a fucking x and z mixup

This commit is contained in:
rycbar0 2022-10-03 17:44:15 +02:00
parent fdfeeb2ffa
commit f53bfa89a9
2 changed files with 3 additions and 4 deletions

@ -189,11 +189,9 @@ public final class BuilderProcess extends BaritoneProcessHelper implements IBuil
String name = LitematicaHelper.getName(i);
try {
LitematicaSchematic schematic1 = new LitematicaSchematic(CompressedStreamTools.readCompressed(Files.newInputStream(LitematicaHelper.getSchematicFile(i).toPath())),false);
Vec3i correctedOrigin = LitematicaHelper.getCorrectedOrigin(schematic1, i);
try {
LitematicaSchematic schematic2 = LitematicaHelper.blackMagicFuckery(schematic1, i);
Vec3i correctedOrigin = LitematicaHelper.getCorrectedOrigin(schematic2, i);
//Vec3i correctedOrigin = new Vec3i(0,4,0);
build(name, schematic2, correctedOrigin);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
logDirect("BlackMagicFuckery summoned a Balrog. This foe is beyond any of you. ");

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ public final class LitematicaHelper {
int mz = schematic.getMinimumCorner().getZ();
int sx = (schematic.getX() - 1) * -1;
int sz = (schematic.getZ() - 1) * -1;
Vec3i correctedOrigin;
Mirror mirror = LitematicaHelper.getMirror(i);
Rotation rotation = LitematicaHelper.getRotation(i);
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ public final class LitematicaHelper {
switch (rotation) {
case CLOCKWISE_90:
correctedOrigin = new Vec3i(x + (sz - mz), y + my, z + mz);
correctedOrigin = new Vec3i(x + (sz - mz), y + my, z + mx);
case CLOCKWISE_180:
correctedOrigin = new Vec3i(x + (sx - mx), y + my, z + (sz - mz));