
305 lines
9.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Search posts
// Includes
if (isset($IS_FRONTEND) && $IS_FRONTEND) {
} else {
// Functions
* Get list of posts from range. Almost no checks of arguments are performed, so beware
* Arguments:
* offset - offset from start
* amount - amount of posts to return
function Post_GetPostsFromRange (?int $offset = null, ?int $amount = null): ReturnT {
global $db, $Config;
$result = array();
// Managing defaults
if (is_null($offset))
$offset = 0;
if (empty($amount))
$amount = $Config["max_posts_per_request"];
// Get posts from db in range
$statement = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM posts LIMIT ?, ?");
$statement->bind_param("ii", $offset, $amount);
if (($queryResult = $statement->get_result()) === false)
return new ReturnT(err_code: E_DBE_UNKNOWN);
$result = $queryResult->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
return new ReturnT(data: $result);
* Get list of posts matching criteria. No additional checks of arguments are performed
* Arguments:
* tags - must be array of valid tags or null
* author_ids - must be array of valid author ids or null
* ts_after - valid starting timestamp for filtering by time, that less or equal to ts_before, or null
* ts_before - valid ending timestamp for filtering by time, that bigger or equal to ts_after, or null
function Post_GetMatchingPosts (
?array $tags = null,
?array $author_ids = null,
?int $ts_after = null,
?int $ts_before = null
): ReturnT {
global $db;
$result = array();
// Managing defaults
if (is_null($ts_after))
$ts_after = 0;
if (is_null($ts_before))
$ts_before = 0xffffffff;
$dateFrom = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $ts_after);
$dateTo = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $ts_before);
// Get posts from db in time range
$s = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE created_at>=? AND created_at<=?");
$s->bind_param("ss", $dateFrom, $dateTo);
$d = $s->get_result();
// Filter them out
// NOTICE: ~~skill~~ perf issue, will wildly affect response time and memory usage on big sets
// Filter by author, if needed
$needToFilterByAuthor = !empty($author_ids);
$tempFilteredByAuthor = array();
// If post author is any author from list - we take it
while ($row = $d->fetch_array()) {
if (!$needToFilterByAuthor || ($needToFilterByAuthor && in_array($row["author_id"], $author_ids)))
$tempFilteredByAuthor[] = array( // NOTICE: this should look better
"id" => $row["id"],
"author_id" => $row["author_id"],
"comment_section_id" => $row["comment_section_id"],
"created_at" => $row["created_at"],
"tags" => $row["tags"],
"title" => $row["title"],
"votes_up" => $row["votes_up"],
"votes_down" => $row["votes_down"],
"views" => $row["views"],
"pic_path" => $row["pic_path"],
"preview_path" => $row["preview_path"],
"comments_enabled" => $row["comments_enabled"],
"edit_lock" => $row["edit_lock"]
if (!count($tempFilteredByAuthor))
return new ReturnT(data: $result);
// Filter by tags
// If post has all of the tags from list - we take it
foreach ($tempFilteredByAuthor as $post) {
$fitsFilter = true;
foreach ($tags as $singleTag) {
if (!str_contains($post["tags"], $singleTag)) {
$fitsFilter = false;
if ($fitsFilter)
$result[] = $post;
// Return result
return new ReturnT(data: $result);
* Parse raw query to list of tags and author IDs. Checks on encoding are not performed
* Arguments:
* query - ASCII query string
function Post_ParseRawQuery (string $query): ReturnT {
global $Config;
$result = array(
"tags" => array(),
"author_ids" => array()
$allowedTagSymbols = $Config["posting"]["tags"]["allowed_syms"];
$badTagSymbolsPreg = "/[^" . $allowedTagSymbols . "]/";
$allowedLoginSymbols = $Config["registration"]["allowed_syms"];
$badLoginSymbolsPreg = "/[^" . $allowedLoginSymbols . "]/";
$maxTagLength = $Config["posting"]["tags"]["max_single_length"];
$queryLength = strlen($query);
$currWord = "";
$currWordLen = 0;
$isAuthor = false;
// Parse everything
for ($i = 0; $i <= $queryLength; ++$i) {
if ($i === $queryLength || $query[$i] === ",") { // If end of query or comma
// NOTICE: potential fix ` || (IntlChar::isspace($query[$i]) && $isAuthor)`
