9749: Move experimental Select API code into a branch

This commit is contained in:
Nick Hall 2016-10-12 21:30:44 +01:00
parent ce4d4ca31d
commit 2993d59c2e
8 changed files with 0 additions and 1296 deletions

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@ -98,13 +98,6 @@ The following packages are optional:
More font support in the reports
* **Meta**
Required for experimental "where" clause creation. This functionality
is not yet in main-line code so it is not needed by users. If the package
will be used by gramps developers, to support further development, then
it may be included. Install with pypi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/meta.
Optional packages required by Third-party Addons

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@ -1214,173 +1214,6 @@ class DbReadBase:
raise NotImplementedError
def _select(self, table, fields=None, start=0, limit=-1,
where=None, order_by=None):
Default implementation of a select for those databases
that don't support SQL. Returns a list of dicts, total,
and time.
table - Person, Family, etc.
fields - used by object.get_field()
start - position to start
limit - count to get; -1 for all
where - (field, SQL string_operator, value) |
["AND", [where, where, ...]] |
["OR", [where, where, ...]] |
["NOT", where]
order_by - [[fieldname, "ASC" | "DESC"], ...]
def compare(v, op, value):
Compare values in a SQL-like way
if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) and len(v) > 0: # join, or multi-values
# If any is true:
for item in v:
if compare(item, op, value):
return True
return False
if op in ["=", "=="]:
matched = v == value
elif op == ">":
matched = v > value
elif op == ">=":
matched = v >= value
elif op == "<":
matched = v < value
elif op == "<=":
matched = v <= value
elif op == "IN":
matched = v in value
elif op == "IS":
matched = v is value
elif op == "IS NOT":
matched = v is not value
elif op == "IS NULL":
matched = v is None
elif op == "IS NOT NULL":
matched = v is not None
elif op == "BETWEEN":
matched = value[0] <= v <= value[1]
elif op in ["<>", "!="]:
matched = v != value
elif op == "LIKE":
if value and v:
value = value.replace("%", "(.*)").replace("_", ".")
## FIXME: allow a case-insensitive version
matched = re.match("^" + value + "$", v, re.MULTILINE)
matched = False
elif op == "REGEXP":
if value and v:
matched = re.search(value, v, re.MULTILINE) is not None
matched = False
raise Exception("invalid select operator: '%s'" % op)
return True if matched else False
def evaluate_values(condition, item, db, table, env):
Evaluates the names in all conditions.
if len(condition) == 2: # ["AND" [...]] | ["OR" [...]] | ["NOT" expr]
connector, exprs = condition
if connector in ["AND", "OR"]:
for expr in exprs:
evaluate_values(expr, item, db, table, env)
else: # "NOT"
evaluate_values(exprs, item, db, table, env)
elif len(condition) == 3: # (name, op, value)
(name, op, value) = condition
# just the ones we need for where
hname = self._hash_name(table, name)
if hname not in env:
value = item.get_field(name, db, ignore_errors=True)
env[hname] = value
def evaluate_truth(condition, item, db, table, env):
if len(condition) == 2: # ["AND"|"OR" [...]]
