Narrative Web: Fix alphabetic navigation bar and sorting in index pages using PyICU where available. Implements most collate contractions for western languages Gramps has been translated into. This fixes the following bugs:

0002933: Problems in Narrative Web Report with surnames beginning with V or W. Use collation primary difference to define index groupings. Special case for 'V' and 'W' in Swedish removed because the default CLDR has a primary difference between them.

0003434: NarrativeWeb new alphabet index sorted incorrectly. Fix Cyrillic sort order, and contractions for Slovak and Czech (among other languages).

0003933: References inside pages in NarWeb report and non-ascii characters. Sorting issues for Polish characters.

0004423: Web report does not handle Czech "CH" character properly. Dz contraction is not present in the CLDR. Slovak is similar.

0005088: Narrated Web Site Report sort order different Windows vs Linux. Resolved by using PyICU (if available).

0005645: can't sort greek names

0005767: Sorting in Narrative Webb does not work correctly. Fix sorting in Individuals, Surnames, Families, Events and Places to use PyICU (if available). This bug covers sorting in the index header (as well as in the body of the index pages).

svn: r21508
This commit is contained in:
Tim G L Lyons 2013-03-01 12:41:19 +00:00
parent e1fb1c5b14
commit 7c9ec32d22

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ except ImportError:
from md5 import md5
import time, datetime
import shutil
import io
import codecs
import tarfile
import tempfile
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
@ -147,12 +147,7 @@ from gramps.gui.pluginmanager import GuiPluginManager
from gramps.gen.relationship import get_relationship_calculator
# FIXME: This could be glocale.get_translation().language(), except that at the
# moment, (1) that gives an empty string when LANG is set to something like
# "sk_SK.UTF-8", and (2) it should be a language specific to collation, not just
# the language for translation.
import locale
COLLATE_LANG = locale.getlocale()[0]
COLLATE_LANG = glocale.collation
SORT_KEY = glocale.sort_key
# Everything below this point is identical for gramps34 (post 3.4.2), gramps40 and trunk
@ -3093,12 +3088,11 @@ class FamilyPages(BasePage):
# add alphabet navigation
menu_set = get_first_letters(self.dbase_, pers_fam_dict.keys(),
alpha_nav, menu_set = alphabet_navigation(menu_set)
index_list = get_first_letters(self.dbase_, pers_fam_dict.keys(),
alpha_nav = alphabet_navigation(index_list)
if alpha_nav:
relationlist += alpha_nav
ltrs_displayed = {}
# begin families table and table head
with Html("table", class_ ="infolist relationships") as table:
@ -3127,10 +3121,11 @@ class FamilyPages(BasePage):
# begin displaying index list
ppl_handle_list = sort_people(self.dbase_, pers_fam_dict.keys())
first = True
for (surname, handle_list) in ppl_handle_list:
if surname:
letter = first_letter(surname)
if surname and not surname.isspace():
letter = get_index_letter(first_letter(surname), index_list)
letter ='&nbsp;'
@ -3147,11 +3142,12 @@ class FamilyPages(BasePage):
tcell = Html("td", class_="ColumnRowLabel")
trow += tcell
if letter not in ltrs_displayed:
trow.attr = 'class="BginLetter"'
if first or primary_difference(letter, prev_letter):
first = False
prev_letter = letter
trow.attr = 'class="BeginLetter"'
tcell += Html("a", letter, name=letter,
title ="Families beginning with letter " + letter, inline =True)
ltrs_displayed[letter] = True
title =_("Families beginning with letter ") + letter, inline =True)
tcell += '&nbsp;'
@ -3356,8 +3352,8 @@ class PlacePages(BasePage):
placelist += Html("p", msg, id = "description")
# begin alphabet navigation
menu_set = get_first_letters(self.dbase_, place_handles, _KEYPLACE)
alpha_nav, menu_set = alphabet_navigation(menu_set)
index_list = get_first_letters(self.dbase_, place_handles, _KEYPLACE)
alpha_nav = alphabet_navigation(index_list)
if alpha_nav is not None:
placelist += alpha_nav
@ -3383,9 +3379,9 @@ class PlacePages(BasePage):
[_("Longitude"), "ColumnLongitude"] ]
sort = Sort(self.dbase_)
handle_list = sorted(place_handles, key = sort.by_place_title_key)
last_letter = ''
handle_list = sorted(place_handles,
key=lambda x: SORT_KEY(self.dbase_.get_place_from_handle(x).title))
first = True
# begin table body
tbody = Html("tbody")
@ -3397,8 +3393,9 @@ class PlacePages(BasePage):
place_title = place.get_title()
ml = place.get_main_location()
if place_title:
letter = first_letter(place_title)
if place_title and not place_title.isspace():
letter = get_index_letter(first_letter(place_title),
letter = '&nbsp;'
@ -3407,12 +3404,14 @@ class PlacePages(BasePage):
tcell = Html("td", class_ = "ColumnLetter", inline = True)
trow += tcell
if letter != last_letter:
last_letter = letter
if first or primary_difference(letter, prev_letter):
first = False
prev_letter = letter
trow.attr = 'class = "BeginLetter"'
tcell += Html("a", last_letter, name =last_letter,
title = _("Places with letter %s" % last_letter))
tcell += Html(
"a", letter, name =letter,
title = _("Places beginning with letter %s") % letter)
tcell += "&nbsp;"
@ -3641,8 +3640,8 @@ class EventPages(BasePage):
eventlist += Html("p", msg, id = "description")
