Пул переводов. Добавлена французская локаль.

This commit is contained in:
ErickSkrauch 2017-07-13 13:34:42 +03:00
parent c8517db19f
commit 06e89fb5af
4 changed files with 220 additions and 11 deletions

src/i18n/fr.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
"components.accounts.addAccount": "Ajouter un compte",
"components.accounts.goToEly": "Allez sur votre profil Ely.by",
"components.accounts.logout": "Déconecter",
"components.auth.acceptRules.accept": "Accepter",
"components.auth.acceptRules.declineAndLogout": "Refuser et se déconnecter",
"components.auth.acceptRules.description1": "Nous avons mis à jour notre {link}.\n",
"components.auth.acceptRules.description2": "Si vous souhaitez continuez d'utiliser votre {name} , vous avez besoin d'accepter",
"components.auth.acceptRules.termsOfService": "conditions d'utilisation",
"components.auth.acceptRules.title": "Accord d'utilisation",
"components.auth.activation.accountActivationTitle": "Activation du compte",
"components.auth.activation.activationMailWasSent": "S'il vous plaît, vérifiez {email} pour le message avec les instructions",
"components.auth.activation.activationMailWasSentNoEmail": "Vérifiez votre E-mail pour le message avec d'autres instructions\n",
"components.auth.activation.confirmEmail": "Confirmer votre E-mail",
"components.auth.activation.didNotReceivedEmail": "Vous n'avez pas reçu d'E-mail?",
"components.auth.activation.enterTheCode": "Entrez le code reçu par E-mail ici",
"components.auth.appInfo.appDescription": "Vous êtes sur le service d'autorisations d'Ely.by. Cela vous permet d'exécuter sans risques n'importe quelle opération sur votre compte. C'est le point d'entrée principal des sites web et des logiciels de bureau, dont les launchers de jeu.",
"components.auth.appInfo.appName": "Comptes Ely",
"components.auth.appInfo.documentation": "informations",
"components.auth.appInfo.goToAuth": "Connexion",
"components.auth.appInfo.useItYourself": "Consultez notre {link} pour apprendre à utiliser ce service pour vos projets.",
"components.auth.chooseAccount.addAccount": "Se connecter avec un autre compte",
"components.auth.chooseAccount.chooseAccountTitle": "Choisissez un compte",
"components.auth.chooseAccount.description": "Vous êtes déjà connecté avec plusieurs comptes, Choisissez celui qui sera utilisé par {appName}",
"components.auth.chooseAccount.logoutAll": "Se déconnecter de tous les comptes",
"components.auth.finish.authForAppFailed": "L'autorisation pour {appName} a échoué",
"components.auth.finish.authForAppSuccessful": "L'autorisation pour {appName} a été effectuée avec succès",
"components.auth.finish.copy": "Copier",
"components.auth.finish.passCodeToApp": "Pour finir le processus d'autorisation, merci de bien remplir le code {appName}",
"components.auth.finish.waitAppReaction": "Veuillez patienter, nous vous répondrons des que possible",
"components.auth.forgotPassword.alreadyHaveCode": "J'ai déjà mon code",
"components.auth.forgotPassword.pleasePressButton": "Veuillez pressez le bouton ci-dessous pour recevoir un email contenant le code de récupération.",
"components.auth.forgotPassword.sendMail": "Envoyer un email",
"components.auth.forgotPassword.specifyEmail": "Specify the registration Email address or last used username for your account and we will send an Email with instructions for further password recovery.",
"components.auth.forgotPassword.title": "Mot de passe oublié",
"components.auth.login.createNewAccount": "Créer un nouveau compte\n",
"components.auth.login.emailOrUsername": "E-mail ou nom de compte",
"components.auth.login.loginTitle": "S'inscrire",
"components.auth.login.next": "Suivant",
"components.auth.password.accountPassword": "Mot de passe pour le compte",
"components.auth.password.forgotPassword": "Mot de passe oublié",
"components.auth.password.forgotYourPassword": "perdu votre mot de passe ?",
"components.auth.password.invalidPassword": "Vous avez entré un mauvais mot de passe",
"components.auth.password.passwordTitle": "Entré votre mot de passe",
"components.auth.password.rememberMe": "Se souvenir de moi",
"components.auth.password.signInButton": "S'inscrire",
"components.auth.password.suggestResetPassword": "Avez-vous {link}",
"components.auth.permissions.approve": "Approuver",
