Don Allingham 6f04e10483 Ready for 0.8.0 release
svn: r1122
2002-08-19 04:34:45 +00:00

379 lines
17 KiB

Version 0.8.0
* Addiition of ZODB support. Support is still preliminary, and not
as feature full as the XML support. Requires python 2.1 or higher,
so not a good solution for RedHat users, unless the which to compile
the python and python-gnome libraries. (RH7.3 ships with python2.2,
but that version is tied to an early beta of the GNOME 2 libraries)
* New build structure from David Hampton.
* Significant improvement in speed with the GEDCOM export.
* Enhanced web page generation.
* Fixed Mandrake 8.2/imlib problem the could cause GRAMPS to fail to
run under Mandrake 8.2.
* Better importing of GEDCOM ids.
* Better handling of sources/source entry
* Better handling of exception conditions.
* Bug fixes.
Version 0.7.3
* New Russian (Alex Roitman) and Danish (Lars Lundin) translations.
GRAMPS now supports English, Italian, German, French, Spanish,
Brazilian-Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, and Russian.
* Custom filter editor allows you to create your personal complex
filters that can be applied to reports to select the people that
you want. Tools->Utilites->Custom Filter Editor to access the
filter builder. (Thanks to Jeff Ollie for some major contributions
* New report - Complete Individual Report. Allows you to produce a
more complete form of the Individual Summary. You can use filters
to select all ancestors, all decendants, or any custom filter you
want to create more of a 'book' form of a report.
* On-the-fly document generation instead of pre-built HTML files
(Thanks to Don Peterson)
* Web page generation now generates a two column list, along with
* GEDCOM impovements, including the ability to use GRAMPS as a GEDCOM
viewer (accepts a GEDCOM file as an argument).
Version 0.7.2
* New Brazilian-Portuguese translation (Marcos Bedinelli)
* Python Imaging Library no longer required for several report
* Better sizing of images in reports (Bruce DeGrasse)
* An image subdirectory name can now be specified in the WebPage
generation. This allows you to specify the subdirectory (or
absence of a subdirectory) where images are placed when generating
a web site.
* Merging allows you to choose the GRAMPS ID of the merged person.
* Better handling of auto completion of names, places, and other
* Ability to rerun Startup dialog when necessary
* More information in the Startup dialog
* Fewer intermediate files when handling images for reports
* Reports are now plugins, stored in the DocGen library
* Filter out control characters on GEDCOM import
* New document format generators for SVG and PostScript.
* Improved document format generators for LaTeX (Donald Peterson),
KWord (Bruce DeGrasse), and AbiWord.
* Names now have a type (e.g. "Married Name", "Birth Name")
associated with them.
* Eliminated the intermediate dialog box on importing - GRAMPS
now always appends to the current database.
* If an imported GEDCOM contains REFN tags, they are correlated
to the GRAMPS ID if possible.
Version 0.7.1
* A database must now be open at all times. Prevents the problem of
not having a place to put files.
* Several drop down menus for names have been replaced with
autocompletion text boxes.
* Autosave - allows the database to be saved to a backup file
* New Descendant Graph dialog.
* Reorganization of reports.
* New preferences dialog.
* Configurable guessing of last names for new children.
* Slightly improved incomplete date handling.
* More sort columns and improved sorting in the lists.
* New tooltips (Don Peterson)
* Improved navigation in the Pedigree View (Shane Hathaway)
* Italian translation (Marco Molteni)
Version 0.7.0
* LD_PRELOAD set to handle Mandrake 8.1 shared library problems.
* Drag and drop copying of events, address, attributes, and URLs.
* Improved GEDCOM. GRAMPS now understands many more of the "quirks"
of the GEDCOM produced by other programs. In addition, GRAMPS can
now tailor its GEDCOM output several other programs. An XML data
file is used to describe to GRAMPS the types of quirks each
format uses.
* Support for French Republican, Hebrew, and Julian calendars.
* LDS ordinance support.
* Cleaned up report dialog code.
* Bug fixes in GEDCOM reading and relationship calculator.
* Toolbar may display Icons and Text, Text only, or Icons only. This
helps in some of the translations, where the long text forced the
toolbar to be unusually large.
* Dragging and dropping media objects can optionally display property
* All toolbar icons have tooltips.
* Keyboard shortcuts for bookmark saving.
* Find dialog supports autocompletion, and has the more standard shortcut
of C-F.
* Change in XML database format to provides better support for dates.
* Added entries to the Help menu to jump to the GRAMPS home page and the
GRAMPS mailing list page.
Version 0.6.2
* Fixed SuSE 7.3/lib-imlib problem.
* Improved GEDCOM import/export. Gramps now passes the GEDCHK program
and can now properly handle the quirks in names, notes, and parent/child
relationships from PAF, Legacy, FTW, Brother's Keeper, and Family Origins.