// NOTICE: currently, query tags are separated by comma, but may be i should make it by space
if ($currWordLen > 0) { // If we have some word
if ($isAuthor) { // If word is author meta-field
$isAuthor = false;
if (preg_match($badLoginSymbolsPreg, $currWord)) // Unallowed symbols in login are detected
return new ReturnT(err_code: E_UIN_BADARGS, err_desc: "only allowed symbols in logins are \"$allowedLoginSymbols\"");
$userIDRet = User_GetIDByLogin($currWord); // Fetching user ID by login
if ($userIDRet->IsError())
return new ReturnT(err_code: E_UIN_BADARGS, err_desc: "user $currWord does not exist");
$result["author_ids"][] = $userIDRet->GetData();
} else { // If word is tag
$result["tags"][] = $currWord;
// Reset current word
$currWordLen = 0;
$currWord = "";
} else { // If malformed query
return new ReturnT(err_code: E_UIN_BADARGS, err_desc: "syntax error at index $i: starting/ending comma, sequence of commas or missing meta-field value");
} elseif ($query[$i] === ":") { // Semicolon means this is meta-field
if (strtolower($currWord) === "author") { // If meta-field is author
$isAuthor = true; // Set author meta-field flag
// Reset word
$currWordLen = 0;
$currWord = "";
} else { // Invalid metafield
return new ReturnT(err_code: E_UIN_BADARGS, err_desc: "syntax error at index $i: invalid meta-field name \"$currWord\"");
} elseif (!preg_match($badTagSymbolsPreg, $query[$i]) || $isAuthor) { // If any valid non-special symbol OR we parsing login now
$currWord .= $query[$i];
if (++$currWordLen > $maxTagLength)
return new ReturnT(err_code: E_UIN_BADARGS, err_desc: "word too large: $currWord");
} elseif (!IntlChar::isspace($query[$i])) { // If we have something that is not whitespace
return new ReturnT(err_code: E_UIN_BADARGS, err_desc: "unexpected symbol at index $i: " . $query[$i]);
return new ReturnT(data: $result);
// Methods
* Returns list of posts from supplied range based on supplied raw filter parameters
* Request fields:
* query - raw query string
* offset - beginning of posts range
* amount - number of posts to get (optional)
function Post_GetMatchingPosts_Method (array $req): ReturnT {
global $Config;
$cfgMaxPostsPerRequest = $Config["max_posts_per_request"];
$reqQuery = null;
$reqOffset = null;
$reqAmount = null;
// TODO: filter by time range
// Input sanity checks
// Generic checks
if (isset($req["offset"])) {
$reqOffset = $req["offset"];
if (!InpChk_IsValidInt32($reqOffset))
return new ReturnT(err_code: E_UIN_BADARGS, err_desc: "invalid offset value: $reqOffset");
} else {
$reqOffset = 0;
if (isset($req["amount"])) {
$reqAmount = $req["amount"];
if (!InpChk_IsValidInt32($reqAmount))
return new ReturnT(err_code: E_UIN_BADARGS, err_desc: "invalid amount value: $reqAmount");
} else {
$reqAmount = $cfgMaxPostsPerRequest; // TODO: account defaults
// Specific checks
if ($reqOffset < 0)
return new ReturnT(err_code: E_UIN_BADARGS, err_desc: "offset must be zero or bigger");
if ($reqAmount < 1)
return new ReturnT(err_code: E_UIN_BADARGS, err_desc: "posts amount must be bigger than 1");
if ($reqAmount > $cfgMaxPostsPerRequest)
$reqAmount = $cfgMaxPostsPerRequest;
// Generic check again
if (!isset($req["query"])) {
$result = Post_GetPostsFromRange($reqOffset, $reqAmount);
if ($result->IsError())
return $result;
$resData = $result->GetData();
return new ReturnT(data: array( // Just return posts from range, without filtering
"data" => $resData,
"total_amount" => count($resData)
$reqQuery = $req["query"];
// Check query and parse it to array
if (!Utils_IsAscii($reqQuery))
return new ReturnT(err_code: E_UIN_BADARGS, err_desc: "query must be ASCII string");
$qr = Post_ParseRawQuery($reqQuery);
if ($qr->IsError())
return $qr;
$query = $qr->GetData();
// Actions
// NOTICE: perf issue
$result = Post_GetMatchingPosts($query["tags"], $query["author_ids"]);
if ($result->IsError())
return $result;
$resData = $result->GetData();
return new ReturnT(data: array(
"data" => array_slice($resData, $reqOffset, $reqAmount),
"total_amount" => count($resData) // NOTICE: very shitty design
if (Utils_ThisFileIsRequested(__FILE__)) {
$result = Post_GetMatchingPosts_Method($_REQUEST);
if ($result->IsError())