"components.auth.permissions.decline": "Refuser",
"components.auth.permissions.permissionsTitle": "Application Permission ",
"components.auth.permissions.scope_account_email": "Accéder a votre adresse email",
"components.auth.permissions.scope_account_info": "Accéder a votre profil data",
"components.auth.permissions.scope_minecraft_server_session": "Autorisation du data pour le serveur minecraft",
"components.auth.permissions.scope_offline_access": "Accédez aux données de votre profil lorsque vous êtes hors ligne\n",
"components.auth.permissions.theAppNeedsAccess1": "Cette application a besoin d'un accès\n",
"components.auth.permissions.theAppNeedsAccess2": "À vos données\n",
"components.auth.permissions.youAuthorizedAs": "Vous avez autorisé comme:\n",
"components.auth.recoverPassword.change": "Changer le mot de passe\n",
"components.auth.recoverPassword.contactSupport": "Contactez le support\n",
"components.auth.recoverPassword.enterCodeBelow": "Entrez le code reçu dans le champ ci-dessous:\n",
"components.auth.recoverPassword.enterNewPasswordBelow": "Entrez et répétez le nouveau mot de passe ci-dessous:\n",
"components.auth.recoverPassword.enterTheCode": "Entrer le code de confirmation\n",
"components.auth.recoverPassword.messageWasSent": "Le code de récupération a été envoyé à votre compte E-mail.\n",
"components.auth.recoverPassword.messageWasSentTo": "Le code de récupération a été envoyé à votre e-mail {email}.\n",
"components.auth.recoverPassword.newPassword": "Entrez un nouveau mot de passe\n",
"components.auth.recoverPassword.newRePassword": "Répété le nouveau mot de passe\n",
"components.auth.recoverPassword.title": "Restaurer le mot de passe\n",
"components.auth.register.acceptRules": "Je suis d'accord avec {link}\n",
"components.auth.register.accountPassword": "Mot de passe du compte\n",
"components.auth.register.registerTitle": "S'inscrire",
"components.auth.register.repeatPassword": "Répéter le mot de passe\n",
"components.auth.register.signUpButton": "registre",
"components.auth.register.termsOfService": "conditions d'utilisation\n",
"components.auth.register.yourEmail": "Votre e-mail\n",
"components.auth.register.yourNickname": "Votre surnom",
"components.auth.resendActivation.sendNewEmail": "Envoyer un nouvel e-mail\n",
"components.auth.resendActivation.specifyYourEmail": "Entrez un e-mail que vous vous êtes enregistré et nous vous enverrons un nouveau code d'activation.\n",
"components.auth.resendActivation.title": "Vous ne recevez pas d'E-mail ?",
"components.contact.cannotAccessMyAccount": "Peux pas accéder a mon compte",
"components.contact.close": "Fermer",
"components.contact.disclaimer": "Please formulate your feedback providing as much useful information, as possible to help us understand your problem and solve it",
"components.contact.email": "E-mail\n",
"components.contact.foundBugOnSite": "J'ai trouvé un bug sur le site\n",
"components.contact.improvementsSuggestion": "J'ai une suggestion pour améliorer les fonctionnalités\n",
"components.contact.integrationQuestion": "Question d'intégration de service\n",
"components.contact.message": "Message",
"components.contact.other": "Autre",
"components.contact.philosophicalThought": "Question correctement formulée - la moitié de la réponse\n",
"components.contact.send": "Envoyer",
"components.contact.subject": "Assujettir",
"components.contact.title": "Formulaire de commentaires\n",
"components.contact.whichQuestion": "Qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?\n",
"components.contact.youMessageReceived": "Votre message a été reçu. Nous vous répondrons sous peu. La réponse viendra à votre adresse e-mail:\n",
"components.footerMenu.contactUs": "Contactez nous\n",
"components.footerMenu.rules": "Règles",
"components.langMenu.improveTranslations": "Améliorer les traductions\n",
"components.langMenu.siteLanguage": "Langue du site\n",
"components.profile.accountDescription": "Ely.by account allows you to get access to many Minecraft resources. Please, take care of your account safety. Use secure password and change it regularly.",
"components.profile.accountPreferencesTitle": "Ely.by préférences de compte\n",
"components.profile.back": "Arrière",
"components.profile.changeEmail.alreadyReceivedCode": "Déjà reçu le code\n",
