appveyor: Determine dlls to include in package programmatically
This is done by recursively calling bindump to determine the dependencies of each binary that is required from each of the executables. Doing this allows us to avoid hard-coding a list of required DLL files to copy into the release archives.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Set-up Visual Studio Command Prompt environment for PowerShell
pushd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\"
cmd /c "VsDevCmd.bat -arch=x64 & set" | foreach {
if ($_ -match "=") {
$v = $_.split("="); Set-Item -Force -Path "ENV:\$($v[0])" -Value "$($v[1])"
function Which ($search_path, $name) {
($search_path).Split(";") | Get-ChildItem -Filter $name | Select -First 1 -Exp FullName
function GetDeps ($search_path, $binary) {
((dumpbin /dependents $binary).Where({ $_ -match "dependencies:"}, "SkipUntil") | Select-String "[^ ]*\.dll").Matches | foreach {
Which $search_path $_.Value
function RecursivelyGetDeps ($search_path, $binary) {
$final_deps = @()
$deps_to_process = GetDeps $search_path $binary
while ($deps_to_process.Count -gt 0) {
$current, $deps_to_process = $deps_to_process
if ($final_deps -contains $current) { continue }
# Is this a system dll file?
# We use the same algorithm that cmake uses to determine this.
if ($current -match "$([regex]::Escape($env:SystemRoot))\\sys") { continue }
if ($current -match "$([regex]::Escape($env:WinDir))\\sys") { continue }
if ($current -match "\\msvc[^\\]+dll") { continue }
if ($current -match "\\api-ms-win-[^\\]+dll") { continue }
$final_deps += $current
$new_deps = GetDeps $search_path $current
$deps_to_process += ($new_deps | ?{-not ($final_deps -contains $_)})
return $final_deps
@ -116,23 +116,16 @@ after_build:
Get-ChildItem "$CMAKE_BINARY_DIR" -Recurse -Filter "libcurl.dll" | Copy-Item -destination $RELEASE_DIST
Get-ChildItem "$CMAKE_BINARY_DIR" -Recurse -Filter "libcurl.dll" | Copy-Item -destination $RELEASE_DIST
Copy-Item -path "$CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/license.txt" -destination $RELEASE_DIST
Copy-Item -path "$CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/license.txt" -destination $RELEASE_DIST
Copy-Item -path "$CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/" -destination $RELEASE_DIST
Copy-Item -path "$CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/" -destination $RELEASE_DIST
# copy all the dll dependencies to the release folder
# copy all the dll dependencies to the release folder
# hardcoded list because we don't build static and determining the list of dlls from the binary is a pain.
. "./.appveyor/UtilityFunctions.ps1"
$MingwDLLs = "Qt5Core.dll","Qt5Widgets.dll","Qt5Gui.dll","Qt5OpenGL.dll",
$DLLSearchPath = "$CMAKE_BINARY_DIR\externals\curl-7_55_1\lib;C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;$env:PATH"
# QT dll dependencies
$MingwDLLs = RecursivelyGetDeps $DLLSearchPath "$RELEASE_DIST\citra.exe"
$MingwDLLs += RecursivelyGetDeps $DLLSearchPath "$RELEASE_DIST\citra-qt.exe"
Write-Host "Detected the following dependencies:"
Write-Host $MingwDLLs
# Runtime/Other dependencies
foreach ($file in $MingwDLLs) {
foreach ($file in $MingwDLLs) {
Copy-Item -path "C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/$file" -force -destination "$RELEASE_DIST"
Copy-Item -path "$file" -force -destination "$RELEASE_DIST"
# the above list copies a few extra debug dlls that aren't needed (thanks globbing patterns!)
# so we can remove them by hardcoding another list of extra dlls to remove
$DebugDLLs = "libicudtd*.dll","libicuind*.dll","libicuucd*.dll"
foreach ($file in $DebugDLLs) {
Remove-Item -path "$RELEASE_DIST/$file"
# copy the qt windows plugin dll to platforms
# copy the qt windows plugin dll to platforms
Reference in New Issue
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