Feature: filtered Fanchart working. This now is a really usefull view !
svn: r20344
This commit is contained in:
@ -179,11 +179,12 @@ class FanChartWidget(Gtk.DrawingArea):
self.center = 50 # pixel radius of center
#default values
self.reset(None, 9, self.BACKGROUND_GRAD_GEN, True, True, 'Sans', '#0000FF',
'#FF0000', None, 0.5)
self.set_size_request(120, 120)
def reset(self, root_person_handle, maxgen, background, childring,
radialtext, fontdescr, grad_start, grad_end):
radialtext, fontdescr, grad_start, grad_end,
filter, alpha_filter):
Reset all of the data:
root_person_handle = person to show
@ -193,6 +194,8 @@ class FanChartWidget(Gtk.DrawingArea):
radialtext = try to use radial text or not
fontdescr = string describing the font to use
grad_start, grad_end: colors to use for background procedure
filter = the person filter to apply to the people in the chart
alpha = the alpha transparency value (0-1) to apply to filtered out data
self.cache_fontcolor = {}
@ -202,6 +205,8 @@ class FanChartWidget(Gtk.DrawingArea):
self.fontdescr = fontdescr
self.grad_start = grad_start
self.grad_end = grad_end
self.filter = filter
self.alpha_filter = alpha_filter
@ -418,9 +423,9 @@ class FanChartWidget(Gtk.DrawingArea):
# Draw center person:
(text, person, parents, child, userdata) = self.data[0][0]
if person:
r, g, b = self.background_box(person, person.gender, 0, userdata)
r, g, b, a = self.background_box(person, person.gender, 0, userdata)
cr.arc(0, 0, self.center, 0, 2 * math.pi)
cr.set_source_rgb(r/255, g/255, b/255)
cr.set_source_rgba(r/255, g/255, b/255, a)
name = name_displayer.display(person)
@ -450,33 +455,37 @@ class FanChartWidget(Gtk.DrawingArea):
start_rad = start * math.pi/180
stop_rad = stop * math.pi/180
r, g, b = self.background_box(person, gender, generation, userdata)
r, g, b, a = self.background_box(person, gender, generation, userdata)
radius = generation * self.PIXELS_PER_GENERATION + self.center
# If max generation, and they have parents:
if generation == self.generations - 1 and parents:
# draw an indicator
cr.move_to(0, 0)
radmax = radius + self.BORDER_EDGE_WIDTH
cr.move_to(radmax*math.cos(start_rad), radmax*math.sin(start_rad))
cr.arc(0, 0, radius + self.BORDER_EDGE_WIDTH, start_rad, stop_rad)
cr.line_to(radius*math.cos(stop_rad), radius*math.sin(stop_rad))
cr.arc_negative(0, 0, radius, stop_rad, start_rad)
path = cr.copy_path()
cr.set_source_rgb(255, 255, 255) # white
cr.arc(0, 0, radius + self.BORDER_EDGE_WIDTH, start_rad, stop_rad)
cr.move_to(0, 0)
#and again for the border
cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) # black
cr.arc(0, 0, radius + self.BORDER_EDGE_WIDTH, start_rad, stop_rad)
cr.line_to(0, 0)
def pathperson(cr):
""" we are lazy here, as we draw from out to in, we do a piewedge
instead of the actual person box
cr.move_to(0, 0)
cr.arc(0, 0, radius, start_rad, stop_rad)
cr.line_to(0, 0)
cr.set_source_rgb(r/255., g/255., b/255.)
