0002512: [Python 2.6 support] Change sets module by built-in set types

Removed offending code, not used

svn: r11411
This commit is contained in:
Benny Malengier 2008-12-04 14:27:39 +00:00
parent 2529ba1e21
commit da88188067
2 changed files with 192 additions and 149 deletions

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@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ import sys
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError, ParserCreate
from gettext import gettext as _
import re
except NameError:
from sets import Set as set
@ -356,16 +352,8 @@ class GrampsParser(UpdateCallback):
self.childref_map = {}
self.change = change
self.dp = DateHandler.parser
self.place_names = set()
self.info = ImportInfo()
self.all_abs = True
cursor = database.get_place_cursor()
data = cursor.next()
while data:
(handle, val) = data
data = cursor.next()
self.ord = None
self.objref = None
@ -1898,9 +1886,6 @@ class GrampsParser(UpdateCallback):
loc = self.placeobj.get_main_location()
self.placeobj.title = build_place_title(loc)
# if self.placeobj.title in self.place_names:
# self.placeobj.title += " [%s]" % self.placeobj.gramps_id
self.db.commit_place(self.placeobj, self.trans,
self.placeobj = None

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@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
from gettext import gettext as _
import locale
@ -97,6 +98,177 @@ def conv_lat_lon(latitude, longitude, format="D.D4"):
and -180 180th meridian
# begin internal function testing whether a string is convertable to float
def isFloat(stringValue) :
try :
v = float(stringValue) #decimal notation, now float
return True
except ValueError :
return False;
# end internal function testing whether a string is convertable to float
# begin internal function which converts a structure to a nice
# representation
def convert_structure_to_float(sign, degs, mins=0.0, secs=0.0) :
v = float(degs)
if mins != None:
v += float(mins) / 60.
if secs != None:
v += secs / 3600.
if sign == "-":
v = v * -1.
return v
# end internal function which converts a structure to a nice
# representation
# begin internal function that tries to convert the string using the float
# representation
def convert_using_float_representation(stringValue):
if isFloat(stringValue) :
return float(stringValue) #decimal notation, now float
else :
return None
# end internal function that tries to convert the string using the float
# representation
# begin internal function that tries to convert the string using the colon
# representation
def convert_using_colon_representation(stringValue):
if stringValue.find(r':') == -1 :
return None
l = stringValue.split(':')
if len(l) < 2 or len(l) > 3:
return None
if l[0][0] == '-':
sign = '-'
sign = '+'
degs = int(l[0])
if degs < 0:
return None
return None
mins = int(l[1])
if mins < 0 or mins >= 60:
return None
return None
if len(l) == 3:
secs = float(l[2])
if secs < 0. or secs >= 60.:
return None
return None
return convert_structure_to_float(sign, degs, mins, secs)
# end internal function that tries to convert the string using the colon
# representation
# begin internal function that tries to convert the string using the colon
# representation
def convert_using_classic_representation(stringValue, typedeg):
if stringValue.find(r'_') != -1:
return None # not a valid lat or lon
#exchange some characters
stringValue = stringValue.replace( r'°',r'_')
#allow to input ° as #
stringValue = stringValue.replace( r'#',r'_')
#allow to input " as ''
stringValue = stringValue.replace( r"''",r'"')
#allow some special unicode symbols
stringValue = stringValue.replace( u'\u2033',r'"')
stringValue = stringValue.replace( u'\u2032',r"'")
#ignore white spaces (HACK: use regular expressions instead)
stringValue = stringValue.replace(r' ', r'')
stringValue = stringValue.replace(r'\t', r'')
# get the degrees, must be present
if stringValue.find(r'_') == -1:
return None
l = stringValue.split('_')
if len(l) != 2:
return None
degs = int(l[0]) #degrees must be integer value
if degs < 0:
return None
return None
