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<!-- =============Document Header ============================= -->
<article id="index"> <!-- please do not change the id -->
<title>GRAMPS User Manual</title>
<holder>Donald N. Allingham</holder>
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<!-- This is the manual version, not application version. -->
This is version 1.0 of the GRAMPS manual.
<!-- ============= Document Body ============================= -->
<!-- ============= Introduction ============================== -->
<sect1 id="intro">
<application>GRAMPS</application> is an acronym for the
Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System.
It was conceived under the concept that most genealogy programs
were designed to provide the researcher the capability to input
information related to a particular family tree. Most of these
programs have allowed for the arranging and storing of information
consistent with the GEDCOM standards. They usually provide a
means for displaying descendant or ancestral relationships by
means of graphical displays, charts, or reports. These may be
augmented with pictures or other media to enhance the data. Most
provide for inputting data on unconnected individuals/families
that may or may not have a relationship to the primary surname
being researched. Various other enhancements may also be provided
in the genealogical program that allows for different degrees of
importing and exporting data from other programs and printing of
the data contained in the various reports. GRAMPS, on the other
hand, attempts to provide all of the common capabilities of these
programs, but, more importantly, to provide a capability not
common to these programs. This is the ability to input any bits
and pieces of information directly into GRAMPS and
rearrange/manipulate any/all data events in the entire data base
(in any order or sequence) to assist the user in doing research,
analysis and correlation with the potential of filling
relationship gaps. In short, a tool that provides a way to input
all your research into one place and do your analysis and
correlation using the speed, power, and accuracy of your computer
instead of pencils and unmanageable reams of paper.
To run <application>GRAMPS</application>, select
from the <guimenu>Main Menu</guimenu>, or type
<command>gramps</command> on the command line.
This document describes version &version; of
<!-- ================ Usage ================================ -->
<!-- This section should describe basic usage of the application. -->
<sect1 id="firsttime">
<title>Running GRAMPS for the first time.</title>
The first time you run the program,
<application>GRAMPS</application> will display its Getting Started
<figure id="druidpg1">
<title>Getting Started screen, page 1</title>
<screeninfo>Getting Started screen, page 1</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="druidpg1" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
The second page of the start up screens will prompt you for
some personal information. This information is optional, and
can be changed at any time. The information will be used to
establish your copyright on the information, and to provide
information needed for valid GEDCOM exporting.
<figure id="druidpg2">
<title>Getting Started screen, page 2</title>
<screeninfo>Getting Started screen, page 2</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="druidpg2" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
<sect1 id="gettingstarted">
<title>Getting Started</title>
Starting <application>GRAMPS</application> opens the
<interface>Main window</interface>, shown in <xref
linkend="mainwindow-fig">. The window is at first empty.
<figure id="mainwindow-fig">
<title>GRAMPS Main Window</title>
<screeninfo>GRAMPS Main Window</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="mainwin" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
<sect2 id="startimport">
<title>Importing data</title>
If you already have a family file created using another
genealogy program you can import your GEDCOM file into GRAMPS.
To do this you select <menuchoice> <guimenu>File</guimenu>
<guisubmenu>Import</guisubmenu> <guimenuitem>Import from
GEDCOM</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>. The <interface>GEDCOM
Import</interface> box will open. Select <guibutton>New
Database</guibutton> and click the
<guibutton>Browse...</guibutton> button to select your saved
GEDCOM file (<replaceable>filename.ged</replaceable>). Click
<guibutton>OK</guibutton> to select the file and then click
<guibutton>OK</guibutton> to import the file. The
<interface>GEDCOM Import Status</interface> will tell you what
the importer is doing and a little bit about your file (file
location, what program it was created by, the version, Encoding,
Number of Families, Number of People, and the Number of Errors).
Once the Importer is done, you can click close and start
editing/adding to your file.
