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2018-08-01 21:04:35 +05:30
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package baritone.util;
import baritone.inventory.AnotherStealer;
import baritone.schematic.SchematicBuilder;
import baritone.schematic.Schematic;
import baritone.schematic.SchematicLoader;
import baritone.inventory.SmeltingTask;
import baritone.inventory.CraftingTask;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import baritone.movement.Combat;
import baritone.strategy.EarlyGameStrategy;
import baritone.ui.LookManager;
import baritone.Baritone;
import baritone.movement.Parkour;
import baritone.mining.MickeyMine;
import baritone.pathfinding.goals.GoalBlock;
import baritone.pathfinding.goals.GoalGetToBlock;
import baritone.pathfinding.goals.GoalXZ;
import baritone.pathfinding.goals.GoalYLevel;
import baritone.ui.AimBow;
import baritone.ui.Screenshot;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP;
import net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
* @author avecowa
public class ChatCommand {
private static WorldClient theWorld() {
return Minecraft.getMinecraft().world;
private static EntityPlayerSP thePlayer() {
return Minecraft.getMinecraft().player;
private static ArrayList<Field> fields;
private static ArrayList<Method> methods;
private static Method DONTYOUDARE;
static {
// try {
// DONTYOUDARE = ChatCommand.class.getMethod("message", String.class);
// } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
// Logger.getLogger(ChatCommand.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
// } catch (SecurityException ex) {
// Logger.getLogger(ChatCommand.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
// }
methods = new ArrayList<Method>();
fields = new ArrayList<Field>();
public static void addFields(Class<?> c) {
Field[] temp = c.getFields();
for (Field f : temp) {
if (f.getType().equals(boolean.class) && Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers()) && Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isFinal(f.getModifiers())) {
public static void addMethods(Class<?> c) {
Method[] temp = c.getDeclaredMethods();
for (Method m : temp) {
if (m.getParameterCount() == 1 && m.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(String.class) && m.getReturnType().equals(String.class) && !m.equals(DONTYOUDARE)) {
public static boolean message(String message) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
Out.log("MSG: " + message);
String text = (message.charAt(0) == '/' ? message.substring(1) : message).trim();
String command = text.split(" ")[0];
for (Method method : methods) {
if (method.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {
message = (String) method.invoke(null, text);
Out.gui(message, Out.Mode.Minimal);
return true;
int argc = text.split(" ").length;
for (Field field : fields) {
if (field.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {
boolean value = argc == 1 ? !field.getBoolean(null) : Boolean.parseBoolean(text.split(" ")[2]);
field.setBoolean(null, value);
Out.gui(command + " is now " + value, Out.Mode.Minimal);
return true;
return false;
public static String set(String message) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
int argc = message.split(" ").length;
if (argc <= 1) {
return "Arguments plz";
String item = message.split(" ")[1];
for (Field field : fields) {
if (field.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(item)) {
boolean value;
if (argc == 2) {
value = !field.getBoolean(null);
} else {
value = Boolean.parseBoolean(message.split(" ")[2]);
field.setBoolean(null, value);
return item + " is now " + value;
public static String importfrom(String message) throws ClassNotFoundException {
String[] args = message.split(" ");
if (args.length != 3 || (!"m".equals(args[1]) && !"f".equals(args[1]))) {
return "import (m/f) class";
Class c = Class.forName(args[2]);
if (args[1].equals("m")) {
} else {
return "Added from " + c;
public static String death(String message) {
Baritone.goal = new GoalBlock(Baritone.death);
return "Set goal to " + Baritone.goal;
public static String craft(String message) {
String spec = message.substring(5).trim();
if (spec.length() > 0) {
String item = spec.split(" ")[0];
String amt = spec.split(" ")[1];
ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(Item.getByNameOrId(item), Integer.parseInt(amt));
return "k";
