927 lines
39 KiB
927 lines
39 KiB
# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
__author__ = "Douglas Blank <Doug.Blank@gmail.com>"
__version__ = "$Revision$"
# python modules
from gettext import gettext as _
import datetime, time
from xml.parsers import expat
import const
import os
import locale
# GRAMPS modules
import BaseDoc
from PluginUtils import register_report
from ReportBase import Report, ReportUtils, ReportOptions, \
pt2cm = ReportUtils.pt2cm
from Filters import GenericFilter, ParamFilter, Rules
import GrampsLocale
import RelLib
_language, _country = "en", "US"
(_language_country, _encoding) = locale.getlocale()
if _language_country != None and _language_country.count("_") == 1:
(_language, _country) = _language_country.split("_")
# The one and only GUI, unfortunately. This will be able to be moved to
# Widget once it is created.
import gtk
# Support functions
def easter(year):
Computes the year/month/day of easter. Currently hardcoded in
holidays.xml. Based on work by J.-M. Oudin (1940) and is reprinted in
the "Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac", ed. P. K.
Seidelmann (1992).
Note: Ash Wednesday is 46 days before Easter Sunday.
c = year / 100
n = year - 19 * (year / 19)
k = (c - 17) / 25
i = c - c / 4 - (c - k) / 3 + 19 * n + 15
i = i - 30 * (i / 30)
i = i - (i / 28) * (1 - (i / 28) * (29 / (i + 1))
* ((21 - n) / 11))
j = year + year / 4 + i + 2 - c + c / 4
j = j - 7 * (j / 7)
l = i - j
month = 3 + (l + 40) / 44
day = l + 28 - 31 * ( month / 4 )
return "%d/%d/%d" % (year, month, day)
# Calendar
class Calendar(Report):
Creates the Calendar object that produces the report.
def __getitem__(self, item):
""" Used to get items from various places. Could be moved up to Report. """
if item in self.doc.style_list:
# font is the only element people refer to in writing reports
# from the style_list:
return self.doc.style_list[item].get_font()
elif item in self.options_class.options_dict:
# otherwise it is a option:
return self.options_class.options_dict[item]
raise AttributeError, ("no widget named '%s'" % item)
def define_graphics_styles(self):
""" Set up the report. Could be moved up to Report. """
for widget in self.options_class.widgets:
if widget.__class__.__name__ == "StyleWidget":
def get_short_name(self, person, maiden_name = None):
""" Is there a better, built-in way of getting a short, personal name? """
nickname = person.get_nick_name()
if nickname:
first_name = nickname
first_name = person.get_primary_name().get_first_name()
if first_name:
first_name = first_name.split()[0] # not middle name
if nickname.strip().count(" ") > 0: # HACK: first and last name assumed
family_name = ""
elif maiden_name != None:
family_name = maiden_name
family_name = person.get_primary_name().get_surname()
return ("%s %s" % (first_name, family_name)).strip()
def draw_rectangle(self, style, sx, sy, ex, ey):
""" This should be in BaseDoc """
self.doc.draw_line(style, sx, sy, sx, ey)
self.doc.draw_line(style, sx, sy, ex, sy)
self.doc.draw_line(style, ex, sy, ex, ey)
self.doc.draw_line(style, sx, ey, ex, ey)
### The rest of these all have to deal with calendar specific things
def add_day_item(self, text, year, month, day):
month_dict = self.calendar.get(month, {})
day_list = month_dict.get(day, [])
month_dict[day] = day_list
self.calendar[month] = month_dict
def get_holidays(self, year, country = "US"):
""" Looks in multiple places for holidays.xml files """
locations = [const.pluginsDir,
holiday_file = 'holidays.xml'
for dir in locations:
holiday_full_path = os.path.join(dir, holiday_file)
if os.path.exists(holiday_full_path):
self.process_holiday_file(holiday_full_path, year, country)
def process_holiday_file(self, filename, year, country):
""" This will process a holiday file """
parser = Xml2Obj()
element = parser.Parse(filename)
calendar = Holidays(element, country)
date = datetime.date(year, 1, 1)
while date.year == year:
holidays = calendar.check_date( date )
for text in holidays:
self.add_day_item(text, date.year, date.month, date.day)
date = date.fromordinal( date.toordinal() + 1)
def write_report(self):
""" The short method that runs through each month and creates a page. """
# initialize the dict to fill:
self.calendar = {}
# get the information, first from holidays:
if self["holidays"]:
self.get_holidays(self["year"], _country) # currently global
# get data from database:
# generate the report:
for month in range(1, 13):
def print_page(self, month):
This method actually writes the calendar page.