<sect2 id="noimport">
<title>Entering Data</title>
If you have never used a genealogy program or you do not have a
GEDCOM file to import, you can start creating your database
right away. From the main window click the <guibutton>Add
Person</guibutton> button and the <interface>Edit
Person</interface> dialog will open. Enter in the information
you have on the first person. Start with their general
information (Name, Birth and Death Date/Place) and then move on
to the <interface>Names</interface>,
<interface>Addresses</interface>, <interface>Notes</interface>,
<interface>Gallery</interface>, and
<interface>Internet</interface> tabs and fill in the known
information you have. Some of the information you enter has a
<guibutton>Source</guibutton> button and/or a
<guibutton>Note</guibutton> button. These buttons are there to
add more information (<guibutton>Source</guibutton> button to
add the source of where you got the information and the
<guibutton>Note</guibutton> button to add more detail to the
<!-- ========= Basic Usage =========================== -->
<sect1 id="personlist">
<title>People View</title>
The People View window is the initial view seen on the main
window. It displays the name, gender, birth date, and death
date of all individuals in the database. At any time, you can
return to the this view either by pressing the
<guibutton>People</guibutton> button at the top of the screen, or
by choosing the
entry from the menus.
<figure id="peopleview-fig">
<title>People View</title>
<screeninfo>People View</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="peoplelist" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
<sect2 id="seleditindv">
<title>Selecting and Editing Individuals</title>
The People View lists the individuals in the database. An
individual can be selected as the active person by clicking on
an entry in the list. Once a person has been selected as the
active person, the person's name appears in the status bar in
the lower left hand corner of the window.
Once the active person has been selected, pressing the
<guibutton>Edit Person</guibutton> button will display the
<interface>Edit Person</interface> dialog allowing you to edit
the individual's personal information. If the <guibutton>Edit
Person</guibutton> button is pressed without an active person
being set, a blank <interface>Edit Person</interface> dialog is
presented, allowing you to enter a new person.
Double-clicking on a entry in the list will set the active
person and bring up the individual in the <interface>Edit
Person</interface> dialog.
Pressing the <guibutton>Add Person</guibutton> button will
display a blank <interface>Edit Person</interface> dialog,
allowing you to add a new person to the database.
If the <guibutton>Delete Person</guibutton> button is pressed,
the active person and all of the personal information related to
the active person are removed from the database.
<title>Applying Filters</title>
<application>GRAMPS</application> allows you to apply filters to
the People View. When a filter is applied, the People View will
only display the entries matching the filter. All of the entries
remain in the database, but are temporarily hidden.
There are three parts to a filter. The first part is the
selection of the filter to be applied. A filter is selected from
the option menu directly above the People View. The second part
is an option qualifier. This qualifier provides more specific
information for the filter. Many filters do not require the
qualifier, and it will be grayed out if not needed. The third
part of the filter is the invert selection. When this option is
selected, <application>GRAMPS</application> will display the
entries that do not match the filter.
A filter is not applied until the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>
button is pressed. The filter will remain in effect until the
next time the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button is pressed.
Four columns are shown in the People View display. The entries
in the list can be sorted by three of the fields: Name, Birth
Date, or Death Date. Clicking on the column label will cause
the list to be re-sorted by that column. Arrows on the label
indicate whether the list is sort by ascending or descending
If the list is already sorted by a particular column, clicking
on the same column label will switch sorting order. For
example, if the list is currently sorted in ascending order by
Name, clicking on the Name column header will re-sort the list
in descending order.
<sect1 id="editpersondata">
<title>Editing a person's data</title>
A person's personal information can be edited in the
<interface>Edit Person</interface> dialog.
<title>General Information Tab</title>
<figure id="ep_general-fig">
<title>General Information Tab</title>
<screeninfo>General Information Tab</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="ep_general" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
The General Information tab contains the basic information about
the person. This includes the person's name, gender, birth
informaton, and death informaton.
If images have been associated with the person, the primary
image is displayed on the right side of the window.
<title>Alternate Names Tab</title>
<figure id="ep_names-fig">
<title>Alternate Names Tab</title>
<screeninfo>Alternate Names Tab</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="ep_altname" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
It is possible for people to use more than one name during their
lifetime. These may be legal names changes, or just informal
names. An example would be a person changing his or her name due
to marriage or adoption. <application>GRAMPS</application>
allows multiple alternate names to be specified for each person.
The <interface>Alternate Names</interface> tab allows additional
names to be added or removed from list. Clicking the
<guibutton>Add</guibutton> allows a new name to be added to the
list. The <guibutton>Edit/View</guibutton> allows the selected
alternate name to be edited. The <guibutton>Delete</guibutton>
removes the selected name.
<sect2 id="eventtab">
<title>Events Tab</title>
The <interface>Events</interface> tab allows information about
various events in a person's life to be
recorded. <application>GRAMPS</application> provides a list of
common events, but allows you to name an event anything that you
An event consists of a name of an event (such as "Baptism" or
"Education"), a date or date range on which the event occurred,
the place where the event occurred, and a description of the
event. A note or a source may also be attached to the event.