"components.profile.changeEmail.changeEmailButton": "Changer l'E-mail",
"components.profile.changeEmail.changeEmailDescription": "Pour modifier ladresse E-mail du compte, vous devez d'abord vérifier l'adresse actuelle, pour confirmez la nouvelle.",
"components.profile.changeEmail.changeEmailTitle": "Changer l'E-mail",
"components.profile.changeEmail.codePlaceholder": "Collez le code ici",
"components.profile.changeEmail.currentAccountEmail": "Adresse E-mail actuelle du compte :",
"components.profile.changeEmail.enterFinalizationCode": "Afin de confirmer votre adresse E-mail, entrez le code que vous avez reçu dans le champ ci-dessous :",
"components.profile.changeEmail.enterInitializationCode": "L'E-mail avec le code d'initialisation de la procédure de changement d'adresse E-mail a été envoyé à {email}. Entrez le code dans le champ ci-dessous :",
"components.profile.changeEmail.enterNewEmail": "Ensuite, fournissez votre nouvelle adresse e-mail, que vous souhaitez utiliser avec ce compte. Vous recevrez un nouveau E-mail avec un code de confirmation.",
"components.profile.changeEmail.finalizationCodeWasSentToEmail": "Le code de confirmation de changement d'E-mail a été envoyé à {email}.",
"components.profile.changeEmail.newEmailPlaceholder": "Entrez une nouvelle adresse email",
"components.profile.changeEmail.pressButtonToStart": "Appuyez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour envoyer un message avec le code pour le changement d'E-mail.",
"components.profile.changeEmail.sendEmailButton": "Envoyer un email",
"components.profile.changePassword.achievementLossWarning": "Vous tenez a votre progression de jeu n'es pas ?",
"components.profile.changePassword.changePasswordButton": "Changer le mot de passe",
"components.profile.changePassword.changePasswordDescription": "Veuillez prendre un mot de passe, qui sera différent de vos mots de passe sur les autres sites et ne sera pas le même que vous utilisez pour accéder aux serveurs de jeux Minecraft que vous jouez.",
"components.profile.changePassword.changePasswordTitle": "Changer le mot de passe",
"components.profile.changePassword.logoutOnAllDevices": "Ce deconecter sur tout les appareils",
"components.profile.changePassword.newPasswordLabel": "Nouveau mot de passe",
"components.profile.changePassword.passwordRequirements": "Le mot de passe doit contenir au moins 8 caractères. Il peut s'agir de symboles - ne vous limitez pas, créez un mot de passe imprévisible!",
"components.profile.changePassword.repeatNewPasswordLabel": "Répéter le mot de passe",
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameButton": "Changer le surnom",
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameDescription": "Vous pouvez changer votre pseudo en une valeur arbitraire. Rappelez-vous qu'il n'est pas recommandé de prendre un surnom de compte existant de Mojang.",
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameTitle": "Changer le surnom",
"components.profile.changeUsername.changeUsernameWarning": "Faites attention: si vous jouez sur un serveur avec un pseudonyme, après l'avoir changé, vous risquez de perdre toute votre progression.",
"components.profile.changedAt": "Changed {at}",
"components.profile.disabled": "Désactivée",
"components.profile.mojangPriorityWarning": "Un compte Mojang avec le même pseudo a été trouvé. Selon {rules}, le propriétaire du compte a le droit d'exiger la restauration du contrôle sur le surnom.",
"components.profile.nickname": "Surnom",
"components.profile.password": "Mot de passe",
"components.profile.passwordRequestForm.continue": "Continuer",
"components.profile.passwordRequestForm.description": "Pour confirmer, entrez le mot de passe du compte",
"components.profile.passwordRequestForm.title": "Confirmez votre action",
"components.profile.personalData": "Information personelle",
"components.profile.preferencesDescription": "Ici, vous pouvez modifier les préférences clés de votre compte. Veuillez noter que toutes les actions doivent être confirmées en saisissant un mot de passe",
"components.profile.projectRules": "project rules",
"components.profile.twoFactorAuth": "Authentification a deux facteur",
"components.ui.bsod.alsoYouCanInteractWithBackground": "Vous pouvez aussi jouer avec l'arrière-plans ;)",
