First attempt to have plural support. Tested with one input file (nl.po)

and it didn't crash. Ship it.
        * po/check_po

svn: r11878
This commit is contained in:
Kees Bakker 2009-02-05 21:06:39 +00:00
parent f05c0ee0f0
commit 6e7e4706b6

@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ def strip_quotes(st):
st = st.strip()[1:-1]
return st
class CheckException( Exception ):
# This is a base class for all checks
class Check:
def __init__( self ):
@ -63,14 +66,23 @@ class Check_fmt( Check ):
self.diag_header = "-------- %s mismatches --------------" % fmt
self.summary_text = "%s mismatches:" % fmt
self.fmt = fmt
def process( self, msg ):
msgid = msg.msgid
msgstr = msg.msgstr
def __process( self, msg, msgid, msgstr ):
cnt1 = msgid.count( self.fmt )
cnt2 = msgstr.count( self.fmt )
if cnt1 != cnt2:
self.msgs.append( msg )
def process( self, msg ):
msgid = msg.msgid
msgstr = msg.msgstr[0]
self.__process( msg, msgid, msgstr )
if msg.msgidp and len(msg.msgstr) >= 2:
msgid = msg.msgidp
msgstr = msg.msgstr[1]
self.__process( msg, msgid, msgstr )
class Check_named_fmt( Check ):
# A pattern to find all %()
find_named_fmt_pat = re.compile('% \( \w+ \) \d* \D', re.VERBOSE)
@ -79,9 +91,8 @@ class Check_named_fmt( Check ):
Check.__init__( self )
self.diag_header = "-------- %() name mismatches --------------"
self.summary_text = "%() name mismatches:"
def process( self, msg ):
msgid = msg.msgid
msgstr = msg.msgstr
def __process( self, msg, msgid, msgstr ):
# Same number of named formats?
fmts1 = self.find_named_fmt_pat.findall( msgid )
fmts2 = self.find_named_fmt_pat.findall( msgstr )
@ -94,6 +105,16 @@ class Check_named_fmt( Check ):
if fmts1 != fmts2:
self.msgs.append( msg )
def process( self, msg ):
msgid = msg.msgid
msgstr = msg.msgstr[0]
self.__process( msg, msgid, msgstr )
if msg.msgidp and len(msg.msgstr) >= 2:
msgid = msg.msgidp
msgstr = msg.msgstr[1]
self.__process( msg, msgid, msgstr )
class Check_missing_sd( Check ):
# A pattern to find %() without s or d
# Here is a command to use for testing
@ -105,27 +126,35 @@ class Check_missing_sd( Check ):
self.diag_header = "-------- %() without 's' or 'd' mismatches --------------"
self.summary_text = "%() missing s/d:"
def process( self, msg ):
msgstr = msg.msgstr
fmts = self.find_named_fmt_pat2.findall( msgstr )
for f in fmts:
if not f in ('s', 'd'):
self.msgs.append( msg )
for msgstr in msg.msgstr:
fmts = self.find_named_fmt_pat2.findall( msgstr )
for f in fmts:
if not f in ('s', 'd'):
self.msgs.append( msg )
class Check_runaway( Check ):
def __init__( self ):
Check.__init__( self )
self.diag_header = "-------- Runaway context in translation ---------"
self.summary_text = "Runaway context:"
def process( self, msg ):
msgid = msg.msgid
msgstr = msg.msgstr
def __process( self, msg, msgid, msgstr ):
# Runaway context. In the translated part we only to see
# the translation of the word after the |
if msgid.count('|') > 0 and msgstr.count('|') > 0 and msgid != msgstr:
self.msgs.append( msg )
def process( self, msg ):
msgid = msg.msgid
msgstr = msg.msgstr[0]
self.__process( msg, msgid, msgstr )
if msg.msgidp and len(msg.msgstr) >= 2:
msgid = msg.msgidp
msgstr = msg.msgstr[1]
self.__process( msg, msgid, msgstr )
class Check_xml_chars( Check ):
# Special XML characters
# It is not allowed to have a quote, an ampersand or an angle bracket
@ -135,9 +164,10 @@ class Check_xml_chars( Check ):
Check.__init__( self )
self.diag_header = "-------- unescaped XML special characters ---------"
self.summary_text = "XML special chars:"
def process( self, msg ):
msgid = msg.msgid
msgstr = msg.msgstr
msgstr = msg.msgstr[0]
# XML errors
# Only look at messages in the tips.xml
@ -150,14 +180,8 @@ class Check_last_char( Check ):
Check.__init__( self )
self.diag_header = "-------- last character not identical ---------"
self.summary_text = "Last character:"
def process( self, msg ):