Events have the concept of privacy and confidence associated
with them. An event may be marked as "Private". When generating
reports or exporting to other formats, you will be allowed to
either include or exclude private records. This will allow you
to limit information provided to others.
<application>GRAMPS</application> allows you to specify your
confidence in the information you have. By default, a confidence
level of "Normal" is associated with each event. This can be
increased ("High" or "Very High") or decreased ("Low" or
"Very Low") to indicate the confidence you have in the
information. For example, if Aunt Martha thinks that her
grandmother was born in a particular year, you may wish to mark
this with a lower level of confidence than if you had a copy of
her grandmother's birth certificate.
<figure id="ep_event-fig">
<title>Events Tab</title>
<screeninfo>Events Tab</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="ep_event" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
The <interface>Event</interface> tab displays information about
the currently selected event at the top of the window. Below
this information is a list of the events that have been
previously entered. Clicking on one of the events in the list
selects the event, and displays its information at the top of
the window.
An event may be added by by clicking the
<guibutton>Add</guibutton> button. This displays a form which
allows you to enter the information about the particular
event. The <guibutton>Edit/View</guibutton> button allows to view
or alter the information of the currently displayed event. The
<guibutton>Delete</guibutton> button allows you to delete the
currently displayed event.
<sect2 id="attrtab">
<title>Attributes Tab</title>
Attributes are similar to events, but are for information items
that do not necessary have the concept of a place or a date. An
example would be person's Social Security Number or National
origin. Attributes consist of an attribute name and its value.
Like events, attributes may also have a note, source, privacy
marker, and confidence level associated with them.
<figure id="ep_attributes-fig">
<title>Attributes Tab</title>
<screeninfo>Attributes Tab</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="ep_attributes" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
The <interface>Attribute</interface> tab displays information
about the currently selected attribute at the top of the
window. Below this information is a list of the attributes that
have been previously entered. Clicking on one of the attributes
in the list selects the attribute, and displays its information at
the top of the window.
An attribute may be added by by clicking the
<guibutton>Add</guibutton> button. This displays a form which
allows you to enter the information about the particular
attribute. The <guibutton>Edit/View</guibutton> button allows to
view or alter the information of the currently displayed
attribute. The <guibutton>Delete</guibutton> button allows you to
delete the currently displayed attribute.
<sect2 id="addrtab">
<title>Addresses Tab</title>
Addresses are used to record information about where a person
has lived. Addresses are different from
<application>GRAMPS'</application> concept of a place. A address
as <application>GRAMPS</application> sees it consists of an
equivalent of a mailing address and the date or date range when
the person lived at the address.
Like events and attributes, addresses may also have a note,
source, privacy marker, and confidence level associated with
<figure id="ep_address-fig">
<title>Addresses Tab</title>
<screeninfo>Addresses Tab</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="ep_address" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
The <interface>Address</interface> tab displays information
about the currently selected address at the top of the
window. Below this information is a list of the addresses that
have been previously entered. Clicking on one of the addresses
in the list selects the address, and displays its information at
the top of the window.
An address may be added by by clicking the
<guibutton>Add</guibutton> button. This displays a form which
allows you to enter the information about the particular
address. The <guibutton>Edit/View</guibutton> button allows to
view or alter the information of the currently displayed
address. The <guibutton>Delete</guibutton> button allows you to
delete the currently displayed address.
<sect2 id="notestab">
<title>Notes Tab</title>
In addition to the notes that may be attached to any particular
event, attribute, or address, <application>GRAMPS</application>
has a generic note attached to the person.
<figure id="ep_notes-fig">
<title>Notes Tab</title>
<screeninfo>Notes Tab</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="ep_notes" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
The note window is a free-form edit window, allowing you to
enter any information that you want.
<sect2 id="gallerytab">
<title>Gallery Tab</title>
Photographs and images are stored in the
<interface>Gallery</interface> tab. Images of a wide variety of
formats are stored, including JPEG and
<application>GRAMPS</application> can either refer to an
existing file, or make its own copy. By default,
<application>GRAMPS</application> will make its own copy. There
are advantages and disadvatages to both approaches. Refering to
an external copy reduces disk space. Allowing
<application>GRAMPS</application> to make its own copy
eliminates allows GRAMPS to still have the image if the orignal
is altered, deleted, or moved. It also simplifies the transfer
of a database from one machine to another.
