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Version 0.1.5
* Plenty of bug fixes in the report generators and merging due to the
previous addition of date ranges.
* Added PDF file type generation for reports. Depends on the reportlab
package (available at www.reportlab.com). If the package is not
installed, gramps will run, but without PDF generation ability.
* Will use the Python Imaging Library if present to handle images. If
not, it will revert to the old method of using Imagick (convert).
* The user can select an attribute (from the attribute list) to display
on the Edit Person window.
* The internal gramps ID is now displayed on the Edit Person window.
* Marriage types can now be recorded.
* Addresses now use a single date instead of multiple dates, since
dates can now deal with ranges.
* Due to a bug in Python 2.0/GTK interaction, list colors are disabled
for Python 2.0 and above.
* configure script now properly deals with Python include paths,
eliminating the need to hand edit the src/Makefile to get gramps to
run under Python 2.X.
* Photos are now displayed properly again in the Edit Person gallery.
* Family notes are now implemented.
Version 0.1.4
* Implemented date ranges. Valid forms are "from <date> to <date>" and
"between <date> and <date>".
* Better support for partial dates. A question mark can optionally be
used for a placeholder for a year if the year is unknown. Illegal
date formats issue a warning upon an attempt to save the date.
* Start of internationalization (i18n) support. Had to include a single
C file to allow libglade to understand translations. This means that
binary releases are no longer going to be platform independant.
* Start of a generic output formatter for report generation. Currently
supports HTML, OpenOffice (625+), and AbiWord (0.7.13+). Allows
control of paragraph and font styles.
* Added into CVS on sourceforge
* Fixed quite a few bugs
Version 0.1.3
* Allow the user to specifiy their preferred numerical date input format,
either DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY on the preferences dialog box.
* Handles file problems a bit more gracefully.
* Use ISO-8859-1 character set instead of ASCII to support languages other
than English. Eventually this should go to unicode, but python 1.5.2
does not have good unicode support. Python 2.X/Gnome 2.X will be the
migration for this feature.
* Handle ANSEL encoding for import and exporting GEDCOM files.
* Fixed a bug in the selection of parents, which did not accept new parents
if previous parents did not exist.
Version 0.1.2
* Allow the user the option to display alternate names in the person
list. Alternate names in the list have an '*' appended to the end
of the name.
* Merge function now gives the user the option of saving the name of
the merged individual as an alternate name if the names are not
the same.
* Added the "Alternate Birth" and "Alternate Death" to the event list,
to allow other birthdates to be recorded. Gramps makes a distinction
between the birthdate/deathdate and the alternates.
* GEDCOM import and export adapted to load/save alternate birth and
death dates. The first "BIRT" and "DEAT" tags are the ones used
for the primary dates, the others are loaded as alternates.
* Added the ability to store web page addresses for each person. From
the edit person page, the "Go" button brings up a web browser to
display the page.
* Fixed a bug in the relationship calculator that caused a traceback
when the person selected was a direct ancestor of the active person.
* Added the suffix field to the alternate name entry on the Edit Person