* src/docgen/RTFDoc.py: Typo.

* src/Utils.py (get_xpm_image): Add function.
* src/plugins/AncestorReport.py (get_xpm_image): Remove
function, import it from Utils.py instead.
* src/plugins/Ancestors.py (get_xpm_image): Remove function;
Bring up to the database interface.

svn: r3105
This commit is contained in:
Alex Roitman 2004-04-25 04:48:02 +00:00
parent 2273250137
commit b86de1f6be
5 changed files with 179 additions and 225 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
2004-04-23 Alex Roitman <shura@alex.neuro.umn.edu>
* src/docgen/RTFDoc.py: Typo.
* src/Utils.py (get_xpm_image): Add function.
* src/plugins/AncestorReport.py (get_xpm_image): Remove
function, import it from Utils.py instead.
* src/plugins/Ancestors.py (get_xpm_image): Remove function;
Bring up to the database interface.
2004-04-23 Alex Roitman <shura@alex.neuro.umn.edu>
* src/docgen/RTFDoc.py: Completely switch from grampslib.
* src/docgen/PdfDoc.py: Typo.

View File

@ -645,3 +645,93 @@ def unbold_label(label):
text = string.replace(text,'</b>','')
# XPM Image for reports and tools
def get_xpm_image():
return [
"48 48 33 1",
" c None",
". c #1A1A1A",
"+ c #847B6E",
"@ c #B7AC9C",
"# c #D1D1D0",
"$ c #EEE2D0",
"% c #6A655C",
"& c #868686",
"* c #F1EADF",
"= c #5C5854",
"- c #B89C73",
"; c #E2C8A1",
"> c #55524C",
", c #F5EEE6",
"' c #4F4E4C",
") c #A19C95",
"! c #B3966E",
"~ c #CDC8BF",
"{ c #F6F2ED",
"] c #A6A5A4",
"^ c #413F3F",
"/ c #D8D1C5",
"( c #968977",
"_ c #BAB9B6",
": c #FAFAF9",
"< c #BEA27B",
"[ c #E9DAC2",
"} c #9D9385",
"| c #E4E3E3",
"1 c #7A7062",
"2 c #E6D3B4",
"3 c #BAA488",
"4 c #322E2B",
" ",
" ",
" (+(+++++111%1%%%%===%1 ",
" +______________@_@)&==1 ",
" +_::::::::::::::*|#_&&}> ",
" &_:::::::::::::::{|#]1~}^ ",
" +_::::::::::::::::{|#=|~&4 ",
" +_::::]]]]]]]]:::::|{':|~&4 ",
" +_::::::::::::::::::{'::|~&4 ",
" +_:::::::::::::::::::'*::|~&^ ",
" +_:::::::::::::::::::'|*::|~}> ",
" 1_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]:::'~|{::|_}% ",
" 1_:::::::::::::::::::'..4^'=1+%1 ",
" +_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]:::|__])&+%=^% ",
" 1_::::::::::::::::::::|#__)&&+'^ ",
" 1_::::]]]]]]]]]::::::::|#~_])&%^ ",
" 1_::::::::::::::::::::{||#~_])14 ",
" 1_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]&}#~_]+4 ",
" 1_::::::::::::::::::{{{{||#~~@&4 ",
" %_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]])))}(~~~&4 ",
" %_:::::::::::::::::{{{{{*|#/~_(4 ",
" %_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]]]])))))}2;/}4 ",
" %_:::::::::::::::{{{{{***||[#~}4 ",
" %_::::]]]]]]]]]])]))))))))}2/;)4 ",
" %_::::::::::::::{{{{{**|$$[/2~!4 ",
" %_::::]]]]]]]]){{{{******$$[2/}4 ",
" %_::::::::::::{{{{****$$$$$[2/!4 ",
" =_::::]]]]]]])]))))))))})}}[2/!4 ",
" %_:::::::::{{{{{{**|$$$$$$[[2;)4 ",
" =_::::]]]])]]))))))))))}}}}[22!4 ",
" %_::::::::{{{{{|**|$$[$[[[[[22}4 ",
" =_::::]]])])))))))))}}}}}}}222-4 ",
" =_:::::{{{{{|{*|$$$$$[[[[22222!4 ",
" =_::::)]])))))))))}}}}}}(}(2;2-4 ",
" =_:::{{{{{{***|$$$$$[[[[22222;-4 ",
" =_:::{])))))))))}}}}}}}(}((2;;<4 ",
" >_:{{{{{{**|$$$$$[[[[22222;2;;-4 ",
" >_{{{{)))))))}}}}}}}(!(((((;;;-4 ",
" >_{{{{|**|*$$$$$[[[[22222;;;;;!4 ",
" '_{{{{****$$$$$2[[222222;2;;;;-4 ",
" '@{{****$$$$$[[[2[222;;2;;;;;;!4 ",
" >]{******$$$[$[2[[2222;;;;;;;;!4 ",
" '_****$$$$[$[[[[2222;2;;;;;;;;!4 ",
