mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 21:19:46 +05:30
Merge branch 'V5-WIP'
Conflicts: .travis.yml CHANGELOG.md composer.json examples/relational/Storage/AccessTokenStorage.php examples/relational/api.php src/AbstractServer.php src/AuthorizationServer.php src/Entity/AuthCodeEntity.php src/Exception/InvalidGrantException.php src/Exception/InvalidRequestException.php src/Exception/InvalidScopeException.php src/Exception/OAuthException.php src/Exception/ServerErrorException.php src/Exception/UnsupportedGrantTypeException.php src/Exception/UnsupportedResponseTypeException.php src/Grant/AuthCodeGrant.php src/Grant/RefreshTokenGrant.php src/ResourceServer.php src/Storage/AccessTokenInterface.php src/Storage/AuthCodeInterface.php src/Storage/ClientInterface.php src/Storage/RefreshTokenInterface.php src/Storage/ScopeInterface.php src/Storage/SessionInterface.php src/TokenType/Bearer.php src/TokenType/MAC.php tests/unit/Grant/RefreshTokenGrantTest.php tests/unit/TokenType/MacTest.php
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
tests/ export-ignore
phpunit.xml export-ignore
build.xml export-ignore
test export-ignore
* text=auto
/examples export-ignore
/tests export-ignore
/.gitattributes export-ignore
/.gitignore export-ignore
/.travis.yml export-ignore
.travis.yml export-ignore
.scrutinizer.yml export-ignore
/phpunit.xml.dist export-ignore
/CHANGELOG.md export-ignore
/CONTRIBUTING.md export-ignore
/README.md export-ignore
@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
preset: psr2
- binary_operator_spaces
- blank_line_before_return
- concat_with_spaces
- function_typehint_space
- hash_to_slash_comment
- include
- lowercase_cast
- method_separation
- native_function_casing
- no_blank_lines_after_class_opening
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- no_duplicate_semicolons
- no_leading_import_slash
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- no_multiline_whitespace_before_semicolons
- no_php4_constructor
- no_short_bool_cast
- no_singleline_whitespace_before_semicolons
- no_trailing_comma_in_singleline_array
- no_unreachable_default_argument_value
- no_unused_imports
- no_whitespace_before_comma_in_array
- ordered_imports
- phpdoc_align
- phpdoc_indent
- phpdoc_inline_tag
- phpdoc_no_access
- phpdoc_no_simplified_null_return
- phpdoc_order
- phpdoc_property
- phpdoc_scalar
- phpdoc_separation
- phpdoc_to_comment
- phpdoc_trim
- phpdoc_type_to_var
- phpdoc_types
- phpdoc_var_without_name
- print_to_echo
- short_array_syntax
- short_scalar_cast
- simplified_null_return
- single_quote
- spaces_cast
- standardize_not_equal
- ternary_operator_spaces
- trailing_comma_in_multiline_array
- trim_array_spaces
- unary_operator_spaces
- whitespace_after_comma_in_array
- whitespacy_lines
@ -7,20 +7,18 @@ cache:
- vendor
- 5.4
- 5.5.9
- 5.5
- 5.6
- 7.0
- hhvm
- php: 7.0
fast_finish: true
- travis_retry composer install --no-interaction --prefer-source
- mkdir -p build/logs
- phpunit --coverage-text --verbose --coverage-clover=coverage.clover --coverage-html coverage
- vendor/bin/phpunit
- master
@ -1,5 +1,81 @@
# Changelog
## 5.0.0 (release 2016-04-17)
Version 5 is a complete code rewrite.
* JWT support
* PSR-7 support
* Improved exception errors
* Replace all occurrences of the term "Storage" with "Repository"
* Simplify repositories
* Entities conform to interfaces and use traits
* Auth code grant updated
* Allow support for public clients
* Add support for #439
* Client credentials grant updated
* Password grant updated
* Allow support for public clients
* Refresh token grant updated
* Implement Implicit grant
* Bearer token output type
* Remove MAC token output type
* Authorization server rewrite
* Resource server class moved to PSR-7 middleware
* Tests
* Much much better documentation
Changes since RC2:
* Renamed Server class to AuthorizationServer
* Added ResourceServer class
* Run unit tests again PHP 5.5.9 as it's the minimum supported version
* Enable PHPUnit 5.0 support
* Improved examples and documentation
* Make it clearer that the implicit grant doesn't support refresh tokens
* Improved refresh token validation errors
* Fixed refresh token expiry date
## 5.0.0-RC2 (released 2016-04-10)
Changes since RC1:
* Allow multiple client redirect URIs (Issue #511)
* Remove unused mac token interface (Issue #503)
* Handle RSA key passphrase (Issue #502)
* Remove access token repository from response types (Issue #501)
* Remove unnecessary methods from entity interfaces (Issue #490)
* Ensure incoming JWT hasn't expired (Issue #509)
* Fix client identifier passed where user identifier is expected (Issue #498)
* Removed built-in entities; added traits to for quick re-use (Issue #504)
* Redirect uri is required only if the "redirect_uri" parameter was included in the authorization request (Issue #514)
* Removed templating for auth code and implicit grants (Issue #499)
## 5.0.0-RC1 (release 2016-03-24)
Version 5 is a complete code rewrite.
