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2016-07-29 23:25:19 +05:30
import React from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage as Message } from 'react-intl';
import { IntlProvider } from 'components/i18n';
import appInfo from 'components/auth/appInfo/AppInfo.intl.json';
import messages from './BSoD.intl.json';
import { rAF as requestAnimationFrame } from 'functions';
import styles from './styles.scss';
// TODO: probably it is better to render this view from the App view
// to remove dependencies from store and IntlProvider
export default function BSoD({store}) {
2016-07-29 23:25:19 +05:30
return (
<IntlProvider store={store}>
<div className={styles.body}>
<canvas className={styles.canvas} ref={(el) => new BoxesField(el)} />
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
<div className={styles.wrapper}>
<div className={styles.title}>
<Message {...appInfo.appName} />
<div className={styles.lineWithMargin}>
<Message {...messages.criticalErrorHappened} />
<div className={styles.line}>
<Message {...messages.reloadPageOrContactUs} />
<a href="" className={}>
<div className={styles.easterEgg}>
<Message {...messages.alsoYouCanInteractWithBackground}/>
2016-07-29 23:25:19 +05:30
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
class Box {
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
constructor({size, startX, startY, startRotate, color, shadowColor}) {
this.color = color;
this.shadowColor = shadowColor;
this.x = startX;
this.y = startY;
this.angle = startRotate;
this.shadowLength = 2000; // TODO: should be calculated
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
get size() {
return this._initialSize;
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
get dots() {
const full = (Math.PI * 2) / 4;
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
const p1 = {
x: this.x + this.halfSize * Math.sin(this.angle),
y: this.y + this.halfSize * Math.cos(this.angle)
const p2 = {
x: this.x + this.halfSize * Math.sin(this.angle + full),
y: this.y + this.halfSize * Math.cos(this.angle + full)
const p3 = {
x: this.x + this.halfSize * Math.sin(this.angle + full * 2),
y: this.y + this.halfSize * Math.cos(this.angle + full * 2)
const p4 = {
x: this.x + this.halfSize * Math.sin(this.angle + full * 3),
y: this.y + this.halfSize * Math.cos(this.angle + full * 3)
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
return { p1, p2, p3, p4 };
rotate() {
const speed = (60 - this.halfSize) / 20;
this.angle += speed * 0.002;
this.x += speed;
this.y += speed;
draw(ctx) {
const dots = this.dots;
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
ctx.moveTo(dots.p1.x, dots.p1.y);
ctx.lineTo(dots.p2.x, dots.p2.y);
ctx.lineTo(dots.p3.x, dots.p3.y);
ctx.lineTo(dots.p4.x, dots.p4.y);
ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
drawShadow(ctx, light) {
const dots = this.dots;
const angles = [];
const points = [];
for (const i in dots) {
const dot = dots[i];
const angle = Math.atan2(light.y - dot.y, light.x - dot.x);
const endX = dot.x + this.shadowLength * Math.sin(-angle - Math.PI / 2);
const endY = dot.y + this.shadowLength * Math.cos(-angle - Math.PI / 2);
startX: dot.x,
startY: dot.y
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
for (let i = points.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const n = i === 3 ? 0 : i + 1;
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
ctx.moveTo(points[i].startX, points[i].startY);
ctx.lineTo(points[n].startX, points[n].startY);
ctx.lineTo(points[n].endX, points[n].endY);
ctx.lineTo(points[i].endX, points[i].endY);
ctx.fillStyle = this.shadowColor;
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
setSize(size) {
this._initialSize = size;
this.halfSize = Math.floor(size / 2);
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
* Основано на
class BoxesField {
* @param {Node} elem - canvas DOM node
* @param {object} params
constructor(elem, params = {
countBoxes: 14,
boxMinSize: 20,
boxMaxSize: 75,
backgroundColor: '#233d49',
lightColor: '#28555b',
shadowColor: '#274451',
boxColors: ['#207e5c', '#5b9aa9', '#e66c69', '#6b5b8c', '#8b5d79', '#dd8650']
}) {
this.elem = elem;
this.ctx = elem.getContext('2d');
this.params = params;
this.light = {
x: 160,
y: 200
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
* @type {Box[]}
this.boxes = [];
while (this.boxes.length < this.params.countBoxes) {
this.boxes.push(new Box({
size: Math.floor((Math.random() * (this.params.boxMaxSize - this.params.boxMinSize)) + this.params.boxMinSize),
startX: Math.floor((Math.random() * elem.width) + 1),
startY: Math.floor((Math.random() * elem.height) + 1),
startRotate: Math.random() * Math.PI,
color: this.getRandomColor(),
shadowColor: this.params.shadowColor
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
resize() {
const { width, height } = this.elem.getBoundingClientRect();
this.elem.width = width;
this.elem.height = height;
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
drawLight(light) {
const greaterSize = window.screen.width > window.screen.height ? window.screen.width : window.screen.height;
// еее, теорема пифагора и описывание окружности вокруг квадрата, не зря в универ ходил!!!
const lightRadius = greaterSize * Math.sqrt(2);
this.ctx.arc(light.x, light.y, lightRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
const gradient = this.ctx.createRadialGradient(light.x, light.y, 0, light.x, light.y, lightRadius);
gradient.addColorStop(0, this.params.lightColor);
gradient.addColorStop(1, this.params.backgroundColor);
this.ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
drawLoop() {
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.elem.width, this.elem.height);
for (let i in this.boxes) {
const box = this.boxes[i];
box.drawShadow(this.ctx, this.light);
for (let i in this.boxes) {
const box = this.boxes[i];
// Если квадратик вылетел за пределы экрана
if (box.y - box.halfSize > this.elem.height) {
box.y -= this.elem.height + 100;
if (box.x - box.halfSize > this.elem.width) {
box.x -= this.elem.width + 100;
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
bindWindowListeners() {
window.addEventListener('resize', this.resize.bind(this));
window.addEventListener('mousemove', (event) => {
this.light.x = event.clientX;
this.light.y = event.clientY;
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30
* @param {Box} box
updateBox(box) {
box.color = this.getRandomColor();
getRandomColor() {
return this.params.boxColors[Math.floor((Math.random() * this.params.boxColors.length))];
2016-11-12 14:45:23 +05:30