2018-08-01 11:34:35 -04:00
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package baritone.pathfinding ;
import baritone.pathfinding.goals.Goal ;
import baritone.pathfinding.actions.ActionBridge ;
import baritone.pathfinding.actions.Action ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.logging.Level ;
import java.util.logging.Logger ;
import baritone.ui.LookManager ;
import baritone.Baritone ;
import baritone.movement.MovementManager ;
import baritone.pathfinding.actions.ActionPlaceOrBreak ;
import baritone.util.Out ;
import baritone.util.ToolSet ;
import net.minecraft.block.Block ;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState ;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft ;
import net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP ;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks ;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos ;
/ * *
* @author leijurv
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public class Path {
public final BlockPos start ;
public final BlockPos end ;
public final Goal goal ;
/ * *
* The blocks on the path . Guaranteed that path . get ( 0 ) equals start and
* path . get ( path . size ( ) - 1 ) equals end
* /
public final ArrayList < BlockPos > path ;
final ArrayList < Action > actions ;
/ * *
* note that this ISN ' T the number of nodes in this path , it ' s actually the
* number of nodes used to calculate this path . this is here for idk why
* /
public final int numNodes ;
Path ( Node start , Node end , Goal goal , int numNodes ) {
this . numNodes = numNodes ;
this . start = start . pos ;
this . end = end . pos ;
this . goal = goal ;
this . path = new ArrayList < BlockPos > ( ) ;
this . actions = new ArrayList < Action > ( ) ;
Node current = end ;
while ( ! current . equals ( start ) ) { //assemble the path
path . add ( 0 , current . pos ) ;
actions . add ( 0 , current . previousAction ) ;
current = current . previous ;
path . add ( 0 , start . pos ) ;
/ * Out . log ( " Final path: " + path ) ;
Out . log ( " Final actions: " + actions ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < path . size ( ) - 1 ; i + + ) { //print it all out
int oldX = path . get ( i ) . getX ( ) ;
int oldY = path . get ( i ) . getY ( ) ;
int oldZ = path . get ( i ) . getZ ( ) ;
int newX = path . get ( i + 1 ) . getX ( ) ;
int newY = path . get ( i + 1 ) . getY ( ) ;
int newZ = path . get ( i + 1 ) . getZ ( ) ;
int xDiff = newX - oldX ;
int yDiff = newY - oldY ;
int zDiff = newZ - oldZ ;
Out . log ( actions . get ( i ) + " : " + xDiff + " , " + yDiff + " , " + zDiff ) ; //print it all out
} * /
/ * *
* We don ' t really use this any more
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public void showPathInStone ( ) {
IBlockState [ ] originalStates = new IBlockState [ path . size ( ) ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < path . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
originalStates [ i ] = Minecraft . getMinecraft ( ) . world . getBlockState ( path . get ( i ) ) ;
Minecraft . getMinecraft ( ) . world . setBlockState ( path . get ( i ) , Block . getBlockById ( 1 ) . getDefaultState ( ) ) ;
try {
Thread . sleep ( 250 ) ;
} catch ( InterruptedException ex ) {
Logger . getLogger ( Path . class . getName ( ) ) . log ( Level . SEVERE , null , ex ) ;
try {
Thread . sleep ( 2500 ) ;
} catch ( InterruptedException ex ) {
Logger . getLogger ( Path . class . getName ( ) ) . log ( Level . SEVERE , null , ex ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < path . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
