NarrativeWeb is broken until further notice, please bare with me for a day or so.

svn: r12854
This commit is contained in:
Rob G. Healey 2009-07-31 11:30:14 +00:00
parent fe64fe1214
commit 9e5cc9d93a

@ -189,6 +189,12 @@ def name_to_md5(text):
"""This creates an MD5 hex string to be used as filename."""
return md5(text).hexdigest()
def conf_priv(obj):
if obj.get_privacy() != 0:
return ' priv="%d"' % obj.get_privacy()
return ''
class BasePage(object):
This is the base class to write certain HTML pages.
@ -225,6 +231,44 @@ class BasePage(object):
self.linkhome = report.options['linkhome']
self.create_media = report.options['gallery']
def dump_source_references(self, db, sourcelist):
""" Dump a list of source references """
ordered = Html('ol')
list = Html('li')
ordered += list
source_dict = {}
# Sort the sources
for handle in sourcelist:
# if source is not None, then add it?
source = db.get_source_from_handle(handle)
if source is not None:
key = source.get_title() + str(source.get_gramps_id())
source_dict[key] = (source, handle)
keys = sorted(source_dict, key=locale.strxfrm)
for cindex, key in enumerate(keys):
(source, handle) = source_dict[key]
source_title = source.get_title()
list += self.source_link(handle, title, cindex+1, source.gramps_id, True)
# return ordered list to its callers
return ordered
def source_link(self, handle, name, cindex, gid=None, up=False):
url =, 'src', up)
# begin hyperlink
hyper = Html('a', html_escape(name), href=url, title=name)
if not self.noid and gid:
hyper += Html('span', '[%s]' % gid, class_='grampsid', inline=True)
# return hyperlink to its callers
return hyper
def get_note_format(self, note):
will get the note from the database, and will return either the
@ -403,28 +447,7 @@ class BasePage(object):
with Html('div', class_='subsection', id='sourcerefs') as section:
section += Html('h4', _('Source References'), inline=True)
ordered = Html('ol')
section += ordered
list = Html('li')
ordered += list
source_dict = {}
# Sort the sources
for handle in sourcelist:
# if source is not None, then add it?
source = db.get_source_from_handle(handle)
if source is not None:
key = source.get_title() + str(source.get_gramps_id())
print key
source_dict[key] = (source, handle)
keys = sorted(source_dict, key=locale.strxfrm)
for index, key in enumerate(keys):
(source, handle) = source_dict[key]
source_title = source.get_title()
list += self.source_link(handle, title, cindex+1, source.gramps_id, True)
section += self.dump_source_references(db, sourcelist)
# return division to its caller
return section
@ -1028,17 +1051,6 @@ class BasePage(object):
# return thumbnail division to its callers
return thumbnail
def source_link(self, handle, name, cindex, gid=None, up=False):
url =, 'src', up)
# begin hyperlink
hyper = Html('a', html_escape(name), href=url, title=name)
if not self.noid and gid:
hyper += Html('span', '[%s]' % gid, class_='grampsid', inline=True)
# return hyperlink to its callers
return hyper
def repository_link(self, handle, name, cindex, gid=None, up=False):
url =, 'repo', up)
@ -2731,10 +2743,15 @@ class IndividualPage(BasePage):
if sect5 is not None:
individualdetail += sect5
# display address(es)
sect6 = self.display_addresses()
# display LDS ordinance
sect6 = self.display_lds_ordinance(self.person)
if sect6 is not None:
individualdetail += sect6
individualdetail += sect6
# display address(es)
sect7 = self.display_addresses()
if sect7 is not None:
individualdetail += sect7
media_list = []
photo_list = self.person.get_media_list()
@ -2752,35 +2769,35 @@ class IndividualPage(BasePage):
media_list += event.get_media_list()
# display additional images as gallery
sect7 = self.display_additional_images_as_gallery(media_list)
if sect7 is not None:
individualdetail += sect7
# display notes
sect8 = self.display_note_list(self.person.get_note_list())
sect8 = self.display_additional_images_as_gallery(media_list)
if sect8 is not None:
individualdetail += sect8
# display web links
sect9 = self.display_url_list(self.person.get_url_list())
# display notes
sect9 = self.display_note_list(self.person.get_note_list())
if sect9 is not None:
individualdetail += sect9
# display sources
sect10 = self.display_ind_sources()
# display web links
sect10 = self.display_url_list(self.person.get_url_list())
if sect10 is not None:
individualdetail += sect10
# display pedigree
sect11 = self.display_ind_pedigree()
# display sources
sect11 = self.display_ind_sources()
if sect11 is not None:
individualdetail += sect11
# display pedigree
sect12 = self.display_ind_pedigree()
if sect12 is not None:
individualdetail += sect12
# display ancestor tree
if report.options['graph']:
sect12 = self.display_tree()
if sect12 is not None:
individualdetail += sect12
sect13 = self.display_tree()
if sect13 is not None:
individualdetail += sect13
# add clearline for proper styling
# create footer section
@ -3302,6 +3319,60 @@ class IndividualPage(BasePage):
# return address division to its caller
return section
def display_lds_ordinance(self, obj, sealed=True):
display LDS information for a person or family
@param: obj -- an individual
-- a family
@param: sealed -- True = Parents
-- False = Spouse
ldsordlist = obj.get_lds_ord_list()
if not ldsordlist:
return None
db =
# begin LDS Ordinance division and section title
with Html('div', class_='subsection', id='LDSOrdinance') as section:
section += Html('h4', _('Latter-Day Saints (LDS) Ordinance'), inline=True)
# begin LDS table
with Html('table', class_='infolist ldsinfo') as table:
section += table
# begin table head
thead = Html('thead')
table += thead
# get ordinance header row
trow = write_ord_header(sealed)
thead += trow
# begin table body
tbody = Html('tbody')
table += tbody
for ord in ldsordlist:
trow = write_ord_data_row(db, ord)
tbody += trow
# notes
notelist = self.display_note_list(ord.get_note_list())
if notelist is not None:
section += notelist
# source references
sourcerefs = self.write_source_refs(ord.get_source_references())
if sourcerefs is not None:
section += sourcerefs
# return section to its caller
return section
def display_child_link(self, child_handle):
display child link ...
