new framework slovenian datehandler and plural forms correction in sl.po
Inflections corrected in sl.po Date parser corrected Plural forms expression corrected. Range, Span, Estimated, Calculated precised. Estimated and Calculated strings added. updated sl.po
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
# Slovenian version 2010 by Bernard Banko, based on croatian one by Josip
Slovenian-specific classes for parsing and displaying dates.
Slovenian-specific classes for parsing and displaying dates - new framework.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# Python modules
@ -51,79 +51,6 @@ class DateParserSL(DateParser):
Converts a text string into a Date object
month_to_int = DateParser.month_to_int
month_to_int["januar"] = 1
month_to_int["januarja"] = 1
month_to_int["januarjem"] = 1
month_to_int["jan"] = 1
month_to_int["i"] = 1
month_to_int["februar"] = 2
month_to_int["februarjem"] = 2
month_to_int["februarja"] = 2
month_to_int["feb"] = 2
month_to_int["ii"] = 2
month_to_int["mar"] = 3
month_to_int["marcem"] = 3
month_to_int["marec"] = 3
month_to_int["marca"] = 3
month_to_int["iii"] = 3
month_to_int["apr"] = 4
month_to_int["april"] = 4
month_to_int["aprilom"] = 4
month_to_int["aprila"] = 4
month_to_int["iv"] = 4
month_to_int["maj"] = 5
month_to_int["maja"] = 5
month_to_int["majem"] = 5
month_to_int["v"] = 5
month_to_int["jun"] = 6
month_to_int["junij"] = 6
month_to_int["junijem"] = 6
month_to_int["junija"] = 6
month_to_int["vi"] = 6
month_to_int["jul"] = 7
month_to_int["julij"] = 7
month_to_int["julijem"] = 7
month_to_int["julija"] = 7
month_to_int["vii"] = 7
month_to_int["avg"] = 8
month_to_int["avgust"] = 8
month_to_int["avgustom"] = 8
month_to_int["avgusta"] = 8
month_to_int["viii"] = 8
month_to_int["sep"] = 9
month_to_int["sept"] = 9
month_to_int["september"] = 9
month_to_int["septembrom"] = 9
month_to_int["septembra"] = 9
month_to_int["ix"] = 9
month_to_int["okt"] = 10
month_to_int["oktober"] = 10
month_to_int["oktobrom"] = 10
month_to_int["oktobra"] = 10
month_to_int["x"] = 10
month_to_int["nov"] = 11
month_to_int["november"] = 11
month_to_int["novembrom"] = 11
month_to_int["novembra"] = 11
month_to_int["xi"] = 11
month_to_int["dec"] = 12
month_to_int["december"] = 12
month_to_int["decembrom"] = 12
month_to_int["decembra"] = 12
month_to_int["xii"] = 12
modifier_to_int = {
'pred' : Date.MOD_BEFORE,
@ -137,30 +64,17 @@ class DateParserSL(DateParser):
'cca' : Date.MOD_ABOUT,
'circa' : Date.MOD_ABOUT,
'ca.' : Date.MOD_ABOUT,
calendar_to_int = {
'gregorijanski' : Date.CAL_GREGORIAN,
'greg.' : Date.CAL_GREGORIAN,
'julijanski' : Date.CAL_JULIAN,
'jul.' : Date.CAL_JULIAN,
'hebrejski' : Date.CAL_HEBREW,
'hebr.' : Date.CAL_HEBREW,
'islamski' : Date.CAL_ISLAMIC,
'isl.' : Date.CAL_ISLAMIC,
'francoski republikanski': Date.CAL_FRENCH,
'franc.' : Date.CAL_FRENCH,
'perzijski' : Date.CAL_PERSIAN,
'perz. ' : Date.CAL_PERSIAN,
'švedski' : Date.CAL_SWEDISH,
'šved.' : Date.CAL_SWEDISH,
'približno' : Date.MOD_ABOUT,
'pribl.' : Date.MOD_ABOUT,
quality_to_int = {
'približno' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED,
'pribl.' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED,
'ocenjeno' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED,
'oc.' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED,
'po oceni' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED,
'izračunano' : Date.QUAL_CALCULATED,
'izrač.' : Date.QUAL_CALCULATED,
'po izračunu': Date.QUAL_CALCULATED,
bce = ["pred našim štetjem", "pred Kristusom",
@ -170,6 +84,7 @@ class DateParserSL(DateParser):
compiles regular expression strings for matching dates
# match 'Day. MONTH year.' format with or without dots
self._text2 = re.compile('(\d+)?\.?\s*?%s\.?\s*((\d+)(/\d+)?)?\s*\.?$'
@ -194,116 +109,11 @@ class DateDisplaySL(DateDisplay):
Slovenian language date display class.
