Original code used readline() when file was in binary mode; this works only if file contains '\n', true only for CRLF and LF line endings. Switched to file text mode with correct encoding and universal newline support.
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236 lines
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<text>Table of Latin_1, ISO-8859-1 characters
32 [ ]
33 [!]
34 ["]
35 [#]
36 [$]
37 [%]
38 [&]
39 [']
40 [(]
41 [)]
42 [*]
43 [+]
44 [,]
45 [-]
46 [.]
47 [/]
48 [0]
49 [1]
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58 [:]
59 [;]
60 [<]
61 [=]
62 [>]
63 [?]
64 [@]
65 [A]
66 [B]
67 [C]
68 [D]
69 [E]
70 [F]
71 [G]
72 [H]
73 [I]
74 [J]
75 [K]
76 [L]
77 [M]
78 [N]
79 [O]
80 [P]
81 [Q]
82 [R]
83 [S]
84 [T]
85 [U]
86 [V]
87 [W]
88 [X]
89 [Y]
90 [Z]
91 [[]
92 [\]
93 []]
94 [^]
95 [_]
96 [`]
97 [a]
98 [b]
99 [c]
100 [d]
101 [e]
102 [f]
103 [g]
104 [h]
105 [i]
106 [j]
107 [k]
108 [l]
109 [m]
110 [n]
111 [o]
112 [p]
113 [q]
114 [r]
115 [s]
116 [t]
117 [u]
118 [v]
119 [w]
120 [x]
121 [y]
122 [z]
123 [{]
124 [|]
125 [}]
126 [~]
160 [ ]
161 [¡]
162 [¢]
163 [£]
164 [¤]
165 [¥]
166 [¦]
167 [§]
168 [¨]
169 [©]
170 [ª]
171 [«]
172 [¬]
173 []
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175 [¯]
176 [°]
177 [±]
178 [²]
179 [³]
180 [´]
181 [µ]
182 [¶]
183 [·]
184 [¸]
185 [¹]
186 [º]
187 [»]
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189 [½]
190 [¾]
191 [¿]
192 [À]
193 [Á]
194 [Â]
195 [Ã]
196 [Ä]
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199 [Ç]
200 [È]
201 [É]
202 [Ê]
203 [Ë]
204 [Ì]
205 [Í]
206 [Î]
207 [Ï]
208 [Ð]
209 [Ñ]
210 [Ò]
211 [Ó]
212 [Ô]
213 [Õ]
214 [Ö]
215 [×]
216 [Ø]
217 [Ù]
218 [Ú]
219 [Û]
220 [Ü]
221 [Ý]
222 [Þ]
223 [ß]
224 [à]
225 [á]
226 [â]
227 [ã]
228 [ä]
229 [å]
230 [æ]
231 [ç]
232 [è]
233 [é]
234 [ê]
235 [ë]
236 [ì]
237 [í]
238 [î]
239 [ï]
240 [ð]
241 [ñ]
242 [ò]
243 [ó]
244 [ô]
245 [õ]
246 [ö]
247 [÷]
248 [ø]
249 [ù]
250 [ú]
251 [û]
252 [ü]
253 [ý]
254 [þ]
255 [ÿ]</text>