5621: fix some indentation issues
svn: r20730
This commit is contained in:
@ -174,34 +174,42 @@ Chování
Otevření existujícího rodokmenu a import xml souboru do něho může být
proveden takto:
gramps -O 'Můj rodokmen' -i ~/db3.gramps
To samé, jen s importem do dočasné databáze a otevřením interaktivní
gramps -i 'My Family Tree' -i ~/db3.gramps
Import čtyř databází (jejichž formáty jsou stanoveny podle názvů sou‐
borů) a následná kontrola bezchybnosti výsledné databáze může být
provedena takto:
gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.tgz -i ~/db3.gramps -i file4.wft -a
Explicitní specifikace formátu databází předchozího příkladu přidáním
příslušného parametru -f za název souboru:
gramps -i file1.ged -f gedcom -i file2.tgz -f gramps-pkg -i
~/db3.gramps -f gramps-xml -i file4.wft -f wft -a check
Zapsání výsledné databáze vytvořené ze všech importů zajistí parametr
-e (použijte -f pokud nelze uhodnout formát z názvu souboru):
gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.tgz -e ~/nový-balíček -f gramps-pkg
Import tří databází a start interaktivní gramps relace nad výsledkem:
gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.tgz -i ~/db3.gramps
Spuštění nástroje kontroly z příkazové řádky s výstupem na stdout:
gramps -O 'Můj rodokmen' -a tool -p name=verify
A konečně spuštění normální interaktivní relace aplikace:
@ -225,20 +225,22 @@ gramps(1) 4.0.0 gramps(1)
gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.tgz -i ~/db3.gramps
Pour lancer l'outil de vérification de la base de données depuis la
ligne de commande et obtenir le résultat:
ligne de commande et obtenir le résultat :
gramps -O file.grdb -a tool -p name=verify
Enfin, pour lancer une session interactive normale, entrer : gramps
Enfin, pour lancer une session interactive normale, entrer :
Le programme vérifie si ces variables d'environnement sont déclarées:
LANG - décrit, quelle langue est utilisée: Ex.: pour le français on
**LANG** - décrit, quelle langue est utilisée: Ex.: pour le français on
peut définir fr_FR.UTF-8.
GRAMPSHOME - si défini, force Gramps à utiliser un répertoire
**GRAMPSHOME** - si défini, force Gramps à utiliser un répertoire
spécifique pour y conserver ses préférences et bases de données. Par
défaut, cette variable n'est pas active et Gramps sait que les options
et bases de données doivent être créées dans le répertoire par défaut
@ -59,156 +59,158 @@ OPTIES
guessed, always specify with -f option).
-O,--open= DATABASE
Open DATABASE which must be an existing database directory or
existing family tree name. If no action, import or export
options are given on the command line then an interactive ses‐
sion is started using that database.
**-O** , **--open=** *DATABASE*
Open *DATABASE* which must be an existing database directory or
existing family tree name. If no action, import or export
options are given on the command line then an interactive ses‐
sion is started using that database.
-i,--import= FILE
Import data from FILE. If you haven't specified a database then
a temporary database is used; this is deleted when you exit
**-i** , **--import=** *FILE*
Import data from *FILE* . If you haven't specified a database then
a temporary database is used; this is deleted when you exit
When more than one input file is given, each has to be preceded
by -i flag. The files are imported in the specified order, i.e.
-i FILE1 -i FILE2 and -i FILE2 -i FILE1 might produce different
gramps IDs in the resulting database.
When more than one input file is given, each has to be preceded
by **-i** flag. The files are imported in the specified order, i.e.
**-i** *FILE1* **-i** *FILE2* and **-i** *FILE2* **-i** *FILE1*
might produce different gramps IDs in the resulting database.
-e,--export= FILE
Export data into FILE. For iso format, the FILE is actually the
name of directory the gramps database will be written into. For
gramps-xml, gedcom, wft, gramps-pkg, and geneweb, the FILE is
the name of the resulting file.
**-a** , **--action=** *ACTION*
Perform *ACTION* on the imported data. This is done after all
imports are successfully completed. Currently available actions
are **summary** (same as Reports->View->Summary), **check** (same as
Tools->Database Processing->Check and Repair), **report** (generates
report), and tool (runs a plugin tool). Both **report** and **tool**
need the *OPTIONSTRING* supplied by the **-p** flag).