* After an Add Spouse, make the new spouse display in the Family View
Version 0.6.1
* Fixed Family View/Pedigree View button swap
* Updated Spanish translation
Version 0.6.0
* Support for QUAY, NCHI, and CAUS on GEDCOM import. GEDCOM
import is significantly faster.
* Support for multiple sources per item.
* Support for revision control. RCS based revision control is
* Confidence level moved to SourceReference instead of object.
* All fields of birth and death events are editable. Clicking the
Edit button brings up the event editor. Birth and death fields
on the Edit Person dialog are now read only.
* Support for unknown gender.
* Central image/media repository added. All images in a gallery
are references to these media objects. Media objects can have
global properties (in the repository) or local properties (in
each gallery).
* Media types are beyond images are now supported (PDF, MP3,
word processor documents, etc.)
* Drag and drop of images from one gallery to another. Drag and
drop from file managers into the gallery. Drag and drop from a
web page to a gallery.
* Drag and drop reordering of children in children lists.
* Drag and drop reordering of images in a gallery.
* Autocompletion support on most entry boxes with drop down menus.
* Plugins can be reloaded without re-starting gramps.
* Two people can be selected and directly merged from the main
person list.
* Two places can be selected and directly merged from the main
place list.
* The "Find and Merge" functionality has been improved to make it
easier to find matches.
* Web page generation is significantly faster.
* Many plugins enhanced. Descendant browser can jump to an Edit Person
display, Event Comparison can now save and load complex filters,
* User had significant more control over the format of the internal
GRAMPS' ids. You can now set a prefix for each type (such as "I-"
for individuals) or specify more powerful formatting using C-like
format statements (such as "I-%04d").
* Adoption relationships are visible on the pedigree view (seen as
a dotted line).
* Reordering GRAMPS' ids attempts to preserve the integer originally
assigned to the object.
* The person view can be sorted by GRAMPS id.
* KWord format generated is now compatible with KWord 1.1. Images may
now be included in KWord documents (requires Python Imaging Library).
Tables are not working yet. I can figure out how to format a KWord
Version 0.5.1
* Bug fixes
* Allow gramps' ids to be edited
* Added Jesper Zedlitz's PAF for Palm export
* Progress report on GEDCOM import
* Add a new person from the parent selection dialog
* Improved configure script for FreeBSD
* Documenation improvements
* Slight performance improvements reading large databases
Version 0.5.0
* New pedegree form which can display 3, 4, or 5 generations
depending on the screen size. Supports better navigation.
* Added a Find function to quickly find people.
* Implemented Place objects, allowing additional information
to be stored about a place.
* New icons for Person View and Family View.
* Online documentation.
* Pressing enter on qualifier field for a filter will apply
the filter.
* New verification tool added to look for odd things in the
* Improvements in GEDCOM import, including handling some
Family Tree Maker pecularities.
* Spanish translation is now available. This brings the languages
to English, Spanish, Swedish, German, and French.
Version 0.4.1
* Tool/Report menus added to top level menu bar
* Extract Titles and Nicknames plugin improved to provide more
* Several bug fixes, including the problem of swapping father/
mother relationships in families
* Significant improvements in speed for updating displays after
adding, editing, or deleting people, and for applying filters.
* Added Bruce DeGrasse's Detailed Ancestral Report. This will
eventually replace the current Ancestral Report.
Version 0.4.0
* Redesigned Family page. More complex family relationships can be
* ISO date format supported
* Places are stored in a pulldown menu
* gramps ID can be displayed in many lists
* Multiple selection in Add Children box
* Internal gramps ID now a string instead of an integer
* Double clicking on a name in the Pedegree view brings up the edit
box for that person
* Support for same sex parent families has been added
* Complete rework of Edit Person dialog
* Added privacy flag and confidence level to events, attributes, etc.
* Automatically detect gzip'ed XML vs. XML
* Added option to write either gzip'ed XML or straight XML
* Warn on closing the edit person and marriage/relationshp window
when modifications have been made.
* French translation
* New plugin from Jesper Zedlitz that implements a graphical
representation of the people in the database, allowing you to
reposition people according to your own desires.
* XML is indented properly
* XML DTD available
Version 0.3.2
* Fixed Style Editor on, to allow styles to be edited.
* WebPage generator now lists more information, including sources.
* May have ironed out the PyXML/Python/SAX issues once and for all,
cleaning up the python 1.5/2.X problems.
* Added the ability to set default directories for reports and
* Fixed major bug that added a marriage and divorce to every record
that was viewed in the family viewer.
* Fixed bug that was dropping images
* Many, many other bug fixes.
* Improved many of the translations.
Version 0.3.1
* Improved Web Site generation (changed from Individual Web Pages)
* Faster load times for XML database
* Fixed unicode problems with Python 2.0
* Improved GEDCOM exporter
* Use the GRAMPSDIR environment variable in the shell script to determine
the root path instead of dynamically doing it by attempting to look
at __file__ in
* Added better GEDCOM importing for files generated by Brother's
Keeper and Reunion.
