flow 6131346e2f
refactor: change the way instance names are handled
While working on pack updating, instance naming always gets in the way,
since we need both way of respecting the user's name choice, and a
standarized way of getting the original pack name / version.

This tries to circunvent such problems by abstracting away the naming
schema into it's own struct, holding both the original name / version,
and the user-defined name, so that everyone can be happy and world peace
can be achieved! (at least that's what i'd hope :c).

Signed-off-by: flow <flowlnlnln@gmail.com>
2022-09-20 18:36:08 -03:00

328 lines
13 KiB

#include "ModrinthInstanceCreationTask.h"
#include "Application.h"
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "InstanceList.h"
#include "Json.h"
#include "minecraft/MinecraftInstance.h"
#include "minecraft/PackProfile.h"
#include "net/ChecksumValidator.h"
#include "settings/INISettingsObject.h"
#include "ui/dialogs/CustomMessageBox.h"
#include <QAbstractButton>
bool ModrinthCreationTask::abort()
if (m_files_job)
return m_files_job->abort();
return true;
bool ModrinthCreationTask::updateInstance()
auto instance_list = APPLICATION->instances();
// FIXME: How to handle situations when there's more than one install already for a given modpack?
auto inst = instance_list->getInstanceByManagedName(originalName());
if (!inst) {
inst = instance_list->getInstanceById(originalName());
if (!inst)
return false;
QString index_path = FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, "modrinth.index.json");
if (!parseManifest(index_path, m_files))
return false;
auto version_id = inst->getManagedPackVersionID();
auto version_str = !version_id.isEmpty() ? tr(" (version %1)").arg(version_id) : "";
auto info = CustomMessageBox::selectable(m_parent, tr("Similar modpack was found!"),
tr("One or more of your instances are from this same modpack%1. Do you want to create a "
"separate instance, or update the existing one?")
QMessageBox::Information, QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Abort);
info->setButtonText(QMessageBox::Ok, tr("Update existing instance"));
info->setButtonText(QMessageBox::Abort, tr("Create new instance"));
if (info->exec() && info->clickedButton() == info->button(QMessageBox::Abort))
return false;
// Remove repeated files, we don't need to download them!
QDir old_inst_dir(inst->instanceRoot());
QString old_index_path(FS::PathCombine(old_inst_dir.absolutePath(), "mrpack", "modrinth.index.json"));
QFileInfo old_index_file(old_index_path);
if (old_index_file.exists()) {
std::vector<Modrinth::File> old_files;
parseManifest(old_index_path, old_files);
// Let's remove all duplicated, identical resources!
auto files_iterator = m_files.begin();
while (files_iterator != m_files.end()) {
auto const& file = *files_iterator;
auto old_files_iterator = old_files.begin();
while (old_files_iterator != old_files.end()) {
auto const& old_file = *old_files_iterator;
if (old_file.hash == file.hash) {
qDebug() << "Removed file at" << file.path << "from list of downloads";
files_iterator = m_files.erase(files_iterator);
old_files_iterator = old_files.erase(old_files_iterator);
goto begin; // Sorry :c
// Some files were removed from the old version, and some will be downloaded in an updated version,
// so we're fine removing them!
if (!old_files.empty()) {
QDir old_minecraft_dir(inst->gameRoot());
for (auto const& file : old_files) {
qWarning() << "Removing" << file.path;
// TODO: Currently 'overrides' will always override the stuff on update. How do we preserve unchanged overrides?
qDebug() << "Will override instance!";
// We let it go through the createInstance() stage, just with a couple modifications for updating
return false;
// https://docs.modrinth.com/docs/modpacks/format_definition/
bool ModrinthCreationTask::createInstance()
QEventLoop loop;
QString index_path = FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, "modrinth.index.json");
if (m_files.empty() && !parseManifest(index_path, m_files))
return false;
// Keep index file in case we need it some other time (like when changing versions)
QString new_index_place(FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, "mrpack", "modrinth.index.json"));
QFile::rename(index_path, new_index_place);
auto mcPath = FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, ".minecraft");
auto override_path = FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, "overrides");
if (QFile::exists(override_path)) {
if (!QFile::rename(override_path, mcPath)) {
setError(tr("Could not rename the overrides folder:\n") + "overrides");
return false;
// Do client overrides
auto client_override_path = FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, "client-overrides");
if (QFile::exists(client_override_path)) {
if (!FS::overrideFolder(mcPath, client_override_path)) {
setError(tr("Could not rename the client overrides folder:\n") + "client overrides");
return false;
QString configPath = FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, "instance.cfg");
auto instanceSettings = std::make_shared<INISettingsObject>(configPath);
MinecraftInstance instance(m_globalSettings, instanceSettings, m_stagingPath);
auto components = instance.getPackProfile();
components->setComponentVersion("net.minecraft", minecraftVersion, true);
if (!fabricVersion.isEmpty())
components->setComponentVersion("net.fabricmc.fabric-loader", fabricVersion);
