flow 433a802c6e
refactor: put resource downloading classes in common namespace
Puts them all inside the 'ResourceDownload' namespace, so that it's a
bit clearer from the outside that those belong to the same 'module'.

Signed-off-by: flow <flowlnlnln@gmail.com>
2023-01-13 16:23:06 -03:00

36 lines
1.1 KiB

#include "FlameResourceModels.h"
#include "Json.h"
#include "modplatform/flame/FlameModIndex.h"
namespace ResourceDownload {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(modernize-avoid-c-arrays)
const char* FlameModModel::sorts[6]{ "Featured", "Popularity", "LastUpdated", "Name", "Author", "TotalDownloads" };
FlameModModel::FlameModModel(FlameModPage* parent) : ModModel(parent, new FlameAPI) {}
void FlameModModel::loadIndexedPack(ModPlatform::IndexedPack& m, QJsonObject& obj)
FlameMod::loadIndexedPack(m, obj);
// We already deal with the URLs when initializing the pack, due to the API response's structure
void FlameModModel::loadExtraPackInfo(ModPlatform::IndexedPack& m, QJsonObject& obj)
FlameMod::loadBody(m, obj);
void FlameModModel::loadIndexedPackVersions(ModPlatform::IndexedPack& m, QJsonArray& arr)
FlameMod::loadIndexedPackVersions(m, arr, APPLICATION->network(), &m_associated_page->m_base_instance);
auto FlameModModel::documentToArray(QJsonDocument& obj) const -> QJsonArray
return Json::ensureArray(obj.object(), "data");
} // namespace ResourceDownload