mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 01:29:15 +05:30
104 lines
3.1 KiB
104 lines
3.1 KiB
from datetime import datetime
from difflib import unified_diff
from typing import List, Union
import random
import string
FAKE_HASH_ALPHABET = string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase[:6]
def diff_strings(old: str, new: str) -> str:
old += "\n" if old else ""
new += "\n" if new else ""
return "".join(list(unified_diff(old.splitlines(keepends=True),
def fake_hash(length: int) -> str:
return "".join([random.choice(FAKE_HASH_ALPHABET) for i in range(length)])
def styled_date(dt: datetime = None) -> str:
if not dt:
dt = datetime.now()
# res = datetime.strftime(dt, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
res = dt.ctime()
offset = dt.astimezone().utcoffset().seconds
positive = offset >= 0
hours, minutes = offset // 3600, offset % 3600
hours, minutes = str(hours).zfill(2), str(minutes).zfill(2)
sign = "+" if positive else "-"
res += " " + sign + hours + minutes
return res
def commit(*, commit_message: Union[List[str], str], branch_name: str = "main",
old_content: str = None, new_content: str, file: str, name: str,
email: str, mode: str = "100644", dt: datetime = None) -> str:
if isinstance(commit_message, str):
commit_message = [commit_message + "\n"]
commit_message = [" " * 4 + line if line else "" for line in commit_message]
if len(commit_message) > 1:
commit_message.insert(1, "")
commit_message = "\n".join(commit_message)
new_file = False
if old_content is None:
new_file = True
old_content = ""
first_file = "/dev/null" if new_file else file
second_file = "b/" + file
first_hash = "0" * 7 if new_file else fake_hash(7)
index_mode_lines = f"index {first_hash}..{fake_hash(7)}"
if new_file:
index_mode_lines = f"""\
new file mode {mode}
index_mode_lines += f" {mode}"
diff = diff_strings(old_content, new_content)
return f"""\
commit {fake_hash(40)} (HEAD -> {branch_name})
Author: {name} <{email}>
Date: {styled_date(dt)}
diff --git {"a/" + file} {second_file}
--- {first_file}
+++ {second_file}
example = lambda: commit( \
commit_message=["Hello, world!", "Greetings :-)", "Lorem ipsum"], \
# old_content="henlo", \
new_content="hello", \
file="message.txt", \
name="Intel A80486DX2-66", \
if __name__ == "__main__":
from sys import argv
if "--example" in argv:
print("Example output:")
raise SystemExit
print("This script is not interactive. Please run Python 3 interpreter,\n"
"import this file, and use function git_commit_simulator.commit()")
print("""Function prototype:
def commit(*, commit_message: Union[List[str], str], branch_name: str = "main",
old_content: str = None, new_content: str, file: str, name: str,
email: str, mode: str = "100644", dt: datetime = None) -> str:""")
print("Run with --example to get an example output")