# next: minutes might be present once
l2 = l[1].split(r"'")
l3 = l2
mins = 0
if len(l2) > 2:
return None
if len(l2) == 2:
l3 = [l2[1],]
mins = int(l2[0]) #minutes must be integer value
if mins < 0 or mins >= 60:
return None
return None
# next: seconds might be present once
l3 = l3[0].split(r'"')
last = l3[0]
secs = 0.
if len(l3) > 2:
return None
if len(l3) == 2:
last = l3[1]
secs = float(l3[0])
if secs < 0. or secs >= 60.:
return None
return None
# last entry should be the direction
if typedeg == 'lat':
if last == 'N':
sign = '+'
elif last == 'S':
sign = '-'
return None
if typedeg == 'lon':
if last == 'E':
sign = '+'
elif last == 'W':
sign = '-'
return None
return convert_structure_to_float(sign, degs, mins, secs)
# begin internal function converting one input to float
@ -107,153 +279,39 @@ def conv_lat_lon(latitude, longitude, format="D.D4"):
# In case of degree minutes seconds direction input,
# it is checked that degree >0, 0<= minutes <= 60,
# 0<= seconds <= 60, direction is in the directions dic.
v = None
sign = None
secs = None
mins = None
degs = None
error = False
#change , to . so that , input works in non , localization
#this is no problem, as a number like 100,000.20 cannot appear in
try :
test = float('10,11')
except ValueError :
#change 10,11 into 10.11
pointchar = locale.localeconv()['decimal_point']
if pointchar == '.' :
#change XX,YY into XX.YY
#if point is already present in val, we can do nothing
if val.find(r'.') == -1 :
val = val.replace( r',',r'.')
try :
test = float('10.11')
except ValueError :
#change 10.11 into 10,11
elif pointchar == ',' :
#change XX.YY into XX,YY
#if comma is already present in val, we can do nothing
if val.find(r',') == -1 :
val = val.replace( r'.',r',')
v = float(val) #decimal notation, now float
except ValueError:
# look for : notation
if val.find(r':') != -1 :
l = val.split(':')
if len(l) < 2 or len(l) > 3:
error = True
if l[0][0] == '-':
sign = '-'
sign = '+'
degs = int(l[0])
if degs < 0:
error = True
error = True
mins = int(l[1])
if mins < 0 or mins >= 60:
error = True
error = True
if len(l) == 3:
secs = float(l[2])
if secs < 0. or secs >= 60.:
error = True
error = True
# if nothing found yet, look for classical notation
if val.find(r'_') != -1:
error = True # not a valid lat or lon
val = val.replace( r'°',r'_')
#allow to input ° as #
val = val.replace( r'#',r'_')
#allow to input " as ''
val = val.replace( r"''",r'"')
#allow some special unicode symbols
val = val.replace( u'\u2033',r'"')
val = val.replace( u'\u2032',r"'")
#ignore spaces
val = val.replace(r'\s*', r'')
# get the degrees, must be present
if val.find(r'_') != -1:
l = val.split('_')
if len(l) != 2:
error = True
degs = int(l[0]) #degrees must be integer value
if degs < 0:
error = True
error = True
# next: minutes might be present once
l2 = l[1].split(r"'")
l3 = l2
mins = 0
if len(l2) > 2:
error = True
if len(l2) == 2:
l3 = [l2[1],]
mins = int(l2[0]) #minutes must be integer value
if mins < 0 or mins >= 60:
error = True
error = True
# next: seconds might be present once
l3 = l3[0].split(r'"')
last = l3[0]
secs = 0.
if len(l3) > 2:
error = True
if len(l3) == 2:
last = l3[1]
secs = float(l3[0])
if secs < 0. or secs >= 60.:
error = True
error = True
# last entry should be the direction
last = last.strip() #remove leading/trailing spaces
if typedeg == 'lat':
if last == 'N':
sign = '+'
elif last == 'S':
sign = '-'
error = True
if typedeg == 'lon':
if last == 'E':
sign = '+'
elif last == 'W':
sign = '-'
error = True
# degs should have a value now
if degs == None:
error = True
if error:
return None
# format: XX.YYYY
v = convert_using_float_representation(val)
if v != None:
return v
#we have a degree notation, convert to float
v = float(degs)
if secs != None:
v += secs / 3600.
if mins != None:
v += float(mins) / 60.
if sign =="-":
v = v * -1.
return v
# format: XX:YY:ZZ
v = convert_using_colon_representation(val)
if v != None :
return v
# format: XX° YY' ZZ" [NSWE]
v = convert_using_classic_representation(val, typedeg)
if v != None :
return v
# no format succeeded
return None
# end internal function converting one input to float