"components.ui.bsod.criticalErrorHappened": "There was a critical error due to which the application can not continue its normal operation.",
"components.ui.bsod.reloadPageOrContactUs": "Please reload this page and try again. If problem occurs again, please report it to the developers by sending email to",
"components.userbar.login": "S'inscrire",
"components.userbar.register": "Rejoindre",
"pages.404.homePage": "page d'accueil",
"pages.404.nothingHere": "Ce n'est pas l'endroit que vous recherchiez",
"pages.404.returnToTheHomePage": "Essayer de retourner a la {link}",
"pages.404.title": "Page non trouvée",
"pages.root.siteName": "Ely.by",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService": "{name} comme service",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService1": "We don't have any guarantee about fault free work time of this service.",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsService2": "We are not responsible for delays and lost income as the result of ours service inoperability.",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsServiceDesc1": "{name} has free providing to any project, that interested in it usage for Minecraft.",
"pages.rules.elyAccountsAsServiceDesc2": "Bien que nous fassions tout notre possible pour fournir un travail de service rapide et stable, nous ne sommes pas équipés contre les attaques DDOS, les interruptions de travail des hébergeurs, les troubles de l'électricité ou les cas, impossibles à prédire. Pour éviter toute incompréhension, nous avons obligé de discuter des prochains accords, qui fonctionneront en cas de situations mentionnées précédemment:",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname": "E-mail et surnom",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname1": "Account registration with usage of temporary mail services is prohibited. We speak about services that gives random Email in any quantity.",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname2": "We try to counteract it, but if you succesed in registration of account with usage of temporary mail services, there wont be any technical support for it and later, during of update of ours filters, account will be blocked with your nickname.",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname3": "There are no any moral restrictions for users nickname that will be used in game.",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname4": "Nicknames, belonging to famous persons, can be released at their favor for requirement and proves of that persons.",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname5": "Minecraft premium account owner has right to require a control restore of his nickname an if it happened you have to change your nickname in 3 days or it will be done automatically.",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname6": "If there is no any activity at your account during last 3 month, your nickname can be occupied by any user.",
"pages.rules.emailAndNickname7": "We aren't responsible for losing your game progress at servers if it was result of nickname changing, including changes on our demand.",
"pages.rules.mainProvision1": "{name} service was created for the organization of safety access to Ely.by's users accounts, his partners and any side project that wish to use one of the our's services",
"pages.rules.mainProvision2": "We (here and in the next points) - Ely.by project developers team that make creating qualitative services for Minecraft community.",
"pages.rules.mainProvision3": "Ely.by is side project, that has nothing to do with Mojang and Microsoft companies. We don't provide support to Minecraft premium accounts, and we have nothing to do with servers that use or don't use our services.",
"pages.rules.mainProvision4": "The registration of the users account at server is free. Account creation Ely.by is only possible at that page {link}.",
"pages.rules.mainProvisions": "Main provisions",
"pages.rules.title": "Règles du site",
"services.errorsDict.accountAlreadyActivated": "Ce compte est deja activé",
"services.errorsDict.accountBanned": "Le compte est bloqué",
"services.errorsDict.accountNotActivated": "Le compte n'est pas activé",
"services.errorsDict.captchaRequired": "Si il vous plait, résolvez le captcha",
