Permits sorting by localized language name. Also hides the language code, which the user doesn't really care about. Removes get_language_string from, no longer needed. svn: r21236
594 lines
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594 lines
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# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham
# Copyright (C) 2009 Brian G. Matherly
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# $Id$
# python modules
import gettext
import sys
import os
import locale
import logging
LOG = logging.getLogger("gramps.gen.util.grampslocale")
# gramps modules
from ..const import LOCALE_DIR
from ..constfunc import mac, win, UNITYPE
# GrampsLocale Class
class GrampsLocale(object):
Encapsulate a locale. This class is a sort-of-singleton: The
first instance created will query the environment and OSX defaults
for missing parameters (precedence is parameters passed to the
constructor, environment variables LANG, LC_COLLATE, LC_TIME,
etc., and LANGUAGE, OSX defaults settings when that's the
platform). Subsequent calls to the constructor with no or
identical parameters will return the same Grampslocale
object. Construction with different parameters will result in a
new GrampsLocale instance with the specified parameters, but any
parameters left out will be filled in from the first instance.
@localedir: The full path to the top level directory containing
the translation files. Defaults to sys.prefix/share/locale.
@lang: A single locale value which is used for unset locale.LC_FOO
@domain: The name of the applicable translation file. The default is
"gramps", indicating files in LC_MESSAGES named
@languages: A list of two or five character codes corresponding to
subidrectries in the localedir, e.g. "fr" or "zh_CN".
__first_instance = None
def __new__(cls, localedir=None, lang=None, domain=None, languages=None):
if not GrampsLocale.__first_instance:
cls.__first_instance = super(GrampsLocale, cls).__new__(cls)
cls.__first_instance.initialized = False
return cls.__first_instance
if not cls.__first_instance.initialized:
raise RuntimeError("Second GrampsLocale created before first one was initialized")
if ((lang is None or lang == cls.__first_instance.lang)
and (localedir is None or localedir == cls.__first_instance.localedir)
and (domain is None or domain == cls.__first_instance.localedomain)
and (languages is None or len(languages) == 0 or
languages == cls.__first_instance.languages)):
return cls.__first_instance
return super(GrampsLocale, cls).__new__(cls)
def __init_first_instance(self, localedir=None, lang=None,
domain=None, language=None):
if localedir and os.path.exists(localedir):
self.localedir = localedir
if ("GRAMPSI18N" in os.environ
and os.path.exists(os.environ["GRAMPSI18N"])):
self.localedir = os.environ["GRAMPSI18N"]
elif os.path.exists(LOCALE_DIR):
self.localedir = LOCALE_DIR
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(sys.prefix, "share", "locale")):
self.localedir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "share", "locale")
if not lang:
lang = os.environ.get('LANG', 'en')
if lang and lang[:2] == 'en':
pass # No need to display warning, we're in English
LOG.warning('Locale dir does not exist at %s', LOCALE_DIR)
LOG.warning('Running python install --prefix=YourPrefixDir might fix the problem')
if not self.localedir:
#No localization files, no point in continuing
if domain:
self.localedomain = domain
self.localedomain = 'gramps'
if not language or not isinstance(language, list):
language = []
language = [l for l in languages
if l in self.get_available_translations()]
if mac():
from . import maclocale
(self.lang, self.language) = maclocale.mac_setup_localization(self, lang, language)
if not lang:
lang = ' '
lang = os.environ["LANG"]
except KeyError:
lang = locale.getlocale()[0]
if not lang:
lang = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0] + '.UTF-8'
except TypeError:
LOG.warning('Unable to determine your Locale, using English')
lang = 'C.UTF-8'
self.lang = lang
if not language or len(language) == 0:
if "LANGUAGE" in os.environ:
language = [l for l in os.environ["LANGUAGE"].split(":")
if l in self.get_available_translations()]
self.language = language
elif not lang == "C.UTF-8":
self.language = [lang[0:2]]
self.language = ["en"]
#GtkBuilder depends on reading Glade files as UTF-8 and crashes if it
#doesn't, so set $LANG to have a UTF-8 locale. NB: This does *not*
#affect locale.getpreferredencoding() or sys.getfilesystemencoding()
#which are set by python long before we get here.
check_lang = self.lang.split('.')
if len(check_lang) < 2 or check_lang[1] not in ["utf-8", "UTF-8"]:
self.lang = '.'.join((check_lang[0], 'UTF-8'))
os.environ["LANG"] = self.lang
# Set Gramps's translations
# First try the environment to preserve individual variables
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
#Then set LC_MESSAGES to lang
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_MESSAGES, lang)
except locale.Error:
LOG.warning("Unable to set translations to %s, locale not found.", lang)
except locale.Error:
# That's not a valid locale -- on Linux, probably not installed.
# First fallback is lang
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, self.lang)
LOG.warning("Setting locale to individual LC_ variables failed, falling back to %s.", lang)
except locale.Error:
# No good, set the default encoding to C.UTF-8. Don't
# mess with anything else.
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C.UTF-8')
LOG.error("Failed to set locale %s, falling back to English", lang)
# $LANGUAGE is what sets the Gtk+ translations
os.environ["LANGUAGE"] = ':'.join(self.language)
# GtkBuilder uses GLib's g_dgettext wrapper, which oddly is bound
# with locale instead of gettext.
locale.bindtextdomain(self.localedomain, self.localedir)
self.initialized = True
def __init__(self, lang=None, localedir=None, domain=None, languages=None):
Init a GrampsLocale. Run __init_first_instance() to set up the
environement if this is the first run. Return __first_instance
otherwise if called without arguments.