width = self.doc.get_usable_width()
height = self.doc.get_usable_height()
header = self.doc.tmargin
self.draw_rectangle("border", 0, 0, width, height)
self.doc.draw_bar("title", 0, 0, width, header)
self.doc.draw_line("border", 0, header, width, header)
year = self["year"]
title = "%s %d" % (GrampsLocale.long_months[month], year)
font_height = pt2cm(1.25 * self["title"].get_size())
self.doc.center_text("title", title, width/2, font_height + self["offset"]) # 1.0
cell_width = width / 7
cell_height = (height - header)/ 6
current_date = datetime.date(year, month, 1)
spacing = pt2cm(1.25 * self["text"].get_size()) # 158
if current_date.isoweekday() != 7: # start dow here is 7, sunday
current_ord = current_date.toordinal() - current_date.isoweekday()
current_ord = current_date.toordinal()
for day_col in range(7):
GrampsLocale.long_days[day_col+1], # global
day_col * cell_width + cell_width/2,
header - font_height/3.0 + self["offset"]) # .35
for week_row in range(6):
something_this_week = 0
for day_col in range(7):
thisday = current_date.fromordinal(current_ord)
if thisday.month == month:
something_this_week = 1
self.draw_rectangle("border", day_col * cell_width,
header + week_row * cell_height,
(day_col + 1) * cell_width,
header + (week_row + 1) * cell_height)
last_edge = (day_col + 1) * cell_width
self.doc.center_text("numbers", str(thisday.day),
day_col * cell_width + cell_width/2,
header + week_row * cell_height + .5 + self["offset"])
list = self.calendar.get(month, {}).get(thisday.day, [])
position = 0.0
for p in list:
lines = p.count("\n") + 1 # lines in the text
position += (lines * spacing)
current = 0
for line in p.split("\n"):
self.doc.write_at("text", line,
day_col * cell_width + .1,
header + (week_row + 1) * cell_height - position + (current * spacing) + self["offset"])
current += 1
current_ord += 1
if not something_this_week:
last_edge = 0
font_height = pt2cm(1.25 * self["text1style"].get_size())
self.doc.center_text("text1style", self["text1"], last_edge + (width - last_edge)/2, height - font_height * 3 + self["offset"]) # - 1.5
self.doc.center_text("text2style", self["text2"], last_edge + (width - last_edge)/2, height - font_height * 2 + self["offset"]) # - 0.78
self.doc.center_text("text3style", self["text3"], last_edge + (width - last_edge)/2, height - font_height * 1 + self["offset"]) # - 0.30
def collect_data(self):
This method runs through the data, and collects the relevant dates
and text.
