2004-09-17 03:30:04 +00:00
# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Donald N. Allingham
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# $Id$
import math
_GRG_DAYS_PER_400_YEARS = 146097
_HBR_SDN_OFFSET = 347997
_HBR_NOON = 19440
_HBR_AM3_11_20 = 9924
_HBR_AM9_32_43 = 16789
12, 12, 13, 12, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 12,
13, 12, 12, 13, 12, 12, 13, 12, 13
0, 12, 24, 37, 49, 61, 74, 86, 99, 111, 123,
136, 148, 160, 173, 185, 197, 210, 222
_FR_SDN_OFFSET = 2375474
_PRS_EPOCH = 1948320.5
_ISM_EPOCH = 1948439.5
def _tishri1(metonic_year, molad_day, molad_halakim):
tishri1 = molad_day
dow = tishri1 % 7
leap_year = metonic_year in [ 2, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 18]
last_was_leap_year = metonic_year in [ 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 0]
# Apply rules 2, 3 and 4.
if ((molad_halakim >= _HBR_NOON) or
((not leap_year) and dow == _HBR_TUESDAY and
molad_halakim >= _HBR_AM3_11_20) or
(last_was_leap_year and dow == _HBR_MONDAY and molad_halakim >= _HBR_AM9_32_43)) :
tishri1 += 1
dow += 1
if dow == 7:
dow = 0
# Apply rule 1 after the others because it can cause an additional
# delay of one day
if dow == _HBR_WEDNESDAY or dow == _HBR_FRIDAY or dow == _HBR_SUNDAY:
tishri1 += 1
return tishri1
def _tishri_molad(inputDay):
# Estimate the metonic cycle number. Note that this may be an under
# estimate because there are 6939.6896 days in a metonic cycle not
# 6940, but it will never be an over estimate. The loop below will
# correct for any error in this estimate. */
metonicCycle = (inputDay + 310) / 6940
# Calculate the time of the starting molad for this metonic cycle. */
(moladDay, moladHalakim) = _molad_of_metonic_cycle(metonicCycle)
# If the above was an under estimate, increment the cycle number until
# the correct one is found. For modern dates this loop is about 98.6%
# likely to not execute, even once, because the above estimate is
# really quite close.
while moladDay < (inputDay - 6940 + 310):
metonicCycle = metonicCycle + 1
moladHalakim = moladHalakim + _HBR_HALAKIM_PER_METONIC_CYCLE
moladDay = moladDay + ( moladHalakim / _HBR_HALAKIM_PER_DAY)
moladHalakim = moladHalakim % _HBR_HALAKIM_PER_DAY
# Find the molad of Tishri closest to this date.
for metonicYear in range(0,18):
if moladDay > inputDay - 74:
moladHalakim = moladHalakim + \
moladDay = moladDay + (moladHalakim / _HBR_HALAKIM_PER_DAY)
moladHalakim = moladHalakim % _HBR_HALAKIM_PER_DAY
metonicYear = metonicYear + 1
return (metonicCycle, metonicYear, moladDay, moladHalakim)
def _molad_of_metonic_cycle(metonic_cycle):
# Start with the time of the first molad after creation.
# Calculate metonic_cycle * HALAKIM_PER_METONIC_CYCLE. The upper 32
# bits of the result will be in r2 and the lower 16 bits will be
# in r1.
r1 = r1 + (metonic_cycle * (_HBR_HALAKIM_PER_METONIC_CYCLE & 0xFFFF))
r2 = r1 >> 16
r2 = r2 + (metonic_cycle * ((_HBR_HALAKIM_PER_METONIC_CYCLE >> 16) & 0xFFFF))
