Nick Hall da75a38762 5326: Revert r18842
svn: r18848
2012-02-10 19:57:57 +00:00

602 lines
21 KiB

# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Brian G. Matherly
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Benny Malengier <>
# Copyright (C) 2010 Peter Landgren
# Copyright (C) 2010 Tim Lyons
# Copyright (C) 2011 Adam Stein <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# $Id$
Report output generator for html documents, based on Html and HtmlBackend
# python modules
import os
import shutil
import time
from gen.ggettext import gettext as _
# GRAMPS modules
import ImgManip
import const
from gen.plug.docgen import BaseDoc, TextDoc, FONT_SANS_SERIF, URL_PATTERN
from libhtmlbackend import HtmlBackend, process_spaces
from libhtml import Html
# Set up logging
import logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(".htmldoc")
_TEXTDOCSCREEN = 'grampstextdoc.css'
_HTMLSCREEN = 'grampshtml.css'
# Set up to make links clickable
_CLICKABLE = r'''<a href="\1">\1</a>'''
# HtmlDoc
class HtmlDoc(BaseDoc, TextDoc):
"""Implementation of the BaseDoc and TextDoc gen.plug.docgen api for the
creation of Html files. This is achieved by writing on a HtmlBackend
div id's defined here:
id="grampstextdoc" : the entire text report
id="grampsheading" : a small defined heading, but not h1 to h6 !
id="grampsstylednote" : start of part with a styled note, divided in
id="grampsnote" : start of part with a note. This id is normally not
The styles as defined in the stylesheed of the textdoc, will be converted
to css class. Color is removed to avoid conflicts with the css. Also
Fontface is removed. Size, italic, bold, margins, borders are retained
def __init__(self, styles, paper_style):
BaseDoc.__init__(self, styles, None)
self.style_declaration = ''
self.htmllist = []
self._backend = None
self.css_filename = ''
self.warn_dir = True
self._col = 0
self._tbl = None
self._empty = 1
self.title = ''
self.__title_written = -1 # -1 = not written, 0 = writing, 1 = written
def set_css_filename(self, css_filename):
Set the css file to use. The path must be included.
Note: DocReportDialog sets this for html doc
if css_filename and os.path.basename(css_filename):
self.css_filename = css_filename
self.css_filename = ''
def open(self, filename):
Overwrite base method
self._backend = HtmlBackend(filename)
self.htmllist += [self._backend.html_body]
#start a gramps report
self.htmllist += [Html('div', id="grampstextdoc")]
def build_header(self):
Build up the header of the html file over the defaults of Html()
# add additional meta tags and stylesheet links to head section
# create additional meta tags
_meta1 = 'name="generator" content="%s %s %s"' % (const.PROGRAM_NAME,
meta = Html('meta', attr = _meta1)
#set styles of the report as inline css
# GRAMPS favicon en css
fname1 = '/'.join([self._backend.datadir(), 'favicon.ico'])
fname2 = '/'.join([self._backend.datadir(), _TEXTDOCSCREEN])
fname3 = '/'.join([self._backend.datadir(), _HTMLSCREEN])
# links for GRAMPS favicon and stylesheets
links = Html('link', rel='shortcut icon', href=fname1,
type='image/x-icon') + (
Html('link', rel='stylesheet', href=fname2, type='text/css',
media='screen', indent=False),)
if self.css_filename:
links += (Html('link', rel='stylesheet', href=fname3,
type='text/css', media='screen', indent=False),
self._backend.html_header += (meta, links)
def build_style_declaration(self):
Convert the styles of the report into inline css for the html doc
styles = self.get_style_sheet()
text = []
for sname in styles.get_cell_style_names():
style = styles.get_cell_style(sname)
pad = "%.3fcm" % style.get_padding()
top = bottom = left = right = 'none'
if style.get_top_border():
top = 'thin solid #000000'
if style.get_bottom_border():
bottom = 'thin solid #000000'
if style.get_left_border():
left = 'thin solid #000000'
if style.get_right_border():
right = 'thin solid #000000'
text.append('#grampstextdoc .%s {\n'
'\tpadding: %s %s %s %s;\n'
'\tborder-top:%s; border-bottom:%s;\n'
'\tborder-left:%s; border-right:%s;\n}'
% (sname, pad, pad, pad, pad, top, bottom, left, right))
for style_name in styles.get_paragraph_style_names():
style = styles.get_paragraph_style(style_name)
font = style.get_font()
font_size = font.get_size()
#font_color = '#%02x%02x%02x' % font.get_color()
align = style.get_alignment_text()
text_indent = "%.2f" % style.get_first_indent()
right_margin = "%.2f" % style.get_right_margin()
left_margin = "%.2f" % style.get_left_margin()
top_margin = "%.2f" % style.get_top_margin()
bottom_margin = "%.2f" % style.get_bottom_margin()
top = bottom = left = right = 'none'
if style.get_top_border():
top = 'thin solid #000000'
if style.get_bottom_border():
bottom = 'thin solid #000000'
if style.get_left_border():
left = 'thin solid #000000'
if style.get_right_border():
right = 'thin solid #000000'
italic = bold = ''
if font.get_italic():
italic = 'font-style:italic; '
if font.get_bold():
bold = 'font-weight:bold; '
#if font.get_type_face() == FONT_SANS_SERIF:
# family = '"Helvetica","Arial","sans-serif"'
# family = '"Times New Roman","Times","serif"'
# do not allow color, set in base css !
# so no : 'color: %s' % font_color
# so no : 'font-family:%s;' % family
text.append('#grampstextdoc .%s {\n'
'\tfont-size: %dpt;\n'
'\ttext-align: %s; text-indent: %scm;\n'
'\tmargin-right: %scm; margin-left: %scm;\n'
'\tmargin-top: %scm; margin-bottom: %scm;\n'
'\tborder-top:%s; border-bottom:%s;\n'
'\tborder-left:%s; border-right:%s;\n'
% (style_name, font_size,
align, text_indent,
right_margin, left_margin,
top_margin, bottom_margin,
top, bottom, left, right,
italic, bold))
self.style_declaration = '\n'.join(text)
def close(self):
Overwrite base method
while len(self.htmllist)>1 :
#now write the actual file
def copy_file(self, from_fname, to_fname, to_dir=''):
Copy a file from a source to a (report) destination.
If to_dir is not present, then the destination directory will be created.
Normally 'to_fname' will be just a filename, without directory path.
'to_dir' is the relative path name in the destination root. It will
be prepended before 'to_fname'.
#build absolute path
dest = os.path.join(self._backend.datadirfull(), to_dir, to_fname)
destdir = os.path.dirname(dest)
if not os.path.isdir(destdir):
if from_fname != dest:
shutil.copyfile(from_fname, dest)
elif self.warn_dir:
from QuestionDialog import WarningDialog
_("Possible destination error") + "\n" +
_("You appear to have set your target directory "
"to a directory used for data storage. This "
"could create problems with file management. "
"It is recommended that you consider using "
"a different directory to store your generated "
"web pages."))
self.warn_dir = False
def write_support_files(self):
Copy support files to the datadir that needs to hold them
#css of textdoc styles
tdfile = open(os.path.join(self._backend.datadirfull(),
#css file
if self.css_filename:
#we do an extra check in case file does not exist, eg cli call
fullpath = os.path.join(const.DATA_DIR, self.css_filename)
if os.path.exists(fullpath):
self.copy_file(fullpath, _HTMLSCREEN)
self.copy_file(os.path.join(const.IMAGE_DIR, 'favicon.ico'),
def __reduce_list(self):
Takes the internal list of html objects, and adds the last to the
previous. This closes the upper tag
self.htmllist[-2] += self.htmllist[-1]
def __write_text(self, text, mark=None, markup=False, links=False):
@param text: text to write.
@param mark: IndexMark to use for indexing (if supported)
@param markup: True if text already contains markup info.
Then text will no longer be escaped
@param links: make URLs clickable if True
if not markup:
text = self._backend.ESCAPE_FUNC()(text)
if self.__title_written == 0 :
self.title += text
if links == True:
import re
text = re.sub(URL_PATTERN, _CLICKABLE, text)
self.htmllist[-1] += text
def __empty_char(self):
Output a non breaking whitespace so as to have browser behave ok on
empty content
self.__write_text('&nbsp;', markup=True)
def write_text(self, text, mark=None, links=False):
Overwrite base method
if text != "":
self._empty = 0
self.__write_text(text, mark, links=links)
def write_title(self):
Add title field to header
self._backend.html_header += Html('title', self.title,
def start_table(self, name, style):
Overwrite base method
styles = self.get_style_sheet()
self._tbl = styles.get_table_style(style)
self.htmllist += [Html('table', width=str(self._tbl.get_width())+'%',
def end_table(self):
Overwrite base method
def start_row(self):
Overwrite base method
self.htmllist += [Html('tr')]
self._col = 0
def end_row(self):
Overwrite base method
def start_cell(self, style_name, span=1):
Overwrite base method
self._empty = 1
if span > 1:
self.htmllist += (Html('td', colspan=str(span),
self._col += span
self.htmllist += (Html('td', colspan=str(span),
self._col))+ '%',
self._col += 1
def end_cell(self):
Overwrite base method
def start_paragraph(self, style_name, leader=None):
Overwrite base method
style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
style = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(style_name)
level = style.get_header_level()
if level == 0:
#a normal paragraph
self.htmllist += (Html('p', class_=style_name, inline=True),)
elif level == 1:
if self.__title_written == -1 and \
style_name.upper().find('TITLE') != -1:
self.__title_written = 0
self.htmllist += (Html('div', id="header"),)
self.htmllist += (Html('h1', class_=style_name, id='SiteTitle',
self.htmllist += (Html('h1', class_=style_name, inline=True),)
elif 2<= level <= 5:
tag = 'h'+str(level+1)
self.htmllist += (Html(tag, class_=style_name, inline=True),)
# a low level header
self.htmllist += (Html('div', id='grampsheading',
if leader is not None:
self.write_text(leader+' ')
def end_paragraph(self):
Overwrite base method
if self._empty == 1:
self._empty = 0
if self.__title_written == 0:
self.__title_written = 1
#close div statement
def start_bold(self):
Overwrite base method
self.htmllist += [Html('strong')]
def end_bold(self):
Overwrite base method
def start_superscript(self):
Overwrite base method
self.htmllist += [Html('sup')]
def end_superscript(self):
Overwrite base method
def write_styled_note(self, styledtext, format, style_name,
contains_html=False, links=False):
Convenience function to write a styledtext to the html doc.
