "Air purifier", "AS": "Air scanner", "DW": "Dish washer", "HO": "Hood", "IH": "Hob", "MW": "Microwave", "OV": "Oven", "REF": "Fridge", "RVC": "Robot vacuum cleaner", "TD": "Tumble dryer", "WC": "Wine Cellar", "WD": "Washer dryer", "WH": "Water Heater", "WM": "Washing machine", } ENTITY_CATEGORY_SORT = ["control", "config", "sensor"] entities = { "binary_sensor": BINARY_SENSORS, "button": BUTTONS, "number": NUMBERS, "select": SELECTS, "sensor": SENSORS, "switch": SWITCHES, } result = {} for entity_type, appliances in entities.items(): for appliance, data in appliances.items(): for entity in data: if ( isinstance(entity, HonSwitchEntityDescription) and entity.entity_category != "config" ): key = f"{entity.turn_on_key}` / `{entity.turn_off_key}" else: key = entity.key attributes = (key,, entity.icon, entity_type) category = "control" if entity_type in ["switch", "button"] else "sensor" result.setdefault(appliance, {}).setdefault( entity.entity_category or category, [] ).append(attributes) text = "" for appliance, categories in sorted(result.items()): text += f"\n### {APPLIANCES[appliance]}\n" categories = {k: categories[k] for k in ENTITY_CATEGORY_SORT if k in categories} for category, data in categories.items(): text += f"#### {str(category).capitalize()}s\n" text += "| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |\n" text += "| --- | --- | --- | --- |\n" for key, name, icon, entity_type in sorted(data, key=lambda d: d[1]): icon = f"`{icon}`" if icon else "" text += f"| {name} | {icon} | `{entity_type}` | `{key}` |\n" with open(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "", "r") as file: readme = readme = re.sub( "(## Appliance Features\n)(?:.|\\s)+?([^#]## |\\Z)", f"\\1{text}\\2", readme, re.DOTALL, ) with open(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "", "w") as file: file.write(readme)