filter_num = self.options_class.get_filter_number()
filters = self.options_class.get_report_filters(self.start_person)
self.filter = filters[filter_num]
people = self.filter.apply(self.database,
for person_handle in people:
person = self.database.get_person_from_handle(person_handle)
birth_ref = person.get_birth_ref()
birth_date = None
if birth_ref:
birth_event = self.database.get_event_from_handle(birth_ref.ref)
birth_date = birth_event.get_date_object()
death_ref = person.get_death_ref()
death_date = None
if death_ref:
death_event = self.database.get_event_from_handle(death_ref.ref)
death_date = death_event.get_date_object()
if death_date == None:
alive = True # well, until we get probably_alive in here
alive = False
if self["birthdays"] and birth_date != None and ((self["alive"] and alive) or not self["alive"]):
year = birth_date.get_year()
month = birth_date.get_month()
day = birth_date.get_day()
age = self["year"] - year
# add some things to handle maiden name:
father_lastname = None # husband, actually
if self["maiden_name"] == 0: # get husband's last name:
if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.FEMALE:
family_list = person.get_family_handle_list()
if len(family_list) > 0:
fhandle = family_list[0] # first is primary
fam = self.database.get_family_from_handle(fhandle)
father_handle = fam.get_father_handle()
mother_handle = fam.get_mother_handle()
if mother_handle == person_handle:
if father_handle:
father = self.database.get_person_from_handle(father_handle)
if father != None:
father_lastname = father.get_primary_name().get_surname()
short_name = self.get_short_name(person, father_lastname)
self.add_day_item("%s, %d" % (short_name, age), year, month, day)
if self["anniversaries"] and ((self["alive"] and alive) or not self["alive"]):
family_list = person.get_family_handle_list()
for fhandle in family_list:
fam = self.database.get_family_from_handle(fhandle)
father_handle = fam.get_father_handle()
mother_handle = fam.get_mother_handle()
if father_handle == person.get_handle():
spouse_handle = mother_handle
continue # with next person if this was the marriage event
if spouse_handle:
spouse = self.database.get_person_from_handle(spouse_handle)
if spouse:
spouse_name = self.get_short_name(spouse)
short_name = self.get_short_name(person)
if self["alive"]:
spouse_death_ref = spouse.get_death_ref()
if spouse_death_ref:
# there is a death event, maybe empty though
spouse_death_event = self.database.get_event_from_handle(spouse_death_ref.ref)
if spouse_death_event != None:
spouse_death_date = spouse_death_event.get_date_object()
if spouse_death_date: # BUG: couldn't remove event
for event_ref in fam.get_event_ref_list():
event = self.database.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref)
event_obj = event.get_date_object()
year = event_obj.get_year()
month = event_obj.get_month()
day = event_obj.get_day()
years = self["year"] - year
text = _("%(spouse)s and\n %(person)s, %(nyears)d") % {
'spouse' : spouse_name,
'person' : short_name,
'nyears' : years,
self.add_day_item(text, year, month, day)
# These classes are a suggested of how to rework the graphics out of reports. It also
# makes these items abstractions, which makes it easy to change the report
# infrastructure without having everyone rewrite their reports each time.
# This builds on the current document code, so no changes are needed.
class Widget:
""" A Widget virtual base class. This contains no graphics specifics. """
commonDefaults = {
"wtype" : None,
"name" : None,
"label" : None,
"help" : None,
"wtype" : None,
"valid_text" : None,
"frame" : None,
"value" : None,
defaults = {}
def __init__(self, option_object, **args):
self.option_object = option_object
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key in self.settings:
return self.settings[key]
raise AttributeError, ("no widget attribute named '%s'" % key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.settings[key] = value
def setup(self, args = {}):
# start with the base defaults common to all:
self.settings = self.commonDefaults.copy()
# now add those from the subclass:
# ad finally, those from the user:
def register(self):
className = self.__class__.__name__
if className == "FilterWidget":
self.option_object.enable_dict['filter'] = 0
elif className == "StyleWidget":
self.option_object[self["name"]] = self["value"]
self.option_object[self["name"]] = self["value"]
self.option_object.options_help[self["name"]] = (
self["wtype"], self["help"], self["valid_text"])
def add_gui(self, dialog): pass
def update(self): pass
class SpinWidget(Widget):