When more than one output file is given, each has to be preceded
by -e flag. The files are written one by one, in the specified
The *OPTIONSTRING* should satisfy the following conditions:
It must not contain any spaces. If some arguments need to
include spaces, the string should be enclosed with quotation
marks, i.e., follow the shell syntax. Option string is a list
of pairs with name and value (separated by the equality sign).
The name and value pairs must be separated by commas.
Most of the report or tools options are specific for each report
or tool. However, there are some common options.
This mandatory option determines which report or tool will be
run. If the supplied name does not correspond to any available
report or tool, an error message will be printed followed by the
list of available reports or tools (depending on the *ACTION* ).
This will produce the list of names for all options available
for a given report or tool.
This will print the description of the functionality supplied by
*optionname*, as well as what are the acceptable types and values
for this option.
Use the above options to find out everything about a given
-a,--action= ACTION
Perform ACTION on the imported data. This is done after all
imports are successfully completed. Currently available actions
are summary (same as Reports->View->Summary), check (same as
Tools->Database Processing->Check and Repair), and report (gen‐
erates report, needs the OPTIONSTRING supplied by the -p flag).
The report option string should satisfy the following condi‐
It must not contain any spaces. If some arguments need to
include spaces, the string should be enclosed with quotation
marks. Option string must list pairs of option names and val‐
ues. Withing a pair, option name and value must be separated by
the equality sign. Different pairs must be separated by commas.
Most of the report options are specific for every report. How‐
ever, there some common options.
This mandatory option determines which report will be generated.
If the supplied report_name does not correspond to any available
report, the error message will be printed followed by the list
of available reports.
This will produce the list of names for all options available
for a given report.
This will print the description of the functionality supplied by
optionname, as well as what are the acceptable types and values
for this option.
Use the above options to find out everything about a given
When more than one output action is given, each has to be preceded by
**-a** flag. The actions are performed one by one, in the specified order.
When more than one output action is given, each has to be preceded by
-a flag. The actions are performed one by one, in the specified order.
**-d** , **--debug=** *LOGGER_NAME*
Enables debug logs for development and testing. Look at the
source code for details
-d,--debug= LOGGER_NAME
Enables debug logs for development and testing. Look at the
source code for details
Prints the version number of gramps and then exits
Prints the version number of gramps and then exits
Indien het eerste argument in de opdrachtregel niet start met dash (dus
geen vlag) dan zal Gramps trachten om het bestand te openen met een
naam die in het eerste argument werd opgegeven. Vervolgens wordt een
interactieve sessie gestart en de overige argumenten van de
opdrachtregel worden genegeerd.
If the -O flag is given, then gramps will try opening the supplied
database and then work with that data, as instructed by the further
If the **-O** flag is given, then gramps will try opening the supplied
database and then work with that data, as instructed by the further
command line parameters.
With or without the -O flag, there could be multiple imports, exports,
and actions specified further on the command line by using -i, -e, and
-a flags.
With or without the **-O** flag, there could be multiple imports, exports,
and actions specified further on the command line by using **-i** ,
**-e** , and **-a** flags.
The order of -i, -e, or -a options does not matter. The actual order
The order of **-i** , **-e** , or **-a** options does not matter. The actual order
always is: all imports (if any) -> all actions (if any) -> all exports
(if any). But opening must always be first!
If no -O or -i option is given, gramps will launch its main window and
start the usual interactive session with the empty database, since
If no **-O** or **-i** option is given, gramps will launch its main window and
start the usual interactive session with the empty database, since
there is no data to process, anyway.
If no -o or -a options are given, gramps will launch its main window
If no **-e** or **-a** options are given, gramps will launch its main window
and start the usual interactive session with the database resulted from
all imports. This database resides in the import_db.grdb under
~/.gramps/import directory.
all imports. This database resides in the **import_db.grdb** under
**~/.gramps/import** directory.
The error encountered during import, export, or action, will be either
dumped to stdout (if these are exceptions handled by gramps) or to
stderr (if these are not handled). Use usual shell redirections of std‐
out and stderr to save messages and errors in files.
The error encountered during import, export, or action, will be either
dumped to stdout (if these are exceptions handled by gramps) or to
*stderr* (if these are not handled). Use usual shell redirections of
*stdout* and *stderr* to save messages and errors in files.