# get alphabet navigation...
menu_set = get_first_letters(self.dbase_, event_types, _ALPHAEVENT)
alpha_nav, menu_set = alphabet_navigation(menu_set)
index_list = get_first_letters(self.dbase_, event_types, _ALPHAEVENT)
alpha_nav = alphabet_navigation(index_list)
if alpha_nav:
eventlist += alpha_nav
@ -3670,10 +3669,9 @@ class EventPages(BasePage):
tbody = Html("tbody")
table += tbody
prev_letter = ""
# separate events by their type and then thier event handles
for (evt_type, data_list) in sort_event_types(self.dbase_, event_types, event_handle_list):
first_letter = True
first = True
# sort datalist by date of event and by event handle...
@ -3704,16 +3702,20 @@ class EventPages(BasePage):
tcell = Html("td", class_ = "ColumnLetter", inline = True)
trow += tcell
if evt_type:
ltr = cuni(evt_type)[0].capitalize()
if evt_type and not evt_type.isspace():
letter = get_index_letter(
ltr = "&nbsp;"
letter = "&nbsp;"
if ltr != prev_letter:
if first or primary_difference(letter, prev_letter):
first = False
prev_letter = letter
trow.attr = 'class = "BeginLetter BeginType"'
tcell += Html("a", ltr, name = ltr, id_ = ltr,
title = _("Event types beginning with letter " + ltr), inline = True)
prev_letter = ltr
tcell += Html(
"a", letter, name = letter, id_ = letter,
title = _("Event types beginning with letter %s") % letter, inline = True)
tcell += "&nbsp;"
@ -3928,8 +3930,8 @@ class SurnameListPage(BasePage):
# add alphabet navigation...
# only if surname list not surname count
if order_by == self.ORDER_BY_NAME:
menu_set = get_first_letters(self.dbase_, ppl_handle_list, _KEYPERSON)
alpha_nav, menu_set = alphabet_navigation(menu_set)
index_list = get_first_letters(self.dbase_, ppl_handle_list, _KEYPERSON)
alpha_nav = alphabet_navigation(index_list)
if alpha_nav is not None:
surnamelist += alpha_nav
@ -3979,14 +3981,18 @@ class SurnameListPage(BasePage):
ppl_handle_list = (temp_list[key]
for key in sorted(temp_list, key = SORT_KEY))
last_letter = ''
last_surname = ''
first = True
first_surname = True
for (surname, data_list) in ppl_handle_list:
letter = first_letter(surname)
if letter == ' ':
# if surname is an empty string, then first_letter
# returns a space
if surname and not surname.isspace():
letter = first_letter(surname)
if order_by == self.ORDER_BY_NAME:
# There will only be an alphabetic index list if
# the ORDER_BY_NAME page is being generated
letter = get_index_letter(letter, index_list)
letter = '&nbsp;'
surname = _ABSENT
@ -3996,19 +4002,18 @@ class SurnameListPage(BasePage):
tcell = Html("td", class_ = "ColumnLetter", inline = True)
trow += tcell
if letter != last_letter:
last_letter = letter
if first or primary_difference(letter, prev_letter):
first = False
prev_letter = letter
trow.attr = 'class = "BeginLetter"'
hyper = Html("a", last_letter, name = last_letter,
title = "Surnames with letter " + last_letter, inline = True)
hyper = Html(
"a", letter, name = letter,
title = _("Surnames beginning with letter %s") % letter, inline = True)
tcell += hyper
elif surname != last_surname:
elif first_surname or surname != prev_surname:
first_surname = False
tcell += "&nbsp;"
last_surname = surname
prev_surname = surname
trow += Html("td", self.surname_link(name_to_md5(surname), html_escape(surname)),
class_ = "ColumnSurname", inline = True)
@ -4364,9 +4369,8 @@ class MediaPages(BasePage):
_("Creating media pages"),
len([MediaObject]) + 1)
sort = Sort(
sorted_media_handles = sorted([MediaObject].keys(),
key=lambda x: SORT_KEY(
self.MediaListPage(, title, sorted_media_handles)
prev = None
@ -4588,7 +4592,7 @@ class MediaPages(BasePage):
os.close(filed), initial_image_path)
filed = open(os.path.join(self.html_dir, initial_image_path), 'wb')
