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332 lines
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# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Brian G. Matherly
# Copyright (C) 2008 Stephane Charette <stephanecharette@gmail.com>
# Contribution 2009 by Bob Ham <rah@bash.sh>
# Copyright (C) 2010 Jakim Friant
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Paul Franklin
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Generate an hourglass graph using the Graphviz generator.
# python modules
# GRAMPS modules
from gramps.gen.const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale
_ = glocale.translation.gettext
from gramps.gen.errors import ReportError
from gramps.gen.plug.menu import (PersonOption, BooleanOption, NumberOption,
from gramps.gen.plug.report import Report
from gramps.gen.plug.report import utils as ReportUtils
from gramps.gen.plug.report import MenuReportOptions
from gramps.gen.plug.report import stdoptions
from gramps.gen.datehandler import get_date
from gramps.gen.utils.db import get_birth_or_fallback, get_death_or_fallback
# Constant options items
_COLORS = [ { 'name' : _("B&W outline"), 'value' : "outline" },
{ 'name' : _("Colored outline"), 'value' : "colored" },
{ 'name' : _("Color fill"), 'value' : "filled" }]
# HourGlassReport
class HourGlassReport(Report):
An hourglass report displays ancestors and descendants of a center person.
def __init__(self, database, options, user):
Create HourGlass object that produces the report.
name_format - Preferred format to display names
incl_private - Whether to include private data
incid - Whether to include IDs.
Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)
menu = options.menu
stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
self.__db = self.database
self.__used_people = []
self.max_descend = menu.get_option_by_name('maxdescend').get_value()
self.max_ascend = menu.get_option_by_name('maxascend').get_value()
pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
self.center_person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
if (self.center_person == None) :
raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid )
# Would be nice to get rid of these 2 hard-coded arrays of colours
# and instead allow the user to pick-and-choose whatever colour they
# want. When/if this is done, take a look at the colour-selection
# widget and code used in the FamilyLines graph. FIXME
colored = {
'male': 'dodgerblue4',
'female': 'deeppink',
'unknown': 'black',
'family': 'darkgreen'
filled = {
'male': 'lightblue',
'female': 'lightpink',
'unknown': 'lightgray',
'family': 'lightyellow'
self.colorize = menu.get_option_by_name('color').get_value()
if self.colorize == 'colored':
self.colors = colored
elif self.colorize == 'filled':
self.colors = filled
self.roundcorners = menu.get_option_by_name('roundcorners').get_value()
self.includeid = menu.get_option_by_name('incid').get_value()
stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)
def write_report(self):
Generate the report.
self.traverse_up(self.center_person, 1)
self.traverse_down(self.center_person, 1)
def traverse_down(self, person, gen):
Recursively find the descendants of the given person.
if gen > self.max_descend:
for family_handle in person.get_family_handle_list():
family = self.__db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
self.doc.add_link( person.get_gramps_id(), family.get_gramps_id() )
for child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list():
child_handle = child_ref.get_reference_handle()
if child_handle not in self.__used_people:
# Avoid going down paths twice when descendant cousins marry
child = self.__db.get_person_from_handle(child_handle)
child.get_gramps_id() )
self.traverse_down(child, gen+1)
def traverse_up(self, person, gen):
Recursively find the ancestors of the given person.
if gen > self.max_ascend:
family_handle = person.get_main_parents_family_handle()
if family_handle:
family = self.__db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
family_id = family.get_gramps_id()
self.doc.add_link( family_id, person.get_gramps_id(),
head='none', tail='normal' )
father_handle = family.get_father_handle()
if father_handle and father_handle not in self.__used_people:
father = self.__db.get_person_from_handle(father_handle)
self.doc.add_link( father.get_gramps_id(), family_id,
head='none', tail='normal' )
self.traverse_up(father, gen+1)
mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle()
if mother_handle and mother_handle not in self.__used_people:
mother = self.__db.get_person_from_handle( mother_handle )
self.add_person( mother )
self.doc.add_link( mother.get_gramps_id(), family_id,
head='none', tail='normal' )
self.traverse_up( mother, gen+1 )
def add_person(self, person):
Add a person to the Graph. The node id will be the person's gramps id.