""" A spinner number selector widget for GTK. """
defaults = {
"wtype" : "=num",
"help" : "Numeric option",
"valid_text": "Any number",
def add_gui(self, dialog):
keyword = self["name"]
obj = self.option_object.__dict__
obj[keyword] = gtk.SpinButton()
if self["frame"] != None:
dialog.add_frame_option(self["frame"], self["label"], obj[keyword])
dialog.add_option(self["label"], obj[keyword])
def update(self):
dict = self.option_object.__dict__
keyword = self["name"]
self.option_object[keyword] = dict[keyword].get_value_as_int()
self[keyword] = dict[keyword].get_value_as_int()
class CheckWidget(Widget):
""" A check box widget for GTK. """
defaults = {
"wtype" : "=0/1",
"help" : "Yes/No option",
"valid_text": "1 for yes, 0 for no",
def add_gui(self, dialog):
keyword = self["name"]
obj = self.option_object.__dict__
obj[keyword] = gtk.CheckButton(self["label"])
if self["frame"] != None:
dialog.add_frame_option(self["frame"], "", obj[keyword])
dialog.add_option("", obj[keyword])
def update(self):
dict = self.option_object.__dict__
keyword = self["name"]
self.option_object[keyword] = int(dict[keyword].get_active())
self[keyword] = int(dict[keyword].get_active())
class EntryWidget(Widget):
""" A text widget for GTK. """
defaults = {
"wtype" : "=str",
"help" : "String option",
"valid_text": "Any textual data",
def add_gui(self, dialog):
keyword = self["name"]
obj = self.option_object.__dict__
obj[keyword] = gtk.Entry()
if self["frame"] != None:
dialog.add_frame_option(self["frame"], self["label"], obj[keyword])
dialog.add_option(self["label"], obj[keyword])
def update(self):
dict = self.option_object.__dict__
keyword = self["name"]
self.option_object[keyword] = unicode(dict[keyword].get_text())
self[keyword] = unicode(dict[keyword].get_text())
class NumberWidget(EntryWidget):
""" A number widget for GTK. """
defaults = {
"wtype" : "=num",
"help" : "Numeric option",
"valid_text": "Any number",
def add_gui(self, dialog):
keyword = self["name"]
obj = self.option_object.__dict__
obj[keyword] = gtk.Entry()
if self["frame"] != None:
dialog.add_frame_option(self["frame"], self["label"], obj[keyword])
dialog.add_option(self["label"], obj[keyword])
def update(self):
dict = self.option_object.__dict__
keyword = self["name"]
self.option_object[keyword] = float(dict[keyword].get_text())
self[keyword] = float(dict[keyword].get_text())
class StyleWidget(Widget):
defaults = {
"size" : 8,
"bold" : 0,
"italics" : 0,
"type_face" : BaseDoc.FONT_SERIF,
"fill_color": None,
def make_default_style(self, default_style):
f = BaseDoc.FontStyle()
p = BaseDoc.ParagraphStyle()
def define_graphics_style(self, document):
g = BaseDoc.GraphicsStyle()
if self["fill_color"]:
# FIXME: add all other graphics items (color, etc) here
class FilterWidget(Widget):
A filter widget. This doesn't have the GTK code here, but should.
This class takes names of the filters and does everything for you.
"all filters" - all of them
"everyone" - all people in table
"descendents" - direct descendents
"descendent familes" - direct descendents and their familes
"ancestors" - all ancestors of person
"common ancestors" - all common ancestors
"calendar attribute" - experimental filter for tagging people
def get_filters(self, person):
"""Set up the list of possible content filters."""
if person:
name = person.get_primary_name().get_name()
gramps_id = person.get_gramps_id()
name = 'PERSON'
gramps_id = ''
retval = []
for filter in self["filters"]:
if filter in ["everyone", "all filters"]:
f = GenericFilter()
f.set_name(_("Entire Database"))
if filter in ["descendants", "all filters"]:
f = GenericFilter()
f.set_name(_("Descendants of %s") % name)
if filter in ["descendant families", "all filters"]:
f = GenericFilter()
f.set_name(_("Descendant Families of %s") % name)
if filter in ["ancestors", "all filters"]:
f = GenericFilter()
f.set_name(_("Ancestors of %s") % name)
if filter in ["common ancestors", "all filters"]:
f = GenericFilter()
f.set_name(_("People with common ancestor with %s") % name)
if filter in ["calendar attribute", "all filters"]:
f = ParamFilter()
f.set_name(_("People with a Calendar attribute"))
from Filters import CustomFilters
return retval
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# The following could all be moved to the parent class, if you wanted
# to adopt this report reworking. Even if you didn't want to use them
# it would be ok to put there, because self.widgets would be empty.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
class NewReportOptions(ReportOptions):
Defines options and provides code to handling the interface.