To open an existing family tree and import an xml file into it, one
To open an existing family tree and import an xml file into it, one
may type:
gramps -O 'My Family Tree' -i ~/db3.gramps
**gramps -O** *'My Family Tree'* **-i** *~/db3.gramps*
The above changes the opened family tree, to do the same, but import
both in a temporary family tree and start an interactive session, one
The above changes the opened family tree, to do the same, but import
both in a temporary family tree and start an interactive session, one
may type:
gramps -i 'My Family Tree' -i ~/db3.gramps
**gramps -i** *'My Family Tree'* **-i** *~/db3.gramps*
To import four databases (whose formats can be determined from their
To import four databases (whose formats can be determined from their
names) and then check the resulting database for errors, one may type:
gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.tgz -i ~/db3.gramps -i file4.wft -a
**gramps -i** *file1.ged* **-i** *file2.tgz* **-i** *~/db3.gramps*
**-i** *file4.wft* **-a** *check*
To explicitly specify the formats in the above example, append file‐
names with appropriate -f options:
gramps -i file1.ged -f gedcom -i file2.tgz -f gramps-pkg -i
~/db3.gramps -f gramps-xml -i file4.wft -f wft -a check
names with appropriate **-f** options:
**gramps -i** *file1.ged* **-f** *gedcom* **-i** *file2.tgz* **-f**
*gramps-pkg* **-i** *~/db3.gramps* **-f** *gramps-xml* **-i** *file4.wft*
**-f** *wft* **-a** *check*
To record the database resulting from all imports, supply -e flag (use
-f if the filename does not allow gramps to guess the format):
gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.tgz -e ~/new-package -f gramps-pkg
To record the database resulting from all imports, supply **-e** flag (use
**-f** if the filename does not allow gramps to guess the format):
**gramps -i** *file1.ged* **-i** *file2.tgz* **-e** *~/new-package*
**-f** *gramps-pkg*
To import three databases and start interactive gramps session with the
gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.tgz -i ~/db3.gramps
**gramps -i** *file1.ged* **-i** *file2.tgz* **-i** *~/db3.gramps*
To run the Verify tool from the commandline and output the result to
**gramps -O** *'My Family Tree'* **-a** *tool* **-p name=** *verify*
Finally, to start normal interactive session type:
@ -223,9 +225,12 @@ CONCEPTEN
@ -222,40 +222,45 @@ Działanie
Aby otworzyć istniejące drzewo rodzinne i zaimportować dane do niego,
można wpisać:
gramps -O 'Moje drzewo' -i ~/db3.gramps
Powyższa opcja otwiera istniejące drzewo, ale gdy chcesz zrobić wykonać
samą akcję tworząc tymczasowe drzewo: wystarczy wpisać: gramps
-i 'Moje drzewo' -i ~/db3.gramps
taką samą akcję tworząc tymczasowe drzewo: wystarczy wpisać:
gramps -i 'Moje drzewo' -i ~/db3.gramps
Aby zaimportować cztery bazy (których formaty zostaną określone na pod‐
ich nazw) i następnie sprawdić powstałą bazę pod kątem błędów,
należy wpisać: gramps -i plik1.ged -i plik2.tgz -i ~/db3.gramps
stawie ich nazw) i następnie sprawdić powstałą bazę pod kątem błędów,
należy wpisać:
gramps -i plik1.ged -i plik2.tgz -i ~/db3.gramps
-i plik4.wft -a check
Aby jawnie określić formaty w powyższym przykładzie, należy dodać nazwy
z odpowiednimi opcjami -f options: gramps -i plik1.ged -f gedcom
-i plik2.tgz -f gramps-pkg -i ~/db3.gramps -f gramps-xml -i
plik4.wft -f wft -a check
plików z odpowiednimi opcjami -f options:
gramps -i plik1.ged -f gedcom -i plik2.tgz -f gramps-pkg -i
~/db3.gramps -f gramps-xml -i plik4.wft -f wft -a check
Aby zachować bazę z wynikami wszystkich importów, należy dodać flagę -e
(należy użyć -f jeśli nazwa pliku nie pozwala gramps'owi na odgadnięcie
formatu wyjściowego):
gramps -i plik1.ged -i plik2.tgz -e ~/nowy-pakiet -f gramps-pkg
W celu zaimportwania trzech baz i rozpoczęcia sesji interaktywnej z
importu należy użyć polecenia podobnego do poniższego: gramps -i
plik1.ged -i plik22.tgz -i ~/db3.gramps
wynikiem importu należy użyć polecenia podobnego do poniższego:
gramps -i plik1.ged -i plik22.tgz -i ~/db3.gramps
Aby uruchomić narzędzie weryfikacji z linii poleceń i wyświetlić wyniki
stdout: gramps -O 'Moje drzewo' -a tool -p name=verify
na stdout:
gramps -O 'Moje drzewo' -a tool -p name=verify
Zawsze można też po prostu uruchomić sesję interaktywną wpisująć:
@ -2,12 +2,14 @@ gramps(1) 4.0.0 gramps(1)
gramps - Programa para pesquisa geneal?gica.