connector, exprs = condition
if connector == "AND": # all must be true
for expr in exprs:
if not evaluate_truth(expr, item, db, table, env):
return False
return True
elif connector == "OR": # any will return true
for expr in exprs:
if evaluate_truth(expr, item, db, table, env):
return True
return False
elif connector == "NOT": # return not of single value
return not evaluate_truth(exprs, item, db, table, env)
raise Exception("No such connector: '%s'" % connector)
elif len(condition) == 3: # (name, op, value)
(name, op, value) = condition
v = env.get(self._hash_name(table, name))
return compare(v, op, value)
# Fields is None or list, maybe containing "*":
if fields is None:
pass # ok
elif not isinstance(fields, (list, tuple)):
raise Exception("fields must be a list/tuple of field names")
elif "*" in fields:
get_count_only = (fields is not None and fields[0] == "count(1)")
position = 0
selected = 0
if get_count_only:
if where or limit != -1 or start != 0:
# no need to order for a count
data = self.get_table_func(table,"iter_func")()
yield self.get_table_func(table,"count_func")()
data = self.get_table_func(table, "iter_func")(order_by=order_by)
if where:
for item in data:
# Go through all fliters and evaluate the fields:
env = {}
evaluate_values(where, item, self, table, env)
matched = evaluate_truth(where, item, self, table, env)
if matched:
if ((selected < limit) or (limit == -1)) and start <= position:
selected += 1
if not get_count_only:
if fields:
row = {}
for field in fields:
value = item.get_field(field, self, ignore_errors=True)
row[field.replace("__", ".")] = value
yield row
yield item
position += 1
if get_count_only:
yield selected
else: # no where
for item in data:
if position >= start:
if ((selected >= limit) and (limit != -1)):
selected += 1
if not get_count_only:
if fields:
row = {}
for field in fields:
value = item.get_field(field, self, ignore_errors=True)
row[field.replace("__", ".")] = value
yield row
yield item
position += 1
if get_count_only:
yield selected
def _hash_name(self, table, name):
Used in SQL functions to eval expressions involving selected
@ -1389,17 +1222,6 @@ class DbReadBase:
name = self.get_table_func(table,"class_func").get_field_alias(name)
return name.replace(".", "__")
Person = property(lambda self: QuerySet(self, "Person"))
Family = property(lambda self: QuerySet(self, "Family"))
Note = property(lambda self: QuerySet(self, "Note"))
Citation = property(lambda self: QuerySet(self, "Citation"))
Source = property(lambda self: QuerySet(self, "Source"))
Repository = property(lambda self: QuerySet(self, "Repository"))
Place = property(lambda self: QuerySet(self, "Place"))
Event = property(lambda self: QuerySet(self, "Event"))
Tag = property(lambda self: QuerySet(self, "Tag"))
Media = property(lambda self: QuerySet(self, "Media"))
class DbWriteBase(DbReadBase):
Gramps database object. This object is a base class for all
@ -1976,12 +1798,6 @@ class DbWriteBase(DbReadBase):
raise ValueError("invalid instance type: %s" % instance.__class__.__name__)
def get_queryset_by_table_name(self, table_name):
Get Person, Family queryset by name.
return getattr(self, table_name)
def autobackup(self, user=None):
Backup the current file as a backup file.
@ -2001,222 +1817,3 @@ class DbWriteBase(DbReadBase):
if user.uistate:
class QuerySet:
A container for selection criteria before being actually
applied to a database.
def __init__(self, database, table):
self.database = database
self.table = table
self.generator = None
self.where_by = None
self.order_by = None
self.limit_by = -1
self.start = 0
self.needs_to_run = False
def limit(self, start=None, count=None):
Put limits on the selection.
if start is not None:
self.start = start
if count is not None:
self.limit_by = count
self.needs_to_run = True
return self
def order(self, *args):
Put an ordering on the selection.
for arg in args:
if self.order_by is None:
self.order_by = []
if arg.startswith("-"):
self.order_by.append((arg[1:], "DESC"))
self.order_by.append((arg, "ASC"))
self.needs_to_run = True
return self
def _add_where_clause(self, *args):
Add a condition to the where clause.
# First, handle AND, OR, NOT args:
and_expr = []
for expr in args:
# Next, handle kwargs:
if and_expr:
if self.where_by:
self.where_by = ["AND", [self.where_by] + and_expr]
elif len(and_expr) == 1:
self.where_by = and_expr[0]
self.where_by = ["AND", and_expr]
self.needs_to_run = True
return self
def count(self):
Run query with just where, start, limit to get count.
if self.generator and self.needs_to_run:
raise Exception("Queries in invalid order")
elif self.generator:
return len(list(self.generator))
generator = self.database._select(self.table,
return next(generator)
def _generate(self, args=None):
Create a generator from current options.
generator = self.database._select(self.table,
# Reset all criteria
self.where_by = None
self.order_by = None
self.limit_by = -1
self.start = 0
self.needs_to_run = False
return generator
def select(self, *args):
Actually touch the database.
