* src/Editors/_EditNote.py: Following hyperlinks (not complete). * src/MarkupText.py (class MarkupBuffer): Pattern matching feature. svn: r8703
947 lines
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947 lines
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# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# $Id$
"Handling formatted ('rich text') strings"
__revision__ = "$Revision$"
__author__ = "Zsolt Foldvari"
# Python modules
from xml.sax import saxutils, xmlreader, ContentHandler
from xml.sax import parseString, SAXParseException
import re
from cStringIO import StringIO
from StringIO import StringIO
# Set up logging
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(".MarkupText")
# GTK modules
import gtk
# Constants
ROOT_ELEMENT = 'gramps'
MATCH_STRING,) = range(4)
def is_gramps_markup(text):
return (text[:LEN_ROOT_START_TAG] == ROOT_START_TAG and
def clear_root_tags(text):
return text[LEN_ROOT_START_TAG:len(text)-LEN_ROOT_END_TAG]
class MarkupParser(ContentHandler):
"""A simple ContentHandler class to parse Gramps markup'ed text.
Use it with xml.sax.parse() or xml.sax.parseString(). A root tag is
required. Parsing result can be obtained via the public attributes of
the class:
@attr content: clean text
@attr type: str
@attr elements: list of markup elements
@attr type: list[tuple((start, end), name, attrs),]
def startDocument(self):
self._open_document = False
self._open_elements = []
self.elements = []
self.content = ""
def endDocument(self):
self._open_document = False
if len(self._open_elements):
raise SAXParseException('Unclosed tags')
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if not self._open_document:
if name == ROOT_ELEMENT:
self._open_document = True
raise SAXParseException('Root element missing')
self._open_elements.append({'name': name,
'attrs': attrs.copy(),
'start': len(self.content),
def endElement(self, name):
# skip root element
if name == ROOT_ELEMENT:
for e in self._open_elements:
if e['name'] == name:
self.elements.append(((e['start'], len(self.content)),
e['name'], e['attrs']))
def characters (self, chunk):
self.content += chunk
class MarkupWriter:
"""Generate XML markup text for Notes.
Provides additional feature of accounting opened tags and closing them
properly in case of partially overlapping elements.
EVENT_END) = range(2)
def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'):
self._output = StringIO()
self._encoding = encoding
self._writer = saxutils.XMLGenerator(self._output, self._encoding)
self._attrs = xmlreader.AttributesImpl({})
self._open_elements = []
self.content = ''
# Private
def _elements_to_events(self, elements):
"""Create an event list for XML writer.
@param elements: list of XML elements with start/end indices and attrs
@param type: [((start, end), xml_element_name, attrs),]
@return: eventdict
@rtype: {index: [(xml_element_name, attrs, event_type, pair_index),]}
index: place of the event
xml_element_name: element to apply
attrs: attributes of the tag (xml.sax.xmlreader.AttrubutesImpl)
event_type: START or END event
pair_index: index of the pair event, used for sorting
eventdict = {}
for (start, end), name, attrs in elements:
# append START events
if eventdict.has_key(start):
eventdict[start].append((name, attrs, self.EVENT_START, end))
eventdict[start] = [(name, attrs, self.EVENT_START, end)]
# END events have to prepended to avoid creating empty elements
if eventdict.has_key(end):
eventdict[end].insert(0, (name, attrs, self.EVENT_END, start))
eventdict[end] = [(name, attrs, self.EVENT_END, start)]
# sort events at the same index
indices = eventdict.keys()
for idx in indices:
if len(eventdict[idx]) > 1:
return eventdict
def _sort_events(self, event_a, event_b):
"""Sort events that are at the same index.
Sorting with the following rules:
1. END event goes always before START event;
2. from two START events the one goes first, which has it's own END
event later;
3. from two END events the one goes first, which has it's own START
event later.
tag_a, attr_a, type_a, pair_a = event_a
tag_b, attr_b, type_b, pair_b = event_b
if (type_a + type_b) == (self.EVENT_START + self.EVENT_END):
return type_b - type_a
return pair_b - pair_a
def _startElement(self, name, attrs=None):
"""Insert start tag."""
if not attrs:
attrs = self._attrs
self._writer.startElement(name, attrs)
def _endElement(self, name):
"""Insert end tag."""
if not len(self._open_elements):
log.debug("Trying to close element '%s' when non is open" % name)
tmp_list = []
elem = ''
# close all open elements until we reach to the requested one
while elem != name:
elem = self._open_elements.pop()
if elem != name:
# we need to do something smart here...
log.debug("Trying to close non open element '%s'" % name)
# open all other elements again
while True:
elem = tmp_list.pop()
# Public
def generate(self, text, elements):
# reset output and start root element
self._writer.startElement(ROOT_ELEMENT, self._attrs)
# split the elements to events
events = self._elements_to_events(elements)
# feed the events into the xml generator
last_pos = 0
indices = events.keys()
for index in indices:
for name, attrs, event_type, p in events[index]:
if event_type == self.EVENT_START:
self._startElement(name, attrs)
elif event_type == self.EVENT_END:
last_pos = index
# close root element and end doc
# copy result
self.content = self._output.getvalue()
log.debug("Gramps XML: %s" % self.content)
class GtkSpellState:
"""A simple state machine kinda thingy.
