8945: Move extract city tool to third-party addons

This commit is contained in:
Nick Hall 2016-06-17 15:05:45 +01:00
parent ec289350a4
commit 6c77ef5e33
2 changed files with 0 additions and 665 deletions

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@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham
# Copyright (C) 2008 Brian G. Matherly
# Copyright (C) 2010 Jakim Friant
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
"""Tools/Database Processing/Extract Place Data from a Place Title"""
# python modules
import re
from gramps.gen.const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale
_ = glocale.translation.gettext
# gnome/gtk
from gi.repository import Gtk
from gi.repository import GObject
# gramps modules
from gramps.gen.db import DbTxn
from gramps.gui.managedwindow import ManagedWindow
from gramps.gui.display import display_help
from gramps.plugins.lib.libplaceimport import PlaceImport
from gramps.gen.utils.location import get_main_location
from gramps.gen.display.place import displayer as place_displayer
from gramps.gen.lib import PlaceType, PlaceName
from gramps.gui.plug import tool
from gramps.gui.utils import ProgressMeter
from gramps.gui.glade import Glade
CITY_STATE_ZIP = re.compile("((\w|\s)+)\s*,\s*((\w|\s)+)\s*(,\s*((\d|-)+))", re.UNICODE)
CITY_STATE = re.compile("((?:\w|\s)+(?:-(?:\w|\s)+)*),((?:\w|\s)+)", re.UNICODE)
CITY_LAEN = re.compile("((?:\w|\s)+(?:-(?:\w|\s)+)*)\(((?:\w|\s)+)", re.UNICODE)
STATE_ZIP = re.compile("(.+)\s+([\d-]+)", re.UNICODE)
COUNTRY = ( _("United States of America"), _("Canada"), _("France"),_("Sweden"))
"AL" : ("Alabama", 0),
"AL." : ("Alabama", 0),
"ALABAMA" : ("Alabama", 0),
"AK" : ("Alaska" , 0),
"AK." : ("Alaska" , 0),
"ALASKA" : ("Alaska" , 0),
"AS" : ("American Samoa", 0),
"AS." : ("American Samoa", 0),
"AMERICAN SAMOA": ("American Samoa", 0),
"AZ" : ("Arizona", 0),
"AZ." : ("Arizona", 0),
"ARIZONA" : ("Arizona", 0),
"AR" : ("Arkansas" , 0),
"AR." : ("Arkansas" , 0),
"ARKANSAS" : ("Arkansas" , 0),
"ARK." : ("Arkansas" , 0),
"ARK" : ("Arkansas" , 0),
"CA" : ("California" , 0),
"CA." : ("California" , 0),
"CALIFORNIA" : ("California" , 0),
"CO" : ("Colorado" , 0),
"COLO" : ("Colorado" , 0),
"COLO." : ("Colorado" , 0),
"COLORADO" : ("Colorado" , 0),
"CT" : ("Connecticut" , 0),
"CT." : ("Connecticut" , 0),
"CONNECTICUT" : ("Connecticut" , 0),
"DE" : ("Delaware" , 0),
"DE." : ("Delaware" , 0),
"DELAWARE" : ("Delaware" , 0),
"DC" : ("District of Columbia" , 0),
"D.C." : ("District of Columbia" , 0),
"DC." : ("District of Columbia" , 0),
"DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA" : ("District of Columbia" , 0),
"FL" : ("Florida" , 0),