if len(args) == 0:
args = None
if self.generator and self.needs_to_run:
## problem
raise Exception("Queries in invalid order")
elif self.generator:
if args: # there is a generator, with args
for i in self.generator:
yield [i.get_field(arg) for arg in args]
else: # generator, no args
for i in self.generator:
yield i
else: # need to run or not
self.generator = self._generate(args)
for i in self.generator:
yield i
def proxy(self, proxy_name, *args, **kwargs):
Apply a named proxy to the db.
from gramps.gen.proxy import (LivingProxyDb, PrivateProxyDb,
if proxy_name == "living":
proxy_class = LivingProxyDb
elif proxy_name == "private":
proxy_class = PrivateProxyDb
elif proxy_name == "referenced":
proxy_class = ReferencedBySelectionProxyDb
raise Exception("No such proxy name: '%s'" % proxy_name)
self.database = proxy_class(self.database, *args, **kwargs)
return self
def where(self, where_clause):
Apply a where_clause (closure) to the selection process.
from gramps.gen.db.where import eval_where
# if there is already a generator, then error:
if self.generator:
raise Exception("Queries in invalid order")
where_by = eval_where(where_clause)
return self
def filter(self, *args):
Apply a filter to the database.
from gramps.gen.proxy import FilterProxyDb
from gramps.gen.filters import GenericFilter
from gramps.gen.db.where import eval_where
for i in range(len(args)):
arg = args[i]
if isinstance(arg, GenericFilter):
self.database = FilterProxyDb(self.database, arg, *args[i+1:])
if hasattr(arg, "where"):
where_by = eval_where(arg.where)
elif callable(arg):
if self.generator and self.needs_to_run:
## error
raise Exception("Queries in invalid order")
elif self.generator:
pass # ok
self.generator = self._generate()
self.generator = filter(arg, self.generator)
pass # ignore, may have been arg from previous Filter
return self
def map(self, f):
Apply the function f to the selected items and return results.
if self.generator and self.needs_to_run:
raise Exception("Queries in invalid order")
elif self.generator:
pass # ok
self.generator = self._generate()
previous_generator = self.generator
def generator():
for item in previous_generator:
yield f(item)
self.generator = generator()
return self
def tag(self, tag_text, remove=False):
Tag or untag the selected items with the tag name.
if self.generator and self.needs_to_run:
raise Exception("Queries in invalid order")
elif self.generator:
pass # ok
self.generator = self._generate()
tag = self.database.get_tag_from_name(tag_text)
if (not tag and remove):
# no tag by this name, and want to remove it
# nothing to do
trans_class = self.database.get_transaction_class()
with trans_class("Tag Selected Items", self.database, batch=False) as trans:
if tag is None:
tag = self.database.get_table_func("Tag","class_func")()
self.database.add_tag(tag, trans)
commit_func = self.database.get_table_func(self.table,"commit_func")
for item in self.generator:
if remove and (tag.handle in item.tag_list):
elif (not remove) and (tag.handle not in item.tag_list):
commit_func(item, trans)

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@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ from gramps.gen.db import (DbReadBase, DbWriteBase, DbTxn, DbUndo,
TAG_KEY, eval_order_by)
from gramps.gen.errors import HandleError
from gramps.gen.db.base import QuerySet
from gramps.gen.utils.callback import Callback
from gramps.gen.updatecallback import UpdateCallback
from gramps.gen.db.dbconst import *
@ -2260,7 +2259,6 @@ class DbGeneric(DbWriteBase, DbReadBase, UpdateCallback, Callback):
Add a new table and funcs to the database.
self.__tables[table] = funcs
setattr(DbGeneric, table, property(lambda self: QuerySet(self, table)))
def get_version(self):

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@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2016 Gramps Development Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
from gramps.gen.db.where import eval_where
from gramps.gen.lib import Person
import unittest
# Tests:
def make_closure(surname):
Test closure.