# Calculate r2r1 / HALAKIM_PER_DAY. The remainder will be in r1, the
# upper 16 bits of the quotient will be in d2 and the lower 16 bits
# will be in d1.
r2 = r2 - (d2 * _HBR_HALAKIM_PER_DAY)
r1 = (r2 << 16) | (r1 & 0xFFFF)
r1 = r1 - ( d1 * _HBR_HALAKIM_PER_DAY)
molad_day = (d2 << 16) | d1
molad_halakim = r1
return (molad_day,molad_halakim)
def _start_of_year(year):
metonic_cycle = (year - 1) / 19;
metonic_year = (year - 1) % 19;
(molad_day, molad_halakim) = _molad_of_metonic_cycle(metonic_cycle)
molad_halakim = molad_halakim + (_HBR_HALAKIM_PER_LUNAR_CYCLE * _HBR_YEAR_OFFSET[metonic_year])
molad_day = molad_day + (molad_halakim / _HBR_HALAKIM_PER_DAY)
molad_halakim = molad_halakim % _HBR_HALAKIM_PER_DAY
pTishri1 = _tishri1(metonic_year, molad_day, molad_halakim);
return (metonic_cycle, metonic_year, molad_day, molad_halakim, pTishri1)
def hebrew_sdn(year, month, day):
"""Converts a Jewish calendar date to an SDN number"""
if month == 1 or month == 2:
# It is Tishri or Heshvan - don't need the year length.
(metonic_cycle,metonic_year,molad_day,molad_halakim,tishri1) = _start_of_year(year)
if month == 1:
sdn = tishri1 + day - 1
sdn = tishri1 + day + 29
elif month == 3:
# It is Kislev - must find the year length.
# Find the start of the year.
(metonic_cycle,metonic_year,molad_day,molad_halakim,tishri1) = _start_of_year(year)
# Find the end of the year.
molad_halakim = molad_halakim + (_HBR_HALAKIM_PER_LUNAR_CYCLE*_HBR_MONTHS_PER_YEAR[metonic_year])
molad_day = molad_day + (molad_halakim / _HBR_HALAKIM_PER_DAY)
molad_halakim = molad_halakim % _HBR_HALAKIM_PER_DAY
tishri1_after = _tishri1((metonic_year + 1) % 19, molad_day, molad_halakim)
year_length = tishri1_after - tishri1
if year_length == 355 or year_length == 385:
sdn = tishri1 + day + 59
sdn = tishri1 + day + 58
elif month == 4 or month == 5 or month == 6:
# It is Tevet, Shevat or Adar I - don't need the year length
(metonic_cycle,metonic_year,molad_day,molad_halakim,tishri1_after) = _start_of_year(year+1)
if _HBR_MONTHS_PER_YEAR[(year - 1) % 19] == 12:
length_of_adarI_andII = 29
length_of_adarI_andII = 59
2005-12-06 06:38:09 +00:00
if month == 4:
sdn = tishri1_after + day - length_of_adarI_andII - 237
elif month == 5:
sdn = tishri1_after + day - length_of_adarI_andII - 208
sdn = tishri1_after + day - length_of_adarI_andII - 178
2004-09-17 03:30:04 +00:00
# It is Adar II or later - don't need the year length.
(metonic_cycle,metonic_year,molad_day,molad_halakim,tishri1_after) = _start_of_year(year+1)
if month == 7:
sdn = tishri1_after + day - 207
elif month == 8:
sdn = tishri1_after + day - 178
elif month == 9:
sdn = tishri1_after + day - 148
elif month == 10:
sdn = tishri1_after + day - 119
elif month == 11:
sdn = tishri1_after + day - 89
elif month == 12:
sdn = tishri1_after + day - 60
elif month == 13:
sdn = tishri1_after + day - 30
return 0
return sdn + _HBR_SDN_OFFSET
def hebrew_ymd(sdn):
"""Converts an SDN number to a Julian calendar date"""
inputDay = sdn - _HBR_SDN_OFFSET
(metonicCycle, metonicYear, day, halakim) = _tishri_molad(inputDay)
tishri1 = _tishri1(metonicYear, day, halakim);
if inputDay >= tishri1:
# It found Tishri 1 at the start of the year
Year = (metonicCycle * 19) + metonicYear + 1
if inputDay < tishri1 + 59:
if inputDay < tishri1 + 30:
Month = 1
Day = inputDay - tishri1 + 1
Month = 2
Day = inputDay - tishri1 - 29
return (Year, Month, Day)
# We need the length of the year to figure this out, so find
# Tishri 1 of the next year. */
halakim = halakim + (_HBR_HALAKIM_PER_LUNAR_CYCLE * _HBR_MONTHS_PER_YEAR[metonicYear])
day = day + (halakim / _HBR_HALAKIM_PER_DAY)
halakim = halakim % _HBR_HALAKIM_PER_DAY;
tishri1After = _tishri1((metonicYear + 1) % 19, day, halakim);