Try tracking gtk.Spell activities on a buffer and reapply formatting
after gtk.Spell replaces a misspelled word.
def __init__(self, buffer):
if not isinstance(buffer, gtk.TextBuffer):
raise TypeError("Init parameter must be instance of gtk.TextBuffer")
buffer.connect('mark-set', self.on_buffer_mark_set)
buffer.connect('delete-range', self.on_buffer_delete_range)
buffer.connect('insert-text', self.on_buffer_insert_text)
buffer.connect_after('insert-text', self.after_buffer_insert_text)
def reset_state(self):
self.state = self.STATE_NONE
self.start = 0
self.end = 0
self.tags = None
def on_buffer_mark_set(self, buffer, iter, mark):
mark_name = mark.get_name()
if mark_name == 'gtkspell-click':
self.state = self.STATE_CLICKED
self.start, self.end = self.get_word_extents_from_mark(buffer, mark)
log.debug("SpellState got start %d end %d" % (self.start, self.end))
elif mark_name == 'insert':
def on_buffer_delete_range(self, buffer, start, end):
if ((self.state == self.STATE_CLICKED) and
(start.get_offset() == self.start) and
(end.get_offset() == self.end)):
self.state = self.STATE_DELETED
self.tags = start.get_tags()
def on_buffer_insert_text(self, buffer, iter, text, length):
if self.state == self.STATE_DELETED and iter.get_offset() == self.start:
self.state = self.STATE_INSERTING
def after_buffer_insert_text(self, buffer, iter, text, length):
if self.state == self.STATE_INSERTING:
mark = buffer.get_mark('gtkspell-insert-start')
insert_start = buffer.get_iter_at_mark(mark)
for tag in self.tags:
buffer.apply_tag(tag, insert_start, iter)
def get_word_extents_from_mark(self, buffer, mark):
"""Get the word extents as gtk.Spell does.
Used to get the beginning of the word, in which user right clicked.
Formatting found at that position used after gtk.Spell replaces
misspelled words.
start = buffer.get_iter_at_mark(mark)
if not start.starts_word():
end = start.copy()
if end.inside_word():
return start.get_offset(), end.get_offset()
def forward_word_end(self, iter):
"""gtk.Spell style gtk.TextIter.forward_word_end.
The parameter 'iter' is changing as side effect.
if not iter.forward_word_end():
return False
if iter.get_char() != "'":
return True
i = iter.copy()
if i.forward_char():
if i.get_char().isalpha():
return iter.forward_word_end()
return True
def backward_word_start(self, iter):
"""gtk.Spell style gtk.TextIter.backward_word_start.
The parameter 'iter' is changing as side effect.
if not iter.backward_word_start():
return False
i = iter.copy()
if i.backward_char():
if i.get_char() == "'":
if i.backward_char():
if i.get_char().isalpha():
return iter.backward_word_start()
return True
class MarkupBuffer(gtk.TextBuffer):
"""An extended TextBuffer with Gramps XML markup string interface.
It implements MarkupParser and MarkupWriter on the input/output interfaces.
Also translates Gramps XML markup language to gtk.TextTag's and vice versa.
__gtype_name__ = 'MarkupBuffer'
formats = ('italic', 'bold', 'underline',
'font', 'foreground', 'background',)
def __init__(self):
self.parser = MarkupParser()
self.writer = MarkupWriter()