from gramps.gen.lib import Person
return (lambda person:
(person.primary_name.surname_list[0].surname == surname and
person.gender == Person.MALE))
class Thing:
def __init__(self):
self.list = ["I0", "I1", "I2"]
def where(self):
return lambda person: person.gramps_id == self.list[1]
def apply(self, db, person):
return person.gender == Person.MALE
class ClosureTest(unittest.TestCase):
def check(self, test):
result = eval_where(test[0])
self.assertTrue(result == test[1], "%s is not %s" % (result, test[1]))
def test_01(self):
(lambda family: (family.private and
family.mother_handle.gramps_id != "I0001"),
['AND', [['private', '==', True],
['mother_handle.gramps_id', '!=', 'I0001']]]))
def test_02(self):
(lambda person: LIKE(person.gramps_id, "I0001"),
['gramps_id', 'LIKE', 'I0001']))
def test_03(self):
(lambda note: note.gramps_id == "N0001",
['gramps_id', '==', 'N0001']))
def test_04(self):
(lambda person: person.event_ref_list.ref.gramps_id == "E0001",
['event_ref_list.ref.gramps_id', '==', 'E0001']))
def test_05(self):
(lambda person: LIKE(person.gramps_id, "I0001") or person.private,
["OR", [['gramps_id', 'LIKE', 'I0001'],
["private", "==", True]]]))
def test_06(self):
(lambda person: person.event_ref_list <= 0,
["event_ref_list", "<=", 0]))
def test_07(self):
(lambda person: person.primary_name.surname_list[0].surname == "Smith",
["primary_name.surname_list.0.surname", "==", "Smith"]))
def test_08(self):
["AND", [["primary_name.surname_list.0.surname", "==", "Smith"],
["gender", "==", 1]]]))
def test_09(self):
[Thing().where(), ["gramps_id", "==", "I1"]])
def test_10(self):
(lambda person: LIKE(person.gramps_id, "I000%"),
["gramps_id", "LIKE", "I000%"]))
def test_11(self):
[Thing().apply, ["gender", "==", 1]])
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2016 Gramps Development Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
from meta.asttools import Visitor
from meta.decompiler import _ast, decompile_func
import copy
class ParseFilter(Visitor):
This class is used to turn Python lambda expressions into AST
which is used as a SELECT statements in databases via the .where()
method. This is used by both BSDDB and SQL-based databases.
Not all Python is allowed as a where-clause, and some functions
used here are not real Python functions.
lambda person: person.gramps_id == "I0001"
Some uses look (and evaluate) like regular Python.
lambda person: LIKE(person.gramps_id, "I000%")
LIKE is not a real Python function, but the syntax is used to
indicate a fuzzy match.
lambda family: LIKE(family.mother_handle.gramps_id, "I003%")
LIKE uses % as a wildcard matching character, like ".*" in re.
lambda family: family.mother_handle.event_ref_list.ref.gramps_id == 'E0156'
Here, property chaining is shown without having to check to see if
values actually exist. The checking for valid/existing properties
is done by the select system.
lambda family: family.mother_handle.event_ref_list[0] != None
Indexing and use of None is allowed.
lambda person: person.private == True
One current limitiation is that it cannot detect a boolean value,
so we must use the "== True" to make sure the proper code is
The following method names are dictated by meta's Visitor. Additional
methods can be added if an error is received such as:
AttributeError: visitXXX does not exist
The method must be added, return the proper value for that
syntax. May require recursive calls to process_ITEM().