"FL." : ("Florida" , 0),
"FLA" : ("Florida" , 0),
"FLA." : ("Florida" , 0),
"FLORIDA" : ("Florida" , 0),
"GA" : ("Georgia" , 0),
"GA." : ("Georgia" , 0),
"GEORGIA" : ("Georgia" , 0),
"GU" : ("Guam" , 0),
"GU." : ("Guam" , 0),
"GUAM" : ("Guam" , 0),
"HI" : ("Hawaii" , 0),
"HI." : ("Hawaii" , 0),
"HAWAII" : ("Hawaii" , 0),
"ID" : ("Idaho" , 0),
"ID." : ("Idaho" , 0),
"IDAHO" : ("Idaho" , 0),
"IL" : ("Illinois" , 0),
"IL." : ("Illinois" , 0),
"ILLINOIS" : ("Illinois" , 0),
"ILL" : ("Illinois" , 0),
"ILL." : ("Illinois" , 0),
"ILLS" : ("Illinois" , 0),
"ILLS." : ("Illinois" , 0),
"IN" : ("Indiana" , 0),
"IN." : ("Indiana" , 0),
"INDIANA" : ("Indiana" , 0),
"IA" : ("Iowa" , 0),
"IA." : ("Iowa" , 0),
"IOWA" : ("Iowa" , 0),
"KS" : ("Kansas" , 0),
"KS." : ("Kansas" , 0),
"KANSAS" : ("Kansas" , 0),
"KY" : ("Kentucky" , 0),
"KY." : ("Kentucky" , 0),
"KENTUCKY" : ("Kentucky" , 0),
"LA" : ("Louisiana" , 0),
"LA." : ("Louisiana" , 0),
"LOUISIANA" : ("Louisiana" , 0),
"ME" : ("Maine" , 0),
"ME." : ("Maine" , 0),
"MAINE" : ("Maine" , 0),
"MD" : ("Maryland" , 0),
"MD." : ("Maryland" , 0),
"MARYLAND" : ("Maryland" , 0),
"MA" : ("Massachusetts" , 0),
"MA." : ("Massachusetts" , 0),
"MASSACHUSETTS" : ("Massachusetts" , 0),
"MI" : ("Michigan" , 0),
"MI." : ("Michigan" , 0),
"MICH." : ("Michigan" , 0),
"MICH" : ("Michigan" , 0),
"MN" : ("Minnesota" , 0),
"MN." : ("Minnesota" , 0),
"MINNESOTA" : ("Minnesota" , 0),
"MS" : ("Mississippi" , 0),
"MS." : ("Mississippi" , 0),
"MISSISSIPPI" : ("Mississippi" , 0),
"MO" : ("Missouri" , 0),
"MO." : ("Missouri" , 0),
"MISSOURI" : ("Missouri" , 0),
"MT" : ("Montana" , 0),
"MT." : ("Montana" , 0),
"MONTANA" : ("Montana" , 0),
"NE" : ("Nebraska" , 0),
"NE." : ("Nebraska" , 0),
"NEBRASKA" : ("Nebraska" , 0),
"NV" : ("Nevada" , 0),
"NV." : ("Nevada" , 0),
"NEVADA" : ("Nevada" , 0),
"NH" : ("New Hampshire" , 0),
"NH." : ("New Hampshire" , 0),
"N.H." : ("New Hampshire" , 0),
"NEW HAMPSHIRE" : ("New Hampshire" , 0),
"NJ" : ("New Jersey" , 0),
"NJ." : ("New Jersey" , 0),
"N.J." : ("New Jersey" , 0),
"NEW JERSEY" : ("New Jersey" , 0),
"NM" : ("New Mexico" , 0),
"NM." : ("New Mexico" , 0),
"NEW MEXICO" : ("New Mexico" , 0),
"NY" : ("New York" , 0),
"N.Y." : ("New York" , 0),
"NY." : ("New York" , 0),
"NEW YORK" : ("New York" , 0),
"NC" : ("North Carolina" , 0),
"NC." : ("North Carolina" , 0),
"N.C." : ("North Carolina" , 0),
"NORTH CAROLINA": ("North Carolina" , 0),
"ND" : ("North Dakota" , 0),
"ND." : ("North Dakota" , 0),
"N.D." : ("North Dakota" , 0),
"NORTH DAKOTA" : ("North Dakota" , 0),
"OH" : ("Ohio" , 0),
"OH." : ("Ohio" , 0),
"OHIO" : ("Ohio" , 0),
"OK" : ("Oklahoma" , 0),
"OKLA" : ("Oklahoma" , 0),
"OKLA." : ("Oklahoma" , 0),