<figure id="ep_gallery-fig">
<title>Gallery Tab</title>
<screeninfo>Gallery Tab</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="ep_gallery" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
The first image in the gallery is considered to be the primary
image. This image will appear on the <interface>General
Information</interface> tab, and will be the image used by
report generators. An image can be made the default at any time
by selecting the image, and clicking on the <guibutton>Make
Prmimary</guibutton> button. Images may be added by clicking the
<guibutton>Add</guibutton> button, and deleted by clicking the
<guibutton>Delete</guibutton> button. If the image is a
reference to another file, <application>GRAMPS</application>
will remove the reference to the file. If the file is a copy
maintained by <application>GRAMPS</application>, then
<application>GRAMPS</application> will remove the file from the
file system.
Right clicking on an selected image brings up a menu.
<variablelist><title>Menu options</title>
<term><guilabel>View Image</guilabel></term>
Allows you to view the image using the GNOME's default
viewer for the file type.
<term><guilabel>Edit Image</guilabel></term>
Launches the <application>gimp</application> program,
allowing you to edit the image.
<term><guilabel>Edit Description</guilabel></term>
Allows you to change the description attached to the
<term><guilabel>Convert to private copy</guilabel></term>
This option is only displayed if the image is a reference
to a file that is not controlled by
<application>GRAMPS</application>. Selecting the option
causes <application>GRAMPS</application> to make its own
copy of the image.
<sect2 id="internettab">
<title>Internet Tab</title>
Frequently, information about a person is available on the
internet, frequently on someone else's web site. With multiple
people researching the same family, is desirable to keep track
of internet sites that contain information about someone in your
database. This allows you to keep track of the web sites you you
can periodically check them for any addition information.
<figure id="ep_internet-fig">
<title>Internet Tab</title>
<screeninfo>Internet Tab</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="ep_internet" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
The <interface>Internet</interface> tab displays information about
the currently selected internet address at the top of the window. Below
this information is a list of the internet address that have been
previously entered. Clicking on one of the events in the list
selects the event, and displays its information at the top of
the window.
Clicking on the internet address displayed at the top part of
the window will cause <application>GRAMPS</application> to attempt
to display the site using the GNOME default browser.
An internet address may be added by by clicking the
<guibutton>Add</guibutton> button. This displays a form which
allows you to enter the information about the internet
address. This information consists of the web address (URL) and
a description of the location. The
<guibutton>Edit/View</guibutton> button allows to view or alter
the information of the currently displayed internet address. The
<guibutton>Delete</guibutton> button allows you to delete the
currently displayed internet address.
<sect1 id="familyview">
<title>Family View</title>
The Family View window displays the spouses, parents, and children
of the active person. At any time, you can return to the this view
either by pressing the <guibutton>Family</guibutton> button at the
top of the screen, or by choosing the
<guimenuitem>Family View</guimenuitem>
entry from the menus.
<figure id="familyview-fig">
<title>Family View</title>
<screeninfo>Family View</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="familyview" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
In the Family View, the family information related to the active
person is displayed. This information falls into two categories:
families in which the person is a child, and families in which
person is a spouse or parent.
<sect2 id="ap_parents">
<title>Relationships to Parents</title>
On the right hand side of the window displays the parents of the
active person. By default, a birth relationship is
assumed. <application>GRAMPS</application> supports multiple
family relationships for each person. For example, a person may
have natural birth parents and adopted parents. In this case, an
option menu will appear below the parents names, allowing you to
choose which set of parents you which to view.
Pressing the <guibutton>Add/Edit Parents</guibutton>
allows you to choose the active person's parents and specify the
person's relationship to the parents.
Pressing the <guibutton>Delete Parents</guibutton> does not
remove the parents from the database, but instead deletes the
relationship between the active person and the currently displayed
To right of the names of the parents are two "arrow"
buttons. Selecting the button next to the father changes the
father to the active person, and displays the fathers
information in the Family View window. Similarly, selecting the
button next to the mother changes the mother to the active
To the left of the parents' names are buttons indicating the
relationship to the active person. These are typically labeled
"Father" and "Mother", but in some cases may simply be labeled
"Parent". Pressing one of these buttons will display the
<interface>Edit Person</interface> for the corresponding person.