Please see meta for more information:
def visitName(self, node):
return node.id
def visitNum(self, node):
return node.n
def visitlong(self, node):
return node
def process_expression(self, expr):
if isinstance(expr, str):
# boolean
return [self.process_field(expr), "==", True]
elif len(expr) == 3:
# (field, op, value)
return [self.process_field(expr[0]),
# list of exprs
return [self.process_expression(exp) for
exp in expr]
def process_value(self, value):
return eval(value, self.env)
return value
def process_field(self, field):
field = field.replace("[", ".").replace("]", "")
if field.startswith(self.parameter + "."):
return field[len(self.parameter) + 1:]
return field
def visitCall(self, node):
Handle LIKE()
return [self.process_field(self.visit(node.args[0])),
def visitStr(self, node):
return node.s
def visitlist(self, list):
return [self.visit(node) for node in list]
def visitCompare(self, node):
return [self.process_field(self.visit(node.left)),
" ".join(self.visit(node.ops)),
def visitAttribute(self, node):
return "%s.%s" % (self.visit(node.value), node.attr)
def get_boolean_op(self, node):
if isinstance(node, _ast.And):
return "AND"
elif isinstance(node, _ast.Or):
return "OR"
raise Exception("invalid boolean")
def visitNotEq(self, node):
return "!="
def visitLtE(self, node):
return "<="
def visitGtE(self, node):
return ">="
def visitEq(self, node):
return "=="
def visitBoolOp(self, node):
BoolOp: boolean operator
op = self.get_boolean_op(node.op)
values = list(node.values)
return [op, self.process_expression(
[self.visit(value) for value in values])]
def visitLambda(self, node):
self.parameter = self.visit(node.args)[0]
return self.visit(node.body)
def visitFunctionDef(self, node):
self.parameter = self.visit(node.args)[2] # ['self', 'db', 'person']
return self.visit(node.body)[0]
def visitReturn(self, node):
return self.visit(node.value)
def visitarguments(self, node):
return [self.visit(arg) for arg in node.args]
def visitarg(self, node):
return node.arg
def visitSubscript(self, node):
return "%s[%s]" % (self.visit(node.value),
def visitIndex(self, node):
return self.visit(node.value)
def make_env(closure):
Create an environment from the closure.
env = copy.copy(closure.__globals__)
if closure.__closure__:
for i in range(len(closure.__closure__)):
env[closure.__code__.co_freevars[i]] = closure.__closure__[i].cell_contents
return env
def eval_where(closure):
Given a closure, parse and evaluate it.
Return a WHERE expression.
See ParseFilter.__doc__ for more information and examples.
parser = ParseFilter()
parser.env = make_env(closure)
ast_top = decompile_func(closure)
result = parser.visit(ast_top)
return result

View File

@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2015 Gramps Development Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from gramps.gen.lib.handle import HandleClass
def from_struct(struct):
return Struct.instance_from_struct(struct)
class Struct:
Class for getting and setting parts of a struct by dotted path.
>>> s = Struct({"gramps_id": "I0001", ...}, database)
>>> s.primary_name.surname_list[0].surname
>>> s.primary_name.surname_list[0].surname = "Smith"
>>> s.primary_name.surname_list[0]surname
def __init__(self, struct, db=None):
self.struct = struct
self.db = db
if self.db:
self.transaction = db.get_transaction_class()
self.transaction = None
def wrap(cls, instance, db=None):
return Struct(instance.to_struct(), db)
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
self.struct[item] = value
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Struct):
return self.struct == other.struct
elif isinstance(self.struct, list):
## FIXME: self.struct can be a dict, list, etc
for item in self.struct:
if item == other:
return True
return False
return self.struct == other
def __lt__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Struct):
return self.struct < other.struct
return self.struct < other
def __gt__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Struct):
return self.struct > other.struct
return self.struct > other
def __le__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Struct):
return self.struct <= other.struct
return self.struct <= other
def __ge__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Struct):
return self.struct >= other.struct
return self.struct >= other
def __ne__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Struct):
return self.struct != other.struct
return self.struct != other
def __len__(self):
return len(self.struct)
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in self.struct
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
You can use this to select and filter a list of structs.
args are dotted strings of what componets of the structs to
select, and kwargs is the selection criteria, double-under
scores represent dots.
If no args are given, all are provided.
selected = self.struct # better be dicts
# First, find elements of the list that match any given
# selection criteria:
selected = self.struct # assume dicts
# assume True
to_delete = []
for key in kwargs: # value="Social Security Number"
parts = self.getitem_from_path(key.split("__")) # returns all
# This will return a list; we keep the ones that match
for p in range(len(parts)):
# if it matches, keep it:
if parts[p] != kwargs[key]:
# delete from highest to lowest, to use pop:
for p in reversed(to_delete):
# now select which parts to show:
if args: # just some of the parts, ["type.string", ...]
results = []
for select in selected: # dict in dicts
parts = []
for item in args: # ["type.string"]
items = item.split(".") # "type.string"
values = Struct(select, self.db).getitem_from_path(items)
if values:
parts.append((item, values))
results.append(parts) # return [["type.string", "Social Security Number"], ...]
else: # return all
results = selected
# return them
return results
def select(self, thing1, thing2):
if thing2 == "*":
return thing1
elif thing2 in thing1:
return thing2
elif thing1 == thing2:
return thing1
return None
def __getattr__(self, attr):
Called when getattr fails. Lookup attr in struct; returns Struct
if more struct.