"services.errorsDict.doYouWantRequestKey": "Voulez vous demander une nouvelle clé ?",
"services.errorsDict.emailFrequency": "Please cool down, you are requesting Emails too often. New key can be retrieved {time}.",
"services.errorsDict.emailInvalid": "L'adresse email est invalide",
"services.errorsDict.emailIsTempmail": "Tempmail Email addresses is not allowed",
"services.errorsDict.emailNotAvailable": "This Email is already registered.",
"services.errorsDict.emailNotFound": "L'email specifier n'as pas ete trouvee",
"services.errorsDict.emailRequired": "L'email est obligatoire",
"services.errorsDict.emailToLong": "L'email est trop longue",
"services.errorsDict.forgotYourPassword": "perdu votre mot de passe",
"services.errorsDict.invalidPassword": "You have entered wrong account password.",
"services.errorsDict.keyNotExists": "The key is incorrect or has expired.",
"services.errorsDict.keyRequired": "Please, enter an activation key",
"services.errorsDict.loginNotExist": "Sorry, Ely doesn't recognise your login.",
"services.errorsDict.loginRequired": "Please enter Email or username",
"services.errorsDict.newPasswordRequired": "Please enter new password",
"services.errorsDict.newRePasswordRequired": "Please repeat new password",
"services.errorsDict.passwordRequired": "Please enter password",
"services.errorsDict.passwordTooShort": "Your password should be at least 8 characters length",
"services.errorsDict.passwordsDoesNotMatch": "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas",
"services.errorsDict.rePasswordRequired": "Veuillez réenregistrer votre mot de passe",
"services.errorsDict.rulesAgreementRequired": "You must accept rules in order to create an account",
"services.errorsDict.suggestResetPassword": "Avez-vous {link}?",
"services.errorsDict.usernameInvalid": "Surnom est invalide",
"services.errorsDict.usernameRequired": "Le surnom est obligatoire",
"services.errorsDict.usernameTooLong": "Le surnom est trop long",
"services.errorsDict.usernameTooShort": "Le surnom est trop court",
"services.errorsDict.usernameUnavailable": "Ce nom d'utilisateur est déjà utilisé"

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"components.auth.acceptRules.accept": "Terima",
"components.auth.acceptRules.declineAndLogout": "Tolak dan keluar",
"components.auth.acceptRules.description1": "Kami telah mengupdate {link} kami.",
"components.auth.acceptRules.description2": "Dalam rangka untuk terus menggunakan layanan {name}, anda harus mengizinkan mereka.",
"components.auth.acceptRules.description2": "Dalam rangka untuk terus menggunakan layanan {name}, anda harus menerimanya.",
"components.auth.acceptRules.termsOfService": "persyaratan layanan",
"components.auth.acceptRules.title": "Perjanjian Pengguna",
"components.auth.activation.accountActivationTitle": "Aktivasi akun",
@ -14,19 +14,19 @@
"components.auth.activation.confirmEmail": "Konfirmasi E-mail",
"components.auth.activation.didNotReceivedEmail": "Tidak mendapatkan E-mail?",
"components.auth.activation.enterTheCode": "Masukan kode dari E-mail ke sini",
"components.auth.appInfo.appDescription": "Saat ini kamu berada pada layanan yang di otorisasi oleh Ely.by, yang memungkinkan kamu untuk melakukan apapun dengan akun-mu secara aman. Mulai dari sini dan software desktop, termasuk launcher game.",
"components.auth.appInfo.appDescription": "Anda berada pada layanan otorisasi Ely.by, yang memungkinkan anda untuk melakukan apapun dengan akun anda secara aman. Mulai dari sini dan software desktop, termasuk launcher game.",
"components.auth.appInfo.appName": "Akun Ely",
"components.auth.appInfo.documentation": "dokumentasi",
"components.auth.appInfo.goToAuth": "Pergi ke otentikasi",
"components.auth.appInfo.useItYourself": "Kunjungi {link} kami, untuk mempelajari cara menggunakan layanan ini dalam projek anda",
"components.auth.appInfo.useItYourself": "Kunjungi {link} kami, untuk mempelajari cara menggunakan layanan ini dalam proyek anda.",
"components.auth.chooseAccount.addAccount": "Masuk ke akun yang lain",
"components.auth.chooseAccount.chooseAccountTitle": "Pilih akun",
"components.auth.chooseAccount.description": "Anda telah login ke beberapa akun. Silahkan pilih salah satu akun untuk mengizinkan {appName}",