long_months = ( "", "januarja", "februarja", "marca","aprila",
"maja", "junija", "julija", "avgusta", "septembra",
"oktobra", "novembra", "decembra"
# TODO fix BUG 7064: non-Gregorian calendars wrongly use BCE notation for negative dates
# not refactoring _bce_str into base class because it'll be gone under #7064
_bce_str = "%s pr.Kr."
short_months = ( "", "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "maj", "jun",
"jul", "avg", "sep", "okt", "nov", "dec"
calendar = (
"", "julijanski", "hebrejski",
"francoski republikanski", "perzijski", "islamski",
_mod_str = ("", "pred ", "po ", "okrog ", "", "", "")
_qual_str = ("", "približno ", "izračunano ")
_bce_str = "%s p.n.š."
formats = (
"ISO (leto-mm-dd)",
"dan. mes. leto",
"dan. mesec leto"
# this definition must agree with its "_display_gregorian" method
def _display_gregorian(self, date_val):
display gregorian calendar date in different format
# this must agree with its locale-specific "formats" definition
year = self._slash_year(date_val[2], date_val[3])
if self.format == 0:
return self.display_iso(date_val)
elif self.format == 1:
# day. month_number. year
if date_val[3]:
return self.display_iso(date_val)
if date_val[0] == 0 and date_val[1] == 0:
value = str(date_val[2])
value = self._tformat.replace('%m', str(date_val[1]))
value = value.replace('%d', str(date_val[0]))
value = value.replace('%Y', str(date_val[2]))
value = value.replace('-', '. ')
elif self.format == 2:
# day. month_abbreviation. year
if date_val[0] == 0:
if date_val[1] == 0:
value = year
value = "%s. %s" % (self.short_months[date_val[1]], year)
value = "%d. %s. %s" % (date_val[0],
self.short_months[date_val[1]], year)
# day. month_name year
if date_val[0] == 0:
if date_val[1] == 0:
value = "%s." % year
value = "%s %s" % (self.long_months[date_val[1]], year)
value = "%d. %s %s" % (
date_val[0],self.long_months[date_val[1]], year)
if date_val[2] < 0:
return self._bce_str % value
return value
def display(self, date):
Return a text string representing the date.
mod = date.get_modifier()
cal = date.get_calendar()
qual = date.get_quality()
start = date.get_start_date()
newyear = date.get_new_year()
qual_str = self._qual_str[qual]
if mod == Date.MOD_TEXTONLY:
return date.get_text()
elif start == Date.EMPTY:
return ""
elif mod == Date.MOD_SPAN:
d_1 = self.display_cal[cal](start)
d_2 = self.display_cal[cal](date.get_stop_date())
scal = self.format_extras(cal, newyear)
return "%sod %s do %s%s" % (qual_str, d_1, d_2, scal)
elif mod == Date.MOD_RANGE:
d_1 = self.display_cal[cal](start)
d_2 = self.display_cal[cal](date.get_stop_date())
scal = self.format_extras(cal, newyear)
date_string = "%smed %s in %s%s" % (qual_str, d_1, d_2, scal)
date_string = date_string.replace("a ","em ") #to correct declination
date_string = date_string.replace("lem ","lom ")
date_string = date_string.replace("rem ","rom ")
date_string = date_string.replace("tem ","tom ")
return date_string
text = self.display_cal[date.get_calendar()](start)
scal = self.format_extras(cal, newyear)
date_string = "%s%s%s%s" % (qual_str, self._mod_str[mod], text, scal)
return date_string
display = DateDisplay.display_formatted
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