<sect2 id="sp_relationships">
<title>Marriage/Relationship Information</title>
On the left side of the window, below the active person's name,
is the information related to the person's marriages and
relationships. If the person has one or no relationships, the
spouse will appear within a non-editable text box. If more that
one relationships exist, the text box will be replaced with an
option menu that allows you to select the relationship to view.
Between the active person and the relationship information is a
button with two arrows. Pressing this button will exchange the
active person and spouse on the display. The currently displayed
spouse will become the active person, and the family information
on the right hand side of the screen will change to reflect
Pressing the <guibutton>Spouse</guibutton> next to the spouse's
name will display the currently displayed spouse's information
in an <interface>Edit Person</interface> dialog, allowing you
change the information
Pressing the <guibutton>Add</guibutton> located below the entry
for the spouse's name allows a new relationship to be
added. This gives you the opportunity to select and existing
person or to add a new person as the new spouse. The type of
relationship can also be specified. All relationship types,
except "Partners" require that the spouses be of opposite
sex. The "Partners" relationship type requires that the spouses
be of the same sex.
Pressing the <guibutton>Edit</guibutton> button allows you to
edit the information related to the marriage. The information
includes events, attributes, and images.
The <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button removes the current
spouse from the relationship. If no children exist in the
relationship, the entire relationship is removed. If children
exist in the relationship, the the current spouse is removed,
and the children remain in a family with active person as the
only parent.
<sect2 id="sp_children">
<title>Children of a Relationship</title>
The bottom of the window contains the list of children related
to the active person and the currently selected spouse. Clicking
on an entry in the list makes that child the active child.
Clicking the <guibutton>Add New Child</guibutton> creates a new
child and adds him or her as a child of the current
relationship. Clicking the <guibutton>Add Existing
Child</guibutton> allows you to select an existing person and
assign the person as a child of the current
relationship. Clicking the <guibutton>Remove Child</guibutton>
removes the active child from the current relationship, but does
not delete the person from the database.
Double clicking on a entry in the list brings up the
<interface>Edit Person</interface> dialog for the child.
You are able to make the selected child the active person by
clicking the arrow button next to the child list. The
highlighted child in the child list becomes the active person.
<sect1 id="pedigreeview">
<title>Pedigree View</title>
The Pedigree View window displays the active person, the active
person's parents, and the active parent's grandparents in a
somewhat graphical manner. At any time, you can return to the this
view either by pressing the Pedigree button at the top of the
screen, or by choosing the
entry from the menus.
<figure id="pedigreeview-fig">
<title>Pedigree View</title>
<screeninfo>Pedigree View</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="pedegreeview" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
Moving the mouse over a displayed name will display additional
information about a person, including their date of birth and date
of death. Double-clicking the box will display the <interface>Edit
Person</interface> dialog box for the person. Holding down the
Shift key while double-clicking will will make that person the
active person.
Navigation around the tree can be accomplished several
ways. Clicking on the arrow next to the active person will display
a menu listing the children of the active person. Selecting a
person from this list will change the active person to the
selected child, effectively shifting the pedigree view to the
left, or down one generation. Clicking one of the arrow buttons on
the left side of the screen will make the select either the active
person's father (top button) or mother (bottom button),
effectively shifting the pedigree view to the right, or up one
generation. If the active person does not have any children, then
the button on the left hand side of the screen will not
appear. Similarly, if the active person does have a father or
mother, the corresponding button on the right hand side of the
screen will not appear.
<figure id="navfigure-fig">
<graphic fileref="pedegreesel" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
As a quick short cut, double clicking on a line between two people
will make the person on the right hand side of the line the active
person. <xref linkend="navfigure-fig"> shows navigation using this
method. When the mouse is over one of the lines connecting
individuals, the line widens and becomes highlighted. In this
case, double-clcking on the line would make Hjalmar Smith the
active person.
<sect1 id="sourcelist">
<title>Source View</title>
The Source View window displays the different sources which have
been entered into the database. At any time, you can return to the
this view either by pressing the <guibutton>Sources</guibutton>
button at the top of the screen, or by choosing the
entry from the menus.
<figure id="sourceview-fig">
<title>Source list</title>
<screeninfo>Source View</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="sourcelist" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
From this screen you are able to Add and Edit sources. Currently,
deleting of sources is not available. This will be implemented in
a future version.
