Mojang introduced a new structure for natives, notably for LWJGL. Now instead of using the `natives` structure of the version format, Mojang chose to create a seperate library entry for each platform, which uses the `rules` structure to specify the platform. These new split natives carry the same groupId and artifactId, as the main library, but have an additional classifier, like `natives-linux`. When comparing GradleSpecifiers we don't look at the classifier, so when the launcher sees an artifact called `org.lwjgl:lwjgl:3.3.1` and right after that an artifact called `org.lwjgl:lwjgl:3.3.1:natives-linux`, it will treat it as "already added" and forget it. This change will include the classifier in that comparison.
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152 lines
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#pragma once
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include "DefaultVariable.h"
struct GradleSpecifier
m_valid = false;
GradleSpecifier(QString value)
GradleSpecifier & operator =(const QString & value)
org.gradle.test.classifiers : service : 1.0 : jdk15 @ jar
0 "org.gradle.test.classifiers:service:1.0:jdk15@jar"
1 "org.gradle.test.classifiers"
2 "service"
3 "1.0"
4 "jdk15"
5 "jar"
QRegExp matcher("([^:@]+):([^:@]+):([^:@]+)" "(?::([^:@]+))?" "(?:@([^:@]+))?");
m_valid = matcher.exactMatch(value);
if(!m_valid) {
m_invalidValue = value;
return *this;
auto elements = matcher.capturedTexts();
m_groupId = elements[1];
m_artifactId = elements[2];
m_version = elements[3];
m_classifier = elements[4];
m_extension = elements[5];
return *this;
QString serialize() const
if(!m_valid) {
return m_invalidValue;
QString retval = m_groupId + ":" + m_artifactId + ":" + m_version;
retval += ":" + m_classifier;
retval += "@" + m_extension;
return retval;
QString getFileName() const
if(!m_valid) {
return QString();
QString filename = m_artifactId + '-' + m_version;
filename += "-" + m_classifier;
filename += "." + m_extension;
return filename;
QString toPath(const QString & filenameOverride = QString()) const
if(!m_valid) {
return QString();
QString filename;
filename = getFileName();
filename = filenameOverride;
QString path = m_groupId;
path.replace('.', '/');
path += '/' + m_artifactId + '/' + m_version + '/' + filename;
return path;
inline bool valid() const
return m_valid;
inline QString version() const
return m_version;
inline QString groupId() const
return m_groupId;
inline QString artifactId() const
return m_artifactId;
inline void setClassifier(const QString & classifier)
m_classifier = classifier;
inline QString classifier() const
return m_classifier;
inline QString extension() const
return m_extension;
inline QString artifactPrefix() const
return m_groupId + ":" + m_artifactId;
bool matchName(const GradleSpecifier & other) const
return other.artifactId() == artifactId() && other.groupId() == groupId() && other.classifier() == classifier();
bool operator==(const GradleSpecifier & other) const
if(m_groupId != other.m_groupId)
return false;
if(m_artifactId != other.m_artifactId)
return false;
if(m_version != other.m_version)
return false;
if(m_classifier != other.m_classifier)
return false;
if(m_extension != other.m_extension)
return false;
return true;
QString m_invalidValue;
QString m_groupId;
QString m_artifactId;
QString m_version;
QString m_classifier;
DefaultVariable<QString> m_extension = DefaultVariable<QString>("jar");
bool m_valid = false;