The checks and warnings happen the time MMC loads (via QLOG_INFO), the time the GUI starts (via a dialog) and when the user changes the instance path via the settings window.
Preserve --dir parameter after updating
Allow more than one copy of a command line parameter in MultiMC
Linux runner script no longer changes current directory, which allows '--dir .'
Fixed unit tests, removed the obsolete one (for some legacy updater command line params that were also removed)
[fixes 63127704]
PermGen can be tweaked from the settings menu
Groups are saved on change/exit
Install target is no longer completely broken
All the deplibs are now static
Added notes dialog
Fixed ini file format support (can save strings with newlines, tabs. UTF-8 is explicitly used!)
Rename button now uses line breaks so it doesn't grow ever wider (Added a custom tool button subclass)
There is now a CAT button. Meow.