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# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Stephane Charette
# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Brian G. Matherly
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Gary Burton
# Contribution 2009 by Bob Ham <>
# Copyright (C) 2010 Jakim Friant
# Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Paul Franklin
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Family Lines, a Graphviz-based plugin for Gramps.
# python modules
from functools import partial
import html
# Set up logging
import logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(".FamilyLines")
# Gramps module
from gramps.gen.const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale
_ = glocale.translation.gettext
from gramps.gen.lib import EventRoleType, EventType, Person, PlaceType, Date
from gramps.gen.utils.file import media_path_full
from gramps.gen.utils.thumbnails import (get_thumbnail_path, SIZE_NORMAL,
from import Report
from import utils
from import MenuReportOptions
from import stdoptions
from import (NumberOption, ColorOption, BooleanOption,
EnumeratedListOption, PersonListOption,
from gramps.gen.utils.db import get_birth_or_fallback, get_death_or_fallback
from gramps.gen.proxy import CacheProxyDb
from gramps.gen.errors import ReportError
from import displayer as _pd
# Constant options items
_COLORS = [{'name' : _("B&W outline"), 'value' : "outline"},
{'name' : _("Colored outline"), 'value' : "colored"},
{'name' : _("Color fill"), 'value' : "filled"}]
_ARROWS = [ { 'name' : _("Descendants <- Ancestors"), 'value' : 'd' },
{ 'name' : _("Descendants -> Ancestors"), 'value' : 'a' },
{ 'name' : _("Descendants <-> Ancestors"), 'value' : 'da' },
{ 'name' : _("Descendants - Ancestors"), 'value' : '' }]
_CORNERS = [ { 'name' : _("None"), 'value' : '' },
{ 'name' : _("Female"), 'value' : 'f' },
{ 'name' : _("Male"), 'value' : 'm' },
{ 'name' : _("Both"), 'value' : 'fm' }]
# A quick overview of the classes we'll be using:
# class FamilyLinesOptions(MenuReportOptions)
# - this class is created when the report dialog comes up
# - all configuration controls for the report are created here
# class FamilyLinesReport(Report)
# - this class is created only after the user clicks on "OK"
# - the actual report generation is done by this class
class FamilyLinesOptions(MenuReportOptions):
Defines all of the controls necessary
to configure the FamilyLines report.
def __init__(self, name, dbase):
self.limit_parents = None
self.max_parents = None
self.limit_children = None
self.max_children = None
self.include_images = None
self.image_location = None
self.justyears = None
self.include_dates = None
MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase)
def add_menu_options(self, menu):
# ---------------------
category_name = _('Report Options')
add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)
# ---------------------
followpar = BooleanOption(_('Follow parents to determine '
'"family lines"'), True)
followpar.set_help(_('Parents and their ancestors will be '
'considered when determining "family lines".'))
add_option('followpar', followpar)
followchild = BooleanOption(_('Follow children to determine '
'"family lines"'), True)
followchild.set_help(_('Children will be considered when '
'determining "family lines".'))
add_option('followchild', followchild)
remove_extra_people = BooleanOption(_('Try to remove extra '
'people and families'), True)
remove_extra_people.set_help(_('People and families not directly '
'related to people of interest will '
'be removed when determining '
'"family lines".'))
add_option('removeextra', remove_extra_people)
arrow = EnumeratedListOption(_("Arrowhead direction"), 'd')
for i in range( 0, len(_ARROWS) ):
arrow.add_item(_ARROWS[i]["value"], _ARROWS[i]["name"])
arrow.set_help(_("Choose the direction that the arrows point."))
add_option("arrow", arrow)
color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), "filled")
for i in range(len(_COLORS)):
color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
color.set_help(_("Males will be shown with blue, females "
"with red, unless otherwise set above for filled. "
"If the sex of an individual "
"is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
add_option("color", color)
roundedcorners = EnumeratedListOption(_("Rounded corners"), '')
for i in range( 0, len(_CORNERS) ):
roundedcorners.add_item(_CORNERS[i]["value"], _CORNERS[i]["name"])
roundedcorners.set_help(_("Use rounded corners e.g. to differentiate "
"between women and men."))