styledtext : assumed a StyledText object to write
format : = 0 : Flowed, = 1 : Preformatted
style_name : name of the style to use for default presentation
contains_html: bool, the backend should not check if html is present.
If contains_html=True, then the textdoc is free to handle that in
some way. Eg, a textdoc could remove all tags, or could make sure
a link is clickable. HtmlDoc will show the html as pure text, so
no escaping will happen.
links: bool, make URLs clickable if True
text = str(styledtext)
self.htmllist += [Html('div', id='grampsstylednote')]
if contains_html:
#just dump the note out as it is. Adding markup would be dangerous
# as it could destroy the html. If html code, one can do the
self.__write_text(text, markup=True, links=links)
s_tags = styledtext.get_tags()
markuptext = self._backend.add_markup_from_styled(text, s_tags,
inpara = True
self._empty = 1 # para is empty
# we explicitly set _empty because start and end para do not seem
# to do a very good job at setting them
linenb = 1
# The code is tricky here, because we don't want to start a new para
# at the end of the last line if there is no newline there.
# Instead, we want to just end the current para.
for line in markuptext.split('\n'):
[line, sigcount] = process_spaces(line, format)
if sigcount == 0:
if inpara == False:
# needed for runs of three or more newlines
inpara = True
self._empty = 1 # para is empty
inpara = False
linenb = 1
if inpara == False:
inpara = True
self._empty = 1 # para is empty
if linenb > 1:
self.htmllist[-1] += Html('br')
self.__write_text(line, markup=True, links=links)
self._empty = 0 # para is not empty
linenb += 1
if inpara == True:
if sigcount == 0:
# if the last line was blank, then as well as outputting the previous para,
# which we have just done,
# we also output a new blank para
self._empty = 1 # para is empty
#end div element
def add_media_object(self, name, pos, w_cm, h_cm, alt='', style_name=None, crop=None):
Overwrite base method
self._empty = 0
size = int(max(w_cm, h_cm) * float(150.0/2.54))
refname = "is%s" % os.path.basename(name)
imdir = self._backend.datadirfull()
ImgManip.resize_to_jpeg(name, imdir + os.sep + refname, size, size, crop=crop)
LOG.warn(_("Could not create jpeg version of image %(name)s") %
{'name' : name})
if len(alt):
alt = '<br />'.join(alt)
if pos not in ["right", "left"] :
if len(alt):
self.htmllist[-1] += Html('div') + (
Html('img', src= imdir + os.sep + refname,
border = '0', alt=alt),
Html('p', class_="DDR-Caption") + alt
self.htmllist[-1] += Html('img', src= imdir + os.sep + refname,
border = '0', alt=alt)
if len(alt):
self.htmllist[-1] += Html('div', style_="float: %s; padding: 5px; margin: 0;" % pos) + (
Html('img', src= imdir + os.sep + refname,
border = '0', alt=alt),
Html('p', class_="DDR-Caption") + alt
self.htmllist[-1] += Html('img', src= imdir + os.sep + refname,
border = '0', alt=alt, align=pos)
def page_break(self):
overwrite base method so page break has no effect
def start_link(self, link):
Starts a section to add a link. Link is a URI.
self.htmllist += [Html('a', href=link)]
def stop_link(self):
Stop a section of a link.
def start_underline(self):
Starts a section of underlining.
self.htmllist += [Html('u')]
def stop_underline(self):
Stop underlining.