Fixes to alphabet_navigation().

svn: r13259
This commit is contained in:
Rob G. Healey 2009-09-26 19:13:21 +00:00
parent 534188f81a
commit b5f10aa476

View File

@ -4448,7 +4448,7 @@ class RepositoryListPage(BasePage):
tbody += trow
# index number -- lower roman numerals
tcell = Html("td", index + 1class_ = "ColumnRowLabel",
tcell = Html("td", index + 1, class_ = "ColumnRowLabel",
inline = True)
trow += tcell
@ -5756,18 +5756,6 @@ def get_first_letters(db, handle_list, key):
return first_letters
def _has_webpage_extension(url):
determine if a filename has an extension or not...
url = filename to be checked
for ext in _WEB_EXT:
if url.endswith(ext):
return True
return False
def alphabet_navigation(db, handle_list, key):
Will create the alphabet navigation bar for classes IndividualListPage,
@ -5807,42 +5795,49 @@ def alphabet_navigation(db, handle_list, key):
return None
# begin alphabet division
with Html("div", id='alphabet') as section:
with Html("div", id="alphabet") as alphabet_nav:
num_ltrs = len(sorted_alpha_index)
nrows = (num_ltrs / 35) + 1
nrows = ((num_ltrs / 34) + 1)
index = 0
first_letter = True
for rows in xrange(nrows):
unordered = Html('ul')
section += unordered
unordered = Html("ul")
alphabet_nav += unordered
cols = 0
while (cols <= 35 and index < num_ltrs):
while (cols <= 34 and index < num_ltrs):
list = Html("li", inline = True)
unordered += list
if first_letter:
list.attr = 'class = "CurrentSection" '
ltr = sorted_alpha_index[index]
title_str = _('Surnames') if key == 0 else _('Places')
title_str = _("Surnames") if key == 0 else _("Places")
if lang_country == "sv_SE" and ltr == u'V':
title_str += _(' starting with %s') % "V,W"
hyper = Html('a', "V,W", href="#V,W")
title_str += _(" starting with %s") % "V,W"
hyper = Html("a", "V,W", href="#V,W")
title_str += _(' starting with %s') % ltr
hyper = Html('a', ltr, href='#%s' % ltr)
hyper.attr += "title = %s" % title_str
title_str += _(" starting with %s") % ltr
hyper = Html("a", ltr, href="#%s" % ltr)
hyper.attr += " title = %s" % title_str
list += hyper
first_letter = False
cols += 1
index += 1
# return alphabet navigation to its callers
return section
return alphabet_nav
def _has_webpage_extension(url):
determine if a filename has an extension or not...
url = filename to be checked
for ext in _WEB_EXT:
if url.endswith(ext):
return True
return False
def add_birthdate(db, childlist):