2020-05-20 19:59:43 +03:00

103 lines
2.7 KiB

declare module 'crowdin-api' {
export interface ProjectInfoFile {
node_type: 'file';
id: number;
name: string;
created: string;
last_updated: string;
last_accessed: string;
last_revision: string;
export interface ProjectInfoDirectory {
node_type: 'directory';
id: number;
name: string;
files: Array<ProjectInfoFile | ProjectInfoDirectory>;
export interface ProjectInfoResponse {
details: {
source_language: {
name: string;
code: string;
name: string;
identifier: string;
created: string;
description: string;
join_policy: string;
last_build: string | null;
last_activity: string;
participants_count: string; // it's number, but string in the response
logo_url: string | null;
total_strings_count: string; // it's number, but string in the response
total_words_count: string; // it's number, but string in the response
duplicate_strings_count: number;
duplicate_words_count: number;
invite_url: {
translator: string;
proofreader: string;
languages: Array<{
name: string; // English language name
code: string;
can_translate: 0 | 1;
can_approve: 0 | 1;
files: Array<ProjectInfoFile | ProjectInfoDirectory>;
export interface LanguageStatusNode {
node_type: 'directory' | 'file';
id: number;
name: string;
phrases: number;
translated: number;
approved: number;
words: number;
words_translated: number;
words_approved: number;
files: Array<LanguageStatusNode>;
export interface LanguageStatusResponse {
files: Array<LanguageStatusNode>;
type FilesList = Record<string, string | ReadableStream>;
export default class CrowdinApi {
constructor(params: {
apiKey: string;
projectName: string;
baseUrl?: string;
projectInfo(): Promise<ProjectInfoResponse>;
languageStatus(language: string): Promise<LanguageStatusResponse>;
file: string,
language: string,
params?: {
branch?: string;
format?: 'xliff';
export_translated_only?: boolean;
export_approved_only?: boolean;
): Promise<string>; // TODO: not sure about Promise return type
files: FilesList,
params: {
titles?: Record<string, string>;
export_patterns?: Record<string, string>;
new_names?: Record<string, string>;
first_line_contains_header?: string;
scheme?: string;
update_option?: 'update_as_unapproved' | 'update_without_changes';
branch?: string;
): Promise<void>;