# Create fix tags.
# Other tags (e.g. color) have to be created on the fly
self.create_tag('bold', weight=WEIGHT_BOLD)
self.create_tag('italic', style=STYLE_ITALIC)
self.create_tag('underline', underline=UNDERLINE_SINGLE)
# Setup action group used from user interface
format_toggle_actions = [
('italic', gtk.STOCK_ITALIC, None, None,
_('Italic'), self.on_toggle_action_activate),
('bold', gtk.STOCK_BOLD, None, None,
_('Bold'), self.on_toggle_action_activate),
('underline', gtk.STOCK_UNDERLINE, None, None,
_('Underline'), self.on_toggle_action_activate),
self.toggle_actions = [action[0] for action in format_toggle_actions]
format_actions = [
('font', gtk.STOCK_SELECT_FONT, None, None,
_('Font'), self.on_action_activate),
('foreground', 'gramps-font-color', None, None,
_('Font Color'), self.on_action_activate),
('background', 'gramps-font-bgcolor', None, None,
_('Background Color'), self.on_action_activate),
('clear', gtk.STOCK_CLEAR, None, None,
_('Clear'), self._format_clear_cb),
self.action_accels = {
'<Control>i': 'italic',
'<Control>b': 'bold',
'<Control>u': 'underline',
self.format_action_group = gtk.ActionGroup('Format')
# internal format state attributes
## 1. are used to format inserted characters (self.after_insert_text)
## 2. are set each time the Insert marker is set (self.do_mark_set)
## 3. are set when format actions are activated (self.*_action_activate)
self.italic = False
self.bold = False
self.underline = False
self.font = None
self.foreground = None
self.background = None
# internally used attribute
self._internal_toggle = False
self._insert = self.get_insert()
# create a mark used for text formatting
start, end = self.get_bounds()
self.mark_insert = self.create_mark('insert-start', start, True)
# pattern matching attributes
self.patterns = []
self.matches = []
# hook up on some signals whose default handler cannot be overriden
self.connect('insert-text', self.on_insert_text)
self.connect_after('insert-text', self.after_insert_text)
self.connect_after('delete-range', self.after_delete_range)
# init gtkspell "state machine"
self.gtkspell_state = GtkSpellState(self)
# Virtual methods
def on_insert_text(self, buffer, iter, text, length):
log.debug("Will insert at %d length %d" % (iter.get_offset(), length))
# let's remember where we started inserting
self.move_mark(self.mark_insert, iter)
def after_insert_text(self, buffer, iter, text, length):
"""Format inserted text."""
log.debug("Have inserted at %d length %d (%s)" %
(iter.get_offset(), length, text))
if not length:
# where did we start inserting
insert_start = self.get_iter_at_mark(self.mark_insert)
# apply active formats for the inserted text
for format in self.__class__.formats:
value = getattr(self, format)
if value:
if format in self.toggle_actions:
value = None
self.apply_tag(self._find_tag_by_name(format, value),
insert_start, iter)
def after_delete_range(self, buffer, start, end):
log.debug("Deleted from %d till %d" %
(start.get_offset(), end.get_offset()))
# move 'insert' marker to have the format attributes updated
self.move_mark(self._insert, start)
def do_changed(self):
"""Parse for patterns in the text."""
self.matches = []
text = unicode(gtk.TextBuffer.get_text(self,
for regex, flavor in self.patterns:
iter = regex.finditer(text)
while True:
match = iter.next()
self.matches.append((match.start(), match.end(),
flavor, match.group()))
log.debug("Matches: %d, %d: %s [%d]" %
(match.start(), match.end(),
match.group(), flavor))
except StopIteration:
def do_mark_set(self, iter, mark):
"""Update format attributes each time the cursor moves."""
log.debug("Setting mark %s at %d" %
(mark.get_name(), iter.get_offset()))
if mark.get_name() != 'insert':
if not iter.starts_line():
tag_names = [tag.get_property('name') for tag in iter.get_tags()]
for format in self.__class__.formats:
if format in self.toggle_actions:
value = format in tag_names
# set state of toggle action
action = self.format_action_group.get_action(format)
self._internal_toggle = True
self._internal_toggle = False
value = None
for tname in tag_names:
if tname.startswith(format):
value = tname.split(' ', 1)[1]
setattr(self, format, value)
# Private
def _xmltag_to_texttag(self, name, attrs):
"""Convert XML tag to gtk.TextTag.
Return only the name of the TextTag.
@param name: name of the XML tag
@param type: string
@param attrs: attributes of the XML tag
@param type: xmlreader.AttributesImpl
@return: property of gtk.TextTag, value of property
@rtype: string, string
if name == 'b':
return 'bold', None
elif name == 'i':
return 'italic', None
elif name == 'u':
return 'underline', None
##elif name == 'font':
##attr_names = attrs.getNames()
##if 'color' in attr_names:
##return 'foreground', attrs.getValue('color')
##elif 'highlight' in attr_names:
##return 'background', attrs.getValue('highlight')
##elif 'face' in attr_names and 'size' in attr_names:
##return 'font', '%s %s' % (attrs.getValue('face'),
##return None, None
return None, None
def _texttag_to_xmltag(self, name):
"""Convert gtk.TextTag to XML tag.
