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"acceptRules": "I agree with {link}",
"accountActivationTitle": "Account activation",
"accountEmail": "Enter account E-mail",
"accountPassword": "Account password",
"activationMailWasSent": "Please check {email} for the message with the last registration step",
"alreadyReceivedCode": "Already received code",
"approve": "Approve",
"authForAppFailed": "Authorization for {appName} was failed",
"authForAppSuccessful": "Authorization for {appName} was successfully completed",
"change": "Change",
"changeEmailButton": "Change E-mail",
"changeEmailDescription": "To change current account E-mail you must first verify that you own the current address and then confirm the new one.",
"changeEmailTitle": "Change E-mail",
"changePasswordTitle": "Change password",
"changeUsernameButton": "Change nickname",
"changeUsernameDescription": "You can change your nickname to any arbitrary value. Remember that it is not recommended to take a nickname of already existing Mojang account.",
"changeUsernameTitle": "Change nickname",
"changeUsernameWarning": "Be careful: if you playing on the server with nickname binding, then after changing nickname you may lose all your progress.",
"codePlaceholder": "Paste the code here",
"components.auth.password.accountPassword": "Account password",
"components.auth.password.forgotPassword": "Forgot password",
"components.auth.password.forgotYourPassword": "forgot your password",
"components.auth.password.invalidPassword": "You entered wrong account password.",
"components.auth.password.passwordTitle": "Enter password",
"components.auth.password.rememberMe": "Remember me on this device",
"components.auth.password.signInButton": "Sign in",
"components.auth.password.suggestResetPassword": "Are you have {link}?",
"components.profile.accountDescription": " account allows you to get access to many Minecraft resources. Please, take care of your account safety. Use secure password and change it regularly.",
"components.profile.accountPreferencesTitle": " account preferences",
"components.profile.changePassword.achievementLossWarning": "Are you cherish your game achievements, right?",
"components.profile.changePassword.changePasswordButton": "Change password",
"components.profile.changePassword.changePasswordDescription": "Please take a password, that will be different from your passwords on the other sites and will not be the same you are using to enter Minecraft game servers you are playing.",
"components.profile.changePassword.changePasswordTitle": "Change password",
"components.profile.changePassword.logoutOnAllDevices": "Logout on all devices",
"components.profile.changePassword.newPasswordLabel": "New password:",
"components.profile.changePassword.passwordRequirements": "Password must contain at least 8 characters. It can be any symbols — do not limit yourself, create an unpredictable password!",
"components.profile.changePassword.repeatNewPasswordLabel": "Repeat the password:",
"components.profile.changedAt": "Changed {at}",
"components.profile.disabled": "Disabled",
"components.profile.mojangPriorityWarning": "A Mojang account with the same nickname was found. According to project rules, account owner has the right to demand the restoration of control over nickname.",
"components.profile.nickname": "Nickname",
"components.profile.oldHashingAlgoWarning": "Your was hashed with an old hashing algorithm.<br />Please, change password.",
"components.profile.password": "Password",
"components.profile.personalData": "Personal data",
"components.profile.preferencesDescription": "Here you can change the key preferences of your account. Please note that all actions must be confirmed by entering a password.",
"components.profile.twoFactorAuth": "Two factor auth",
"confirmEmail": "Confirm E-mail",
"contactSupport": "Contact support",
"copy": "Copy",
"currentAccountEmail": "Current account E-mail address:",
"currentPassword": "Enter current password",
"decline": "Decline",
"didNotReceivedEmail": "Did not received E-mail?",
"emailInvalid": "Email is invalid",
"emailIsTempmail": "Tempmail E-mail addresses is not allowed",
"emailNotAvailable": "This email is already registered.",
"emailOrUsername": "E-mail or username",
"emailRequired": "Email is required",
"emailToLong": "Email is too long",
"enterFinalizationCode": "The E-mail change confirmation code was sent to {email}. Please enter the code received into the field below:",
"enterInitializationCode": "The E-mail with an initialization code for E-mail change procedure was sent to {email}. Please enter the code into the field below:",
"enterNewEmail": "Then provide your new E-mail address, that you want to use with this account. You will be mailed with confirmation code.",
"enterTheCode": "Enter the code from E-mail here",
"forgotPasswordMessage": "Specify the registration E-mail address for your account and we will send an email with instructions for further password recovery.",
"forgotPasswordTitle": "Forgot password",
"forgotYourPassword": "forgot your password",
"goToAuth": "Go to auth",
"invalidPassword": "You have entered wrong account password.",
"keyNotExists": "The key is incorrect",
"keyRequired": "Please, enter an activation key",
"loginNotExist": "Sorry, Ely doesn't recognise your login.",
"loginRequired": "Please enter email or username",
"loginTitle": "Sign in",
"logout": "Logout",
"newEmailPlaceholder": "Enter new E-mail",
"newPassword": "Enter new password",
"newPasswordRequired": "Please enter new password",
"newRePassword": "Repeat new password",
"newRePasswordRequired": "Please repeat new password",
"next": "Next",
"passCodeToApp": "To complete authorization process, please, provide the following code to {appName}",
"passwordChangeMessage": "To enhance the security of your account, please change your password.",
"passwordRequired": "Please enter password",
"passwordTooShort": "Your password is too short",
"passwordsDoesNotMatch": "The passwords does not match",
"permissionsTitle": "Application permissions",
"pleaseEnterPassword": "Please, enter your current password",
"pressButtonToStart": "Press the button below to send a message with the code for E-mail change initialization.",
"rePasswordRequired": "Please retype your password",
"register": "Join",
"registerTitle": "Sign Up",
"repeatPassword": "Repeat password",
"rulesAgreementRequired": "You must accept rules in order to create an account",
"scope_minecraft_server_session": "Authorization data for minecraft server",
"scope_offline_access": "Access to your profile data, when you offline",
"sendEmailButton": "Send E-mail",
"sendMail": "Send mail",
"signUpButton": "Register",
"skipThisStep": "Skip password changing",
"suggestResetPassword": "Are you have {link}?",
"termsOfService": "Terms of service",
"theAppNeedsAccess1": "This application needs access",
"theAppNeedsAccess2": "to your data",
"title": "Confirm your action",
"usernameInvalid": "Username is invalid",
"usernameRequired": "Username is required",
"usernameTooLong": "Username is too long",
"usernameTooShort": "Username is too short",
"usernameUnavailable": "This username is already taken",
"waitAppReaction": "Please, wait till your application response",
"youAuthorizedAs": "You authorized as:",
"yourEmail": "Your E-mail",
"yourNickname": "Your nickname"