This is free of any graphics specifics.
def __getitem__(self, keyword):
""" This could be moved up to ReportOptions """
if keyword in self.options_dict:
return self.options_dict[keyword]
raise AttributeError, ("no widget named '%s'" % keyword)
def __setitem__(self, keyword, value):
""" This could be moved up to ReportOptions """
self.options_dict[keyword] = value
def add_user_options(self,dialog):
for widget in self.widgets:
def parse_user_options(self,dialog):
for widget in self.widgets:
def get_report_filters(self,person):
for widget in self.widgets:
if widget.__class__.__name__ == "FilterWidget":
return widget.get_filters(person)
def make_default_style(self,default_style):
for widget in self.widgets:
if widget.__class__.__name__ == "StyleWidget":
class CalendarOptions(NewReportOptions):
def enable_options(self):
self.enable_dict = {}
self.widgets = [
FilterWidget(self, label = _("Filter"),
name = "filter",
filters = ["all filters"]),
EntryWidget(self, label = _("Text 1"),
name = "text1",
value = "My Calendar",
help = "Large text area",
valid_text = "Any text",
frame = _("Text Options")
EntryWidget(self, label = _("Text 2"),
name = "text2",
value = "Produced with GRAMPS",
help = "Medium size text",
valid_text = "Any text",
frame = _("Text Options")
EntryWidget(self, label = _("Text 3"),
name = "text3",
value = "http://gramps-project.org/",
help = "Small text area",
valid_text = "Any text",
frame = _("Text Options")
SpinWidget(self, label = _("Year of calendar"),
name = "year",
value = time.localtime()[0], # the current year
help = "Year of calendar",
valid_text = "Any year",
CheckWidget(self, label = _("Use maiden names"),
name = "maiden_name",
value = 1,
help = "Use married women's maiden name.",
valid_text = "Select to use married women's maiden name.",
CheckWidget(self, label = _("Only include living people"),
name = "alive",
value = 1,
help = "Include only living people",
valid_text = "Select to only include living people",
CheckWidget(self, label = _("Include birthdays"),
name = "birthdays",
value = 1,
help = "Include birthdays",
valid_text = "Select to include birthdays",
CheckWidget(self, label = _("Include anniversaries"),
name = "anniversaries",
value = 1,
help = "Include anniversaries",
valid_text = "Select to include anniversaries",
CheckWidget(self, label = _("Include holidays"),
name = "holidays",
value = 1,
help = "Include holidays",
valid_text = "Select to include holidays",
NumberWidget(self, label = _("Offset"),
name = "offset",
value = -0.5,
help = "Distance to move text on page",
valid_text = "Any number",
frame = "Text Options"
StyleWidget(self, label = _('Title text and background color.'),
name = "title",
size = 20,
italics = 1,
bold = 1,
fill_color = (0xEA,0xEA,0xEA),
type_face = BaseDoc.FONT_SERIF,
StyleWidget(self, label = _('Border lines of calendar boxes.'),
name = "border",
StyleWidget(self, label = _('Calendar day numbers.'),
name = "numbers",
size = 13,
bold = 1,
type_face = BaseDoc.FONT_SERIF,
StyleWidget(self, label = _('Daily text display.'),
name = "text",
size = 9,
type_face = BaseDoc.FONT_SERIF,
StyleWidget(self, label = _('Days of the week text.'),
name = "daynames",
size = 12,
italics = 1,
bold = 1,
type_face = BaseDoc.FONT_SERIF,
StyleWidget(self, label = _('Text at bottom, line 1.'),
name = "text1style",
size = 12,
type_face = BaseDoc.FONT_SERIF,
StyleWidget(self, label = _('Text at bottom, line 2.'),
name = "text2style",
size = 12,
type_face = BaseDoc.FONT_SERIF,
StyleWidget(self, label = _('Text at bottom, line 3.'),
name = "text3style",
size = 9,
type_face = BaseDoc.FONT_SERIF,
class Element:
""" A parsed XML element """
def __init__(self,name,attributes):
'Element constructor'
# The element's tag name
self.name = name
# The element's attribute dictionary
self.attributes = attributes
# The element's cdata
self.cdata = ''
# The element's child element list (sequence)
self.children = []
def AddChild(self,element):
'Add a reference to a child element'
def getAttribute(self,key):
'Get an attribute value'
return self.attributes.get(key)
def getData(self):
'Get the cdata'
return self.cdata
def getElements(self,name=''):
'Get a list of child elements'
#If no tag name is specified, return the all children
if not name:
return self.children
# else return only those children with a matching tag name
elements = []
for element in self.children:
if element.name == name:
return elements