filed = open(os.path.join(self.html_dir, initial_image_path), 'w')
@ -4775,9 +4779,8 @@ class ThumbnailPreviewPage(BasePage):
BasePage.__init__(self, report, title)
self.create_thumbs_only = report.options['create_thumbs_only']
sort = Sort(self.dbase_)
self.photo_keys = sorted([MediaObject],
key=lambda x: SORT_KEY(self.dbase_.get_object_from_handle(x).desc))
if not self.photo_keys:
@ -4793,7 +4796,7 @@ class ThumbnailPreviewPage(BasePage):
if not media_list:
media_list.sort(key=lambda x: SORT_KEY(x[0]))
# reate thumbnail preview page...
of, sio ="thumbnails")
@ -5201,8 +5204,8 @@ class PersonPages(BasePage):
individuallist += Html("p", msg, id = "description")
# add alphabet navigation
menu_set = get_first_letters(self.dbase_, ppl_handle_list, _KEYPERSON)
alpha_nav, menu_set = alphabet_navigation(menu_set)
index_list = get_first_letters(self.dbase_, ppl_handle_list, _KEYPERSON)
alpha_nav = alphabet_navigation(index_list)
if alpha_nav is not None:
individuallist += alpha_nav
@ -5235,16 +5238,16 @@ class PersonPages(BasePage):
table += tbody
ppl_handle_list = sort_people(self.dbase_, ppl_handle_list)
letter = "!"
first = True
for (surname, handle_list) in ppl_handle_list:
first = True
prev_letter = letter
letter = first_letter(surname)
if letter == ' ':
# if surname is an empty string, then first_letter
# returns a space
letter = '&nbsp;'
if surname and not surname.isspace():
letter = get_index_letter(first_letter(surname), index_list)
letter = '&nbsp'
surname = _ABSENT
first_surname = True
for person_handle in handle_list:
person = self.dbase_.get_person_from_handle(person_handle)
@ -5253,22 +5256,24 @@ class PersonPages(BasePage):
tbody += trow
tcell = Html("td", class_ = "ColumnSurname", inline = True)
trow += tcell
if first:
if first or primary_difference(letter, prev_letter):
first = False
first_surname = False
prev_letter = letter
trow.attr = 'class = "BeginSurname"'
if surname:
if letter != prev_letter:
tcell += Html("a", html_escape(surname), name = letter,
id_ = letter,
title = "Surname with letter " + letter)
tcell += Html("a", html_escape(surname),
title = "Surname with letter " + letter)
tcell += "&nbsp;"
tcell += Html(
"a", html_escape(surname), name = letter,
id_ = letter,
title = _("Surnames %(surname)s beginning with letter %(letter)s") %
{'surname' : surname, 'letter' : letter})
elif first_surname:
first_surname = False
tcell += Html("a", html_escape(surname),
title = "Surnames " + surname)
tcell += "&nbsp;"
first = False
# firstname column
link = self.new_person_link(person_handle, person=person,
@ -7826,9 +7831,14 @@ class NavWebReport(Report):
self.cur_fname = fname + ext
if self.archive:
string_io = StringIO()
of =, "w", encoding = self.encoding,
errors = 'xmlcharrefreplace')
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
string_io = StringIO()
of = codecs.EncodedFile(string_io, 'utf-8', self.encoding,
string_io = BytesIO()
of = TextIOWrapper(string_io, encoding=self.encoding,
string_io = None
if subdir:
@ -7836,9 +7846,22 @@ class NavWebReport(Report):
if not os.path.isdir(subdir):
fname = os.path.join(self.html_dir, self.cur_fname)
of =, "w", encoding = self.encoding,
errors = 'xmlcharrefreplace')
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
# In python 2.x, the data written by of.write() is genarally of
# type 'str' (i.e. 8-bit strings), except for cases where (at
# least) one of the objects being converted by a '%' operator is
# unicode (e.g. the "Generated by" line or the _META3 line), in
# which case the data being written is of type 'unicode' (See
# formatting). The data written to the file is encoded according
# to self.encoding
of = codecs.EncodedFile(open(fname, 'w'), 'utf-8',
self.encoding, 'xmlcharrefreplace')