**gramps** [**-?|--help**] [**--usage**] [**--version**] [**-l**] [**-u
@ -19,6 +21,7 @@ gramps - Programa para pesquisa geneal?gica.
*Gramps* ? um programa de genealogia livre e de c?digo aberto. Ele ? escrito
@ -30,6 +33,7 @@ todos os outros programas de genealogia.
**gramps*** ARQUIVO* Quando *ARQUIVO* for indicado (sem qualquer outra op??o)
@ -128,6 +132,7 @@ da vers?o do Gramps e finaliza.
@ -165,34 +170,64 @@ direcionados para *stdout* (se forem exce??es tratadas pelo Gramps) ou para
Abrir uma ?rvore geneal?gica existente e importar um arquivo xml para ela:
**gramps** **-O** *'Minha ?rvore geneal?gica'* **-i** *~/db3.gramps* Fazer as
**gramps** **-O** *'Minha ?rvore geneal?gica'* **-i** *~/db3.gramps*
Fazer as
mesmas altera??es da ?rvore geneal?gica do comando anterior, mas importar a
?rvore geneal?gica tempor?ria e iniciar uma sess?o interativa: **gramps**
**-i** *'Minha ?rvore geneal?gica'* **-i** *~/db3.gramps* Importar quatro
?rvore geneal?gica tempor?ria e iniciar uma sess?o interativa:
**-i** *'Minha ?rvore geneal?gica'* **-i** *~/db3.gramps*
Importar quatro
bancos de dados (cujos formatos podem ser reconhecidos pelos nomes) e
verificar a exist?ncia de erros no banco de dados resultante: **gramps**
verificar a exist?ncia de erros no banco de dados resultante:
**-i** *arquivo1.ged* **-i** *arquivo2.tgz* **-i** *~/db3.gramps* **-i**
*arquivo4.wft* **-a** *check* Indicar de forma expl?cita os formatos do
*arquivo4.wft* **-a** *check*
Indicar de forma expl?cita os formatos do
exemplo acima, atribuindo os nomes dos arquivos com as op??es **-f**
apropriadas: **gramps** **-i** *arquivo1.ged* **-f** *gedcom* **-i**
*arquivo2.tgz* **-f** *gramps-pkg* **-i** *~/db3.gramps* **-f** *gramps-xml*
**-i** *arquivo4.wft* **-f** *wft* **-a** *check* Gravar o banco de dados
**gramps** **-i** *arquivo1.ged* **-f** *gedcom* **-i** *arquivo2.tgz*
**-f** *gramps-pkg* **-i** *~/db3.gramps* **-f** *gramps-xml*
**-i** *arquivo4.wft* **-f** *wft* **-a** *check*
Gravar o banco de dados
resultante de todas as importa??es, indicando a op??o **-e** (use **-f** se o
nome do arquivo n?o permirtir que o gramps reconhe?a o formato
automaticamente): **gramps** **-i** *arquivo1.ged* **-i** *arquivo2.tgz*
**-e** *~/novo-pacote* **-f** *gramps-pkg* Importar tr?s bancos de dados e
iniciar a sess?o interativa do Gramps com o resultado: **gramps** **-i**
*arquivo1.ged* **-i** *arquivo2.tgz* **-i** *~/db3.gramps* Executar a
**gramps** **-i** *arquivo1.ged* **-i** *arquivo2.tgz*
**-e** *~/novo-pacote* **-f** *gramps-pkg*
Importar tr?s bancos de dados e
iniciar a sess?o interativa do Gramps com o resultado:
**gramps** **-i**
*arquivo1.ged* **-i** *arquivo2.tgz* **-i** *~/db3.gramps*
Executar a
ferramenta de verifica??o a partir da linha de comando e direcionar o
resultado para stdout: **gramps** **-O** *'Minha ?rvore geneal?gica'* **-a**
*tool* **-p** **name**=*verify* Finalmente, para iniciar uma sess?o
interativa normal, digite: **gramps**
resultado para stdout:
**gramps** **-O** *'Minha ?rvore geneal?gica'* **-a** *tool* **-p** **name**=*verify*
Finalmente, para iniciar uma sess?o
interativa normal, digite:
O programa verifica se estas vari?veis de ambiente est?o definidas:
@ -208,7 +243,8 @@ dados e configura??es do perfil devem ser criadas na pasta do usu?rio
Suporta um sistema de plugins baseado em Python, permitindo acrescentar
@ -220,11 +256,13 @@ arquivo, tais como *OpenOffice.org*, *AbiWord*, HTML ou LaTeX, para permitir
aos usu?rios a modifica??o de acordo com suas necessidades.
