2018-08-01 11:34:35 -04:00

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package baritone.strategy;
import baritone.movement.Combat;
import baritone.util.BlockPuncher;
import baritone.mining.MickeyMine;
import baritone.inventory.CraftingTask;
import baritone.util.Manager;
import baritone.util.ManagerTick;
import baritone.util.Out;
import baritone.inventory.SmeltingTask;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemTool;
* goals:
* get dirt
* get wood
* make a crafting table
* make a wooden pickaxe
* get stone
* make a stone pickaxe
* get more stone
* make stone tools and a furnace
* go mining at level 36
* craft torches
* smelt iron
* make iron pick and iron armor and an iron sword
* change mining level to 6
* craft a diamond pickaxe
* @author leijurv
public class EarlyGameStrategy extends ManagerTick {
static boolean gotWood_PHRASING = false;
static int WOOD_AMT = 16;//triggers stopping
static int MIN_WOOD_AMT = 1;//triggers getting more
static final int DIRT_AMT = 32;
static boolean gotDirt = false;
static boolean cobble = false;
protected boolean onTick0() {
if (!gotDirt) {
int dirt = countDirt();
if (dirt >= DIRT_AMT) {
Out.gui("Done getting dirt", Out.Mode.Debug);
gotDirt = true;
return false;
if (!BlockPuncher.tick("dirt", "grass")) {
Out.gui("No dirt or grass nearby =(", Out.Mode.Debug);
return false;
int wood = countWood_PHRASING();
if (wood >= WOOD_AMT) {
if (!gotWood_PHRASING) {
Out.gui("Done getting wood", Out.Mode.Debug);
gotWood_PHRASING = true;
if (wood < MIN_WOOD_AMT) {
if (gotWood_PHRASING) {
Out.gui("Getting more wood", Out.Mode.Debug);
gotWood_PHRASING = false;
if (!gotWood_PHRASING) {
if (!BlockPuncher.tick("log", "log2")) {
Out.gui("No wood nearby =(", Out.Mode.Debug);
return false;
boolean hasWooden = false;
boolean readyForMining = true;
boolean hasStone = craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("minecraft:stone_pickaxe"), 1);
if (hasStone) {
} else {
hasWooden = craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("minecraft:wooden_pickaxe"), 1);
readyForMining &= hasStone;
if (hasWooden || hasStone) {
if (!cobble) {
if (countCobble() > 16) {
cobble = true;
} else if (!BlockPuncher.tick("stone")) {
Out.gui("No stone nearby =(", Out.Mode.Debug);
if (!cobble) {
readyForMining = false;
if (cobble && gotDirt && countCobble() + countDirt() < 10) {//if we have already gotten cobble and dirt, but our amounts have run low, get more
if (!BlockPuncher.tick("dirt", "grass", "stone")) {
Out.gui("No dirt, grass, or stone", Out.Mode.Debug);
readyForMining = false;
if (countCobble() > 5) {
boolean axe = craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("minecraft:stone_axe"), 1);
if (axe) {
WOOD_AMT = 64;
} else {
readyForMining = false;
if (!craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("minecraft:stone_shovel"), 1)) {
readyForMining = false;
if (!craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("minecraft:stone_sword"), 1)) {
readyForMining = false;
if (countCobble() > 8) {
if (!craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("minecraft:furnace"), 1)) {
readyForMining = false;
int miningLevel = MickeyMine.Y_IRON;
if (readyForMining) {
int amtIron = 0;
boolean ironPick = craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("minecraft:iron_pickaxe"), 1);
if (ironPick) {
boolean ironSword = craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("minecraft:iron_sword"), 1);
if (ironSword) {
boolean ironHelmet = craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("minecraft:iron_helmet"), 1);
boolean ironChestplate = craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("minecraft:iron_chestplate"), 1);
boolean ironLeggings = craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("minecraft:iron_leggings"), 1);
boolean ironBoots = craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("minecraft:iron_boots"), 1);
if (ironHelmet && ironChestplate && ironLeggings && ironBoots) {
miningLevel = MickeyMine.Y_DIAMOND;