@param name: name of the gtk.TextTag
@param type: string
@return: XML tag name, attribute
@rtype: string, xmlreader.AttributesImpl
attrs = xmlreader.AttributesImpl({})
if name == 'bold':
return 'b', attrs
elif name == 'italic':
return 'i', attrs
elif name == 'underline':
return 'u', attrs
##elif name.startswith('foreground'):
##attrs._attrs['color'] = name.split()[1]
##return 'font', attrs
##elif name.startswith('background'):
##attrs._attrs['highlight'] = name.split()[1]
##return 'font', attrs
##elif name.startswith('font'):
##name = name.replace('font ', '')
##attrs._attrs['face'] = name.rsplit(' ', 1)[0]
##attrs._attrs['size'] = name.rsplit(' ', 1)[1]
##return 'font', attrs
return None, None
##def get_tag_value_at_insert(self, name):
##"""Get the value of the given tag at the insertion point."""
##tags = self.get_iter_at_mark(self._insert).get_tags()
##if name in self.toggle_actions:
##for tag in tags:
##if tag.get_name() == name:
##return True
##return False
##for tag in tags:
##if tag.get_name().startswith(name):
##return tag.get_name().split()[1]
##return None
def _color_to_hex(self, color):
"""Convert gtk.gdk.Color to hex string."""
hexstring = ""
for col in 'red', 'green', 'blue':
hexfrag = hex(getattr(color, col) / (16 * 16)).split("x")[1]
if len(hexfrag) < 2:
hexfrag = "0" + hexfrag
hexstring += hexfrag
return '#' + hexstring
def _hex_to_color(self, hex):
"""Convert hex string to gtk.gdk.Color."""
return gtk.gdk.Color(int(hex[1:3], 16),
int(hex[3:5], 16),
int(hex[5:7], 16))
def get_selection(self):
bounds = self.get_selection_bounds()
if not bounds:
iter = self.get_iter_at_mark(self._insert)
if iter.inside_word():
start_pos = iter.get_offset()
word_end = iter.get_offset()
word_start = iter.get_offset()
bounds = (self.get_iter_at_offset(word_start),
bounds = (iter, self.get_iter_at_offset(iter.get_offset() + 1))
return bounds
def apply_tag_to_selection(self, tag):
selection = self.get_selection()
if selection:
self.apply_tag(tag, *selection)
def remove_tag_from_selection(self, tag):
selection = self.get_selection()
if selection:
self.remove_tag(tag, *selection)
def remove_format_from_selection(self, format):
start, end = self.get_selection()
tags = self.get_tag_from_range(start.get_offset(), end.get_offset())
for tag_name in tags.keys():
if tag_name.startswith(format):
for start, end in tags[tag_name]:
def get_tag_from_range(self, start=None, end=None):
"""Extract gtk.TextTags from buffer.
Return only the name of the TextTag from the specified range.
If range is not given, tags extracted from the whole buffer.
@param start: an offset pointing to the start of the range of text
@param type: int
@param end: an offset pointing to the end of the range of text
@param type: int
@return: tagdict
@rtype: {TextTag_Name: [(start, end),]}
if start is None:
start = 0
if end is None:
end = self.get_char_count()
tagdict = {}
for pos in range(start, end):
iter = self.get_iter_at_offset(pos)
for tag in iter.get_tags():
name = tag.get_property('name')
if tagdict.has_key(name):
if tagdict[name][-1][1] == pos - 1:
tagdict[name][-1] = (tagdict[name][-1][0], pos)
tagdict[name].append((pos, pos))
tagdict[name]=[(pos, pos)]
return tagdict
def _find_tag_by_name(self, name, value):
"""Fetch TextTag from buffer's tag table by it's name.
If TextTag does not exist yet, it is created.
if value is None:
tag_name = name
tag_name = "%s %s" % (name, value)
tag = self.get_tag_table().lookup(tag_name)
if not tag:
if value is not None:
tag = self.create_tag(tag_name)
tag.set_property(name, value)
return None
return tag
# Callbacks
def on_toggle_action_activate(self, action):
"""Toggle a format.
Toggle formats are e.g. 'bold', 'italic', 'underline'.
if self._internal_toggle:
start, end = self.get_selection()
if action.get_active():
self.apply_tag_by_name(action.get_name(), start, end)
self.remove_tag_by_name(action.get_name(), start, end)
setattr(self, action.get_name(), action.get_active())
def on_action_activate(self, action):
"""Apply a format.