# It found Tishri 1 at the end of the year.
Year = metonicCycle * 19 + metonicYear
if inputDay >= tishri1 - 177:
# It is one of the last 6 months of the year.
if inputDay > tishri1 - 30:
Month = 13
Day = inputDay - tishri1 + 30
elif inputDay > tishri1 - 60:
Month = 12
Day = inputDay - tishri1 + 60
elif inputDay > tishri1 - 89:
Month = 11
Day = inputDay - tishri1 + 89
elif inputDay > tishri1 - 119:
Month = 10
Day = inputDay - tishri1 + 119
elif inputDay > tishri1 - 148:
Month = 9
Day = inputDay - tishri1 + 148
Month = 8
Day = inputDay - tishri1 + 178
return (Year,Month,Day)
if _HBR_MONTHS_PER_YEAR[(Year - 1) % 19] == 13:
Month = 7
Day = inputDay - tishri1 + 207
if Day > 0:
return (Year,Month,Day)
Month = Month - 1
Day = Day + 30
if Day > 0:
return (Year,Month,Day)
Month = Month - 1
Day = Day + 30
Month = 6
Day = inputDay - tishri1 + 207
if Day > 0:
return (Year,Month,Day)
Month = Month - 1
Day = Day + 30
if Day > 0:
return (Year,Month,Day)
Month = Month - 1
Day = Day + 29
if Day > 0:
return (Year,Month,Day)
# We need the length of the year to figure this out, so find
# Tishri 1 of this year
tishri1After = tishri1;
(metonicCycle,metonicYear,day,halakim) = _tishri_molad(day-365)
tishri1 = _tishri1(metonicYear, day, halakim)
yearLength = tishri1After - tishri1;
cday = inputDay - tishri1 - 29;
if yearLength == 355 or yearLength == 385 :
# Heshvan has 30 days
if day <= 30:
Month = 2
Day = cday
return (Year,Month,Day)
day = day - 30
# Heshvan has 29 days
if day <= 29:
Month = 2
Day = cday
return (Year,Month,Day)
cday = cday - 29
# It has to be Kislev
return (Year,3,cday)
def julian_sdn(year,month,day):
"""Converts a Julian calendar date to an SDN number"""
if year < 0:
year += 4801
year += 4800
# Adjust the start of the year
if month > 2:
month -= 3
month += 9
year -= 1
return (year * _JLN_DAYS_PER_4_YEARS)/4 \
+ (month * _JLN_DAYS_PER_5_MONTHS+2)/5 \
def julian_ymd(sdn):
"""Converts an SDN number to a Julian date"""
temp = (sdn + _JLN_SDN_OFFSET) * 4 - 1
# Calculate the year and day of year (1 <= day_of_year <= 366)
year = temp / _JLN_DAYS_PER_4_YEARS
day_of_year = (temp % _JLN_DAYS_PER_4_YEARS) / 4 + 1
# Calculate the month and day of month
temp = day_of_year * 5 - 3;
month = temp / _JLN_DAYS_PER_5_MONTHS;
day = (temp % _JLN_DAYS_PER_5_MONTHS) / 5 + 1;
# Convert to the normal beginning of the year
if month < 10:
month += 3
year += 1
month -= 9
# Adjust to the B.C./A.D. type numbering
year -= 4800
if year <= 0:
year -= 1
return (year,month,day)
def gregorian_sdn(year,month,day):
"""Converts a gregorian date to an SDN number"""
if year < 0:
year += 4801
year += 4800
# Adjust the start of the year
if month > 2:
month -= 3
month += 9
year -= 1
return(((year / 100) * _GRG_DAYS_PER_400_YEARS) / 4