# In python 3, the data that is written by of.write() is always
# of type 'str' (i.e. unicode text).
of = open(fname, 'w', encoding=self.encoding,
return (of, string_io)
def close_file(self, of, string_io):
@ -8459,6 +8482,10 @@ def sort_people(dbase, handle_list):
surname = dbase.get_name_group_mapping(
# Treat people who have no name with those whose name is just
# 'whitespace'
if surname is None or surname.isspace():
surname = ''
sortnames[person_handle] = _nd.sort_string(primary_name)
@ -8522,66 +8549,86 @@ def __get_place_keyname(dbase, handle):
return ReportUtils.place_name(dbase, handle)
def first_letter(string):
recieves a string and returns the first letter
if string:
letter = normalize('NFKC', cuni(string))[0].upper()
letter = cuni(' ')
# See : = 2933
lang_country = glocale.get_translation().language()
if lang_country == "sv" and (letter == cuni('W') or letter == cuni('V')):
letter = 'V,W'
# See : = 4423
elif (lang_country == "cs" or lang_country == "sk") and letter == cuni('C') and len(string) > 1:
second_letter = normalize('NFKC', str(string))[1].upper()
if second_letter == cuni('H'):
letter += cuni('h')
elif lang_country == "sk" and letter == cuni('D') and len(string) > 1:
second_letter = normalize('NFKC', cuni(string))[1].upper()
if second_letter == cuni('Z'):
letter += cuni('z')
elif second_letter == cuni('Ž'):
letter += cuni('ž')
return letter
# See : = 4423
def get_first_letters(dbase, menu_set, key):
get the first letters of the menu_set
# Contraction data taken from CLDR 22.1. Only the default variant is considered.
# The languages included below are, by no means, all the langauges that have
# contractions - just a sample of langauges that have been supported
@param: menu_set = one of a handle list for either person or place handles
or an evt types list
@param: key = either a person, place, or event type
first_letters = []
# At the time of writing (Feb 2013), the following langauges have greater that
# 50% coverage of translation of Gramps: bg Bulgarian, ca Catalan, cs Czech, da
# Danish, de German, el Greek, en_GB, es Spanish, fi Finish, fr French, he
# Hebrew, hr Croation, hu Hungarian, it Italian, ja Japanese, lt Lithuanian, nb
# Noregian Bokmål, nn Norwegian Nynorsk, nl Dutch, pl Polish, pt_BR Portuguese
# (Brazil), pt_P Portugeuse (Portugal), ru Russian, sk Slovak, sl Slovenian, sv
# Swedish, vi Vietnamese, zh_CN Chinese.
for menu_item in menu_set:
if key == _KEYPERSON:
keyname = __get_person_keyname(dbase, menu_item)
# Key is the language (or language and country), Value is a list of
# contractions. Each contraction consists of a tuple. First element of the
# tuple is the list of characters, second element is the string to use as the
# index entry.
elif key == _KEYPLACE:
keyname = __get_place_keyname(dbase, menu_item)
# The DUCET contractions (e.g. LATIN CAPIAL LETTER L, MIDDLE DOT) are ignored,
# as are the supresscontractions in some locales.
keyname = menu_item
ltr = first_letter(keyname)