add_option("useroundedcorners", roundedcorners)
stdoptions.add_gramps_id_option(menu, category_name, ownline=True)
# ---------------------
category_name = _('Report Options (2)')
add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)
# ---------------------
stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)
stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name, default=False)
stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)
locale_opt = stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)
stdoptions.add_date_format_option(menu, category_name, locale_opt)
# --------------------------------
add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('People of Interest'))
# --------------------------------
person_list = PersonListOption(_('People of interest'))
person_list.set_help(_('People of interest are used as a starting '
'point when determining "family lines".'))
add_option('gidlist', person_list)
self.limit_parents = BooleanOption(_('Limit the number of ancestors'),
self.limit_parents.set_help(_('Whether to '
'limit the number of ancestors.'))
add_option('limitparents', self.limit_parents)
self.limit_parents.connect('value-changed', self.limit_changed)
self.max_parents = NumberOption('', 50, 10, 9999)
self.max_parents.set_help(_('The maximum number '
'of ancestors to include.'))
add_option('maxparents', self.max_parents)
self.limit_children = BooleanOption(_('Limit the number '
'of descendants'),
self.limit_children.set_help(_('Whether to '
'limit the number of descendants.'))
add_option('limitchildren', self.limit_children)
self.limit_children.connect('value-changed', self.limit_changed)
self.max_children = NumberOption('', 50, 10, 9999)
self.max_children.set_help(_('The maximum number '
'of descendants to include.'))
add_option('maxchildren', self.max_children)
# --------------------
category_name = _('Include')
add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)
# --------------------
self.include_dates = BooleanOption(_('Include dates'), True)
self.include_dates.set_help(_('Whether to include dates for people '
'and families.'))
add_option('incdates', self.include_dates)
self.include_dates.connect('value-changed', self.include_dates_changed)
self.justyears = BooleanOption(_("Limit dates to years only"), False)
self.justyears.set_help(_("Prints just dates' year, neither "
"month or day nor date approximation "
"or interval are shown."))
add_option("justyears", self.justyears)
include_places = BooleanOption(_('Include places'), True)
include_places.set_help(_('Whether to include placenames for people '
'and families.'))
add_option('incplaces', include_places)
include_num_children = BooleanOption(_('Include the number of '
'children'), True)
include_num_children.set_help(_('Whether to include the number of '
'children for families with more '
'than 1 child.'))
add_option('incchildcnt', include_num_children)
self.include_images = BooleanOption(_('Include '
'thumbnail images of people'),
self.include_images.set_help(_('Whether to '
'include thumbnail images of people.'))
add_option('incimages', self.include_images)
self.include_images.connect('value-changed', self.images_changed)
self.image_location = EnumeratedListOption(_('Thumbnail location'), 0)
self.image_location.add_item(0, _('Above the name'))
self.image_location.add_item(1, _('Beside the name'))
self.image_location.set_help(_('Where the thumbnail image '
'should appear relative to the name'))
add_option('imageonside', self.image_location)
self.image_size = EnumeratedListOption(_('Thumbnail size'), SIZE_NORMAL)
self.image_size.add_item(SIZE_NORMAL, _('Normal'))
self.image_size.add_item(SIZE_LARGE, _('Large'))
self.image_size.set_help(_('Size of the thumbnail image'))
add_option('imagesize', self.image_size)
# ----------------------------
add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('Family Colors'))
# ----------------------------
surname_color = SurnameColorOption(_('Family colors'))
surname_color.set_help(_('Colors to use for various family lines.'))
add_option('surnamecolors', surname_color)
# -------------------------
add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('Individuals'))
# -------------------------
color_males = ColorOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff')
color_males.set_help(_('The color to use to display men.'))