Minecraft . getMinecraft ( ) . world . setBlockState ( path . get ( i ) , originalStates [ i ] ) ;
/ * *
* Where are we in the path ? This is an index in the actions list
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int pathPosition = 0 ;
public double howFarAmIFromThePath ( double x , double y , double z ) {
double best = - 1 ;
for ( BlockPos pos : path ) {
double dist = distance ( x , y , z , pos ) ;
if ( dist < best | | best = = - 1 ) {
best = dist ;
return best ;
public void calculatePathPosition ( ) {
2018-08-01 11:38:46 -04:00
BlockPos playerFeet = Baritone . playerFeet ;
2018-08-01 11:34:35 -04:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < path . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( playerFeet . equals ( path . get ( i ) ) ) {
pathPosition = i ;
public static double distance ( double x , double y , double z , BlockPos pos ) {
double xdiff = x - ( pos . getX ( ) + 0 . 5D ) ;
double ydiff = y - ( pos . getY ( ) + 0 . 5D ) ;
double zdiff = z - ( pos . getZ ( ) + 0 . 5D ) ;
return Math . sqrt ( xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff + zdiff * zdiff ) ;
/ * *
* How many ticks have I been more than MAX_DISTANCE_FROM_PATH away from the
* path
* /
int ticksAway = 0 ;
/ * *
* How far away from the path can I get and still be okay
* /
static final double MAX_DISTANCE_FROM_PATH = 2 ;
/ * *
* How many ticks can I be more than MAX_DISTANCE_FROM_PATH before we
* consider it a failure
* /
static final int MAX_TICKS_AWAY = 20 * 10 ;
/ * *
* How many ticks have elapsed on this action
* /
int ticksOnCurrent = 0 ;
/ * *
* Did I fail , either by being too far away for too long , or by having an
* action take too long
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public boolean failed = false ;
public boolean tick ( ) {
if ( pathPosition > = path . size ( ) ) {
Baritone . clearPath ( ) ; //stop bugging me, I'm done
return true ;
BlockPos whereShouldIBe = path . get ( pathPosition ) ;
EntityPlayerSP thePlayer = Minecraft . getMinecraft ( ) . player ;
BlockPos whereAmI = thePlayer . getPosition0 ( ) ;
if ( pathPosition = = path . size ( ) - 1 ) {
Out . log ( " On last path position " ) ;
Baritone . clearPath ( ) ;
return true ;
if ( ! whereShouldIBe . equals ( whereAmI ) ) {
Out . log ( " Should be at " + whereShouldIBe + " actually am at " + whereAmI ) ;
if ( ! Blocks . air . equals ( Minecraft . getMinecraft ( ) . world . getBlockState ( thePlayer . getPosition0 ( ) . down ( ) ) ) ) { //do not skip if standing on air, because our position isn't stable to skip
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pathPosition - 2 & & i < path . size ( ) ; i + + ) { //this happens for example when you lag out and get teleported back a couple blocks
if ( whereAmI . equals ( path . get ( i ) ) ) {
Out . gui ( " Skipping back " + ( pathPosition - i ) + " steps, to " + i , Out . Mode . Debug ) ;
pathPosition = Math . max ( i - 1 , 0 ) ;
return false ;
for ( int i = pathPosition + 2 ; i < path . size ( ) ; i + + ) { //dont check pathPosition+1
if ( whereAmI . equals ( path . get ( i ) ) ) {
Out . gui ( " Skipping forward " + ( i - pathPosition ) + " steps, to " + i , Out . Mode . Debug ) ;
pathPosition = i - 1 ;
return false ;
double distanceFromPath = howFarAmIFromThePath ( thePlayer . posX , thePlayer . posY , thePlayer . posZ ) ;
if ( distanceFromPath > MAX_DISTANCE_FROM_PATH ) {
ticksAway + + ;
Out . log ( " FAR AWAY FROM PATH FOR " + ticksAway + " TICKS. Current distance: " + distanceFromPath + " . Threshold: " + MAX_DISTANCE_FROM_PATH ) ;
if ( ticksAway > MAX_TICKS_AWAY ) {
Out . gui ( " Too far away from path for too long, cancelling path " , Out . Mode . Standard ) ;