contractions_dict = {
# bg Bulgarian validSubLocales="bg_BG" no contractions
# ca Catalan validSubLocales="ca_AD ca_ES"
"ca" : [((cuni(""), cuni("")), cuni("L"))],
# Czech, validSubLocales="cs_CZ" Czech_Czech Republic
"cs" : [((cuni("ch"), cuni("cH"), cuni("Ch"), cuni("CH")), cuni("Ch"))],
# Danish validSubLocales="da_DK" Danish_Denmark
"da" : [((cuni("aa"), cuni("Aa"), cuni("AA")), cuni("Å"))],
# de German validSubLocales="de_AT de_BE de_CH de_DE de_LI de_LU" no
# contractions in standard collation.
# el Greek validSubLocales="el_CY el_GR" no contractions.
# es Spanish validSubLocales="es_419 es_AR es_BO es_CL es_CO es_CR es_CU
# es_DO es_EA es_EC es_ES es_GQ es_GT es_HN es_IC es_MX es_NI es_PA es_PE
# es_PH es_PR es_PY es_SV es_US es_UY es_VE" no contractions in standard
# collation.
# fi Finish validSubLocales="fi_FI" no contractions in default (phonebook)
# collation.
# fr French no collation data.
# he Hebrew validSubLocales="he_IL" no contractions
# hr Croation validSubLocales="hr_BA hr_HR"
"hr" : [((cuni(""), cuni("")), cuni("")),
((cuni("lj"), cuni("Lj"), cuni('LJ')), cuni("LJ")),
((cuni("Nj"), cuni("NJ"), cuni("nj")), cuni("NJ"))],
# Hungarian hu_HU for two and three character contractions.
"hu" : [((cuni("cs"), cuni("Cs"), cuni("CS")), cuni("CS")),
((cuni("dzs"), cuni("Dzs"), cuni("DZS")), cuni("DZS")), # order is important
((cuni("dz"), cuni("Dz"), cuni("DZ")), cuni("DZ")),
((cuni("gy"), cuni("Gy"), cuni("GY")), cuni("GY")),
((cuni("ly"), cuni("Ly"), cuni("LY")), cuni("LY")),
((cuni("ny"), cuni("Ny"), cuni("NY")), cuni("NY")),
((cuni("sz"), cuni("Sz"), cuni("SZ")), cuni("SZ")),
((cuni("ty"), cuni("Ty"), cuni("TY")), cuni("TY")),
((cuni("zs"), cuni("Zs"), cuni("ZS")), cuni("ZS"))
# it Italian no collation data.
# ja Japanese unable to process the data as it is too complex.
# lt Lithuanian no contractions.
# Norwegian Bokmål
"nb" : [((cuni("aa"), cuni("Aa"), cuni("AA")), cuni("Å"))],
# nn Norwegian Nynorsk validSubLocales="nn_NO"
"nn" : [((cuni("aa"), cuni("Aa"), cuni("AA")), cuni("Å"))],
# nl Dutch no collation data.
# pl Polish validSubLocales="pl_PL" no contractions
# pt Portuguese no collation data.
# ru Russian validSubLocales="ru_BY ru_KG ru_KZ ru_MD ru_RU ru_UA" no
# contractions
# Slovak, validSubLocales="sk_SK" Slovak_Slovakia
# having DZ in Slovak as a contraction was rejected in
"sk" : [((cuni("ch"), cuni("cH"), cuni("Ch"), cuni("CH")), cuni("Ch"))],
# sl Slovenian validSubLocales="sl_SI" no contractions
# sv Swedish validSubLocales="sv_AX sv_FI sv_SE" default collation is
# "reformed" no contractions.
# vi Vietnamese validSubLocales="vi_VN" no contractions.
# zh Chinese validSubLocales="zh_Hans zh_Hans_CN zh_Hans_SG" no contractions
# in Latin characters the others are too complex.
# return menu set letters for alphabet_navigation
return first_letters
def alphabet_navigation(menu_set):
Will create the alphabet navigation bar for classes IndividualListPage,
SurnameListPage, PlaceListPage, and EventList
@param: menu_set -- a dictionary of either letters or words
sorted_set = defaultdict(int)
# The comment below from the glibc locale sv_SE in
# localedata/locales/sv_SE :
@ -8594,9 +8641,133 @@ def alphabet_navigation(menu_set):
# See : = 2933
lang_country = glocale.get_translation().language()
for menu_item in menu_set:
# HOWEVER: the characters V and W in Swedish are not considered as a special
# case for several reasons. (1) The default collation for Swedish (called the
# 'reformed' collation type) regards the difference between 'v' and 'w' as a
# primary difference. (2) 'v' and 'w' in the 'standard' (non-default) collation
# type are not a contraction, just a case where the difference is secondary
# rather than primary. (3) There are plenty of other languages where a
# difference that is primary in other languages is secondary, and those are not
# specially handled.
def first_letter(string):
recieves a string and returns the first letter
if string is None or len(string) < 1:
return cuni(' ')
norm_unicode = normalize('NFKC', cuni(string))
contractions = contractions_dict.get(COLLATE_LANG)
if contractions == None:
contractions = contractions_dict.get(COLLATE_LANG.split("_")[0])
if contractions is not None:
for contraction in contractions:
count = len(contraction[0][0])
if len(norm_unicode) >= count and \
norm_unicode[:count] in contraction[0]:
return contraction[1]
# no special case
return norm_unicode[0].upper()
import PyICU
PRIM_COLL = PyICU.Collator.createInstance(PyICU.Locale(COLLATE_LANG))
def primary_difference(prev_key, new_key):
return, new_key) != 0
def primary_difference(prev_key, new_key):