<sect1 id="placelist">
<title>Place View</title>
The Place View window displays the different sources which have
been entered into the database. At any time, you can return to the
this view either by pressing the <guibutton>Places</guibutton>
button at the top of the screen, or by choosing the
entry from the menus.
<figure id="placeview-fig">
<title>Place View</title>
<screeninfo>Place View</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="placelist" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
From this screen you are able to Add, Edit, and Delete places.
<sect1 id="bookmarks">
<title>Bookmarking People</title>
<application>GRAMPS</application> supports two mechanisms to
quickly find people - the home person and bookmarks.
<sect2 id="homeperson">
<title>Home Person</title>
The home person is the default person of the database. Upon
loading the database, <application>GRAMPS</application> will set
the active person to the default person. At any time, clicking
the <guibutton>Home</guibutton> button will return the active
person to the home person.
The home person can be set by choosing
<guimenuitem>Set Default Person</guimenuitem>
<sect2 id="bkmarks">
Bookmarks work similar to bookmarks in HTML browsers. They
allow you to quickly jump to a person, making that person the
active person. This allows you to avoid searching for them
everytime you want to add/change something in their information.
<figure id="gotobookmark">
<title>Using Bookmarks</title>
<screeninfo>Using Bookmarks</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="gotobookmark" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
<guimenuitem>Add Bookmark</guimenuitem>
adds the current active person to the bookmark list. The person
will then appear in the bookmark list, allowing you to quickly
select the person.
<guimenuitem>Go to Bookmark</guimenuitem>
displays a submenu which allows you to choose a person who was
previously bookmarked. Selecting a person from this menu will
make that person the active person.
<guimenuitem>Edit Bookmarks</guimenuitem>
displays a dialog box that allows you to reorder or delete
bookmarks in the list.
<figure id="editbookmark">
<title>Editing Bookmarks</title>
<screeninfo>Editing Bookmarks</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="editbookmarks" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
<!-- ============= Customization ============================= -->
<sect1 id="prefs">
To change the application settings, select
</menuchoice>. This opens the
<interface>Preferences</interface> dialog, shown in <xref
<sect2 id="prefs_tab0">
<title>General Preferences</title>
<figure id="prefs_gen">
<title>Preferences Dialog</title>
<screeninfo>Preferences Dialog</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="prefs_gen" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
The General Preferences tab contains basic information to
control the operation of <application>GRAMPS</application>.
<title>General Preferences options</title>
<term><guilabel>Automatically load last database</guilabel></term>
With this selected it will automatically load your last
<term><guilabel>Do not compress XML data file</guilabel></term>
<application>GRAMPS</application> normally compresses its
data file to conserve disk space. If you do not which to
have the file compressed, selecting this option will cause
<application>GRAMPS</application> to leave the file
uncompressed. This may be desirable if other applications
need to process the generated XML file.
<term><guilabel>Use tabbed pages</guilabel></term>
When this is selected there will be a row of tabs below
the tool bars for the Person View, Family Fiew, Pedigree
View, and Sources View.
<term><guilabel>Display GRAMPS ID in list</guilabel></term>
This will add a new column to the Person View with the
GRAMPS ID for each individual.
<term><guilabel>Display attribute on Edit Person form</guilabel></term>
Selecting this and adding a comment/word will add that
comment/word to the Identification part of the Edit Person
<sect2 id="prefs_tab1">
<figure id="prefs_fmt">
<screeninfo>Formats Tab</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="prefs_fmt" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
The <interface>Formats</interface> tab allows you to change the
display formats of several different typs of data. This includes
dates and names.
<title>Formats Preferences options</title>
<term><guilabel>Display Formats</guilabel></term>
Allows you to choose your preferences for displaying dates
and names. Options exist for several different date
formats. Names can be displayed with either the given name
or the surname first. This option typically does not
affect lists which are sorted by last name, in which case
the surname is displayed first.
<term><guilabel>Entry Formats</guilabel></term>
Numerical date formats can be ambiguous. Some people enter
the day, month, and year (European style), while others
prefer month, day, year (American style). Selecting the
option here informs <application>GRAMPS</application> how
it should interpret numerical dates.
<sect2 id="prefs_tab2">
<title>Appearance Preferences</title>
<figure id="prefs_appear">
<title>Preferences Dialog</title>
<screeninfo>Appearence Preferences Dialog</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="prefs_appear" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
<title>Appearence Preferences</title>
<term><guilabel>Custom Colors</guilabel></term>
Enabling custom colors allows you to choose foreground and
background colors for the Person View list. A different
color combinations may be chosen for odd and even
rows. This may make the display easier to read. It should
be noted that it may slow down redisplays of the window if
a large number (thousands) of people are in the list.