add_option('colormales', color_males)
color_females = ColorOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0')
color_females.set_help(_('The color to use to display women.'))
add_option('colorfemales', color_females)
color_unknown = ColorOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0')
color_unknown.set_help(_('The color to use '
'when the gender is unknown.'))
add_option('colorunknown', color_unknown)
color_family = ColorOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0')
color_family.set_help(_('The color to use to display families.'))
add_option('colorfamilies', color_family)
def limit_changed(self):
Handle the change of limiting parents and children.
def images_changed(self):
Handle the change of including images.
def include_dates_changed(self):
Enable/disable menu items if dates are required
if self.include_dates.get_value():
# FamilyLinesReport -- created once the user presses 'OK'
class FamilyLinesReport(Report):
""" FamilyLines report """
def __init__(self, database, options, user):
Create FamilyLinesReport object that eventually produces the report.
The arguments are:
database - the Gramps database instance
options - instance of the FamilyLinesOptions class for this report
user - a gen.user.User() instance
name_format - Preferred format to display names
incl_private - Whether to include private data
inc_id - Whether to include IDs.
living_people - How to handle living people
years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)
menu =
get_option_by_name = menu.get_option_by_name
get_value = lambda name: get_option_by_name(name).get_value()
stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)
stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
self._db = self.database
# initialize several convenient variables
self._people = set() # handle of people we need in the report
self._families = set() # handle of families we need in the report
self._deleted_people = 0
self._deleted_families = 0
self._user = user
self._followpar = get_value('followpar')
self._followchild = get_value('followchild')
self._removeextra = get_value('removeextra')
self._gidlist = get_value('gidlist')
self._colormales = get_value('colormales')
self._colorfemales = get_value('colorfemales')
self._colorunknown = get_value('colorunknown')
self._colorfamilies = get_value('colorfamilies')
self._limitparents = get_value('limitparents')
self._maxparents = get_value('maxparents')
self._limitchildren = get_value('limitchildren')
self._maxchildren = get_value('maxchildren')
self._incimages = get_value('incimages')
self._imageonside = get_value('imageonside')
self._imagesize = get_value('imagesize')
self._useroundedcorners = get_value('useroundedcorners')
self._usesubgraphs = get_value('usesubgraphs')
self._incdates = get_value('incdates')
self._just_years = get_value('justyears')
self._incplaces = get_value('incplaces')
self._incchildcount = get_value('incchildcnt')
self.includeid = get_value('inc_id')
arrow_str = get_value('arrow')
if 'd' in arrow_str:
self._arrowheadstyle = 'normal'
self._arrowheadstyle = 'none'
if 'a' in arrow_str:
self._arrowtailstyle = 'normal'
self._arrowtailstyle = 'none'
# the gidlist is annoying for us to use since we always have to convert
# the GIDs to either Person or to handles, so we may as well convert the
# entire list right now and not have to deal with it ever again
self._interest_set = set()
if not self._gidlist:
raise ReportError(_('Empty report'),
_('You did not specify anybody'))
for gid in self._gidlist.split():
person = self._db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid)
if person:
#option can be from another family tree, so person can be None
stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)
# convert the 'surnamecolors' string to a dictionary of names and colors
self._surnamecolors = {}
tmp = get_value('surnamecolors')
if tmp.find('\xb0') >= 0:
# new style delimiter (see bug report #2162)
tmp = tmp.split('\xb0')
# old style delimiter
tmp = tmp.split(' ')
while len(tmp) > 1:
surname = tmp.pop(0).encode('iso-8859-1', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
