flow 08d008a5aa
refactor: abstract away update confirmation dialog
... so that we can avoid code duplication.

Signed-off-by: flow <flowlnlnln@gmail.com>
2022-12-06 17:00:29 -03:00

76 lines
2.7 KiB

#include "InstanceTask.h"
#include "ui/dialogs/CustomMessageBox.h"
InstanceNameChange askForChangingInstanceName(QWidget* parent, const QString& old_name, const QString& new_name)
auto dialog =
CustomMessageBox::selectable(parent, QObject::tr("Change instance name"),
QObject::tr("The instance's name seems to include the old version. Would you like to update it?\n\n"
"Old name: %1\n"
"New name: %2")
.arg(old_name, new_name),
QMessageBox::Question, QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Yes);
auto result = dialog->exec();
if (result == QMessageBox::Yes)
return InstanceNameChange::ShouldChange;
return InstanceNameChange::ShouldKeep;
ShouldUpdate askIfShouldUpdate(QWidget *parent, QString original_version_name)
auto info = CustomMessageBox::selectable(
parent, QObject::tr("Similar modpack was found!"),
QObject::tr("One or more of your instances are from this same modpack%1. Do you want to create a "
"separate instance, or update the existing one?\n\nNOTE: Make sure you made a backup of your important instance data before "
"updating, as worlds can be corrupted and some configuration may be lost (due to pack overrides).")
QMessageBox::Information, QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Reset | QMessageBox::Abort);
info->setButtonText(QMessageBox::Ok, QObject::tr("Update existing instance"));
info->setButtonText(QMessageBox::Abort, QObject::tr("Create new instance"));
info->setButtonText(QMessageBox::Reset, QObject::tr("Cancel"));
if (info->clickedButton() == info->button(QMessageBox::Ok))
return ShouldUpdate::Update;
if (info->clickedButton() == info->button(QMessageBox::Abort))
return ShouldUpdate::SkipUpdating;
return ShouldUpdate::Cancel;
QString InstanceName::name() const
if (!m_modified_name.isEmpty())
return modifiedName();
return QString("%1 %2").arg(m_original_name, m_original_version);
QString InstanceName::originalName() const
return m_original_name;
QString InstanceName::modifiedName() const
if (!m_modified_name.isEmpty())
return m_modified_name;
return m_original_name;
QString InstanceName::version() const
return m_original_version;
void InstanceName::setName(InstanceName& other)
m_original_name = other.m_original_name;
m_original_version = other.m_original_version;
m_modified_name = other.m_modified_name;
InstanceTask::InstanceTask() : Task(), InstanceName() {}