if (!quiltVersion.isEmpty())
components->setComponentVersion("org.quiltmc.quilt-loader", quiltVersion);
if (!forgeVersion.isEmpty())
components->setComponentVersion("net.minecraftforge", forgeVersion);
if (m_instIcon != "default") {
} else {
instance.setManagedPack("modrinth", getManagedPackID(), m_managed_name, m_managed_id, {});
m_files_job = new NetJob(tr("Mod download"), APPLICATION->network());
for (auto file : m_files) {
auto path = FS::PathCombine(m_stagingPath, ".minecraft", file.path);
qDebug() << "Will try to download" << file.downloads.front() << "to" << path;
auto dl = Net::Download::makeFile(file.downloads.dequeue(), path);
dl->addValidator(new Net::ChecksumValidator(file.hashAlgorithm, file.hash));
if (file.downloads.size() > 0) {
// FIXME: This really needs to be put into a ConcurrentTask of
// MultipleOptionsTask's , once those exist :)
connect(dl.get(), &NetAction::failed, [this, &file, path, dl] {
auto dl = Net::Download::makeFile(file.downloads.dequeue(), path);
dl->addValidator(new Net::ChecksumValidator(file.hashAlgorithm, file.hash));
bool ended_well = false;
connect(m_files_job.get(), &NetJob::succeeded, this, [&]() { ended_well = true; });
connect(m_files_job.get(), &NetJob::failed, [&](const QString& reason) {
ended_well = false;
connect(m_files_job.get(), &NetJob::finished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit);
connect(m_files_job.get(), &NetJob::progress, [&](qint64 current, qint64 total) { setProgress(current, total); });
setStatus(tr("Downloading mods..."));
return ended_well;
bool ModrinthCreationTask::parseManifest(QString index_path, std::vector<Modrinth::File>& files)
try {
auto doc = Json::requireDocument(index_path);
auto obj = Json::requireObject(doc, "modrinth.index.json");
int formatVersion = Json::requireInteger(obj, "formatVersion", "modrinth.index.json");
if (formatVersion == 1) {
auto game = Json::requireString(obj, "game", "modrinth.index.json");
if (game != "minecraft") {
throw JSONValidationError("Unknown game: " + game);
m_managed_version_id = Json::ensureString(obj, "versionId", "Managed ID");
m_managed_name = Json::ensureString(obj, "name", "Managed Name");
auto jsonFiles = Json::requireIsArrayOf<QJsonObject>(obj, "files", "modrinth.index.json");
bool had_optional = false;
for (auto modInfo : jsonFiles) {
Modrinth::File file;
file.path = Json::requireString(modInfo, "path");
auto env = Json::ensureObject(modInfo, "env");
// 'env' field is optional
if (!env.isEmpty()) {
QString support = Json::ensureString(env, "client", "unsupported");
if (support == "unsupported") {
} else if (support == "optional") {
// TODO: Make a review dialog for choosing which ones the user wants!
if (!had_optional) {
had_optional = true;
auto info = CustomMessageBox::selectable(
m_parent, tr("Optional mod detected!"),
tr("One or more mods from this modpack are optional. They will be downloaded, but disabled by default!"),
if (file.path.endsWith(".jar"))
file.path += ".disabled";
QJsonObject hashes = Json::requireObject(modInfo, "hashes");
QString hash;
QCryptographicHash::Algorithm hashAlgorithm;
hash = Json::ensureString(hashes, "sha1");
hashAlgorithm = QCryptographicHash::Sha1;
if (hash.isEmpty()) {
hash = Json::ensureString(hashes, "sha512");
hashAlgorithm = QCryptographicHash::Sha512;
if (hash.isEmpty()) {
hash = Json::ensureString(hashes, "sha256");
hashAlgorithm = QCryptographicHash::Sha256;
if (hash.isEmpty()) {
throw JSONValidationError("No hash found for: " + file.path);
file.hash = QByteArray::fromHex(hash.toLatin1());
file.hashAlgorithm = hashAlgorithm;
// Do not use requireUrl, which uses StrictMode, instead use QUrl's default TolerantMode
// (as Modrinth seems to incorrectly handle spaces)
auto download_arr = Json::ensureArray(modInfo, "downloads");
for (auto download : download_arr) {
qWarning() << download.toString();
bool is_last = download.toString() == download_arr.last().toString();
auto download_url = QUrl(download.toString());
if (!download_url.isValid()) {
<< QString("Download URL (%1) for %2 is not a correctly formatted URL").arg(download_url.toString(), file.path);
if (is_last && file.downloads.isEmpty())
throw JSONValidationError(tr("Download URL for %1 is not a correctly formatted URL").arg(file.path));
} else {
auto dependencies = Json::requireObject(obj, "dependencies", "modrinth.index.json");
for (auto it = dependencies.begin(), end = dependencies.end(); it != end; ++it) {
QString name = it.key();
if (name == "minecraft") {
minecraftVersion = Json::requireString(*it, "Minecraft version");
} else if (name == "fabric-loader") {
fabricVersion = Json::requireString(*it, "Fabric Loader version");
} else if (name == "quilt-loader") {
quiltVersion = Json::requireString(*it, "Quilt Loader version");
} else if (name == "forge") {
forgeVersion = Json::requireString(*it, "Forge version");
} else {
throw JSONValidationError("Unknown dependency type: " + name);
} else {
throw JSONValidationError(QStringLiteral("Unknown format version: %s").arg(formatVersion));
} catch (const JSONValidationError& e) {
setError(tr("Could not understand pack index:\n") + e.cause());
return false;
return true;
QString ModrinthCreationTask::getManagedPackID() const
if (!m_source_url.isEmpty()) {
QRegularExpression regex(R"(data\/(.*)\/versions)");
return regex.match(m_source_url).captured(0);
return {};