def toString(self, level=0):
retval = " " * level
retval += "<%s" % self.name
for attribute in self.attributes:
retval += " %s=\"%s\"" % (attribute, self.attributes[attribute])
c = ""
for child in self.children:
c += child.toString(level+1)
if c == "":
retval += "/>\n"
retval += ">\n" + c + ("</%s>\n" % self.name)
return retval
class Xml2Obj:
""" XML to Object """
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
self.nodeStack = []
def StartElement(self,name,attributes):
'SAX start element even handler'
# Instantiate an Element object
element = Element(name.encode(),attributes)
# Push element onto the stack and make it a child of parent
if len(self.nodeStack) > 0:
parent = self.nodeStack[-1]
self.root = element
def EndElement(self,name):
'SAX end element event handler'
self.nodeStack = self.nodeStack[:-1]
def CharacterData(self,data):
'SAX character data event handler'
if data.strip():
data = data.encode()
element = self.nodeStack[-1]
element.cdata += data
def Parse(self,filename):
# Create a SAX parser
Parser = expat.ParserCreate()
# SAX event handlers
Parser.StartElementHandler = self.StartElement
Parser.EndElementHandler = self.EndElement
Parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.CharacterData
# Parse the XML File
ParserStatus = Parser.Parse(open(filename,'r').read(), 1)
return self.root
class Holidays:
""" Class used to read XML holidays to add to calendar. """
def __init__(self, elements, country="US"):
self.debug = 0
self.elements = elements
self.country = country
self.dates = []
def set_country(self, country):
self.country = country
self.dates = []
def initialize(self):
# parse the date objects
for country_set in self.elements.children:
if country_set.name == "country" and country_set.attributes["name"] == self.country:
for date in country_set.children:
if date.name == "date":
data = {"value" : "",
"name" : "",
"offset": "",
"type": "",
"if": "",
} # defaults
for attr in date.attributes:
data[attr] = date.attributes[attr]
def get_daynames(self, y, m, dayname):
if self.debug: print "%s's in %d %d..." % (dayname, m, y)
retval = [0]
dow = ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun'].index(dayname)
for d in range(1, 32):
date = datetime.date(y, m, d)
except ValueError:
if date.weekday() == dow:
retval.append( d )
if self.debug: print "dow=", dow, "days=", retval
return retval
def check_date(self, date):
retval = []
for rule in self.dates:
if self.debug: print "Checking ", rule["name"], "..."
offset = 0
if rule["offset"] != "":
if rule["offset"].isdigit():
offset = int(rule["offset"])
elif rule["offset"][0] in ["-","+"] and rule["offset"][1:].isdigit():
offset = int(rule["offset"])
# must be a dayname
offset = rule["offset"]
if rule["value"].count("/") == 3: # year/num/day/month, "3rd wednesday in april"
y, num, dayname, mon = rule["value"].split("/")
if y == "*":
y = date.year
y = int(y)
if mon.isdigit():
m = int(mon)
elif mon == "*":
m = date.month
m = ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun',
'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'].index(mon) + 1
dates_of_dayname = self.get_daynames(y, m, dayname)
if self.debug: print "num =", num
d = dates_of_dayname[int(num)]
elif rule["value"].count("/") == 2: # year/month/day
y, m, d = rule["value"].split("/")
if y == "*":
y = date.year
y = int(y)
if m == "*":
m = date.month
m = int(m)
if d == "*":
d = date.day
d = int(d)
ndate = datetime.date(y, m, d)
if self.debug: print ndate, offset, type(offset)
if type(offset) == int:
if offset != 0:
ndate = ndate.fromordinal(ndate.toordinal() + offset)
elif type(offset) in [type(u''), str]:
dir = 1
if offset[0] == "-":
dir = -1
offset = offset[1:]
if offset in ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun']:
# next tuesday you come to, including this one
dow = ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun'].index(offset)
ord = ndate.toordinal()
while ndate.fromordinal(ord).weekday() != dow:
ord += dir
ndate = ndate.fromordinal(ord)
if self.debug: print "ndate:", ndate, "date:", date
if ndate == date:
if rule["if"] != "":
if not eval(rule["if"]):
return retval
# Register this plugin
name = 'calendar',
category = CATEGORY_DRAW,
report_class = Calendar,
options_class = CalendarOptions,
translated_name = _("Calendar"),
status = _("Experimental"),
author_name = "Douglas S. Blank",
author_email = "Doug.Blank@gmail.com",
description = _("Produces a graphical calendar"),