+ ((year % 100) * _GRG_DAYS_PER_4_YEARS) / 4
+ (month * _GRG_DAYS_PER_5_MONTHS + 2) / 5
+ day
def gregorian_ymd(sdn):
"""Converts an SDN number to a gregorial date"""
temp = (_GRG_SDN_OFFSET + sdn) * 4 - 1
# Calculate the century (year/100)
century = temp / _GRG_DAYS_PER_400_YEARS
# Calculate the year and day of year (1 <= day_of_year <= 366)
temp = ((temp % _GRG_DAYS_PER_400_YEARS) / 4) * 4 + 3
year = (century * 100) + (temp / _GRG_DAYS_PER_4_YEARS)
day_of_year = (temp % _GRG_DAYS_PER_4_YEARS) / 4 + 1
# Calculate the month and day of month
temp = day_of_year * 5 - 3
month = temp / _GRG_DAYS_PER_5_MONTHS
day = (temp % _GRG_DAYS_PER_5_MONTHS) / 5 + 1
# Convert to the normal beginning of the year
if month < 10 :
month = month + 3
year = year + 1
month = month - 9
# Adjust to the B.C./A.D. type numbering
year = year - 4800
if year <= 0:
year = year - 1
return (year,month,day)
def french_sdn(year,month,day):
"""Converts a French Republican Calendar date to an SDN number"""
return (year*_FR_DAYS_PER_4_YEARS)/4 + \
(month-1)*_FR_DAYS_PER_MONTH + \
def french_ymd(sdn):
"""Converts an SDN number to a French Republican Calendar date"""
temp = (sdn-_FR_SDN_OFFSET)*4 - 1
year = temp/_FR_DAYS_PER_4_YEARS
day_of_year = (temp%_FR_DAYS_PER_4_YEARS)/4
month = (day_of_year/_FR_DAYS_PER_MONTH)+1
day = (day_of_year%_FR_DAYS_PER_MONTH)+1
return (year,month,day)
def persian_sdn(year, month, day):
if year >= 0:
epbase = year - 474
epbase = year - 473
epyear = 474 + epbase % 2820
if month <= 7:
v1 = (month - 1) * 31
v1 = ((month - 1) * 30) + 6
v2 = math.floor(((epyear * 682) - 110) / 2816)
v3 = (epyear - 1) * 365 + day
v4 = math.floor(epbase / 2820) * 1029983
return int(math.ceil(v1 + v2 + v3 + v4 + _PRS_EPOCH - 1))
def persian_ymd(sdn):
sdn = math.floor(sdn) + 0.5
depoch = sdn - 2121446
cycle = math.floor(depoch / 1029983)
cyear = depoch % 1029983
if cyear == 1029982:
ycycle = 2820
aux1 = math.floor(cyear / 366)
aux2 = cyear % 366
ycycle = math.floor(((2134*aux1)+(2816*aux2)+2815)/1028522) + aux1 + 1;
year = ycycle + (2820 * cycle) + 474
if year <= 0:
year = year - 1;
yday = sdn - persian_sdn(year, 1, 1) + 1
if yday < 186:
month = math.ceil(yday / 31)
month = math.ceil((yday - 6) / 30)
day = (sdn - persian_sdn(year, month, 1)) + 1
return (int(year), int(month), int(day))
def islamic_sdn(year, month, day):
v1 = math.ceil(29.5 * (month - 1))
v2 = (year - 1) * 354
v3 = math.floor((3 + (11 *year)) / 30)
return int(math.ceil((day + v1 + v2 + v3 + _ISM_EPOCH) - 1))
def islamic_ymd(sdn):
sdn = math.floor(sdn) + 0.5
year = int(math.floor(((30*(sdn-_ISM_EPOCH))+10646)/10631))
month = int(min(12, math.ceil((sdn-(29+islamic_sdn(year,1,1)))/29.5) + 1))
day = int((sdn - islamic_sdn(year,month,1)) + 1)
return (year,month,day)