While implementing the resource pack downloader in another branch, I noticed that most of the code in the success callback was identical in both cases, safe for a few minute differences in strings. So, this tries to make it easier to share this piece of code. However, it still leaves the possibility of extending the methods in ResourceModel to accomodate for cases where this similarity may not hold. Signed-off-by: flow <flowlnlnln@gmail.com>
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147 lines
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#pragma once
#include <optional>
#include <QAbstractListModel>
#include "QObjectPtr.h"
#include "BaseInstance.h"
#include "modplatform/ResourceAPI.h"
#include "tasks/ConcurrentTask.h"
class NetJob;
class ResourceAPI;
namespace ModPlatform {
struct IndexedPack;
namespace ResourceDownload {
class ResourceModel : public QAbstractListModel {
Q_PROPERTY(QString search_term MEMBER m_search_term WRITE setSearchTerm)
ResourceModel(BaseInstance const&, ResourceAPI* api);
~ResourceModel() override;
[[nodiscard]] auto data(const QModelIndex&, int role) const -> QVariant override;
[[nodiscard]] auto roleNames() const -> QHash<int, QByteArray> override;
bool setData(const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value, int role) override;
[[nodiscard]] virtual auto debugName() const -> QString;
[[nodiscard]] virtual auto metaEntryBase() const -> QString = 0;
[[nodiscard]] inline int rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const override { return parent.isValid() ? 0 : m_packs.size(); }
[[nodiscard]] inline int columnCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const override { return parent.isValid() ? 0 : 1; }
[[nodiscard]] inline auto flags(const QModelIndex& index) const -> Qt::ItemFlags override { return QAbstractListModel::flags(index); }
[[nodiscard]] bool hasActiveSearchJob() const { return m_current_search_job && m_current_search_job->isRunning(); }
[[nodiscard]] bool hasActiveInfoJob() const { return m_current_info_job.isRunning(); }
[[nodiscard]] Task::Ptr activeSearchJob() { return hasActiveSearchJob() ? m_current_search_job : nullptr; }
[[nodiscard]] auto getSortingMethods() const { return m_api->getSortingMethods(); }
public slots:
void fetchMore(const QModelIndex& parent) override;
// NOTE: Can't use [[nodiscard]] here because of https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-58628 on Qt 5.12
inline bool canFetchMore(const QModelIndex& parent) const override
return parent.isValid() ? false : m_search_state == SearchState::CanFetchMore;
void setSearchTerm(QString term) { m_search_term = term; }
virtual ResourceAPI::SearchArgs createSearchArguments() = 0;
virtual ResourceAPI::SearchCallbacks createSearchCallbacks() { return {}; }
virtual ResourceAPI::VersionSearchArgs createVersionsArguments(QModelIndex&) = 0;
virtual ResourceAPI::VersionSearchCallbacks createVersionsCallbacks(QModelIndex&) { return {}; }
virtual ResourceAPI::ProjectInfoArgs createInfoArguments(QModelIndex&) = 0;
virtual ResourceAPI::ProjectInfoCallbacks createInfoCallbacks(QModelIndex&) { return {}; }
/** Requests the API for more entries. */
virtual void search();
/** Applies any processing / extra requests needed to fully load the specified entry's information. */
virtual void loadEntry(QModelIndex&);
/** Schedule a refresh, clearing the current state. */
void refresh();
/** Gets the icon at the URL for the given index. If it's not fetched yet, fetch it and update when fisinhed. */
std::optional<QIcon> getIcon(QModelIndex&, const QUrl&);
/** Resets the model's data. */
void clearData();
void runSearchJob(NetJob::Ptr);
void runInfoJob(Task::Ptr);
[[nodiscard]] auto getCurrentSortingMethodByIndex() const -> std::optional<ResourceAPI::SortingMethod>;
/** Converts a JSON document to a common array format.
* This is needed so that different providers, with different JSON structures, can be parsed
* uniformally. You NEED to re-implement this if you intend on using the default callbacks.
[[nodiscard]] virtual auto documentToArray(QJsonDocument&) const -> QJsonArray;
/** Functions to load data into a pack.
* Those are needed for the same reason as ddocumentToArray, and NEED to be re-implemented in the same way.
virtual void loadIndexedPack(ModPlatform::IndexedPack&, QJsonObject&);
virtual void loadExtraPackInfo(ModPlatform::IndexedPack&, QJsonObject&);
virtual void loadIndexedPackVersions(ModPlatform::IndexedPack&, QJsonArray&);
const BaseInstance& m_base_instance;
/* Basic search parameters */
enum class SearchState { None, CanFetchMore, ResetRequested, Finished } m_search_state = SearchState::None;
int m_next_search_offset = 0;
QString m_search_term;
unsigned int m_current_sort_index = 0;
std::unique_ptr<ResourceAPI> m_api;
// Job for searching for new entries
shared_qobject_ptr<NetJob> m_current_search_job;
// Job for fetching versions and extra info on existing entries
ConcurrentTask m_current_info_job;
shared_qobject_ptr<NetJob> m_current_icon_job;
QSet<QUrl> m_currently_running_icon_actions;
QSet<QUrl> m_failed_icon_actions;
QList<ModPlatform::IndexedPack> m_packs;
// HACK: We need this to prevent callbacks from calling the model after it has already been deleted.
// This leaks a tiny bit of memory per time the user has opened a resource dialog. How to make this better?
static QHash<ResourceModel*, bool> s_running_models;
/* Default search request callbacks */
void searchRequestSucceeded(QJsonDocument&);
void searchRequestFailed(QString reason, int network_error_code);
void searchRequestAborted();
void versionRequestSucceeded(QJsonDocument&, ModPlatform::IndexedPack&, const QModelIndex&);
void infoRequestSucceeded(QJsonDocument&, ModPlatform::IndexedPack&, const QModelIndex&);
void versionListUpdated();
void projectInfoUpdated();
} // namespace ResourceDownload