<term><guilabel>Status Bar</guilabel></term>
Allows you can change the information displayed in the
status bar at the bottom of the window. There are three
(3) preferences you can chose from. The first is Active
person's name only - this will display the active person's
name only in the status bar. The second is Active
person's name and GRAMPS ID - This will display the name
and ID for the active person ( [I9] Edwin Michael Smith ).
The last option is Active person's name and attribute -
this is just like the second option but shows the
attribute you specified in the General Preferences
<term><guilabel>List Display Options</guilabel></term>
Allows to control what gets displayed in lists. You can
control if alternate names are displayed in the lists, or
if the lists will contain detail flags to indicate
additional information (such as the presense of notes,
sources, or images).
<sect2 id="prefs_tab3">
<title>Researchers Preferences</title>
<figure id="prefs_research">
<title>Researcher Information Dialog</title>
<screeninfo>Researcher Information Dialog</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="prefs_research" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
This is where you are able to change the information you entered
when you started GRAMPS for the first time and was asked to
enter in some information. (This information shows up in your
GEDCOM files as being the researcher/author of the file)
<sect2 id="prefs_tab4">
<title>Report Preferences</title>
<figure id="prefs_report">
<title>Report Preferences Dialog</title>
<screeninfo>Report Preferences Dialog</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="prefs_report" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
Many of the reports that <application>GRAMPS</application>
produces can be generated in different file formats and
different paper sizes. Selecting a <guilabel>Preferred Output
Format</guilabel> and a <guilabel>Preferred Output
Format</guilabel> tells the report generator your
preferences. It should be noted that a report generator may not
support all possible formats.
<sect2 id="prefs_tab5">
<title>Directories Preferences</title>
<figure id="prefs_dir">
<title>Directory Preferences Dialog</title>
<screeninfo>Directory Preferences Dialog</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="prefs_dir" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
This allows you to set the default directories for your databases,
reports, and Web Sites.
<!-- ============= Generating Reports ============================= -->
<sect1 id="genreports">
<title>Generating Reports</title>
<application>GRAMPS</application> can produce a wide variety of
reports. New report generators can be written by the user without
modifying the main program. For this reason, there may be more
reports available than are documented by this manual
<figure id="report-fig">
<title>Report Generation Dialog</title>
<screeninfo>Report Generation Dialog</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="reportsel" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
Unlike many genealogy programs, <application>GRAMPS</application>
does not directly print reports. Instead,
<application>GRAMPS</application> produces reports in formats that
are understood by other programs. These formats include
OpenOffice, AbiWord, PDF, and HTML, among others. This allows the
generated reports to be modified after they are generated, stored
for use later, or emailed to another person.
After selecting the report you would like generated there are
option you must select. In the Save As option specify your file
name (use /full path/filename to specify a different directory
than in your Default Report Directory preference in the
preferences). The next step is to select the Report Format.
After choosing the Format you can select the style you would like
to use for your report (this does not apply to the HTML format).
You can Add/Edit/Delete a style for that particular report by
clicking the <guibutton>Style Editor</guibutton> button.
Selecting one of those options you can then change the font (font
face, size, color, and options) for each Paragraph Style along
with the Paragraph Options (Alignment, background color, margins,
and dorders). Once you are satisfied with the style you are ready
to proceed with the generation of your report. The next step is
to choose the options (if any for that specific report) and then
Choose the Templete (for HTML format only) and click OK. Your
report will now be in default report directory (unless otherwise
specified) for you to view the program you specified the report to
be generated for.
<sect2 id="htmltemplates">
<title>Using HTML templates</title>
Many programs exist to convert GEDCOM files into HTML files that
can be viewed in a web browser. Most of these programs generate
HTML files according to their own predefined style. Since most
people have a style that they prefer, they are left with the
option of modifying hundreds of files by hand.
To solve this problem, <application>GRAMPS</application> allows
the user to specify a template to be used for generating HTML
files. At the time the report is generated, if HTML is selected
as the target format, the user can select an HTML template to be
used. Since the template is chosen at report generation time, a
different template may be chosen each time, allowing the user to
change the appearence of the generated files at any time.