@ -3680,43 +3751,95 @@ class IndividualPage(BasePage):
# there is a table started underneath a table cell???
family_events = family.get_event_ref_list()
trow = Html('tr') + (
Html('td', ' ', class_='ColumnType', inline=True),
Html('td', ' ', class_='ColumnAttribute', inline=True)
table += trow
# here is where the mess happens...
tcell = Html('td', class_='ColumnValue')
trow += tcell
formatted_event = self.format_event(family_events)
tcell += formatted_event
if formatted_event is not None:
trow = Html('tr') + (
Html('td', ' ', class_='ColumnType', inline=True),
Html('td', ' ', class_='ColumnAttribute', inline=True)
Html('td', formatted_event, class_='ColumnValue')
table += trow
# get attributes
for attr in family.get_attribute_list():
attrType = str(attr.get_type())
if attrType:
# family LDS ordiannce list
trow = write_ord_header(False)
table += trow
for ord in family.get_lds_ord_list():
trow = write_ord_data_row(db, ord)
table += trow
# get ordinance notes
notelist = ord.get_note_list()
if notelist:
trow = Html('tr') + (
Html('td', ' ', class_='ColumnType', inline=True),
Html('td', attrType, class_='ColumnAttribute', inline=True),
Html('td', attr.get_value(), class_='ColumnValue', inline=True)
Html('td', ' ', class_='ColumnAttribute', inline=True),
Html('td', _('Narrative'), class_='ColumnAttribute', inline=True)
table += trow
for notehandle in notelist:
note = db.get_note_from_handle(notehandle)
if note:
note_text = self.get_note_format(note)
trow = Html('tr') + (
Html('td', ' ', class_='ColumnAttribute', inline=True),
Html('td', ' ', class_='ColumnAttribute', inline=True),
Html('td', note_text, class_='ColumnValue Note', inline=True)
table += trow
# get ordinance source references
sourcerefs = ord.get_source_references()
if sourcerefs:
trow = Html('tr') + (
Html('td', ' ', class_='ColumnAttribute', inline=True),
Html('td', _('Source references'), class_='columnAttribute', inline=True)
table += trow
srcrefs = self.dump_source_references(db, sourcelist)
trow += srcrefs
# get attributes
attrlist = family.get_attribute_list()
if attrlist:
trow = Html('tr') + (
Html('td', ' ', class_='ColumnAttribute', inline=True),
Html('td', ' ', class_='ColumnAttribute', inline=True),
Html('td', _('Attributes'), class_='ColumnAttribute', inline=True)
table += trow
for attr in family.get_attribute_list():
attrType = str(attr.get_type())
if attrType:
trow = Html('tr') + (
Html('td', ' ', class_='ColumnValue', inline=True),
Html('td', attrType, class_='ColumnValue', inline=True),
Html('td', attr.get_value(), class_='ColumnValue', inline=True)
table += trow
# get family notes
notelist = family.get_note_list()
for notehandle in notelist:
note = db.get_note_from_handle(notehandle)
if note:
note_text = self.get_note_format(note)
if notelist:
trow = Html('tr') + (
Html('td', ' ', class_='ColumnType', inline=True),
Html('td', _('Narrative'), class_='ColumnAttribute', inline=True),
Html('td', note_text, class_='ColumnValue')
trow = Html('tr') + (
Html('td', _('Narrative'), class_='ColumnAttribute', inline=True)
table += trow
for notehandle in notelist:
trow = Html('tr')
table += trow
note = db.get_note_from_handle(notehandle)
if note:
note_text = self.get_note_format(note)
trow += Html('td', note_text, class_='ColumnValue')
# return table to its caller
return table
@ -5099,7 +5222,42 @@ def add_birthdate(db, childlist):
return sorted_children
# ------------------------------------------
def write_ord_header(sealed):
ord_row = [_('Type'), _('Date'), _('Temple'), _('Place'), _('Status'),
_('Sealed to ') ]
# if True, then Parents else Spouse
ord_row[5] += 'Parents' if sealed else 'Spouse'
trow = Html('tr')
for column in ord_row:
trow += Html('th', column, class_='ColumnAttribute', inline=True)
# return table row to its callers
return trow
def write_ord_data_row(db, ord):
""" will dump the ordinance information either person or family """
# begin table row
trow = Html('tr')
for val in [
('Type', ord.type2xml()),
('Date', _dd.display(ord.get_date_object())),
('Temple', ord.get_temple()),
('Place', ReportUtils.place_name(db, ord.get_place_handle())),
('Status', ord.get_status()),
('Sealed', ord.get_family_handle()) ]:
value = val[1] or ' '
trow += Html('td', value, class_='ColumnValue %s' % val[0], inline=True)
# return table row to its callers
return trow
# -------------------------------------------
# Register Plugin