public static String smelt(String message) {
String spec = message.substring(5).trim();
if (spec.length() > 0) {
String item = spec.split(" ")[0];
String amt = spec.split(" ")[1];
ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(Item.getByNameOrId(item), Integer.parseInt(amt));
new SmeltingTask(stack).begin();
} else {
new SmeltingTask(Minecraft.getMinecraft().player.getCurrentEquippedItem()).begin();
return "k";
public static String containeritem(String message) {
return "k";
public static String ore(String message) {
return "";
public static String parkour(String message) {
return "Parkour: " + Manager.toggle(Parkour.class);
public static String mine(String message) {
return "Mreow mine: " + Manager.toggle(MickeyMine.class);
public static String fullauto(String message) {
return "Full Auto: " + Manager.toggle(EarlyGameStrategy.class);
public static String record(String message) {
return "Record: " + Manager.toggle(Screenshot.class);
public static String wizard(String message) {
return "YOURE A LIZARD HARRY " + (Baritone.isThereAnythingInProgress ^= true);
public static String actuallyTalk(String message) {
Baritone.actuallyPutMessagesInChat ^= true;
return "toggled to " + Baritone.actuallyPutMessagesInChat;
public static String allowPlaceOrBreak(String message) {
return adventure(message);
public static String arrowPearl(String message) {
if (AimBow.lastBlock != null) {
Baritone.goal = new GoalXZ(AimBow.lastBlock.getX(), AimBow.lastBlock.getZ());
return "Aiming: Pathing to X" + AimBow.lastBlock.getX() + ", Z" + AimBow.lastBlock.getZ();
} else {
return "Aiming: You need to be holding a bow!";
public static String adventure(String message) {
return "allowBreakOrPlace: " + (Baritone.allowBreakOrPlace ^= true);
public static String steal(String message) {
return stealer(message);
public static String save(String message) {
String t = message.substring(4).trim();
if (Baritone.goal == null) {
return "no goal to save";
if (!(Baritone.goal instanceof GoalBlock)) {
return "sorry, goal has to be instanceof GoalBlock";
Memory.goalMemory.put(t, ((GoalBlock) Baritone.goal).pos());
return "Saved " + Baritone.goal + " under " + t;
public static String load(String message) {
return "Set goal to " + (Baritone.goal = new GoalBlock(Memory.goalMemory.get(message.substring(4).trim())));
public static String random(String message) {
double dist = Double.parseDouble(message.substring("random direction".length()).trim());
double ang = new Random().nextDouble() * Math.PI * 2;
Out.gui("Angle: " + ang, Out.Mode.Debug);
BlockPos playerFeet = new BlockPos(thePlayer().posX, thePlayer().posY, thePlayer().posZ);
int x = playerFeet.getX() + (int) (Math.sin(ang) * dist);
int z = playerFeet.getZ() + (int) (Math.cos(ang) * dist);
Baritone.goal = new GoalXZ(x, z);
return "Set goal to " + Baritone.goal;
public static String findgo(String message) {
return Memory.findGoCommand(message.substring(6).trim());
public static String find(String message) {
return Memory.findCommand(message.substring(4).trim());
public static String look(String message) {
LookManager.lookAtBlock(new BlockPos(0, 0, 0), true);
return "";
public static String cancel(String message) {
Combat.mobHunting = false;
Combat.mobKilling = false;
Baritone.plsCancel = true;
for (Class c : Baritone.managers) {
return Baritone.isThereAnythingInProgress ? "Cancelled it, but btw I'm pathfinding right now" : "Cancelled it";
public static String cancelfurnace(String message) {
return "k =)";
public static String st(String message) {
WorldClient theWorld = theWorld();
EntityPlayerSP thePlayer = thePlayer();
BlockPos playerFeet = new BlockPos(thePlayer.posX, thePlayer.posY, thePlayer.posZ);
Out.gui(, Out.Mode.Minimal);
Out.gui(, Out.Mode.Minimal);
Out.gui(, Out.Mode.Minimal);
return "";
public static String setgoal(String message) {
return goal(message);
public static String goal(String message) {
Baritone.plsCancel = false;
int ind = message.indexOf(' ') + 1;
if (ind == 0) {
Baritone.goal = new GoalBlock(thePlayer().playerFeet());
return "Set goal to " + Baritone.goal;
String[] strs = message.substring(ind).split(" ");
int[] coords = new int[strs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) {
try {
coords[i] = Integer.parseInt(strs[i]);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
Baritone.goal = new GoalBlock();