"OK." : ("Oklahoma" , 0),
"OKLAHOMA" : ("Oklahoma" , 0),
"OR" : ("Oregon" , 0),
"OR." : ("Oregon" , 0),
"OREGON" : ("Oregon" , 0),
"PA" : ("Pennsylvania" , 0),
"PA." : ("Pennsylvania" , 0),
"PENNSYLVANIA" : ("Pennsylvania" , 0),
"PR" : ("Puerto Rico" , 0),
"PUERTO RICO" : ("Puerto Rico" , 0),
"RI" : ("Rhode Island" , 0),
"RI." : ("Rhode Island" , 0),
"R.I." : ("Rhode Island" , 0),
"RHODE ISLAND" : ("Rhode Island" , 0),
"SC" : ("South Carolina" , 0),
"SC." : ("South Carolina" , 0),
"S.C." : ("South Carolina" , 0),
"SOUTH CAROLINA": ("South Carolina" , 0),
"SD" : ("South Dakota" , 0),
"SD." : ("South Dakota" , 0),
"S.D." : ("South Dakota" , 0),
"SOUTH DAKOTA" : ("South Dakota" , 0),
"TN" : ("Tennessee" , 0),
"TN." : ("Tennessee" , 0),
"TENNESSEE" : ("Tennessee" , 0),
"TENN." : ("Tennessee" , 0),
"TENN" : ("Tennessee" , 0),
"TX" : ("Texas" , 0),
"TX." : ("Texas" , 0),
"TEXAS" : ("Texas" , 0),
"UT" : ("Utah" , 0),
"UT." : ("Utah" , 0),
"UTAH" : ("Utah" , 0),
"VT" : ("Vermont" , 0),
"VT." : ("Vermont" , 0),
"VERMONT" : ("Vermont" , 0),
"VI" : ("Virgin Islands" , 0),
"VIRGIN ISLANDS": ("Virgin Islands" , 0),
"VA" : ("Virginia" , 0),
"VA." : ("Virginia" , 0),
"VIRGINIA" : ("Virginia" , 0),
"WA" : ("Washington" , 0),
"WA." : ("Washington" , 0),
"WASHINGTON" : ("Washington" , 0),
"WV" : ("West Virginia" , 0),
"WV." : ("West Virginia" , 0),
"W.V." : ("West Virginia" , 0),
"WEST VIRGINIA" : ("West Virginia" , 0),
"WI" : ("Wisconsin" , 0),
"WI." : ("Wisconsin" , 0),
"WISCONSIN" : ("Wisconsin" , 0),
"WY" : ("Wyoming" , 0),
"WY." : ("Wyoming" , 0),
"WYOMING" : ("Wyoming" , 0),
"AB" : ("Alberta", 1),
"AB." : ("Alberta", 1),
"ALBERTA" : ("Alberta", 1),
"BC" : ("British Columbia", 1),
"BC." : ("British Columbia", 1),
"B.C." : ("British Columbia", 1),
"MB" : ("Manitoba", 1),
"MB." : ("Manitoba", 1),
"MANITOBA" : ("Manitoba", 1),
"NB" : ("New Brunswick", 1),
"N.B." : ("New Brunswick", 1),
"NB." : ("New Brunswick", 1),
"NEW BRUNSWICK" : ("New Brunswick", 1),
"NL" : ("Newfoundland and Labrador", 1),
"NL." : ("Newfoundland and Labrador", 1),
"N.L." : ("Newfoundland and Labrador", 1),
"NEWFOUNDLAND" : ("Newfoundland and Labrador", 1),
"NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR" : ("Newfoundland and Labrador", 1),
"LABRADOR" : ("Newfoundland and Labrador", 1),
"NT" : ("Northwest Territories", 1),
"NT." : ("Northwest Territories", 1),
"N.T." : ("Northwest Territories", 1),
"NORTHWEST TERRITORIES" : ("Northwest Territories", 1),
"NS" : ("Nova Scotia", 1),
"NS." : ("Nova Scotia", 1),
"N.S." : ("Nova Scotia", 1),
"NOVA SCOTIA" : ("Nova Scotia", 1),
"NU" : ("Nunavut", 1),
"NU." : ("Nunavut", 1),
"NUNAVUT" : ("Nunavut", 1),