colour = tmp.pop(0)
self._surnamecolors[surname] = colour
self._colorize = get_value('color')
def begin_report(self):
Inherited method; called by report() in
This is where we'll do all of the work of figuring out who
from the database is going to be output into the report
# starting with the people of interest, we then add parents:
if self._followpar:
if self._removeextra:
# ...and/or with the people of interest we add their children:
if self._followchild:
# once we get here we have a full list of people
# and families that we need to generate a report
def write_report(self):
Inherited method; called by report() in
# now that begin_report() has done the work, output what we've
# obtained into whatever file or format the user expects to use
self.doc.add_comment('# %s %d' %
(self._('Number of people in database:'),
self.doc.add_comment('# %s %d' %
(self._('Number of people of interest:'),
self.doc.add_comment('# %s %d' %
(self._('Number of families in database:'),
self.doc.add_comment('# %s %d' %
(self._('Number of families of interest:'),
if self._removeextra:
self.doc.add_comment('# %s %d' %
(self._('Additional people removed:'),
self.doc.add_comment('# %s %d' %
(self._('Additional families removed:'),
self.doc.add_comment('# %s' %
self._('Initial list of people of interest:'))
for handle in self._interest_set:
person = self._db.get_person_from_handle(handle)
gid = person.get_gramps_id()
name = person.get_primary_name().get_regular_name()
# Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise
id_n = self._("%(str1)s, %(str2)s") % {'str1':gid, 'str2':name}
self.doc.add_comment('# -> ' + id_n)
def find_parents(self):
""" find the parents """
# we need to start with all of our "people of interest"
ancestors_not_yet_processed = set(self._interest_set)
# now we find all the immediate ancestors of our people of interest
while ancestors_not_yet_processed:
handle = ancestors_not_yet_processed.pop()
# One of 2 things can happen here:
# 1) we already know about this person and he/she is already
# in our list
# 2) this is someone new, and we need to remember him/her
# In the first case, there isn't anything else to do, so we simply
# go back to the top and pop the next person off the list.
# In the second case, we need to add this person to our list, and
# then go through all of the parents this person has to find more
# people of interest.
if handle not in self._people:
person = self._db.get_person_from_handle(handle)
# remember this person!
# see if a family exists between this person and someone else
# we have on our list of people we're going to output -- if
# there is a family, then remember it for when it comes time
# to link spouses together
for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list():
family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
if not family:
spouse_handle = utils.find_spouse(person, family)
if spouse_handle:
if (spouse_handle in self._people or
spouse_handle in ancestors_not_yet_processed):
# if we have a limit on the number of people, and we've
# reached that limit, then don't attempt to find any
# more ancestors
if (self._limitparents and
(self._maxparents <
len(ancestors_not_yet_processed) + len(self._people))):
# get back to the top of the while loop so we can finish
# processing the people queued up in the "not yet
# processed" list
# queue the parents of the person we're processing
for family_handle in person.get_parent_family_handle_list():
family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
father_handle = family.get_father_handle()
if father_handle:
father = self._db.get_person_from_handle(father_handle)
if father:
mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle()
if mother_handle:
mother = self._db.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle)
if mother:
def remove_uninteresting_parents(self):
""" remove any uninteresting parents """
# start with all the people we've already identified
unprocessed_parents = set(self._people)
while len(unprocessed_parents) > 0:
handle = unprocessed_parents.pop()
person = self._db.get_person_from_handle(handle)
if not person:
# There are a few things we're going to need,
# so look it all up right now; such as:
# - who is the child?
# - how many children?
# - parents?
# - spouse?
# - is a person of interest?
# - spouse of a person of interest?
# - same surname as a person of interest?
# - spouse has the same surname as a person of interest?
child_handle = None
child_count = 0
spouse_handle = None
spouse_count = 0
father_handle = None
mother_handle = None
spouse_father_handle = None
spouse_mother_handle = None
spouse_surname = ""
surname = person.get_primary_name().get_surname()
surname = surname.encode('iso-8859-1', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
# first we get the person's father and mother
for family_handle in person.get_parent_family_handle_list():
family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
handle = family.get_father_handle()
if handle in self._people:
father_handle = handle
handle = family.get_mother_handle()
if handle in self._people:
mother_handle = handle
# now see how many spouses this person has
for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list():
family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
handle = utils.find_spouse(person, family)
if handle in self._people:
spouse_count += 1
spouse = self._db.get_person_from_handle(handle)
spouse_handle = handle
spouse_surname = spouse.get_primary_name().get_surname()
spouse_surname = spouse_surname.encode(
'iso-8859-1', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
# see if the spouse has parents
if not spouse_father_handle and not spouse_mother_handle:
for family_handle in \
family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(
handle = family.get_father_handle()
if handle in self._people:
spouse_father_handle = handle
handle = family.get_mother_handle()
if handle in self._people:
spouse_mother_handle = handle
# get the number of children that we think might be interesting
for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list():
family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
for child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list():
if child_ref.ref in self._people:
child_count += 1
child_handle = child_ref.ref
# we now have everything we need -- start looking for reasons
# why this is a person we need to keep in our list, and loop
# back to the top as soon as a reason is discovered
# if this person has many children of interest, then we
# automatically keep this person
if child_count > 1:
# if this person has many spouses of interest, then we
# automatically keep this person
if spouse_count > 1:
# if this person has parents, then we automatically keep
# this person
if father_handle is not None or mother_handle is not None:
# if the spouse has parents, then we automatically keep
# this person
if (spouse_father_handle is not None or
spouse_mother_handle is not None):
# if this is a person of interest, then we automatically keep
if person.get_handle() in self._interest_set:
# if the spouse is a person of interest, then we keep
if spouse_handle in self._interest_set:
# if the surname (or the spouse's surname) matches a person
# of interest, then we automatically keep this person
keep_this_person = False
for person_of_interest_handle in self._interest_set:
person_of_interest = self._db.get_person_from_handle(
surname_of_interest = person_of_interest.get_primary_name()
surname_of_interest = surname_of_interest.get_surname().encode(
'iso-8859-1', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
if (surname_of_interest == surname or
surname_of_interest == spouse_surname):
keep_this_person = True
if keep_this_person:
# if we have a special colour to use for this person,
# then we automatically keep this person
if surname in self._surnamecolors:
# if we have a special colour to use for the spouse,
# then we automatically keep this person
if spouse_surname in self._surnamecolors:
# took us a while,
# but if we get here then we can remove this person
self._deleted_people += 1
# we can also remove any families to which this person belonged
for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list():
if family_handle in self._families:
self._deleted_families += 1
# if we have a spouse, then ensure we queue up the spouse
if spouse_handle:
if spouse_handle not in unprocessed_parents:
# if we have a child, then ensure we queue up the child
if child_handle:
if child_handle not in unprocessed_parents:
def find_children(self):
""" find any children """
# we need to start with all of our "people of interest"
children_not_yet_processed = set(self._interest_set)
children_to_include = set()
# now we find all the children of our people of interest
while len(children_not_yet_processed) > 0:
handle = children_not_yet_processed.pop()
if handle not in children_to_include:
person = self._db.get_person_from_handle(handle)
# remember this person!
# if we have a limit on the number of people, and we've
# reached that limit, then don't attempt to find any
# more children
if (self._limitchildren and
(self._maxchildren <
len(children_not_yet_processed) +
# get back to the top of the while loop
# so we can finish processing the people
# queued up in the "not yet processed" list
# iterate through this person's families
for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list():
family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
# queue up any children from this person's family
for childref in family.get_child_ref_list():
child = self._db.get_person_from_handle(childref.ref)
# include the spouse from this person's family
spouse_handle = utils.find_spouse(person, family)
if spouse_handle:
# we now merge our temp set "children_to_include" into our master set
def write_people(self):
""" write the people """