>>> Struct({}, db).primary_name
returns: Struct([], db) or value
struct can be list/tuple, dict with _class, or value (including dict).
self.setitem_from_path(path, v) should be used to set value of
if isinstance(self.struct, dict) and "_class" in self.struct.keys():
# this is representing an object
if attr in self.struct.keys():
return self.handle_join(self.struct[attr])
raise AttributeError("attempt to access a property of an object: '%s', '%s'" % (self.struct, attr))
elif isinstance(self.struct, HandleClass):
struct = self.handle_join(self.struct)
return getattr(struct, attr)
elif isinstance(self.struct, (list, tuple)):
# get first item in list that matches:
sublist = [getattr(Struct(item, self.db), attr) for item in self.struct]
return Struct(sublist, self.db)
elif hasattr(self.struct, attr):
# better be a property of the list/tuple/dict/value:
return getattr(self.struct, attr)
return Struct({}, self.db) # dummy, extending a previous dummy
def __getitem__(self, item):
Called when getitem fails. Lookup item in struct; returns Struct
if more struct.
>>> Struct({}, db)[12]
returns: Struct([], db) or value
struct can be list/tuple, dict with _class, or value (including dict).
if isinstance(item, str) and isinstance(self.struct, (list, tuple)):
fields = [field.strip() for field in item.split(",")]
results = []
for item in self.struct:
sublist = [getattr(Struct(item, self.db), field) for field in fields]
if any(sublist):
return results if results else None
return self.handle_join(self.struct[item])
def getitem_from_path(self, items):
path is a list
current = self
for item in items:
current = getattr(current, item)
return current
def handle_join(self, item):
If the item is a handle, look up reference object.
if isinstance(item, HandleClass) and self.db:
obj = self.db.get_from_name_and_handle(item.classname, str(item))
if obj:
return Struct(obj.to_struct(), self.db)
return Struct({}, self.db) # dummy, a db error
elif isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
return Struct(item, self.db)
elif isinstance(item, dict) and "_class" in item.keys():
return Struct(item, self.db)
return item
def setitem(self, path, value, trans=None):
Given a path to a struct part, set the last part to value.
>>> Struct(struct).setitem("primary_name.surname_list.0.surname", "Smith")
return self.setitem_from_path(parse(path), value, trans)
def primary_object_q(self, _class):
return _class in ["Person", "Family", "Event", "Source", "Citation",
"Tag", "Repository", "Note", "Media"]
def setitem_from_path(self, path, value, trans=None):
Given a path to a struct part, set the last part to value.
>>> Struct(struct).setitem_from_path(["primary_name", "surname_list", "[0]", "surname"], "Smith", transaction)
path, item = path[:-1], path[-1]
if item.startswith("["):
item = item[1:-1]
struct = self.struct
primary_obj = struct
for p in range(len(path)):
part = path[p]
if part.startswith("["): # getitem
struct = struct[eval(part[1:-1])] # for int or string use
else: # getattr
struct = struct[part]
if struct is None: # invalid part to set, skip
if isinstance(struct, HandleClass):
obj = self.db.get_from_name_and_handle(struct.classname, str(struct))
struct = obj.to_struct()
# keep track of primary object for update, below
if isinstance(struct, dict) and "_class" in struct and self.primary_object_q(struct["_class"]):
primary_obj = struct
# struct is now set
if item in struct and isinstance(struct[item], list): # assigning to a list
if value is not None:
struct[item].append(value) # we append the value
struct[item] = []
elif isinstance(struct, (list, tuple)):
pos = int(item)
if pos < len(struct):
if value is not None:
struct[int(item)] = value
elif isinstance(struct, dict):
if item in struct.keys():
struct[item] = value
elif hasattr(struct, item):
setattr(struct, item, value)
self.update_db(primary_obj, trans)
def update_db(self, struct, trans=None):
if self.db:
if trans is None:
with self.transaction("Struct Update", self.db, batch=True) as trans:
new_obj = Struct.instance_from_struct(struct)
name, handle = struct["_class"], struct["handle"]
old_obj = self.db.get_from_name_and_handle(name, handle)
if old_obj:
commit_func = self.db.get_table_func(name,"commit_func")
commit_func(new_obj, trans)
add_func = self.db.get_table_func(name,"add_func")
add_func(new_obj, trans)
new_obj = Struct.instance_from_struct(struct)
name, handle = struct["_class"], struct["handle"]
old_obj = self.db.get_from_name_and_handle(name, handle)
if old_obj:
commit_func = self.db.get_table_func(name,"commit_func")
commit_func(new_obj, trans)
add_func = self.db.get_table_func(name,"add_func")
add_func(new_obj, trans)
def from_struct(self):
return Struct.instance_from_struct(self.struct)
def instance_from_struct(cls, struct):
Given a struct with metadata, create a Gramps object.