"ON" : ("Ontario", 1),
"ON." : ("Ontario", 1),
"ONTARIO" : ("Ontario", 1),
"PE" : ("Prince Edward Island", 1),
"PE." : ("Prince Edward Island", 1),
"PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND" : ("Prince Edward Island", 1),
"QC" : ("Quebec", 1),
"QC." : ("Quebec", 1),
"QUEBEC" : ("Quebec", 1),
"SK" : ("Saskatchewan", 1),
"SK." : ("Saskatchewan", 1),
"SASKATCHEWAN" : ("Saskatchewan", 1),
"YT" : ("Yukon", 1),
"YT." : ("Yukon", 1),
"YUKON" : ("Yukon", 1),
"ALSACE" : ("Alsace", 2),
"ALS" : ("ALS-Alsace", 2),
"AQUITAINE" : ("Aquitaine", 2),
"AQU" : ("AQU-Aquitaine", 2),
"AUVERGNE" : ("Auvergne", 2),
"AUV" : ("AUV-Auvergne", 2),
"BOURGOGNE" : ("Bourgogne", 2),
"BOU" : ("BOU-Bourgogne", 2),
"BRETAGNE" : ("Bretagne", 2),
"BRE" : ("BRE-Bretagne", 2),
"CENTRE" : ("Centre - Val de Loire", 2),
"CEN" : ("CEN-Centre - Val de Loire", 2),
"CHAMPAGNE" : ("Champagne-Ardennes", 2),
"CHA" : ("CHA-Champagne-Ardennes", 2),
"CORSE" : ("Corse", 2),
"COR" : ("COR-Corse", 2),
"FRANCHE-COMTE" : ("Franche-Comté", 2),
"FCO" : ("FCO-Franche-Comté", 2),
"ILE DE FRANCE" : ("Ile de France", 2),
"IDF" : ("IDF-Ile de France", 2),
"LIMOUSIN" : ("Limousin", 2),
"LIM" : ("LIM-Limousin", 2),
"LORRAINE" : ("Lorraine", 2),
"LOR" : ("LOR-Lorraine", 2),
"LANGUEDOC" : ("Languedoc-Roussillon", 2),
"LRO" : ("LRO-Languedoc-Roussillon", 2),
"MIDI PYRENEE" : ("Midi-Pyrénée", 2),
"MPY" : ("MPY-Midi-Pyrénée", 2),
"HAUTE NORMANDIE": ("Haute Normandie", 2),
"NOH" : ("NOH-Haute Normandie", 2),
"BASSE NORMANDIE": ("Basse Normandie", 2),
"NOB" : ("NOB-Basse Normandie", 2),
"NORD PAS CALAIS": ("Nord-Pas de Calais", 2),
"NPC" : ("NPC-Nord-Pas de Calais", 2),
"PROVENCE" : ("Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur", 2),
"PCA" : ("PCA-Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur", 2),
"POITOU-CHARENTES": ("Poitou-Charentes", 2),
"PCH" : ("PCH-Poitou-Charentes", 2),
"PAYS DE LOIRE" : ("Pays de Loire", 2),
"PDL" : ("PDL-Pays de Loire", 2),
"PICARDIE" : ("Picardie", 2),
"PIC" : ("PIC-Picardie", 2),
"RHONE-ALPES" : ("Rhône-Alpes", 2),
"RAL" : ("RAL-Rhône-Alpes", 2),
"AOM" : ("AOM-Autres Territoires d'Outre-Mer", 2),
"COM" : ("COM-Collectivité Territoriale d'Outre-Mer", 2),
"DOM" : ("DOM-Départements d'Outre-Mer", 2),
"TOM" : ("TOM-Territoires d'Outre-Mer", 2),
"GUA" : ("GUA-Guadeloupe", 2),
"GUADELOUPE" : ("Guadeloupe", 2),
"MAR" : ("MAR-Martinique", 2),
"MARTINIQUE" : ("Martinique", 2),
"GUY" : ("GUY-Guyane", 2),
"GUYANE" : ("Guyane", 2),
"REU" : ("REU-Réunion", 2),
"REUNION" : ("Réunion", 2),
"MIQ" : ("MIQ-Saint-Pierre et Miquelon", 2),
"MIQUELON" : ("Saint-Pierre et Miquelon", 2),
"MAY" : ("MAY-Mayotte", 2),
"MAYOTTE" : ("Mayotte", 2),