" '@__@@@@@@@33<3<<<<<<-<-!!!!!!!4 ",
" 44444444444444444444444444444444 ",
" ",
" ",
" "]

View File

@ -431,4 +431,4 @@ try:
Plugins.register_text_doc(type, RTFDoc, 1, 0, 1, ".rtf", print_label)
Plugins.register_text_doc('RTF document', RTFDoc, 1, 0, 1, ".rtf", print_label)
Plugins.register_text_doc('RTF document', RTFDoc, 1, 0, 1, ".rtf", None)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Donald N. Allingham
# Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Donald N. Allingham
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# $Id$
"Text Reports/Ahnentafel Report"
@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ import Report
import BaseDoc
import RelLib
import Errors
from Utils import get_xpm_image
from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog
from gettext import gettext as _
@ -429,95 +432,6 @@ def _make_default_style(default_style):
para.set_description(_('The basic style used for the text display.'))
def get_xpm_image():
return [
"48 48 33 1",
" c None",
". c #1A1A1A",
"+ c #847B6E",
"@ c #B7AC9C",
"# c #D1D1D0",
"$ c #EEE2D0",
"% c #6A655C",
"& c #868686",
"* c #F1EADF",
"= c #5C5854",
"- c #B89C73",
"; c #E2C8A1",
"> c #55524C",
", c #F5EEE6",
"' c #4F4E4C",
") c #A19C95",
"! c #B3966E",
"~ c #CDC8BF",
"{ c #F6F2ED",
"] c #A6A5A4",
"^ c #413F3F",
"/ c #D8D1C5",
"( c #968977",
"_ c #BAB9B6",
": c #FAFAF9",
"< c #BEA27B",
"[ c #E9DAC2",
"} c #9D9385",
"| c #E4E3E3",
"1 c #7A7062",
"2 c #E6D3B4",
"3 c #BAA488",
"4 c #322E2B",
" ",
" ",
" (+(+++++111%1%%%%===%1 ",
" +______________@_@)&==1 ",
" +_::::::::::::::*|#_&&}> ",
" &_:::::::::::::::{|#]1~}^ ",
" +_::::::::::::::::{|#=|~&4 ",
" +_::::]]]]]]]]:::::|{':|~&4 ",
" +_::::::::::::::::::{'::|~&4 ",
" +_:::::::::::::::::::'*::|~&^ ",
" +_:::::::::::::::::::'|*::|~}> ",
" 1_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]:::'~|{::|_}% ",
" 1_:::::::::::::::::::'..4^'=1+%1 ",
" +_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]:::|__])&+%=^% ",
" 1_::::::::::::::::::::|#__)&&+'^ ",
" 1_::::]]]]]]]]]::::::::|#~_])&%^ ",
" 1_::::::::::::::::::::{||#~_])14 ",
" 1_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]&}#~_]+4 ",
" 1_::::::::::::::::::{{{{||#~~@&4 ",
" %_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]])))}(~~~&4 ",
" %_:::::::::::::::::{{{{{*|#/~_(4 ",
" %_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]]]])))))}2;/}4 ",
" %_:::::::::::::::{{{{{***||[#~}4 ",
" %_::::]]]]]]]]]])]))))))))}2/;)4 ",
" %_::::::::::::::{{{{{**|$$[/2~!4 ",
" %_::::]]]]]]]]){{{{******$$[2/}4 ",
" %_::::::::::::{{{{****$$$$$[2/!4 ",
" =_::::]]]]]]])]))))))))})}}[2/!4 ",
" %_:::::::::{{{{{{**|$$$$$$[[2;)4 ",
" =_::::]]]])]]))))))))))}}}}[22!4 ",
" %_::::::::{{{{{|**|$$[$[[[[[22}4 ",
" =_::::]]])])))))))))}}}}}}}222-4 ",
" =_:::::{{{{{|{*|$$$$$[[[[22222!4 ",
" =_::::)]])))))))))}}}}}}(}(2;2-4 ",
" =_:::{{{{{{***|$$$$$[[[[22222;-4 ",
" =_:::{])))))))))}}}}}}}(}((2;;<4 ",
" >_:{{{{{{**|$$$$$[[[[22222;2;;-4 ",
" >_{{{{)))))))}}}}}}}(!(((((;;;-4 ",
" >_{{{{|**|*$$$$$[[[[22222;;;;;!4 ",
" '_{{{{****$$$$$2[[222222;2;;;;-4 ",
" '@{{****$$$$$[[[2[222;;2;;;;;;!4 ",
" >]{******$$$[$[2[[2222;;;;;;;;!4 ",
" '_****$$$$[$[[[[2222;2;;;;;;;;!4 ",
" '@__@@@@@@@33<3<<<<<<-<-!!!!!!!4 ",
" 44444444444444444444444444444444 ",
" ",
" ",
" "]

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import BaseDoc