# If we're going to attempt to include images, then use the HTML style
# of .gv file.
use_html_output = False
if self._incimages:
use_html_output = True
# loop through all the people we need to output
for handle in sorted(self._people): # enable a diff
person = self._db.get_person_from_handle(handle)
name = self._name_display.display(person)
p_id = person.get_gramps_id()
# figure out what colour to use
gender = person.get_gender()
colour = self._colorunknown
if gender == Person.MALE:
colour = self._colormales
elif gender == Person.FEMALE:
colour = self._colorfemales
# see if we have surname colours that match this person
surname = person.get_primary_name().get_surname()
surname = surname.encode('iso-8859-1', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
if surname in self._surnamecolors:
colour = self._surnamecolors[surname]
# see if we have a birth/death or fallback dates we can use
if self._incdates or self._incplaces:
bth_event = get_birth_or_fallback(self._db, person)
dth_event = get_death_or_fallback(self._db, person)
bth_event = None
dth_event = None
# output the birth or fallback event
birth_str = None
if bth_event and self._incdates:
date = bth_event.get_date_object()
if self._just_years and date.get_year_valid():
birth_str = self.get_date( # localized year
birth_str = self.get_date(date)
# get birth place (one of: hamlet, village, town, city, parish,
# county, province, region, state or country)
birthplace = None
if bth_event and self._incplaces:
birthplace = self.get_event_place(bth_event)
# see if we have a deceased date we can use
death_str = None
if dth_event and self._incdates:
date = dth_event.get_date_object()
if self._just_years and date.get_year_valid():
death_str = self.get_date( # localized year
death_str = self.get_date(date)
# get death place (one of: hamlet, village, town, city, parish,
# county, province, region, state or country)
deathplace = None
if dth_event and self._incplaces:
deathplace = self.get_event_place(dth_event)
# see if we have an image to use for this person
image_path = None
if self._incimages:
media_list = person.get_media_list()
if len(media_list) > 0:
media_handle = media_list[0].get_reference_handle()
media = self._db.get_media_from_handle(media_handle)
media_mime_type = media.get_mime_type()
if media_mime_type[0:5] == "image":
image_path = get_thumbnail_path(
media_path_full(self._db, media.get_path()),
# put the label together and output this person
label = ""
line_delimiter = '\\n'
if use_html_output:
line_delimiter = '<BR/>'
# if we have an image, then start an HTML table;
# remember to close the table afterwards!
if image_path:
'CELLBORDER="0"><TR><TD><IMG SRC="%s"/></TD>' %
if self._imageonside == 0:
label += '</TR><TR>'
label += '<TD>'
# at the very least, the label must have the person's name
label += html.escape(name)
if self.includeid == 1: # same line
label += " (%s)" % p_id
elif self.includeid == 2: # own line
label += "%s(%s)" % (line_delimiter, p_id)
if birth_str or death_str:
label += '%s(' % line_delimiter
if birth_str:
label += '%s' % birth_str
label += ' '
if death_str:
label += '%s' % death_str
label += ')'
if birthplace or deathplace:
if birthplace == deathplace:
deathplace = None # no need to print the same name twice
label += '%s' % line_delimiter
if birthplace:
label += '%s' % birthplace
if birthplace and deathplace:
label += ' / '
if deathplace:
label += '%s' % deathplace
# see if we have a table that needs to be terminated
if image_path:
label += '</TD></TR></TABLE>'
# non html label is enclosed by "" so escape other "
label = label.replace('"', '\\\"')
shape = "box"
style = "solid"
border = colour
fill = colour
# do not use colour if this is B&W outline
if self._colorize == 'outline':
border = ""
fill = ""
if gender == person.FEMALE and ("f" in self._useroundedcorners):
style = "rounded"
elif gender == person.MALE and ("m" in self._useroundedcorners):
style = "rounded"
elif gender == person.UNKNOWN:
shape = "hexagon"
# if we're filling the entire node:
if self._colorize == 'filled':
style += ",filled"
border = ""
# we're done -- add the node
def write_families(self):
""" write the families """
ngettext = self._locale.translation.ngettext # to see "nearby" comments
# loop through all the families we need to output
for family_handle in sorted(self._families): # enable a diff