Nearly any existing HTML file can be used as an HTML template
for <application>GRAMPS</application>.
When a file has been established as the HTML template file,
<application>GRAMPS</application> uses the template for each
file that it generates. <application>GRAMPS</application> starts
each file by copying data from the template until it reaches an
HTML comment uses as a marker. At that point,
<application>GRAMPS</application> inserts its data into the
output file. <application>GRAMPS</application> the continues
reading the until it reaches a second comment that tells it to
resume copying from the template.
<application>GRAMPS</application> uses the string
<function><!-- START --></function> to indicate where it
should start inserting its information, and the string
<function><!-- STOP --></function> to indicate where it
should resume copying data from the template. The effect is
that <application>GRAMPS</application> will create a new
document, replacing everything between the <function><!--
START --></function> and <function><!-- STOP
--></function> comments with the report information.
The comment markers should be at the beginning of a line in the
HTML template file. Adding the comments to an existing HTML
document will not affect the original HTML document in any way.
If no HTML template is specified, or if the specified template
cannot be read, <application>GRAMPS</application> will use a
default, predefined template.
<figure id="templateexample">
<title>Sample HTML Template Example</title>
This is my Title
This is a simple template. This text will appear in the html output.
<!-- START -->
This is where GRAMPS will place its report information. Any
information between the two comments, including this paragraph,
will not appear in the GRAMPS generated output.
<!-- STOP -->
This text, since it appears after the stop comment, will also
appear in every GRAMPS generated file.
<!-- ============= Running Tools ============================= -->
<sect1 id="runtools">
<title>Running Tools</title>
<application>GRAMPS</application> supports standard and user
written tools. These tools can operate on the database to perform
a specified task.
<figure id="tools-fig">
<title>Tool Selection Dialog</title>
<screeninfo>Tool Selection Dialog</screeninfo>
<graphic fileref="toolsel" format="png" srccredit="Don Allingham">
<title>Analysis and Exploration</title>
<term>Compare individual events</term>
Aids in the analysis of data by allowing the development of
custom filters that can be applied to the database to find
similar events.
<term>Interactive descendant browser</term>
Provides a browsable hierarchy based on the active person.
<title>Data Processing</title>
<term>Check and repair database</term>
Checks the database for integrity problems, fixing the
problems that it can.
<term>Extract information from names</term>
Searches the entire database and attempts to extract titles
and nicknames that may be embedded in a person's given name
<term>Merge people</term>
Searches the entire database, looking for individual entries
that may represent the same person.
<term>Rename personal event types</term>
Allows all the events of a certain name to be renamed to a
new name.
<term>Reorder GRAMPS ID's</term>
Reorders the GRAMPS ID's according to GRAMPS' default rules.
<term>Generate SoundEx codes</term>
Generates SoundEx codes for names.
<term>Relationship calculator</term>
Calulates the relationship between two people.
<!-- ============= Bugs ==================================
<sect1 id="bugs">
<title>Known Bugs and Limitations</title>
This application has no known bugs.
<!-- ============= Authors ================================ -->
<sect1 id="authors">
<application>GRAMPS</application> was written by Don Allingham
(<email>dallingham@users.sourceforge.net</email>). To find more
information about <application>GRAMPS</application>, please visit
the <ulink url="http://gramps.sourceforge.net" type="http">GRAMPS
Web page</ulink>.
This manual was written by Don Allingham
(<email>dallingham@users.sourceforge.net</email>), Larry Allingham
(<email>llkla@erinet.com</email>), and Shawn Ann Griffith
<!-- For translations: uncomment this:
Latin translation was done by ME
(<email>MYNAME@MYADDRESS</email>). Please send all comments and
suggestions regarding this translation to SOMEWHERE.
<!-- ============= Application License ============================= -->
<sect1 id="license">
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the <ulink type="help"
url="gnome-help:gpl"> <citetitle>GNU General Public
License</citetitle></ulink> as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
<citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle> for more
A copy of the <citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle> is
included as an appendix to the <citetitle>GNOME Users
Guide</citetitle>. You may also obtain a copy of the
<citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle> from the Free
Software Foundation by visiting <ulink type="http"
url="http://www.fsf.org">their Web site</ulink> or by writing to
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
<street>59 Temple Place</street> - Suite 330
<city>Boston</city>, <state>MA</state> <postcode>02111-1307</postcode>