self is class when called as a classmethod.
from gramps.gen.lib import (Person, Family, Event, Source, Place, Citation,
Repository, Media, Note, Tag, Date)
if isinstance(struct, dict):
if "_class" in struct.keys():
if struct["_class"] == "Person":
return Person.create(Person.from_struct(struct))
elif struct["_class"] == "Family":
return Family.create(Family.from_struct(struct))
elif struct["_class"] == "Event":
return Event.create(Event.from_struct(struct))
elif struct["_class"] == "Source":
return Source.create(Source.from_struct(struct))
elif struct["_class"] == "Place":
return Place.create(Place.from_struct(struct))
elif struct["_class"] == "Citation":
return Citation.create(Citation.from_struct(struct))
elif struct["_class"] == "Repository":
return Repository.create(Repository.from_struct(struct))
elif struct["_class"] == "Media":
return Media.create(Media.from_struct(struct))
elif struct["_class"] == "Note":
return Note.create(Note.from_struct(struct))
elif struct["_class"] == "Tag":
return Tag.create(Tag.from_struct(struct))
elif struct["_class"] == "Date":
return Date().unserialize(Date.from_struct(struct, full=True))
raise AttributeError("invalid struct: %s" % struct)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.struct)
def __repr__(self):
if "_class" in self.struct:
return "<%s struct instance>" % self._class
return repr(self.struct)

View File

@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import os
from .. import (Person, Family, Event, Source, Place, Citation,
Repository, Media, Note, Tag)
from gramps.gen.lib.struct import Struct
from gramps.gen.merge.diff import import_as_dict
from gramps.cli.user import User
from gramps.gen.merge.diff import *
@ -119,18 +118,5 @@ for table in db.get_table_func():
obj = db.get_table_func(table,"handle_func")(handle)
class StructTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test(self):
family = db.get_family_from_gramps_id("F0001")
s = Struct(family.to_struct(), db)
self.assertEqual(s["gramps_id"], "F0001")
s["gramps_id"] = "TEST"
self.assertEqual(s["gramps_id"], "TEST")
"Allen Carl")
s["father_handle.primary_name.first_name"] = "Edward"
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -2080,63 +2080,6 @@ class DBAPI(DbGeneric):
return repr(value)
def _build_where_clause_recursive(self, table, where):
where - (field, op, value)
- ["NOT", where]
- ["AND", (where, ...)]
- ["OR", (where, ...)]
if where is None:
return ""
elif len(where) == 3:
field, db_op, value = where
return "(%s %s %s)" % (self._hash_name(table, field),
db_op, self._sql_repr(value))
elif where[0] in ["AND", "OR"]:
parts = [self._build_where_clause_recursive(table, part)
for part in where[1]]
return "(%s)" % ((" %s " % where[0]).join(parts))
return "(NOT %s)" % self._build_where_clause_recursive(table,
def _build_where_clause(self, table, where):
where - a list in where format
return - "WHERE conditions..."
parts = self._build_where_clause_recursive(table, where)
if parts:
return "WHERE " + parts
return ""
def _build_order_clause(self, table, order_by):
order_by - [(field, "ASC" | "DESC"), ...]