if self == self._GrampsLocale__first_instance:
if not self.initialized:
self._GrampsLocale__init_first_instance(lang, localedir,
domain, languages)
if domain:
self.localedomain = domain
self.localedomain = self._GrampsLocale__first_instance.localedomain
if localedir:
self.localedir = localedir
self.localedir = self._GrampsLocale__first_instance.localedir
self.language = []
if languages and len(languages) > 0:
self.language = [l for l in languages
if l in self.get_available_translations()]
if len(self.language) == 0:
self.language = self._GrampsLocale__first_instance.language
self.translation = self._get_translation(self.localedomain,
self.localedir, self.language)
def _get_translation(self, domain = None,
localedir = None,
Get a translation of one of our classes. Doesn't return the
singleton so that it can be used by get_addon_translation()
if not domain:
domain = self.localedomain
if not languages:
languages = self.language
if not localedir:
localedir = self.localedir
if gettext.find(domain, localedir, languages):
return gettext.translation(domain, localedir,
class_ = GrampsTranslations)
if not languages == ["en"]:
LOG.debug("Unable to find translations for %s and %s in %s",
domain, languages, localedir)
return GrampsNullTranslations()
def _set_dictionaries(self):
Create a dictionary of language names localized to the
GrampsLocale's primary language, keyed by language and
country code.
_ = self.translation.gettext
self.lang_map = {
"bg" : _("Bulgarian"),
"ca" : _("Catalan"),
"cs" : _("Czech"),
"da" : _("Danish"),
"de" : _("German"),
"el" : _("Greek"),
"en" : _("English"),
"eo" : _("Esperanto"),
"es" : _("Spanish"),
"fi" : _("Finnish"),
"fr" : _("French"),
"he" : _("Hebrew"),
"hr" : _("Croatian"),
"hu" : _("Hungarian"),
"it" : _("Italian"),
"ja" : _("Japanese"),
"lt" : _("Lithuanian"),
"mk" : _("Macedonian"),
"nb" : _("Norwegian Bokmal"),
"nl" : _("Dutch"),
"nn" : _("Norwegian Nynorsk"),
"pl" : _("Polish"),
"pt" : _("Portuguese"),
"ro" : _("Romanian"),
"ru" : _("Russian"),
"sk" : _("Slovak"),
"sl" : _("Slovenian"),
"sq" : _("Albanian"),
"sv" : _("Swedish"),
"tr" : _("Turkish"),
"uk" : _("Ukrainian"),
"vi" : _("Vietnamese"),
"zh" : _("Chinese")
self.country_map = {
"BR" : _("Brazil"),
"CN" : _("China"),
"PT" : _("Portugal")
def _get_language_string(self, lang_code):
Given a language code of the form "lang_region", return a text string
representing that language.
code_parts = lang_code.rsplit("_")
lang = code_parts[0]
if lang in self.lang_map:
lang = self.lang_map[lang]
country = None
if len(code_parts) > 1:
country = code_parts[1]
if country in self.country_map:
country = self.country_map[country]
lang = "%(language)s (%(country)s)" % \
{ 'language' : lang, 'country' : country }
return lang
# Public Functions
def get_localedomain(self):
Get the LOCALEDOMAIN used for the Gramps application.
Required by gui/ to pass to Gtk.Builder
return self.localedomain
def get_language_list(self):
Return the list of configured languages. Used by
ViewManager.check_for_updates to select the language for the
addons descriptions.
return self.language
def get_translation(self, domain = None, languages = None):
Get a translation object for a particular language.
See the gettext documentation for the available functions
>>> glocale = GrampsLocale()
>>> _ = glocale.get_translation('foo', 'French')
>>> _ = tr.gettext
if ((domain and not domain == self.localedomain)
or (languages and not languages == self.language)):
if not domain:
domain = self.localedomain
if not languages:
languages = self.language
fallback = False
if "en" in languages:
fallback = True
# Don't use _get_translation because we want to fall
# back on the singleton rather than a NullTranslation
return gettext.translation(domain, self.localedir,
class_ = GrampsTranslations,
fallback = fallback)
except IOError:
LOG.warning("None of the requested languages (%s) were available, using %s instead", ', '.join(languages), self.lang)
return self.translation
return self.translation
def get_addon_translator(self, filename, domain="addon",
Get a translator for an addon.
filename - filename of a file in directory with full path, or
None to get from running code
domain - the name of the .mo file under the LANG/LC_MESSAGES dir
languages - a list of languages to force
returns - a gettext.translation object
_ = glocale.get_addon_translator(languages=["fr_BE.utf8"]).gettext
See the python gettext documentation.