import RelLib
import Errors
import Plugins
from Utils import get_xpm_image
from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog
from gettext import gettext as _
@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report):
needs_name = 1))
family_ids = [self.start.get_main_parents_family_id ()]
if len (family_ids) > 0:
self.generation (self.max_generations, family_ids, [], [self.start])
self.generation (self.max_generations, family_ids, [], [self.start.get_id()])
if len (self.sources) > 0:
self.doc.start_paragraph ("AR-Heading")
@ -190,14 +191,14 @@ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report):
mother = self.database.find_person_from_id(mother_id)
if father:
ret.extend (self.person (father_id,
short_form = father in already_described,
short_form = father_id in already_described,
already_described = already_described,
needs_name = not mother,
from_family = family))
if mother:
ret.extend (self.person (mother_id,
short_form = mother in already_described,
short_form = mother_id in already_described,
already_described = already_described,
needs_name = not father,
from_family = family))
@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report):
for child_id in children_ids:
child = self.database.find_person_from_id(child_id)
ret.extend (self.person (child_id, suppress_children = 1,
short_form=child in already_described,
short_form=child_id in already_described,
already_described = already_described,
needs_name = 1,
from_family = family))
@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report):
father_id = family.get_father_id ()
father = self.database.find_person_from_id(father_id)
if father:
already_described.append (father)
already_described.append (father_id)
father_family_id = father.get_main_parents_family_id ()
father_family = self.database.find_family_from_id(father_family_id)
if father_family:
@ -285,7 +286,7 @@ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report):
mother_id = family.get_mother_id ()
mother = self.database.find_person_from_id(mother_id)
if mother:
already_described.append (mother)
already_described.append (mother_id)
mother_family_id = mother.get_main_parents_family_id ()
mother_family = self.database.find_family_from_id(mother_family_id)
if mother_family:
@ -342,10 +343,11 @@ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report):
if (suppress_children or
(partner != from_family_father and
partner != from_family_mother)):
for photo in partner.get_media_list ()[:1]:
if photo.ref.get_mime_type()[0:5] == "image":
for object_id in partner.get_media_list ()[:1]:
mobject = self.database.find_object_from_id(object_id)
if mobject.get_mime_type()[0:5] == "image":
spouse.append ((self.doc.add_media_object,
[photo.ref.get_path (),
[mobject.get_path (),
'right', 2, 2]))
if suppress_children and len (already_described):
@ -373,10 +375,11 @@ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report):
ret.append ((self.doc.end_cell, []))
ret.append ((self.doc.start_cell, ["AR-Photo"]))
for photo in photos[:1]:
if photo.ref.get_mime_type()[0:5] == "image":
for object_id in photos[:1]:
mobject = self.database.find_object_from_id(object_id)
if mobject.get_mime_type()[0:5] == "image":
ret.append ((self.doc.add_media_object,
[photo.ref.get_path (), 'left', 2, 2]))