Version 0.3.0
* Support for RTF (export to MSWord) and limited support for KWord
and LaTeX added.
* User defined styles for reports. Allows the selection of fonts,
sizes, colors, alignment, and many other features in output
reports. Styles can be saved for future use.
* Improved report formats
* Initial German translation. Please note that the German translation
is new, and it will take a while before it is fully in sync with the
program. It will probably take a release or two before it is as
stable as the Swedish translation (it can take a while to provide the
translations, and the code is changing, so it takes a while to flush
things out).
* Output format preference and page size preference can be set in the
preferences menu.
* Names can now have sources and notes.
* Lots of bug fixes
* Fixes to GEDCOM importer
Version 0.2.0
* New GEDCOM importer. This new importer understands the GEDCOM
file structure, and intelligently parses the file. More
information is extracted from the GEDCOM file. Guessing the
context of information is no longer done, so the data should go
into the right place. The display dialog now displays useful and
interesting information as the file is loaded. The importer
has been checked with file generated Personal Ancestral File,
Brother's Keeper, DISGEN, the GEDCOM Torture test, and even the
sometimes strange output of Family Tree Maker.
* Better support for sources. Source button on the main page, and
sources are entered from the main screen, instead of being about
five layers deep.
* Events, sources, attributes, and addresses can now have both
sources and notes.
* Limited configurability in status bar display. Instead of just a
name, you can have a name, the internal ID and a name, or a user
selectable attribute and a name.
* A user selectable attribute can be displayed on the Edit Person
display along with the gramps internal ID. The attribute is
specified in the preferences settings, and the value is taken
from the person's attribute list.
* Images now load faster. Thumbnail images are created and maintained
by gramps, eliminating the need to rescale images everytime a
gallery is displayed.
* Paper size preference can now be specified in the preferences
dialog. Once this is set, gramps will make this the default for
report generators. Eventually, you will be able to do the same
for output format preference. This button is current disabled.
* Generating slightly better XML. Maintaining compatibility with
the older files.
Version 0.1.5
* Plenty of bug fixes in the report generators and merging due to the
previous addition of date ranges.
* Added PDF file type generation for reports. Depends on the reportlab
package (available at If the package is not
installed, gramps will run, but without PDF generation ability.
* Will use the Python Imaging Library if present to handle images. If
not, it will revert to the old method of using Imagick (convert).
* The user can select an attribute (from the attribute list) to display
on the Edit Person window.
* The internal gramps ID is now displayed on the Edit Person window.
* Marriage types can now be recorded.
* Addresses now use a single date instead of multiple dates, since
dates can now deal with ranges.
* Due to a bug in Python 2.0/GTK interaction, list colors are disabled
for Python 2.0 and above.
* configure script now properly deals with Python include paths,
eliminating the need to hand edit the src/Makefile to get gramps to
run under Python 2.X.
* Photos are now displayed properly again in the Edit Person gallery.
* Family notes are now implemented.
Version 0.1.4
* Implemented date ranges. Valid forms are "from <date> to <date>" and
"between <date> and <date>".
* Better support for partial dates. A question mark can optionally be
used for a placeholder for a year if the year is unknown. Illegal
date formats issue a warning upon an attempt to save the date.
* Start of internationalization (i18n) support. Had to include a single
C file to allow libglade to understand translations. This means that
binary releases are no longer going to be platform independant.
* Start of a generic output formatter for report generation. Currently
supports HTML, OpenOffice (625+), and AbiWord (0.7.13+). Allows
control of paragraph and font styles.
* Added into CVS on sourceforge
* Fixed quite a few bugs
Version 0.1.3
* Allow the user to specifiy their preferred numerical date input format,
either DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY on the preferences dialog box.
* Handles file problems a bit more gracefully.
* Use ISO-8859-1 character set instead of ASCII to support languages other
than English. Eventually this should go to unicode, but python 1.5.2
does not have good unicode support. Python 2.X/Gnome 2.X will be the
migration for this feature.
* Handle ANSEL encoding for import and exporting GEDCOM files.
* Fixed a bug in the selection of parents, which did not accept new parents
if previous parents did not exist.
Version 0.1.2
* Allow the user the option to display alternate names in the person
list. Alternate names in the list have an '*' appended to the end
of the name.
* Merge function now gives the user the option of saving the name of
the merged individual as an alternate name if the names are not
the same.
* Added the "Alternate Birth" and "Alternate Death" to the event list,
to allow other birthdates to be recorded. Gramps makes a distinction
between the birthdate/deathdate and the alternates.
* GEDCOM import and export adapted to load/save alternate birth and
death dates. The first "BIRT" and "DEAT" tags are the ones used
for the primary dates, the others are loaded as alternates.
* Added the ability to store web page addresses for each person. From
the edit person page, the "Go" button brings up a web browser to
display the page.
* Fixed a bug in the relationship calculator that caused a traceback
when the person selected was a direct ancestor of the active person.
* Added the suffix field to the alternate name entry on the Edit Person