Assumes path/filename
path = self.localedir
# If get the path of the calling module's uncompiled file. This seems a remarkably bad idea.
# if filename is None:
# filename = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_filename
gramps_translator = self._get_translation()
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))
# Check if path is of type str. Do import and conversion if so.
# The import cannot be done at the top as that will conflict with the translation system.
if not isinstance(path, UNITYPE) == str:
from .file import get_unicode_path_from_env_var
path = get_unicode_path_from_env_var(path)
if languages:
addon_translator = self._get_translation(domain,
addon_translator = self._get_translation(domain, path)
return gramps_translator # with a language fallback
def get_available_translations(self):
Get a list of available translations.
:returns: A list of translation languages.
:rtype: unicode[]
languages = ["en"]
if self.localedir is None:
return languages
for langdir in os.listdir(self.localedir):
mofilename = os.path.join(self.localedir, langdir,
"" % self.localedomain )
if os.path.exists(mofilename):
return languages
def get_language_dict(self):
return a dictionary of language names : codes for use by language
langs = {}
for code in self.get_available_translations():
langs[self._get_language_string(code)] = code
return langs
def trans_objclass(self, objclass_str):
Translates objclass_str into "... %s", where objclass_str
is 'Person', 'person', 'Family', 'family', etc.
_ = self.translation.gettext
objclass = objclass_str.lower()
if objclass == "person":
return _("the person")
elif objclass == "family":
return _("the family")
elif objclass == "place":
return _("the place")
elif objclass == "event":
return _("the event")
elif objclass == "repository":
return _("the repository")
elif objclass == "note":
return _("the note")
elif objclass in ["media", "mediaobject"]:
return _("the media")
elif objclass == "source":
return _("the source")
elif objclass == "filter":
return _("the filter")
return _("See details")
def getfilesystemencoding(self):
If the locale isn't configured correctly, this will return
'ascii' or 'ANSI_X3.4-1968' or some other unfortunate
result. Current unix systems all encode filenames in utf-8,
and Microsoft Windows uses utf-16 (which they call mbcs). Make
sure we return the right value.
encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
if encoding in ("utf-8", "UTF-8", "utf8", "UTF8", "mbcs", "MBCS"):
return encoding
return "utf-8"
# Translations Classes
class GrampsTranslations(gettext.GNUTranslations):
Overrides and extends gettext.GNUTranslations. See the Python gettext
"Class API" documentation for how to use this.
def language(self):
Return the target languge of this translations object.
def gettext(self, msgid):
Obtain translation of gettext, return a unicode object
:param msgid: The string to translated.
:type msgid: unicode
:returns: Translation or the original.
:rtype: unicode
# If msgid =="" then gettext will return po file header
# and that's not what we want.
if len(msgid.strip()) == 0:
return msgid
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
return gettext.GNUTranslations.ugettext(self, msgid)
return gettext.GNUTranslations.gettext(self, msgid)
def ngettext(self, singular, plural, num):
The translation of singular/plural is returned unless the translation is
not available and the singular contains the separator. In that case,
the returned value is the singular.
:param singular: The singular form of the string to be translated.
may contain a context seperator
:type singular: unicode
:param plural: The plural form of the string to be translated.
:type plural: unicode
:param num: the amount for which to decide the translation
:type num: int
:returns: Translation or the original.
:rtype: unicode
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
return gettext.GNUTranslations.ungettext(self, singular,
plural, num)
return gettext.GNUTranslations.ngettext(self, singular,
plural, num)
def sgettext(self, msgid, sep='|'):
Strip the context used for resolving translation ambiguities.
The translation of msgid is returned unless the translation is
not available and the msgid contains the separator. In that case,
the returned value is the portion of msgid following the last
separator. Default separator is '|'.
:param msgid: The string to translated.
:type msgid: unicode
:param sep: The separator marking the context.
:type sep: unicode
:returns: Translation or the original with context stripped.
:rtype: unicode
msgval = self.gettext(msgid)
if msgval == msgid:
sep_idx = msgid.rfind(sep)
msgval = msgid[sep_idx+1:]
return msgval
class GrampsNullTranslations(gettext.NullTranslations):
Extends gettext.NullTranslations to provide the sgettext method.
Note that it's necessary for msgid to be unicode. If it's not,
neither will be the returned string.
def sgettext(self, msgid, sep='|'):
msgval = self.gettext(msgid)
if msgval == msgid:
sep_idx = msgid.rfind(sep)
msgval = msgid[sep_idx+1:]
return msgval
def language(self):
The null translation returns the raw msgids, which are in English
return "en"