svn: r17643
Installation and building the docs ================================== You need to install sphinx. Assuming you have installed the python setuptools, just do: sudo easy_install sphinx Once installed, go to the docs directory, and do: make html Which will produce the html output in docs/_build/html Documentation Guidelines ======================= Doc strings in python files should be written in reStructured text: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html The typical docstring for GRAMPS should look like this: """Brief synopsis This is a longer explanation, which may include *italics* or **bold**, or a link to another method :meth:`~gen.lib.person.Person.get_handle` Then, you need to provide optional subsection in this order (just to be consistent and have a uniform documentation, nothing prevent you to switch the order). :param arg1: the first value :type arg1: int or float or :class:`~gen.lib.baseobj.BaseObject` :param arg2: the second value :type arg2: int or float :param arg3: the third value :returns: arg1/arg2 +arg3 :rtype: float, this is the return type :Examples: >>> import template >>> a = MainClass() >>> a.function2(1,1,1) 2 :note: can be useful to emphasize important feature :See Also: :class:`MainClass1` :Warnings: arg2 must be non-zero. :Todo: check that arg2 is non zero. """ For a class, use :cvar variable: for class variable, :ivar variable: for instance class variable, .. attribute:: attribute: for attributes, .... See http://sphinx.pocoo.org/markup/desc.html and http://sphinx.pocoo.org/markup/inline.html Tips and Tricks =============== Change in many files something: perl -pi -w -e "s/L{PersonRef}/:class:\`\~gen.lib.personref.PersonRef\`/g;" *.py here L{PersonRef} is changed in :class:`~gen.lib.personref.PersonRef `