if order_by:
order_clause = ", ".join(["%s %s" % (self._hash_name(table, field),
for (field, dir) in order_by])
return "ORDER BY " + order_clause
return ""
def _build_select_fields(self, table, select_fields, secondary_fields):
fields - [field, ...]
return: "field, field, field"
all_available = all([(field in secondary_fields)
for field in select_fields])
if all_available: # we can get them without expanding
return select_fields
# nope, we'll have to expand blob to get all fields
return ["blob_data"]
def _check_order_by_fields(self, table, order_by, secondary_fields):
Check to make sure all order_by fields are defined. If not, then
@ -2150,128 +2093,6 @@ class DBAPI(DbGeneric):
return False
return True
def _check_where_fields(self, table, where, secondary_fields):
Check to make sure all where fields are defined. If not, then
we need to do the Python-based select.
secondary_fields are hashed.
if where is None:
return True
elif len(where) == 2: # ["AND" [...]] | ["OR" [...]] | ["NOT" expr]
connector, exprs = where
if connector in ["AND", "OR"]:
for expr in exprs:
value = self._check_where_fields(table, expr,
if value == False:
return False
return True
else: # "NOT"
return self._check_where_fields(table, exprs, secondary_fields)
elif len(where) == 3: # (name, db_op, value)
(name, db_op, value) = where
# just the ones we need for where
return self._hash_name(table, name) in secondary_fields
def _select(self, table, fields=None, start=0, limit=-1,
where=None, order_by=None):
Default implementation of a select for those databases
that don't support SQL. Returns a list of dicts, total,
and time.
table - Person, Family, etc.
fields - used by object.get_field()
start - position to start
limit - count to get; -1 for all
where - (field, SQL string_operator, value) |
["AND", [where, where, ...]] |
["OR", [where, where, ...]] |
["NOT", where]
order_by - [[fieldname, "ASC" | "DESC"], ...]
secondary_fields = ([self._hash_name(table, field)
for (field, ptype)
in self.get_table_func(
table, "class_func").get_secondary_fields()]
+ ["handle"])
# handle is a sql field, but not listed in secondaries
# If no fields, then we need objects:
# Check to see if where matches SQL fields:
table_name = table.lower()
if ((not self._check_where_fields(table, where, secondary_fields))
or (not self._check_order_by_fields(table, order_by,
# If not, then need to do select via Python:
generator = super()._select(table, fields, start,
limit, where, order_by)
for item in generator:
yield item
# Otherwise, we are SQL
if fields is None:
fields = ["blob_data"]
get_count_only = False
if fields[0] == "count(1)":
hashed_fields = ["count(1)"]
fields = ["count(1)"]
select_fields = ["count(1)"]
get_count_only = True
hashed_fields = [self._hash_name(table, field) for field in fields]
fields = hashed_fields
select_fields = self._build_select_fields(table, fields,
where_clause = self._build_where_clause(table, where)
order_clause = self._build_order_clause(table, order_by)
if get_count_only:
select_fields = ["1"]
if start:
query = "SELECT %s FROM %s %s %s LIMIT %s, %s " % (
", ".join(select_fields),
table_name, where_clause, order_clause, start, limit
query = "SELECT %s FROM %s %s %s LIMIT %s" % (
", ".join(select_fields),
table_name, where_clause, order_clause, limit
if get_count_only:
self.dbapi.execute("SELECT count(1) from (%s) AS temp_select;"
% query)
rows = self.dbapi.fetchall()
yield rows[0][0]
rows = self.dbapi.fetchall()
for row in rows:
if fields[0] != "blob_data":
obj = None # don't build it if you don't need it
data = {}
for field in fields:
if field in select_fields:
data[field.replace("__", ".")
] = row[select_fields.index(field)]
if obj is None: # we need it! create it and cache it:
obj = self.get_table_func(table,
# get the field, even if we need to do a join:
# FIXME: possible optimize:
# do a join in select for this if needed:
field = field.replace("__", ".")
data[field] = obj.get_field(field, self,
yield data
obj = self.get_table_func(table,
yield obj
def get_summary(self):
Returns dictionary of summary item.