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<h1 id="privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</h1>
<h2 id="we-take-your-privacy-more-seriously-than-faang">We take your privacy more seriously than FAANG.</h2>
<h2 id="we-dont-collect-more-information-than-we-need-to">We don't collect more information than we need to.</h2>
<p>Here's what we collect.</p>
<li>User agent (OS and browser)</li>
<li>IP address (This is kind of obvious. Every website does this. If you're paranoid about this, get a <a href="">good VPN</a> or use Tor.)</li>
<li>When you made a request</li>
<li>Referrer (Where you came from when you made a request.)</li>
<p>The log looks like this, for reference: <code> - - [17/Jun/2022:20:19:26 +0300] "GET / HTTP/2.0" 200 144 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:100.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/100.0" "-"</code></p>
<p>Some of our services have things like databases and things, for example <a href="">Pleroma</a>, but that should be pretty obvious the moment you make an account on there. They may collect some things, however we barely even access those databases so you should be fine.</p>
<p>If you want the data we've collected on you to be sent, please contact us on Matrix in <a href="">this room</a>. You don't need an account on our Matrix instance in order to chat there, you can choose from a bunch of public instances or make your own.</p>
<h2 id="we-dont-give-any-of-the-data-we-collect-to-anyone-outside-of-project-segfault">We don't give any of the data we collect to anyone outside of Project Segfault.</h2>
<p>What we just described above won't be sold or given to anyone outside of Project Segfault. It could be given to law enforcement IF they have a warrant.</p>
<p>There is no reason for anyone outside of Project Segfault to see your data. In fact, Project Segfault really has no reason to see your data, unless there's something to suspect.</p>
<h2 id="data-may-be-cleared-at-any-point-upon-request-but">Data may be cleared at any point upon request, but...</h2>
<p>As we said, you can request any GDPR/Privacy things in <a href="">this Matrix room</a>. But, if there's any ongoing investigations and a law enforcement agency contacts us, we will comply. But, we will only do it if we can verify it's official and they have a warrant.</p>
<p>We hope you can understand our privacy policy.</p>
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