family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
fgid = family.get_gramps_id()
# figure out a wedding date or placename we can use
wedding_date = None
wedding_place = None
if self._incdates or self._incplaces:
for event_ref in family.get_event_ref_list():
event = self._db.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref)
if (event.get_type() == EventType.MARRIAGE and
(event_ref.get_role() == EventRoleType.FAMILY or
event_ref.get_role() == EventRoleType.PRIMARY)):
# get the wedding date
if self._incdates:
date = event.get_date_object()
if self._just_years and date.get_year_valid():
wedding_date = self.get_date( # localized year
wedding_date = self.get_date(date)
# get the wedding location
if self._incplaces:
wedding_place = self.get_event_place(event)
# figure out the number of children (if any)
children_str = None
if self._incchildcount:
child_count = len(family.get_child_ref_list())
if child_count >= 1:
# Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
children_str = ngettext("{number_of} child",
"{number_of} children", child_count
label = ''
fgid_already = False
if wedding_date:
if label != '':
label += '\\n'
label += '%s' % wedding_date
if self.includeid == 1 and not fgid_already: # same line
label += " (%s)" % fgid
fgid_already = True
if wedding_place:
if label != '':
label += '\\n'
label += '%s' % wedding_place
if self.includeid == 1 and not fgid_already: # same line
label += " (%s)" % fgid
fgid_already = True
if self.includeid == 1 and not label:
label = "(%s)" % fgid
fgid_already = True
elif self.includeid == 2 and not label: # own line
label = "(%s)" % fgid
fgid_already = True
elif self.includeid == 2 and label and not fgid_already:
label += "\\n(%s)" % fgid
fgid_already = True
if children_str:
if label != '':
label += '\\n'
label += '%s' % children_str
if self.includeid == 1 and not fgid_already: # same line
label += " (%s)" % fgid
fgid_already = True
shape = "ellipse"
style = "solid"
border = self._colorfamilies
fill = self._colorfamilies
# do not use colour if this is B&W outline
if self._colorize == 'outline':
border = ""
fill = ""
# if we're filling the entire node:
if self._colorize == 'filled':
style += ",filled"
border = ""
# we're done -- add the node
self.doc.add_node(fgid, label, shape, border, style, fill)
# now that we have the families written,
# go ahead and link the parents and children to the families
for family_handle in self._families:
# get the parents for this family
family = self._db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
fgid = family.get_gramps_id()
father_handle = family.get_father_handle()
mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle()
if self._usesubgraphs and father_handle and mother_handle:
# see if we have a father to link to this family
if father_handle:
if father_handle in self._people:
father = self._db.get_person_from_handle(father_handle)
father_rn = father.get_primary_name().get_regular_name()
comment = self._("father: %s") % father_rn
self.doc.add_link(father.get_gramps_id(), fgid, "",
self._arrowheadstyle, self._arrowtailstyle,
# see if we have a mother to link to this family
if mother_handle:
if mother_handle in self._people:
mother = self._db.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle)
mother_rn = mother.get_primary_name().get_regular_name()
comment = self._("mother: %s") % mother_rn
self.doc.add_link(mother.get_gramps_id(), fgid, "",
self._arrowheadstyle, self._arrowtailstyle,
if self._usesubgraphs and father_handle and mother_handle:
# link the children to the family
for childref in family.get_child_ref_list():
if childref.ref in self._people:
child = self._db.get_person_from_handle(childref.ref)
child_rn = child.get_primary_name().get_regular_name()
comment = self._("child: %s") % child_rn
self.doc.add_link(fgid, child.get_gramps_id(), "",
self._arrowheadstyle, self._arrowtailstyle,
def get_event_place(self, event):
""" get the place of the event """
place_text = ''
place_handle = event.get_place_handle()
if place_handle:
place = self._db.get_place_from_handle(place_handle)
if place:
place_text = _pd.display(self._db, place)
place_text = html.escape(place_text)
return place_text
def get_date(self, date):
""" return a formatted date """
return html.escape(self._get_date(date))