"components.auth.chooseAccount.logoutAll": "Keluar dari semua akun",
"components.auth.finish.authForAppFailed": "Pengizinan untuk {appName} gagal",
"components.auth.finish.authForAppSuccessful": "Pengizinan untuk {appName} berhasil",
"components.auth.finish.authForAppFailed": "Otorisasi untuk {appName} gagal",
"components.auth.finish.authForAppSuccessful": "Otorisasi untuk {appName} berhasil",
"components.auth.finish.copy": "Salin",
"components.auth.finish.passCodeToApp": "Untuk menyelesaikan otorisasi, tolong masukan kode tersebut ke {appName}",
"components.auth.finish.passCodeToApp": "Untuk menyelesaikan otorisasi, harap masukan kode tersebut ke {appName}",
"components.auth.finish.waitAppReaction": "Tunggu hingga applikasi anda merespon",
"components.auth.forgotPassword.alreadyHaveCode": "Saya telah memiliki kode",
"components.auth.forgotPassword.pleasePressButton": "Tekan tombol dibawah untuk mendapatkan E-mail dengan kode pemulihan kata sandi",
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
"components.auth.forgotPassword.specifyEmail": "Masukan E-mail registrasi atau usernam yang terakhir dipakai untuk akun anda dan kami akan mengirim E-mail dengan instruksi untuk pemulihan kata sandi lebih lanjut.",
"components.auth.forgotPassword.title": "Lupa sandi",
"components.auth.login.createNewAccount": "Buat akun baru",
"components.auth.login.emailOrUsername": "E-mail atau username",
"components.auth.login.emailOrUsername": "E-mail atau nama pengguna",
"components.auth.login.loginTitle": "Masuk",
"components.auth.login.next": "Selanjutnya",
"components.auth.password.accountPassword": "Kata sandi akun",
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"components.auth.password.passwordTitle": "Masukan kata sandi",
"components.auth.password.rememberMe": "Ingat saya di perangkat ini",
"components.auth.password.signInButton": "Masuk",
"components.auth.password.suggestResetPassword": "Apakah kamu punya {link}?",
"components.auth.password.suggestResetPassword": "Apakah anda memiliki {link}?",
"components.auth.permissions.approve": "Setuju",
"components.auth.permissions.decline": "Tolak",
"components.auth.permissions.permissionsTitle": "Perizinan aplikasi",
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
"components.auth.permissions.scope_minecraft_server_session": "Otorisasi data untuk minecraft server",
"components.auth.permissions.scope_offline_access": "Akses data profil, ketika offline",
"components.auth.permissions.theAppNeedsAccess1": "Applikasi ini membutuhkan akses",
"components.auth.permissions.theAppNeedsAccess2": "untuk data anda",
"components.auth.permissions.youAuthorizedAs": "Anda sebagai:",
"components.auth.permissions.theAppNeedsAccess2": "ke data anda",
"components.auth.permissions.youAuthorizedAs": "Anda terotorisasi sebagai:",
"components.auth.recoverPassword.change": "Ganti kata sandi",
"components.auth.recoverPassword.contactSupport": "Hubungi bantuan",
"components.auth.recoverPassword.enterCodeBelow": "Masukkan kode yang diterima ke dalam kolom di bawah ini:",
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
"components.profile.changeEmail.changeEmailButton": "Ganti E-mail",
"components.profile.changeEmail.changeEmailDescription": "Untuk mengganti akun E-mail yang sekarang, anda harus menyatakan bahwa ana memiliki alamat tersebut dan konfirmasi yang baru.",
"components.profile.changeEmail.changeEmailTitle": "Ganti E-mail",
"components.profile.changeEmail.codePlaceholder": "Tempelkan kode disini",
"components.profile.changeEmail.codePlaceholder": "Tulis kode disini",
"components.profile.changeEmail.currentAccountEmail": "Alamat akun E-mail saat ini:",
"components.profile.changeEmail.enterFinalizationCode": "Untuk mengonfirmasi E-mail baru Anda, masukkan kode yang diterima ke kolom di bawah ini:",
"components.profile.changeEmail.enterInitializationCode": "E-mail dengan kode inisialisasi untuk prosedur perubahan E-mail dikirim ke {email}. Masukkan kode ke dalam bidang di bawah ini:",

View File

@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
"progress": 100,
"isReleased": true
"fr": {
"name": "Français",
"progress": 82.1,
"isReleased": false
"id": {
"name": "Bahasa Indonesia",
"progress": 100,

src/icons/flag_fr.svg Normal file
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