msgid = msg.msgid
msgstr = msg.msgstr
# Last character of msgid? White space? Period?
if msg.is_fuzzy:
def __process( self, msg, msgid, msgstr ):
msgid_last = msgid[-1:]
msgstr_last = msgstr[-1:]
if msgid_last.isspace() != msgstr_last.isspace():
@ -165,26 +189,49 @@ class Check_last_char( Check ):
elif (msgid_last == '.') != (msgstr_last == '.'):
self.msgs.append( msg )
def process( self, msg ):
# Last character of msgid? White space? Period?
if msg.is_fuzzy:
msgid = msg.msgid
msgstr = msg.msgstr[0]
self.__process( msg, msgid, msgstr )
if msg.msgidp and len(msg.msgstr) >= 2:
msgid = msg.msgidp
msgstr = msg.msgstr[1]
self.__process( msg, msgid, msgstr )
class Check_shortcut_trans( Check ):
def __init__( self ):
Check.__init__( self )
self.diag_header = "-------- shortcut key in translation ---------"
self.summary_text = "Shortcut in msgstr:"
def process( self, msg ):
msgid = msg.msgid
msgstr = msg.msgstr
def __process( self, msg, msgid, msgstr ):
if msgid.count('_') == 0 and msgstr.count('_') > 0:
self.msgs.append( msg )
def process( self, msg ):
msgid = msg.msgid
msgstr = msg.msgstr[0]
self.__process( msg, msgid, msgstr )
if msg.msgidp and len(msg.msgstr) >= 2:
msgid = msg.msgidp
msgstr = msg.msgstr[1]
self.__process( msg, msgid, msgstr )
class Msgid:
fuzzy_pat = re.compile( 'fuzzy' )
tips_xml_pat = re.compile( r'tips\.xml' )
def __init__( self, msgnr, lineno ):
self._msgid = []
self._msgstr = []
self._msgid = [] # For debugging purpose the original text
self._msgidp = [] # For debugging purpose the original text
self._msgstr = [] # For debugging purpose the original text
self.msgid = ''
self.msgstr = ''
self.msgidp = ''
self.msgstr = [] # This is a list to support plural
self._cmnt = [] = msgnr
self.lineno = lineno
@ -192,14 +239,11 @@ class Msgid:
self.is_tips_xml = 0
def diag( self ):
if 1:
print "msg nr: %d, lineno: %d%s" % (, self.lineno, self.is_fuzzy and " (fuzzy)" or "" )
sys.stdout.write( ''.join( self._msgid ) )
sys.stdout.write( ''.join( self._msgstr ) )
# Compatible with the old check_po
print "%d '%s' : '%s'" % ( self.lineno, self.msgid, self.msgstr )
print "msg nr: %d, lineno: %d%s" % (, self.lineno, self.is_fuzzy and " (fuzzy)" or "" )
sys.stdout.write( ''.join( self._msgid ) )
sys.stdout.write( ''.join( self._msgidp ) )
sys.stdout.write( ''.join( self._msgstr ) )
def add_msgid( self, line, lineno ):
self._msgid.append( line )
@ -210,14 +254,27 @@ class Msgid:
line = strip_quotes( line )
self.msgid += line
def add_msgstr( self, line, lineno ):
self._msgstr.append( line )
line = re.sub( r'msgstr\s+', '', line )
def add_msgidp( self, line, lineno ):
self._msgidp.append( line )
line = re.sub( r'msgid_plural\s+', '', line )
line = line.strip()
if line[0] != '"' or line[-1:] != '"':
print "ERROR at line %d: Missing quote." % lineno
line = strip_quotes( line )
self.msgstr += line
self.msgidp += line
def add_new_msgstr( self, line, lineno ):
self.msgstr.append( '' ) # Start a new msgstr
self.add_msgstr( line, lineno )
def add_msgstr( self, line, lineno ):
self._msgstr.append( line )
line = re.sub( r'msgstr(\[\d\])?\s+', '', line )
line = line.strip()
if line[0] != '"' or line[-1:] != '"':
print "ERROR at line %d: Missing quote." % lineno
line = strip_quotes( line )
self.msgstr[-1] += line
def add_cmnt( self, line ):
self._cmnt.append( line )
@ -226,32 +283,41 @@ class Msgid:
if not self.is_tips_xml and line ):
self.is_tips_xml = 1
msgs = []
msgnr = 0 # This is the message number of the next message to read. The first real message is 1.