p_id = person.get_gramps_id()
name = self._name_display.display(person)
birth_evt = get_birth_or_fallback(self.__db, person)
if birth_evt:
birth = self._get_date(birth_evt.get_date_object())
birth = ""
death_evt = get_death_or_fallback(self.__db, person)
if death_evt:
death = self._get_date(death_evt.get_date_object())
death = ""
if self.includeid == 0: # no ID
label = "%s \\n(%s - %s)" % (name, birth, death)
elif self.includeid == 1: # same line
label = "%s (%s)\\n(%s - %s)" % (name, p_id, birth, death)
elif self.includeid == 2: # own line
label = "%s \\n(%s - %s)\\n(%s)" % (name, birth, death, p_id)
(shape, style, color, fill) = self.get_gender_style(person)
self.doc.add_node(p_id, label, shape, color, style, fill)
def add_family(self, family):
Add a family to the Graph. The node id will be the family's gramps id.
family_id = family.get_gramps_id()
label = ""
marriage = ReportUtils.find_marriage(self.__db, family)
if marriage:
label = self._get_date(marriage.get_date_object())
if self.includeid == 1 and label: # same line
label = "%s (%s)" % (label, family_id)
elif self.includeid == 1 and not label:
label = "(%s)" % family_id
elif self.includeid == 2 and label: # own line
label = "%s\\n(%s)" % (label, family_id)
elif self.includeid == 2 and not label:
label = "(%s)" % family_id
color = ""
fill = ""
style = "solid"
if self.colorize == 'colored':
color = self.colors['family']
elif self.colorize == 'filled':
fill = self.colors['family']
style = "filled"
self.doc.add_node(family_id, label, "ellipse", color, style, fill)
def get_gender_style(self, person):
"return gender specific person style"
gender = person.get_gender()
shape = "box"
style = "solid"
color = ""
fill = ""
if gender == person.FEMALE and self.roundcorners:
style = "rounded"
elif gender == person.UNKNOWN:
shape = "hexagon"
if self.colorize == 'colored':
if gender == person.MALE:
color = self.colors['male']
elif gender == person.FEMALE:
color = self.colors['female']
color = self.colors['unknown']
elif self.colorize == 'filled':
style += ",filled"
if gender == person.MALE:
fill = self.colors['male']
elif gender == person.FEMALE:
fill = self.colors['female']
fill = self.colors['unknown']
return(shape, style, color, fill)
# HourGlassOptions
class HourGlassOptions(MenuReportOptions):
Defines options for the HourGlass report.
def __init__(self, name, dbase):
MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase)
def add_menu_options(self, menu):
Create all the menu options for this report.
category_name = _("Report Options")
pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
pid.set_help(_("The Center person for the graph"))
menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", pid)
stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)
stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)
max_gen = NumberOption(_('Max Descendant Generations'), 10, 1, 15)
max_gen.set_help(_("The number of generations of descendants to "
"include in the graph"))
menu.add_option(category_name, "maxdescend", max_gen)
max_gen = NumberOption(_('Max Ancestor Generations'), 10, 1, 15)
max_gen.set_help(_("The number of generations of ancestors to "
"include in the graph"))
menu.add_option(category_name, "maxascend", max_gen)
include_id = EnumeratedListOption(_('Include Gramps ID'), 0)
include_id.add_item(0, _('Do not include'))
include_id.add_item(1, _('Share an existing line'))
include_id.add_item(2, _('On a line of its own'))
include_id.set_help(_("Whether (and where) to include Gramps IDs"))
menu.add_option(category_name, "incid", include_id)
stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)
category_name = _("Graph Style")
color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), "filled")
for i in range( 0, len(_COLORS) ):
color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
color.set_help(_("Males will be shown with blue, females "
"with red. If the sex of an individual "
"is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
menu.add_option(category_name, "color", color)
roundedcorners = BooleanOption( # see bug report #2180
_("Use rounded corners"), False)
_("Use rounded corners to differentiate "
"between women and men."))
menu.add_option(category_name, "roundcorners", roundedcorners)