} else {
amtIron = (!ironHelmet ? 5 : 0) + (!ironChestplate ? 8 : 0) + (!ironLeggings ? 7 : 0) + (!ironBoots ? 4 : 0);
} else {
amtIron = 2;
} else {
amtIron = 3;
int currIron = countItem("minecraft:iron_ingot");
boolean hasOre = countItem("iron_ore") >= amtIron - currIron;
if (hasOre && currIron < amtIron) {
int tasksForIron = SmeltingTask.tasksFor(Item.getByNameOrId("iron_ingot"));
int newTask = amtIron - currIron - tasksForIron;
if (newTask > 0) {
new SmeltingTask(new ItemStack(Item.getByNameOrId("iron_ingot"), Math.min(countItem("iron_ore"), 64))).begin();
readyForMining = false;
int numDiamonds = countItem("diamond");
if (readyForMining && numDiamonds >= 1) {
if (craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("diamond_pickaxe"), 1)) {
if (craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("diamond_sword"), 1)) {
if (craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("diamond_chestplate"), 1)) {
if (craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("diamond_leggings"), 1)) {
if (craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("diamond_helmet"), 1)) {
if (craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("diamond_boots"), 1)) {
if (craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("diamond_axe"), 1)) {
if (craftTool(Item.getByNameOrId("diamond_shovel"), 1)) {
Out.gui("My job here is done.", Out.Mode.Minimal);
return false;
Manager instance = Manager.getManager(MickeyMine.class);
if (readyForMining) {
MickeyMine.yLevel = miningLevel;
if (!instance.enabled()) {
} else if (instance.enabled()) {
return false;
public static boolean craftTool(Item tool, int amt) {
if (tool instanceof ItemTool) {
for (ItemStack stack : Minecraft.getMinecraft().player.inventory.mainInventory) {
if (stack == null) {
if (stack.getItem() instanceof ItemTool && stack.getItem().getClass() == tool.getClass()) {
ItemTool t = (ItemTool) (stack.getItem());
if (t.getToolMaterial().getEfficiencyOnProperMaterial() >= ((ItemTool) tool).getToolMaterial().getEfficiencyOnProperMaterial()) {
//Out.gui("Saying has " + new ItemStack(tool, 0) + " because has " + stack);
return true;
return CraftingTask.ensureCraftingDesired(tool, amt);
if (tool instanceof ItemArmor) {
ItemArmor armor = (ItemArmor) tool;
for (ItemStack stack : Minecraft.getMinecraft().player.inventory.mainInventory) {
if (stack == null) {
if (stack.getItem() instanceof ItemArmor) {
ItemArmor a = (ItemArmor) (stack.getItem());
if (a.armorType == armor.armorType) {
if (a.damageReduceAmount >= armor.damageReduceAmount) {
//Out.gui("Saying has " + new ItemStack(tool, 0) + " because has " + stack);
return true;
for (ItemStack stack : Minecraft.getMinecraft().player.inventory.armorInventory) {
if (stack == null) {
ItemArmor a = (ItemArmor) (stack.getItem());
if (a.armorType == armor.armorType) {
if (a.damageReduceAmount >= armor.damageReduceAmount) {
//Out.gui("Saying has " + new ItemStack(tool, 0) + " because has " + stack);
return true;
return CraftingTask.ensureCraftingDesired(tool, amt);
public static void dontCraft(Item item) {
CraftingTask task = CraftingTask.findOrCreateCraftingTask(new ItemStack(item, 0));
if (task.currentlyCrafting().stackSize > 0) {
public static int countItem(String s) {
Item item = Item.getByNameOrId(s);
int count = 0;
for (ItemStack stack : Minecraft.getMinecraft().player.inventory.mainInventory) {
if (stack == null) {
if (item.equals(stack.getItem())) {
count += stack.stackSize;
return count;
public static int countWood_PHRASING() {
return countItem("log") + countItem("log2");
public static int countDirt() {
return countItem("dirt");
public static int countCobble() {
return countItem("cobblestone");
protected void onCancel() {
gotWood_PHRASING = false;
WOOD_AMT = 16;
gotDirt = false;
cobble = false;
Combat.mobKilling = false;
SmeltingTask.coalOnly = false;
protected void onStart() {
gotWood_PHRASING = false;
WOOD_AMT = 16;
gotDirt = false;
cobble = false;
Combat.mobKilling = true;
SmeltingTask.coalOnly = true;