def create_new_Msgid( lineno ):
global msgnr
msg = Msgid( msgnr, lineno )
msgnr += 1
msgs.append( msg )
return msg
def read_msgs( fname ):
empty_pat = re.compile( r'^ \s* $', re.VERBOSE )
comment_pat = re.compile( r'\#', re.VERBOSE )
msgid_pat = re.compile( r'msgid \s+ "', re.VERBOSE )
msgstr_pat = re.compile( r'msgstr \s+ "', re.VERBOSE )
msgid_plural_pat = re.compile( r'msgid_plural \s+ "', re.VERBOSE )
msgstr_pat = re.compile( r'msgstr (\[\d\])? \s+ "', re.VERBOSE )
str_pat = re.compile( r'"', re.VERBOSE )
old_pat = re.compile( r'\#~ \s+ ', re.VERBOSE )
msgnr = 0 # This is the message number of the next message to read. The first real message is 1.
f = open( fname )
lines = f.readlines()
# parse it like a statemachine
NONE = 0 # Nothing detected, yet
CMNT = 1 # Inside comment part
MSGID = 2 # Inside msgid part
MSGSTR = 3 # Inside msgstr part
STR = 4 # A continuation string
OLD = 5 # An old pattern with #~
NONE = 'NONE' # Nothing detected, yet
CMNT = 'CMNT' # Inside comment part
MSGID = 'msgid' # Inside msgid part
MSGIDP = 'msgid_plural' # Inside msgid_plural part
MSGSTR = 'msgstr' # Inside msgstr part
STR = 'STR' # A continuation string
OLD = 'OLD' # An old pattern with #~
global msgs
state = NONE
msg = None
msgs = []
for ix in range( len(lines) ): # Use line numbers for messages
line = lines[ix]
for ix, line in enumerate( lines ): # Use line numbers for messages
lineno = ix + 1
m = empty_pat.match( line )
@ -265,6 +331,8 @@ def read_msgs( fname ):
next_state = CMNT
elif msgid_pat.match( line ):
next_state = MSGID
elif msgid_plural_pat.match( line ):
next_state = MSGIDP
elif msgstr_pat.match( line ):
next_state = MSGSTR
elif str_pat.match( line ):
@ -278,25 +346,22 @@ def read_msgs( fname ):
# expect msgid or comment or old stuff
if next_state == CMNT:
state = CMNT
msg = Msgid( msgnr, lineno ) # Start with an empty new item
msgnr += 1
msgs.append( msg )
msg = create_new_Msgid( lineno ) # Start with an empty new item
msg.add_cmnt( line )
elif next_state == MSGID:
state = MSGID
msg = Msgid( msgnr, lineno ) # Start with an empty new item
msgnr += 1
msgs.append( msg )
msg = create_new_Msgid( lineno ) # Start with an empty new item
msg.add_msgid( line, lineno )
elif next_state == MSGIDP:
raise CheckException( 'Unexpected %(next_state)s at %(fname)s:%(lineno)d' % vars() )
elif next_state == MSGSTR:
print 'WARNING: Wild msgstr at %(fname)s:%(lineno)d' % vars()
state = MSGSTR
msg = Msgid( msgnr, lineno ) # Start with an empty new item
msgnr += 1
msgs.append( msg )
msg.add_msgstr( line, lineno )
msg = create_new_Msgid( lineno ) # Start with an empty new item
msg.add_new_msgstr( line, lineno )
elif next_state == STR:
print 'WARNING: Wild string at %(fname)s:%(lineno)d' % vars()
@ -304,7 +369,11 @@ def read_msgs( fname ):
elif next_state == OLD:
pass # Just skip
raise CheckException( 'Unexpected state in po parsing (state = %(state)s)' % vars() )
elif state == CMNT:
# Expect more comment, or msgid. If msgstr or string it is flagged as error.
if next_state == CMNT:
if msg:
msg.add_cmnt( line )
@ -316,18 +385,17 @@ def read_msgs( fname ):
elif next_state == MSGID:
state = MSGID
if not msg:
msg = Msgid( msgnr, lineno ) # Start with an empty new item
msgnr += 1
msgs.append( msg )
msg = create_new_Msgid( lineno ) # Start with an empty new item
msg.add_msgid( line, lineno )
elif next_state == MSGIDP:
raise CheckException( 'Unexpected %(next_state)s at %(fname)s:%(lineno)d' % vars() )
elif next_state == MSGSTR:
print 'WARNING: Wild msgstr at %(fname)s:%(lineno)d' % vars()
state = MSGSTR
msg = Msgid( msgnr, lineno ) # Start with an empty new item
msgnr += 1
msgs.append( msg )
msg.add_msgstr( line, lineno )
msg = create_new_Msgid( lineno ) # Start with an empty new item
msg.add_new_msgstr( line, lineno )
elif next_state == STR:
print 'WARNING: Wild string at %(fname)s:%(lineno)d' % vars()
@ -336,43 +404,84 @@ def read_msgs( fname ):
msg = None
pass # Just skip
raise CheckException( 'Unexpected state in po parsing (state = %(state)s)' % vars() )
elif state == MSGID:
# Expect msgstr or msgid_plural or string
if next_state == CMNT:
# Hmmm. A comment here?
print 'WARNING: Unexpted comment at %(fname)s:%(lineno)d' % vars()
elif next_state == MSGID:
raise Exception( 'Unexpected msgid at %(fname)s:%(lineno)d' % vars() )
raise CheckException( 'Unexpected %(next_state)s at %(fname)s:%(lineno)d' % vars() )
elif next_state == MSGIDP:
state = MSGIDP
msg.add_msgidp( line, lineno )
elif next_state == MSGSTR:
state = MSGSTR
msg.add_msgstr( line, lineno )
msg.add_new_msgstr( line, lineno )
elif next_state == STR:
# Continuation of msgid, stay in state MSGID
msg.add_msgid( line, lineno )
elif next_state == OLD:
msg = None
pass # Just skip
raise CheckException( 'Unexpected state in po parsing (state = %(state)s)' % vars() )
elif state == MSGIDP:
# Expect msgstr or string or comment
if next_state == CMNT:
# Hmmm. A comment here?
print 'WARNING: Unexpted comment at %(fname)s:%(lineno)d' % vars()
elif next_state == MSGID:
raise CheckException( 'Unexpected %(next_state)s at %(fname)s:%(lineno)d' % vars() )
elif next_state == MSGIDP:
raise CheckException( 'Unexpected %(next_state)s at %(fname)s:%(lineno)d' % vars() )
elif next_state == MSGSTR:
state = MSGSTR
msg.add_new_msgstr( line, lineno )
elif next_state == STR:
# Continuation of msgid_plural, stay in state MSGIDP
msg.add_msgidp( line, lineno )
elif next_state == OLD:
msg = None
pass # Just skip
raise CheckException( 'Unexpected state in po parsing (state = %(state)s)' % vars() )
elif state == MSGSTR:
# Expect comment, or msgid, or string.
if next_state == CMNT:
# A comment probably starts a new item
state = CMNT
msg = Msgid( msgnr, lineno )
msgnr += 1
msgs.append( msg )
msg = create_new_Msgid( lineno )
msg.add_cmnt( line )
elif next_state == MSGID:
state = MSGID
msg = Msgid( msgnr, lineno )
msgnr += 1
msgs.append( msg )
msg = create_new_Msgid( lineno )
msg.add_msgid( line, lineno )
elif next_state == MSGIDP:
raise CheckException( 'Unexpected %(next_state)s at %(fname)s:%(lineno)d' % vars() )
elif next_state == MSGSTR:
raise Exception( 'Unexpected msgstr at %(fname)s:%(lineno)d' % vars() )
# New msgstr, probably for plural form
# Stay in MSGSTR state
msg.add_new_msgstr( line, lineno )
elif next_state == STR:
msg.add_msgstr( line, lineno )
@ -381,8 +490,11 @@ def read_msgs( fname ):
msg = None
pass # Just skip
raise CheckException( 'Unexpected state in po parsing (state = %(state)s)' % vars() )
raise Exception( 'Unexpected state in po parsing (state = %d)' % state )
raise CheckException( 'Unexpected state in po parsing (state = %(state)s)' % vars() )
# Strip items with just comments. (Can this happen?)
msgs1 = []
@ -416,7 +528,7 @@ def analyze_msgs( options, fname, msgs, nr_templates = None, nth = 0 ):
#print "msgid: %(msgid)s" % vars()
#print "msgstr: %(msgstr)s" % vars()
if not msgstr:
if ''.join(msgstr) == '':
nr_untranslated += 1
@ -473,8 +585,9 @@ def main():
analyze_msgs( options, fname, msgs, nr_templates, nth )
nth += 1
except Exception, e:
print e
except CheckException, e:
print 'Oops.', e
print 'Bailing out'
if __name__ == "__main__":