# now draw the person
cr.move_to(radius * math.cos(start_rad), radius * math.sin(start_rad))
cr.arc(0, 0, radius, start_rad, stop_rad)
radmin = radius - self.PIXELS_PER_GENERATION
cr.line_to(radmin * math.cos(stop_rad), radmin * math.sin(stop_rad))
cr.arc_negative(0, 0, radmin, stop_rad, start_rad)
path = cr.copy_path()
cr.set_source_rgba(r/255., g/255., b/255., a)
#and again for the border
cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) # black
if state == self.NORMAL: # normal
else: # EXPANDED
@ -524,21 +533,21 @@ class FanChartWidget(Gtk.DrawingArea):
thetamax = start + inc
# add child to angle storage
self.angle[-2].append([thetamin, thetamax, child_gender, None])
def _childpath(cr):
cr.move_to(rmin*math.cos(thetamin), rmin*math.sin(thetamin))
cr.arc(0, 0, rmin, thetamin, thetamax)
cr.line_to(rmax*math.cos(thetamax), rmax*math.sin(thetamax))
cr.arc_negative(0, 0, rmax, thetamax, thetamin)
cr.line_to(rmin*math.cos(thetamin), rmin*math.sin(thetamin))
#draw child now
cr.move_to(rmin*math.cos(thetamin), rmin*math.sin(thetamin))
cr.arc(0, 0, rmin, thetamin, thetamax)
cr.line_to(rmax*math.cos(thetamax), rmax*math.sin(thetamax))
cr.arc_negative(0, 0, rmax, thetamax, thetamin)
cr.line_to(rmin*math.cos(thetamin), rmin*math.sin(thetamin))
path = cr.copy_path()
cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) # black
#now fill
#now again to fill
person = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(child_handle)
r, g, b = self.background_box(person, person.gender, -1, userdata)
cr.set_source_rgb(r/255., g/255., b/255.)
r, g, b, a = self.background_box(person, person.gender, -1, userdata)
cr.set_source_rgba(r/255., g/255., b/255., a)
def draw_text(self, cr, text, radius, start, stop, radial=False,
@ -777,25 +786,29 @@ class FanChartWidget(Gtk.DrawingArea):
# white for center person:
return (255, 255, 255)
if self.background == self.BACKGROUND_GENDER:
color = (255, 255, 255)
elif self.background == self.BACKGROUND_GENDER:
alive = probably_alive(person, self.dbstate.db)
except RuntimeError:
alive = False
backgr, border = gui.utils.color_graph_box(alive, person.gender)
r, g, b = gui.utils.hex_to_rgb(backgr)
color = gui.utils.hex_to_rgb(backgr)
elif self.background == self.BACKGROUND_GRAD_AGE:
r, g, b = userdata[0]
color = userdata[0]
if self.background == self.BACKGROUND_GRAD_GEN and generation < 0:
generation = 0
r, g, b = self.colors[generation % len(self.colors)]
color = self.colors[generation % len(self.colors)]
if gender == gen.lib.Person.MALE:
r *= .9
g *= .9
b *= .9
return r, g, b
color = [x*.9 for x in color]
# now we set transparency data
if self.filter and not self.filter.match(person.handle, self.dbstate.db):
alpha = self.alpha_filter
alpha = 1.
return color[0], color[1], color[2], alpha
def fontcolor(self, r, g, b):
@ -1139,6 +1152,8 @@ class FanChartGrampsGUI(object):
self.fonttype = font
self.grad_start = '#0000FF'
self.grad_end = '#FF0000'
self.generic_filter = None # the filter to use. Named as in PageView
self.alpha_filter = 0.5 # transparency of filtered out values
def set_fan(self, fan):
@ -1156,7 +1171,8 @@ class FanChartGrampsGUI(object):
root_person_handle = self.get_active('Person')
self.fan.reset(root_person_handle, self.maxgen, self.background, self.childring,
self.radialtext, self.fonttype,
self.grad_start, self.grad_end)
self.grad_start, self.grad_end,
self.generic_filter, self.alpha_filter)
def on_popup(self, obj, event, person_handle):
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ class FanChartView(FanChartGrampsGUI, NavigationView):
def __init__(self, pdata, dbstate, uistate, nav_group=0):
self.dbstate = dbstate
self.uistate = uistate
NavigationView.__init__(self, _('Fan Chart'),
pdata, dbstate, uistate,
@ -163,13 +164,21 @@ class FanChartView(FanChartGrampsGUI, NavigationView):
tip=_("Print or save the Fan Chart View"),
def build_tree(self):
pass # will build when active_changes
Generic method called by PageView to construct the view.
Here the tree builds when active person changes or db changes or on
callbacks like person_rebuild, so build will be double sometimes.
However, change in generic filter also triggers build_tree ! So we
need to reset.
def active_changed(self, handle):
Method called when active person changes.
# Reset everything but rotation angle (leave it as is)
print 'active changed'
def _connect_db_signals(self):
@ -361,6 +370,13 @@ class FanChartView(FanChartGrampsGUI, NavigationView):
self.fonttype = self.allfonts[entry][1]
def get_default_gramplets(self):
Define the default gramplets for the sidebar and bottombar.
return (("Person Filter",),
# CairoPrintSave class
Reference in New Issue
Block a user