"(A)" : ("Stockholms stad", 3),
"(AB)" : ("Stockholms stad/län", 3),
"(B)" : ("Stockholms län", 3),
"(C)" : ("Uppsala län", 3),
"(D)" : ("Södermanlands län", 3),
"(E)" : ("Östergötlands län", 3),
"(F)" : ("Jönköpings län", 3),
"(G)" : ("Kronobergs län", 3),
"(H)" : ("Kalmar län", 3),
"(I)" : ("Gotlands län", 3),
"(K)" : ("Blekinge län", 3),
"(L)" : ("Kristianstads län", 3),
"(M)" : ("Malmöhus län", 3),
"(N)" : ("Hallands län", 3),
"(O)" : ("Göteborgs- och Bohuslän", 3),
"(P)" : ("Älvsborgs län", 3),
"(R)" : ("Skaraborg län", 3),
"(S)" : ("Värmlands län", 3),
"(T)" : ("Örebro län", 3),
"(U)" : ("Västmanlands län", 3),
"(W)" : ("Kopparbergs län", 3),
"(X)" : ("Gävleborgs län", 3),
"(Y)" : ("Västernorrlands län", 3),
"(AC)" : ("Västerbottens län", 3),
"(BD)" : ("Norrbottens län", 3),
COLS = [
(_('Place title'), 1),
(_('City'), 2),
(_('State'), 3),
(_('ZIP/Postal Code'), 4),
(_('Country'), 5)
# ExtractCity
class ExtractCity(tool.BatchTool, ManagedWindow):
Extracts city, state, and zip code information from an place description
if the title is empty and the description falls into the category of:
New York, NY 10000
Sorry for those not in the US or Canada. I doubt this will work for any
other locales.
Works for Sweden if the decriptions is like
Stockholm (A)
where the letter A is the abbreviation letter for laen.
Works for France if the description is like
Paris, IDF 75000, FRA
or Paris, ILE DE FRANCE 75000, FRA
def __init__(self, dbstate, user, options_class, name, callback=None):
self.uistate = user.uistate
self.label = _('Extract Place data')
ManagedWindow.__init__(self, self.uistate, [], self.__class__)
self.set_window(Gtk.Window(), Gtk.Label(), '')
tool.BatchTool.__init__(self, dbstate, user, options_class, name)
if not self.fail:
def run(self, db):
Performs the actual extraction of information
self.progress = ProgressMeter(_('Checking Place Titles'), '')
self.progress.set_pass(_('Looking for place fields'),
self.name_list = []
self.place_import = PlaceImport(db)
for place in db.iter_places():
descr = place_displayer.display(db, place)
loc = get_main_location(db, place)
location = ((loc.get(PlaceType.STREET, '')),
(loc.get(PlaceType.LOCALITY, '')),
(loc.get(PlaceType.PARISH, '')),
(loc.get(PlaceType.CITY, '')),
(loc.get(PlaceType.COUNTY, '')),
(loc.get(PlaceType.STATE, '')),
(loc.get(PlaceType.COUNTRY, '')))
self.place_import.store_location(location, place.handle)
if len(place.get_placeref_list()) == 0:
match = CITY_STATE_ZIP.match(descr.strip())
if match:
data = match.groups()
city = data[0]
state = data[2]
postal = data[5]
val = " ".join(state.strip().split()).upper()
if state:
new_state = STATE_MAP.get(val.upper())
if new_state:
(place.handle, (city, new_state[0], postal,
# Check if there is a left parant. in the string, might be Swedish laen.
match = CITY_LAEN.match(descr.strip().replace(","," "))
if match:
data = match.groups()
city = data[0]
state = '(' + data[1] + ')'
postal = None
val = " ".join(state.strip().split()).upper()
if state:
new_state = STATE_MAP.get(val.upper())
if new_state:
(place.handle, (city, new_state[0], postal,
match = CITY_STATE.match(descr.strip())
if match:
data = match.groups()
city = data[0]
state = data[1]
postal = None
if state:
m0 = STATE_ZIP.match(state)
if m0:
(state, postal) = m0.groups()
val = " ".join(state.strip().split()).upper()
if state:
new_state = STATE_MAP.get(val.upper())
if new_state:
(place.handle, (city, new_state[0], postal,
val = " ".join(descr.strip().split()).upper()
new_state = STATE_MAP.get(val)
if new_state:
(place.handle, (None, new_state[0], None,
if self.name_list:
from gramps.gui.dialog import OkDialog
OkDialog(_('No modifications made'),
_("No place information could be extracted."),
def display(self):
self.top = Glade("changenames.glade")
window = self.top.toplevel
"destroy_passed_object" : self.close,
"on_ok_clicked" : self.on_ok_clicked,
"on_help_clicked" : self.on_help_clicked,
"on_delete_event" : self.close,
self.list = self.top.get_object("list")
self.set_window(window, self.top.get_object('title'), self.label)
lbl = self.top.get_object('info')
_('Below is a list of Places with the possible data that can '
'be extracted from the place title. Select the places you '
'wish Gramps to convert.'))
self.model = Gtk.ListStore(GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, GObject.TYPE_STRING,
r = Gtk.CellRendererToggle()
r.connect('toggled', self.toggled)
c = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Select'), r, active=0)
for (title, col) in COLS:
render = Gtk.CellRendererText()
if col > 1:
render.set_property('editable', True)
render.connect('edited', self.__change_name, col)
Gtk.TreeViewColumn(title, render, text=col))
self.iter_list = []
self.progress.set_pass(_('Building display'), len(self.name_list))
for (id, data) in self.name_list:
place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(id)
descr = place_displayer.display(self.db, place)
handle = self.model.append()
self.model.set_value(handle, 0, True)
self.model.set_value(handle, 1, descr)
if data[0]:
self.model.set_value(handle, 2, data[0])
if data[1]:
self.model.set_value(handle, 3, data[1])
if data[2]:
self.model.set_value(handle, 4, data[2])
if data[3]:
self.model.set_value(handle, 5, data[3])
self.model.set_value(handle, 6, id)
def __change_name(self, text, path, new_text, col):
self.model[path][col] = new_text
def toggled(self, cell, path_string):
path = tuple(map(int, path_string.split(':')))
row = self.model[path]
row[0] = not row[0]
def build_menu_names(self, obj):
return (self.label, None)
def on_help_clicked(self, obj):
"""Display the relevant portion of GRAMPS manual"""
def on_ok_clicked(self, obj):
with DbTxn(_("Extract Place data"), self.db, batch=True) as self.trans:
changelist = [node for node in self.iter_list
if self.model.get_value(node, 0)]
for change in changelist:
row = self.model[change]
place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(row[6])
location = ('', '', '', row[2], '', row[3], row[5])
self.place_import.store_location(location, place.handle)
if row[2]:
if row[4]:
self.db.commit_place(place, self.trans)
class ExtractCityOptions(tool.ToolOptions):
Defines options and provides handling interface.
def __init__(self, name, person_id=None):
tool.ToolOptions.__init__(self, name, person_id)

View File

@ -139,29 +139,6 @@ optionclass = 'EventNamesOptions',
) )
# Extract Place Data from a Place Title
id = 'excity',
name = _("Extract Place Data from a Place Title"),
description = _("Attempts to extract city and state/province "
"from a place title"),
version = '1.0',
gramps_target_version = MODULE_VERSION,
status = STABLE,
fname = 'extractcity.py',
authors = ["Donald N. Allingham"],
authors_email = ["don@gramps-project.org"],
category = TOOL_DBPROC,
toolclass = 'ExtractCity',
optionclass = 'ExtractCityOptions',
tool_modes = [TOOL_MODE_GUI]
#------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #
# Find Possible Duplicate People # Find Possible Duplicate People