# Returns true if there is a primary difference between the two parameters.
# See if
# letter[i]+'a' < letter[i+1]+'b' and letter[i+1]+'a' < letter[i]+'b' is
# true then the letters should be grouped together
# The test characters here must not be any that are used in contractions.
return SORT_KEY(prev_key + cuni("e")) >= SORT_KEY(new_key + cuni("f")) or\
SORT_KEY(new_key + cuni("e")) >= SORT_KEY(prev_key + cuni("f"))
def get_first_letters(dbase, handle_list, key):
get the first letters of the handle_list
@param: handle_list = one of a handle list for either person or place handles
or an evt types list
@param: key = either a person, place, or event type
The first letter (or letters if there is a contraction) are extracted from
all the objects in the handle list. There may be duplicates, and there may
be letters where there is only a secondary or tertiary difference, not a
primary difference. The list is sorted in collation order. For each group
with secondary or tertiary differences, the first in collation sequence is
retained. For example, assume the default collation sequence (DUCET) and
names Ånström and Apple. These will sort in the order shown. Å and A have a
secondary difference. If the first letter from these names was chosen then
the inex entry would be Å. This is not desirable. Instead, the initial
letters are extracted (Å and A). These are sorted, which gives A and Å. Then
the first of these is used for the index entry.
index_list = []
for handle in handle_list:
if key == _KEYPERSON:
keyname = __get_person_keyname(dbase, handle)
elif key == _KEYPLACE:
keyname = __get_place_keyname(dbase, handle)
keyname = handle
ltr = first_letter(keyname)
# Now remove letters where there is not a primary difference
first = True
for key in index_list[:]: #iterate over a slice copy of the list
if first or primary_difference(prev_index, key):
first = False
prev_index = key
# return menu set letters for alphabet_navigation
return index_list
def get_index_letter(letter, index_list):
This finds the letter in the index_list that has no primary difference from
the letter provided. See the discussion in get_first_letters above.
Continuing the example, if letter is Å and index_list is A, then this would
return A.
for index in index_list:
if not primary_difference(letter, index):
return index
log.warning("Initial letter '%s' not found in alphabetic navigation list" %
log.debug("filtered sorted index list %s" % index_list)
return letter
def alphabet_navigation(index_list):
Will create the alphabet navigation bar for classes IndividualListPage,
SurnameListPage, PlaceListPage, and EventList
@param: index_list -- a dictionary of either letters or words
sorted_set = defaultdict(int)
for menu_item in index_list:
sorted_set[menu_item] += 1
# remove the number of each occurance of each letter
@ -8604,7 +8775,7 @@ def alphabet_navigation(menu_set):
# if no letters, return None to its callers
if not sorted_alpha_index:
return None, []
return None
num_ltrs = len(sorted_alpha_index)
num_of_cols = 26
@ -8620,26 +8791,20 @@ def alphabet_navigation(menu_set):
cols = 0
while (cols <= num_of_cols and index < num_ltrs):
menu_item = sorted_alpha_index[index]
if lang_country == "sv" and menu_item == cuni('V'):
hyper = Html("a", "V,W", href = "#V,W", title = "V,W")
# adding title to hyperlink menu for screen readers and braille writers
if menu_item == ' ':
menu_item = '&nbsp;'
title_str = _("Alphabet Menu: %s") % menu_item
hyper = Html("a", menu_item, title = title_str, href = "#%s" % menu_item)
Html("li", hyper, inline = True)
if menu_item == ' ':
menu_item = '&nbsp;'
# adding title to hyperlink menu for screen readers and braille writers
title_str = _("Alphabet Menu: %s") % menu_item
hyper = Html("a", menu_item, title = title_str, href = "#%s" % menu_item)
unordered.extend(Html("li", hyper, inline = True))
index += 1
cols += 1
num_of_rows -= 1
alphabetnavigation += unordered
# EventListPage will reuse sorted_alpha_index
return alphabetnavigation, sorted_alpha_index
return alphabetnavigation
def _has_webpage_extension(url):