return strs[i] + ". yup. A+ coordinate";//A+? you might even say A*
switch (strs.length) {
case 3:
Baritone.goal = new GoalBlock(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]);
case 2:
Baritone.goal = new GoalXZ(coords[0], coords[1]);
case 1:
Baritone.goal = new GoalYLevel(coords[0]);
Baritone.goal = new GoalBlock();
if (strs.length != 0) {
return strs.length + " coordinates. Nice.";
return "Set goal to " + Baritone.goal;
public static String gotoblock(String message) {
return Memory.gotoCommand(message.substring(4).trim().toLowerCase());
public static String kill(String message) {
return Combat.killCommand(message.substring(4).trim().toLowerCase());
public static String player(String message) {
return Memory.playerCommand(message.substring(6).trim());
public static String thisway(String message) {
return "Set goal to " + (Baritone.goal = LookManager.fromAngleAndDirection(Double.parseDouble(message.substring(7).trim())));
public static String path(String message) {
Baritone.plsCancel = false;
String[] split = message.split(" ");
Baritone.findPathInNewThread(thePlayer().playerFeet(), split.length > 1 ? Boolean.parseBoolean(split[1]) : true);
return "";
public static String hardness(String message) {
BlockPos bp = Baritone.whatAreYouLookingAt();
return bp == null ? "0" : (1 / theWorld().getBlockState(bp).getBlock().getPlayerRelativeBlockHardness(thePlayer(), theWorld(), Baritone.whatAreYouLookingAt())) + "";
public static String info(String message) {
public static String toggle(String message) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
return set(message);
public static String stealer(String message) {
return "stealer: " + Manager.toggle(AnotherStealer.class);
public static String printtag(String message) throws IOException {
Schematic sch = SchematicLoader.getLoader().loadFromFile(new File("/Users/galdara/Downloads/schematics/Bakery.schematic"));
Baritone.currentBuilder = new SchematicBuilder(sch, Minecraft.getMinecraft().player.getPosition0());
return "printed schematic to console.";
public static String samplebuild(String message) {
int size = 5;
BlockPos pl = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player.getPosition0();
BlockPos center = new BlockPos(pl.getX() - size / 2, pl.getY(), pl.getZ());
Baritone.currentBuilder = new SchematicBuilder(new Schematic(Block.getBlockFromName("dirt"), size), center);
return "ok";
public static String pinwheel(String message) {
if (true) {
return "haha. no.";
int size = 5;
BlockPos pl = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player.getPosition0();
BlockPos center = new BlockPos(pl.getX() - size, pl.getY(), pl.getZ() - size);
Baritone.currentBuilder = new SchematicBuilder(new Schematic(Block.getBlockFromName("dirt"), size * 2 + 1, false, true), center);
return "ok";
public static String getToGoal(String message) {
Baritone.plsCancel = false;
int ind = message.indexOf(' ') + 1;
if (ind == 0) {
Baritone.goal = new GoalGetToBlock(thePlayer().playerFeet());
return "Set goal to " + Baritone.goal;
String[] strs = message.substring(ind).split(" ");
int[] coords = new int[strs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) {
try {
coords[i] = Integer.parseInt(strs[i]);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
Baritone.goal = new GoalGetToBlock();
return strs[i] + ". yup. A+ coordinate";//A+? you might even say A*
switch (strs.length) {
case 3:
Baritone.goal = new GoalGetToBlock(new BlockPos(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]));
Baritone.goal = new GoalGetToBlock();
if (strs.length != 0) {
return strs.length + " coordinates. Nice.";
return "Set goal to " + Baritone.goal;
public static String debug(String message) {
Out.mode = Out.Mode.Debug;
return "Set mode to debug";
public static String chatMode(String message) {
String[] args = message.split(" ");
if (args.length == 1) {
return "To what...";
String arg = args[1].toLowerCase();
switch (arg) {
case "none":
case "1":
Out.mode = Out.Mode.None;
case "minimal":
case "2":
Out.mode = Out.Mode.Minimal;
case "standard":
case "3":
Out.mode = Out.Mode.Standard;
case "debug":
case "4":
Out.mode = Out.Mode.Debug;
case "ludicrous":
case "5":
Out.mode = Out.Mode.Ludicrous;
return "That is note a valid mode";
return "ok";
// public static String testcode(String message) {
// Out.mode = Out.Mode.Debug;
// Out.gui("Testing", Out.Mode.Debug);
// return "OK";
// }