@ -232,7 +270,8 @@ ARQUIVOS
Donald Allingham *<`don@gramps-project.org`_>*
@ -247,7 +286,8 @@ Projeto Gramps *<`xxx@gramps-project.org`_>*
A documenta??o para usu?rios est? dispon?vel atrav?s da op??o de ajuda padr?o
@ -259,45 +299,11 @@ A documenta??o para desenvolvedores pode ser encontrada na p?gina
``Andr? Marcelo Alvarenga <`andrealvarenga@gmx.net`_> em 05/08/2012``
January 2013 4.0.0 gramps(1)
This document was created by `man2html`_, using the manual pages.
Time: 16:19:23 GMT, December 01, 2012
.. _Index: #index
.. _Return to Main Contents: /cgi-bin/man/man2html
.. _don@gramps-project.org: mailto:don@gramps-project.org
.. _http://gramps.sourceforge.net: http://gramps.sourceforge.net
.. _brandon@debian.org: mailto:brandon@debian.org
.. _xxx@gramps-project.org: mailto:xxx@gramps-project.org
.. _http://developers.gramps-project.org: http://developers.gramps-
.. _andrealvarenga@gmx.net: mailto:andrealvarenga@gmx.net
.. _NOME: #lbAB
.. _RESUMO: #lbAC
.. _DESCRI??O: #lbAD
.. _OP??ES: #lbAE
.. _Opera??o: #lbAF
.. _AUTORES: #lbAL
.. _TRADU??O: #lbAN
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ ALTERNATIV
summary (samma som Rapporter->Visa->Sammanfattning av
databasen), check (samma som Verktyg->Reparera databas ->Kon‐
trollera och reparera) samt report (skapar report, kräver en
ALTERNATIVSTRÄNG lämnad via -p-flaggan).
ALTERNATIVSTRÄNG lämnad via -p-flaggan).
ALTERNATIVSTRÄNG-en måste uppfylla följand villkor:
Får ej innehålla några mellanslag. Om några argument behöver
@ -140,8 +140,6 @@ ALTERNATIV
Skriver ur Gramps versionsnummer och avslutar
Om första argumentet på kommandoraden inte inledds med ett minustecken
(d. v. s. ingen flagga), kommer Gramps att försöka öppna den fil, vars
@ -186,38 +184,46 @@ Operation
För att öppna ett befintligt familjeträd och importera en xml-fil till
det, kan man skriva:
Gramps -O 'Mitt familjeträd' -i ~/db3.Gramps
Ovanstående ändrar det öppnade familjeträdet, för att göra samma sak,
men importera bägge till ett tillfälligt familjeträd och påbörja en
interaktiv session, kan man skriva:
Gramps -i 'My Family Tree' -i ~/db3.Gramps
För att importera fyra databaser (vars format kan avgöras av deras
namn) och sedan felkontrollera den resulterande databasen, kan man
Gramps -i FIL1.ged -i FIL2.tgz -i ~/db3.Gramps -i FIL4.wft -a
För att uttryckligen specificera formaten i examplet ovan, lägg till
filnamn med passande -f-alternativ:
Gramps -i FIL1.ged -f gedcom -i FIL2.tgz -f Gramps-pkg -i
~/db3.Gramps -f Gramps-xml -i FIL4.wft -f wft -a check
För att spara den databas, som är resultat av all import, ange -e-
flagga (använd -f om filnamnet inte tillåter Gramps att gissa dess for‐
Gramps -i FIL1.ged -i FIL2.tgz -e ~/new-package -f Gramps-pkg
För att importera tre databaser och påbörja en interaklive Gramps-ses‐
sion med importresultatet:
Gramps -i FIL1.ged -i FIL2.tgz -i ~/db3.Gramps
För att köra verifieringsverktyget från kommandoraden och mata ut
resultatet till stdout:
Gramps -O file.grdb -a tool -p name=verify
Slutligen, för att påbörja en normal interaktiv session skriv bara:
@ -233,9 +239,12 @@ BEGREPP
Reference in New Issue
Block a user