Other tags for the same format have to be removed from the range
first otherwise XML would get messy.
format = action.get_name()
if format == 'foreground':
color_selection = gtk.ColorSelectionDialog(_("Select font color"))
response = color_selection.run()
color = color_selection.colorsel.get_current_color()
value = self._color_to_hex(color)
elif format == 'background':
color_selection = gtk.ColorSelectionDialog(_("Select "
"background color"))
response = color_selection.run()
color = color_selection.colorsel.get_current_color()
value = self._color_to_hex(color)
elif format == 'font':
font_selection = gtk.FontSelectionDialog(_("Select font"))
response = font_selection.run()
value = font_selection.fontsel.get_font_name()
log.debug("unknown format: '%s'" % format)
if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
log.debug("applying format '%s' with value '%s'" % (format, value))
tag = self._find_tag_by_name(format, value)
setattr(self, format, value)
def _format_clear_cb(self, action):
"""Remove all formats from the selection.
Remove only our own tags without touching other ones (e.g. gtk.Spell),
thus remove_all_tags() can not be used.
for format in self.formats:
def on_key_press_event(self, widget, event):
"""Handle formatting shortcuts."""
for accel in self.action_accels.keys():
key, mod = gtk.accelerator_parse(accel)
if (event.keyval, event.state) == (key, mod):
action_name = self.action_accels[accel]
action = self.format_action_group.get_action(action_name)
return True
return False
# Public API
def set_text(self, xmltext):
"""Set the content of the buffer with markup tags."""
parseString(xmltext.encode('utf-8'), self.parser)
text = self.parser.content
# if parse fails remove all tags and use clear text instead
text = re.sub(r'(<.*?>)', '', xmltext)
text = saxutils.unescape(text)
gtk.TextBuffer.set_text(self, text)
for element in self.parser.elements:
(start, end), xmltag_name, attrs = element
texttag_name, value = self._xmltag_to_texttag(xmltag_name, attrs)
if texttag_name is not None:
start_iter = self.get_iter_at_offset(start)
end_iter = self.get_iter_at_offset(end)
tag = self._find_tag_by_name(texttag_name, value)
if tag is not None:
self.apply_tag(tag, start_iter, end_iter)
def get_text(self, start=None, end=None, include_hidden_chars=True):
"""Returns the buffer text with xml markup tags.
If no markup was applied returns clean text.
# get the clear text from the buffer
if not start:
start = self.get_start_iter()
if not end:
end = self.get_end_iter()
txt = unicode(gtk.TextBuffer.get_text(self, start, end))
# extract tags out of the buffer
texttag = self.get_tag_from_range()
if len(texttag):
# convert the texttags to xml elements
xml_elements = []
for texttag_name, indices in texttag.items():
xml_tag_name, attrs = self._texttag_to_xmltag(texttag_name)
if xml_tag_name is not None:
for start_idx, end_idx in indices:
xml_elements.append(((start_idx, end_idx+1),
xml_tag_name, attrs))
# feed the elements into the xml writer
self.writer.generate(txt, xml_elements)
txt = self.writer.content
return txt
##def apply_format(self, format, value=None):
##if format not in self.formats:
##raise TypeError("%s is not a valid format name" % format)
##start, end = self.get_selection()
##log.debug("Applying format '%s' with value '%s' for range %d - %d" %
##(format, value, start.get_offset(), end.get_offset()))
##if format == 'bold':
##self.apply_tag_by_name('bold', start, end)
##elif format == 'italic':
##self.apply_tag_by_name('italic', start, end)
##elif format == 'underline':
##self.apply_tag_by_name('underline', start, end)
##log.error("Format '%s' is not yet implemented" % format)
##def remove_format(self, format, value=None):
##if format not in self.formats:
##raise TypeError("%s is not a valid format name" % format)
##start, end = self.get_selection()
##log.debug("Removing format '%s' with value '%s' for range %d - %d" %
##(format, value, start.get_offset(), end.get_offset()))
##if format == 'bold':
##self.remove_tag_by_name('bold', start, end)
##elif format == 'italic':
##self.remove_tag_by_name('italic', start, end)
##elif format == 'underline':
##self.remove_tag_by_name('underline', start, end)
##log.error("Format '%s' is not yet implemented" % format)
##def remove_all_formats(self):
##start, end = self.get_selection()
##log.debug("Removing all format for range %d - %d" %
##(start.get_offset(), end.get_offset()))
##self.remove_all_tags(start, end)
def match_add(self, pattern, flavor):
"""Add a pattern to look for in the text."""
regex = re.compile(pattern)
self.patterns.append((regex, flavor))
def match_check(self, pos):
"""Check if pos falls into any of the matched patterns."""
for match in self.matches:
if pos >= match[0] and pos <= match[1]:
return match
return None
if gtk.pygtk_version < (2,8,0):