Updated documentation

svn: r77
This commit is contained in:
Don Allingham 2001-06-02 14:45:42 +00:00
parent 5441ca4944
commit c9816c6ceb
2 changed files with 248 additions and 48 deletions

doc/gramps.1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
.TH "gramps" "1" "0.1.x" "Brandon L. Griffith" ""
gramps \- Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System
gramps [\fIno option\fP]
Currently \fBgramps\fR does not accept any command line arguments
Gramps is an open source genealogy program. It is written in Python, using the GTK/GNOME interface.
Gramps should seem familiar to anyone who has used other geneology programs before such as \fIFamily Tree Maker for Windows(TM)\fR or the GNU Geneweb.
It supports importing of the ever popular GEDCOM format which is used world wide by almost all other geneology software.
.SH "Concepts"
Supports a python\-based plugin system, allowing import and export writers, report generators, tools, and display filters to be added without modification of the main program.
Data is stored in an gzip'ed XML format
Instead of generating direct printer output, report generators target other systems, such as \fIOpen Office\fR, \fIAbiWord\fR, HTML or LaTeX to allow the user to modify the format to suit his or her needs.
.SH "Authors"
Donald Allingham \fI<donaldallingham@home.com>\fR
This manpage was written by:
Brandon L. Griffith \fI<brandon@debian.org>\fR
Any ammendants or errors should be reported to him.
It was originally written for inclusion in the Debian GNU/Linux system.
See also the file \fBgramps.sgml\fR
On a Debian system this can be found in \fI/usr/doc/gramps\fR
Or in the doc directory of the official source distribution.

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<!-- if not using PNG graphic, replace reference above with
.....PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"[
<!ENTITY version "0.1.0"> <!-- replace with application version -->
<!ENTITY version "0.2.0"> <!-- replace with application version -->
@ -164,7 +164,6 @@
<!-- ================ Usage ================================ -->
<!-- This section should describe basic usage of the application. -->
@ -175,47 +174,176 @@
This section describes basic usage of
<!-- ========= Basic Usage =========================== -->
<sect2 id="mainwin">
<title>Person List</title>
Starting <application>gramps</application> opens the
<interface>Main window</interface>, shown in <xref
linkend="mainwindow-fig">. The window is at first empty.
<!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
<figure id="mainwindow-fig">
<title>gramps Main Window</title>
<screeninfo>gramps Main Window</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="mainwin" format="PNG" srccredit="Don Allingham">
<!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
<sect2 id="familyview">
<title>Family View</title>
<sect2 id="pedegreeview">
<title>Pedegree View</title>
<sect2 id="enteringdata">
<title>Entering data</title>
<sect1 id="firsttime">
<title>Running gramps for the first time.</title>
This section should discuss the start up druid.
<sect1 id="mainwindow">
<title>Main Window</title>
Starting <application>gramps</application> opens the
<interface>Main window</interface>, shown in <xref
linkend="mainwindow-fig">. The window is at first empty.
<!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
<figure id="mainwindow-fig">
<title>gramps Main Window</title>
<screeninfo>gramps Main Window</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="mainwin" format="PNG" srccredit="Don Allingham">
<!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
<!-- ========= Basic Usage =========================== -->
<sect1 id="personlist">
<title>Person List</title>
The Person List window is the initial view seen on the main
window. It displays the name, gender, birth date, and death
date of all individuals in the database. At any time, you can
return to the this view either by pressing the People button at
the top of the screen, or by choosing the
<guimenuitem>Person List</guimenuitem>
entry from the menus.
<title>Selecting and Editing Individuals</title>
The Person List view lists the individuals in the database. A
individual can be selected as the active person by clicking on
an entry in the list. Once a person has been selected as the active
person, the person's name appears in the status bar in the lower
left hand corner of the window.
Once the active person has been selected, pressing the Edit
Person button will display the Edit Person dialog allowing you
to edit the individual's personal information. If the Edit
Person button is pressed without an active person being set, a
blank Edit Person dialog is presented, allowing you to enter a
new person. Double-clicking on a entry will set the active
person and bring up the individual in the Edit Person dialog.
Pressing the Add Person button will display a blank Edit Person
dialog, allowing you to add a new person to the database.
If the Delete Person button is pressed, the active person and
all of the personal information related to the active person are
removed from the database.
<title>Applying Filters</title>
<application>gramps</application> allows you to apply filters to
the Person List. When a filter is applied, the Person List will
only display the entries matching the filter. All of the entries
remain in the database, but are temporarily hidden.
There are three parts to a filter. The first part is the
selection of the filter to be applied. A filter is selected from
the option menu directly above the Person List. The second part
is an option qualifier. This qualifier provides more specific
information for the filter. Many filters do not require the
qualifier, and it will be grayed out if not needed. The third
part of the filter is the invert selection. When this option is
selected, <application>gramps</application> will display the
entries that do not match the filter.
A filter is not applied until the Apply button is pressed. The
filter will remain in effect until the next time the Apply
button is pressed.
Four columns are shown in the Person List display. The entries in
the list can be sorted by three of the field: Name, Birth Date, or
Death Date. Clicking on the column label will cause the list to
be resorted by that column. Arrows on the label indicate whether
the list is sort by ascending or descending order.
If the list is already sorted by a particular column, clicking on
the same column label will switch sorting order. For example, if
the list is currently sorted in ascending order by Name, clicking
on the Name column header will resort the list in descending order.
<sect1 id="familyview">
<title>Family View</title>
The Family View window displays the spouses, parents, and children
of the active person. At any time, you can return to the this view
either by pressing the Family button at the top of the screen, or
by choosing the
<guimenuitem>Family View</guimenuitem>
entry from the menus.
This section should describe the family view.
<sect1 id="pedegreeview">
<title>Pedegree View</title>
The Pedegree View window displays the active person, the active
person's parents, and the active parent's grandparents in a somewhat
graphical manner. At any time, you can return to the this view
either by pressing the Pedegree button at the top of the screen, or
by choosing the
entry from the menus.
This section should describe the pedegree view.
<sect1 id="sourcelist">
<title>Source List</title>
The Source List window displays the different sources which have been
entered into the database. At any time, you can return to the this view
either by pressing the Sources button at the top of the screen, or
by choosing the
entry from the menus.
This section should describe the source list.
<!-- ============= Customization ============================= -->
@ -519,22 +647,48 @@ def need_qualifier():
<figure id="reportsrc">
<title>Sample report implementation</title>
"Category/report name"
import intl
_ = intl.gettext
def report(database,person):
... actual code ...
def get_description():
return "A detailed text description of what the report generator does"
return "A detailed text description of what the report generator does"
def get_name():
return _("Category/report name")
def get_xpm_image():
return [
"... XPM image data"
return [
"... XPM image data"
<sect2 id="alittlehelp">
<title>A little help - Format Interfaces</title>
<application>gramps</application> provides some help with writing
reports. Several generic python classes exist that aid in the
writing of report generators. These classes provide an abstract
interface for a type of document, such as a drawing, word
processor document, or a spreadsheet. From these core classes,
<application>gramps</application> derives interfaces to various
document formats. This means that by coding to the generic word
processing class (<function>TextDoc</function>), a report
generator can instant access to multiple file formats (such as
HTML, OpenOffice, and AbiWord).
This scheme of deriving a output format from a generic base class
also makes it easier to add new formats. Creating a new
derivied class targeting a different format (such as
<application>KWord</application> or
<application>LaTeX</application>) makes it easy for existing
report generators to use the new formats.
<!-- ============= Writing Tools ============================= -->
@ -640,4 +794,3 @@ def get_xpm_image():