Out . log ( " Too many ticks " ) ;
pathPosition = path . size ( ) + 3 ;
failed = true ;
return true ;
} else {
ticksAway = 0 ;
Out . log ( actions . get ( pathPosition ) ) ;
if ( pathPosition < actions . size ( ) - 1 ) { //if there are two ActionBridges in a row and they are at right angles, walk diagonally. This makes it so you walk at 45 degrees along a zigzag path instead of doing inefficient zigging and zagging
if ( ( actions . get ( pathPosition ) instanceof ActionBridge ) & & ( actions . get ( pathPosition + 1 ) instanceof ActionBridge ) ) {
ActionBridge curr = ( ActionBridge ) actions . get ( pathPosition ) ;
ActionBridge next = ( ActionBridge ) actions . get ( pathPosition + 1 ) ;
if ( curr . dx ( ) ! = next . dx ( ) | | curr . dz ( ) ! = next . dz ( ) ) { //two actions are not parallel, so this is a right angle
if ( curr . amIGood ( ) & & next . amIGood ( ) ) { //nothing in the way
BlockPos cornerToCut1 = new BlockPos ( next . to . getX ( ) - next . from . getX ( ) + curr . from . getX ( ) , next . to . getY ( ) , next . to . getZ ( ) - next . from . getZ ( ) + curr . from . getZ ( ) ) ;
BlockPos cornerToCut2 = cornerToCut1 . up ( ) ;
//Block corner1 = Minecraft.getMinecraft().world.getBlockState(cornerToCut1).getBlock();
//Block corner2 = Minecraft.getMinecraft().world.getBlockState(cornerToCut2).getBlock();
//Out.gui("Cutting conner " + cornerToCut1 + " " + corner1, Out.Mode.Debug);
if ( ! Action . avoidWalkingInto ( cornerToCut1 ) & & ! Action . avoidWalkingInto ( cornerToCut2 ) ) {
double x = ( next . from . getX ( ) + next . to . getX ( ) + 1 . 0D ) * 0 . 5D ;
double z = ( next . from . getZ ( ) + next . to . getZ ( ) + 1 . 0D ) * 0 . 5D ;
MovementManager . clearMovement ( ) ;
if ( ! MovementManager . forward & & curr . oneInTen ! = null & & curr . oneInTen ) {
MovementManager . clearMovement ( ) ;
MovementManager . forward = LookManager . lookAtCoords ( x , 0 , z , false ) ;
} else {
MovementManager . moveTowardsCoords ( x , 0 , z ) ;
if ( MovementManager . forward & & ! MovementManager . backward ) {
thePlayer . setSprinting ( true ) ;
return false ;
MovementManager . clearMovement ( ) ;
Action action = actions . get ( pathPosition ) ;
if ( action . calculateCost0 ( new ToolSet ( ) ) > = Action . COST_INF ) {
Out . gui ( " Something has changed in the world and this action has become impossible. Cancelling. " , Out . Mode . Standard ) ;
pathPosition = path . size ( ) + 3 ;
failed = true ;
return true ;
if ( action . tick ( ) ) {
Out . log ( " Action done, next path " ) ;
pathPosition + + ;
ticksOnCurrent = 0 ;
} else {
ticksOnCurrent + + ;
if ( ticksOnCurrent > action . cost ( null ) + 100 ) {
Out . gui ( " This action has taken too long ( " + ticksOnCurrent + " ticks, expected " + action . cost ( null ) + " ). Cancelling. " , Out . Mode . Standard ) ;
pathPosition = path . size ( ) + 3 ;
failed = true ;
return true ;
return false ;
public HashSet < BlockPos > toMine ( ) {
HashSet < BlockPos > tm = new HashSet < > ( ) ;
for ( int i = pathPosition ; i < actions . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( actions . get ( i ) instanceof ActionPlaceOrBreak ) {
tm . addAll ( ( ( ActionPlaceOrBreak ) actions . get ( i ) ) . toMine ( ) ) ;
return tm ;
public HashSet < BlockPos > toPlace ( ) {
HashSet < BlockPos > tp = new HashSet < > ( ) ;
for ( int i = pathPosition ; i < actions . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( actions . get ( i ) instanceof ActionPlaceOrBreak ) {
tp . addAll ( ( ( ActionPlaceOrBreak ) actions . get ( i ) ) . toPlace ( ) ) ;
return tp ;