[mobject.get_path (), 'left', 2, 2]))
ret.append ((self.doc.end_cell, []))
ret.append ((self.doc.start_cell, ["AR-Entry"]))
@ -406,7 +409,10 @@ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report):
def short_occupation (self, person):
occupation = ''
for event in person.get_event_list ():
for event_id in person.get_event_list ():
if not event_id:
event = self.database.find_event_from_id(event_id)
if event.get_name () == 'Occupation':
if occupation:
return ''
@ -433,12 +439,12 @@ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report):
text = dateobj.get_text()
if text:
info += ' ' + text[0].lower() + text[1:]
elif dateobj.getValid ():
if dateobj.isRange ():
elif dateobj.get_valid ():
if dateobj.is_range ():
info += ' ' + dateobj.get_date ()
elif (dateobj.getDayValid () and
dateobj.getMonthValid () and
dateobj.getYearValid ()):
elif (dateobj.get_day_valid () and
dateobj.get_month_valid () and
dateobj.get_year_valid ()):
info += _(' on %(specific_date)s') % \
{'specific_date': dateobj.get_date ()}
@ -480,13 +486,18 @@ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report):
def abbrev_born_died (self, person):
ret = ''
birth = person.get_birth ()
birth_id = person.get_birth_id ()
if birth_id:
birth = self.database.find_event_from_id(birth_id)
date = birth.get_date ()
if date:
ret += _(" b. %(date)s") % {'date': date}
ret += self.cite_sources (birth.get_source_references ())
death = person.get_death ()
death_id = person.get_death_id ()
if death_id:
death = self.database.find_event_from_id(death_id)
date = death.get_date ()
if date:
ret += _(" d. %(date)s)") % {'date': date}
@ -496,11 +507,17 @@ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report):
def long_born_died (self, person):
ret = ''
born_info = self.event_info (person.get_birth ())
birth_id = person.get_birth_id ()
if birth_id:
birth = self.database.find_event_from_id(birth_id)
born_info = self.event_info (birth)
if born_info:
ret = ", " + _("born") + born_info
died_info = self.event_info (person.get_death ())
death_id = person.get_death_id()
if death_id:
death = self.database.find_event_from_id(death_id)
died_info = self.event_info (death)
if died_info:
if born_info:
ret += '; '
@ -654,7 +671,7 @@ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report):
mother = self.database.find_person_from_id(mother_id)
for spouse_id in [family.get_father_id (), mother_id]:
spouse = self.database.find_person_from_id(spouse_id)
if spouse == person or not spouse:
if spouse_id == person.get_id() or not spouse_id:
children = ''
@ -682,7 +699,16 @@ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report):
count += 1
marriage = family.get_marriage ()
for event_id in family.get_event_list():
if event_id:
event = self.database.find_event_from_id(event_id)
if event.get_name() == "Marriage":
marriage = event
#marriage = family.get_marriage ()
if not first_marriage:
if gender == RelLib.Person.female:
ret += _(' She later married %(name)s') % \
@ -747,9 +773,9 @@ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report):
paras = []
names = person.get_alternate_names ()
events = person.get_event_list ()
event_ids = person.get_event_list ()
addresses = person.get_address_list ()
if (len (events) + len (addresses) + len (names)) > 0:
if (len (event_ids) + len (addresses) + len (names)) > 0:
paras.append ((self.doc.start_paragraph, ['AR-SubEntry']))
paras.append ((self.doc.write_text,
[_("More about %(name)s:") %
@ -763,14 +789,20 @@ class ComprehensiveAncestorsReport (Report.Report):
': ' + name.get_regular_name ()]))
paras.append ((self.doc.end_paragraph, []))
for event in [person.get_birth (), person.get_death ()]:
for event_id in [person.get_birth_id (), person.get_death_id ()]:
if not event_id:
event = self.database.find_event_from_id(event_id)
note = event.get_note ()
note_format = event.get_note_format ()
if note and (note_format != 0):
paras.append ((self.doc.write_note, [note, format,
for event in events:
for event_id in event_ids:
if not event_id:
event = self.database.find_event_from_id(event_id)
paras.append ((self.doc.start_paragraph, ['AR-Details']))
paras.append ((self.doc.write_text, [self.event_info (event)]))
paras.append ((self.doc.end_paragraph, []))
@ -1039,96 +1071,6 @@ def write_book_item(database,person,doc,options,newpage=0):
import DisplayTrace
def get_xpm_image():
return [
"48 48 33 1",
" c None",
". c #1A1A1A",
"+ c #847B6E",
"@ c #B7AC9C",
"# c #D1D1D0",
"$ c #EEE2D0",
"% c #6A655C",
"& c #868686",
"* c #F1EADF",
"= c #5C5854",
"- c #B89C73",
"; c #E2C8A1",
"> c #55524C",
", c #F5EEE6",
"' c #4F4E4C",
") c #A19C95",
"! c #B3966E",
"~ c #CDC8BF",
"{ c #F6F2ED",
"] c #A6A5A4",
"^ c #413F3F",
"/ c #D8D1C5",
"( c #968977",
"_ c #BAB9B6",
": c #FAFAF9",
"< c #BEA27B",
"[ c #E9DAC2",
"} c #9D9385",
"| c #E4E3E3",
"1 c #7A7062",
"2 c #E6D3B4",
"3 c #BAA488",
"4 c #322E2B",
" ",
" ",
" (+(+++++111%1%%%%===%1 ",
" +______________@_@)&==1 ",
" +_::::::::::::::*|#_&&}> ",
" &_:::::::::::::::{|#]1~}^ ",
" +_::::::::::::::::{|#=|~&4 ",
" +_::::]]]]]]]]:::::|{':|~&4 ",
" +_::::::::::::::::::{'::|~&4 ",
" +_:::::::::::::::::::'*::|~&^ ",
" +_:::::::::::::::::::'|*::|~}> ",
" 1_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]:::'~|{::|_}% ",
" 1_:::::::::::::::::::'..4^'=1+%1 ",
" +_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]:::|__])&+%=^% ",
" 1_::::::::::::::::::::|#__)&&+'^ ",
" 1_::::]]]]]]]]]::::::::|#~_])&%^ ",
" 1_::::::::::::::::::::{||#~_])14 ",
" 1_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]&}#~_]+4 ",
" 1_::::::::::::::::::{{{{||#~~@&4 ",
" %_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]])))}(~~~&4 ",
" %_:::::::::::::::::{{{{{*|#/~_(4 ",
" %_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]]]])))))}2;/}4 ",
" %_:::::::::::::::{{{{{***||[#~}4 ",
" %_::::]]]]]]]]]])]))))))))}2/;)4 ",
" %_::::::::::::::{{{{{**|$$[/2~!4 ",
" %_::::]]]]]]]]){{{{******$$[2/}4 ",
" %_::::::::::::{{{{****$$$$$[2/!4 ",
" =_::::]]]]]]])]))))))))})}}[2/!4 ",
" %_:::::::::{{{{{{**|$$$$$$[[2;)4 ",
" =_::::]]]])]]))))))))))}}}}[22!4 ",
" %_::::::::{{{{{|**|$$[$[[[[[22}4 ",
" =_::::]]])])))))))))}}}}}}}222-4 ",
" =_:::::{{{{{|{*|$$$$$[[[[22222!4 ",
" =_::::)]])))))))))}}}}}}(}(2;2-4 ",
" =_:::{{{{{{***|$$$$$[[[[22222;-4 ",
" =_:::{])))))))))}}}}}}}(}((2;;<4 ",
" >_:{{{{{{**|$$$$$[[[[22222;2;;-4 ",
" >_{{{{)))))))}}}}}}}(!(((((;;;-4 ",
" >_{{{{|**|*$$$$$[[[[22222;;;;;!4 ",
" '_{{{{****$$$$$2[[222222;2;;;;-4 ",
" '@{{****$$$$$[[[2[222;;2;;;;;;!4 ",
" >]{******$$$[$[2[[2222;;;;;;;;!4 ",
" '_****$$$$[$[[[[2222;2;;;;;;;;!4 ",
" '@__@@@@@@@33<3<<<<<<-<-!!!!!!!4 ",
" 44444444444444444444444444444444 ",
" ",
" ",
" "]