* JWT support
* PSR-7 support
* Improved exception errors
* Replace all occurrences of the term "Storage" with "Repository"
* Simplify repositories
* Entities conform to interfaces and use traits
* Auth code grant updated
* Allow support for public clients
* Add support for #439
* Client credentials grant updated
* Password grant updated
* Allow support for public clients
* Refresh token grant updated
* Implement Implicit grant
* Bearer token output type
* Remove MAC token output type
* Authorization server rewrite
* Resource server class moved to PSR-7 middleware
* Tests
* Much much better documentation
## 4.1.5 (released 2016-01-04)
* Enable Symfony 3.0 support (#412)
@ -159,7 +235,7 @@
* Included a PDO driver which implements the storage interfaces so the library is more "get up and go"
* Further normalised the database structure so all sessions no longer contain infomation related to authorization grant (which may or may not be enabled)
* A session can have multiple associated access tokens
* Induvidual grants can have custom expire times for access tokens
* Individual grants can have custom expire times for access tokens
* Authorization codes now have a TTL of 10 minutes by default (can be manually set)
* Refresh tokens now have a TTL of one week by default (can be manually set)
* The client credentials grant will no longer gives out refresh tokens as per the specification
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Contributor Code of Conduct
As contributors and maintainers of this project, and in the interest of fostering an open and welcoming community, we pledge to respect all people who contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities.
We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality.
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery
* Personal attacks
* Trolling or insulting/derogatory comments
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing other's private information, such as physical or electronic addresses, without explicit permission
* Other unethical or unprofessional conduct.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct. By adopting this Code of Conduct, project maintainers commit themselves to fairly and consistently applying these principles to every aspect of managing this project. Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct may be permanently removed from the project team.
This code of conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community in a direct capacity. Personal views, beliefs and values of individuals do not necessarily reflect those of the organisation or affiliated individuals and organisations.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by opening an issue or contacting one or more of the project maintainers.
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org), version 1.2.0, available at [http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/2/0/](http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/2/0/)
@ -1,47 +1,39 @@
# PHP OAuth 2.0 Server by [@alexbilbie](https://twitter.com/alexbilbie)
# PHP OAuth 2.0 Server
[![Latest Version](http://img.shields.io/packagist/v/league/oauth2-server.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server/releases)
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[![Quality Score](https://img.shields.io/scrutinizer/g/thephpleague/oauth2-server.svg?style=flat-square)](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/thephpleague/oauth2-server)
[![Total Downloads](https://img.shields.io/packagist/dt/league/oauth2-server.svg?style=flat-square)](https://packagist.org/packages/league/oauth2-server) [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/thephpleague/oauth2-server?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge)
[![Total Downloads](https://img.shields.io/packagist/dt/league/oauth2-server.svg?style=flat-square)](https://packagist.org/packages/league/oauth2-server)
A standards compliant [OAuth 2.0](http://tools.ietf.org/wg/oauth/draft-ietf-oauth-v2/) authorization server and resource server written in PHP which makes working with OAuth 2.0 trivial. You can easily configure an OAuth 2.0 server to protect your API with access tokens, or allow clients to request new access tokens and refresh them.
`league/oauth2-server` is a a standards compliant implementation of an [OAuth 2.0](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749) authorization server written in PHP which makes working with OAuth 2.0 trivial. You can easily configure an OAuth 2.0 server to protect your API with access tokens, or allow clients to request new access tokens and refresh them.
It supports out of the box the following grants:
* Authorization code grant
* Implicit grant
* Client credentials grant
* Resource owner password credentials grant
* Refresh grant
You can also define your own grants.
In addition it supports the following token types:
* Bearer tokens
* MAC tokens
* JSON web tokens (coming soon)
You can also create you own tokens.
This library was created by Alex Bilbie. Find him on Twitter at [@alexbilbie](https://twitter.com/alexbilbie).
## Requirements
The following versions of PHP are supported:
* PHP 5.4
* PHP 5.5
* PHP 5.5 (>=5.5.9)
* PHP 5.6
* PHP 7.0
The `openssl` extension is also required.
## Documentation
This library has [full documentation](http://oauth2.thephpleague.com), powered by [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com/).
Contribute to this documentation in the [gh-pages branch](https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server/tree/gh-pages/).
The library documentation can be found at [https://oauth2.thephpleague.com](https://oauth2.thephpleague.com).
You can contribute to the documentation in the [gh-pages branch](https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server/tree/gh-pages/).
## Changelog
@ -49,7 +41,7 @@ Contribute to this documentation in the [gh-pages branch](https://github.com/the
## Contributing
Please see [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for details.
Please see [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) and [CONDUCT.md](https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server/blob/master/CONDUCT.md) for details.
## Integration
@ -58,7 +50,9 @@ Please see [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server/blob/mas
## Support
Bugs and feature request are tracked on [GitHub](https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server/issues)
Bugs and feature request are tracked on [GitHub](https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server/issues).
If you have any questions about OAuth _please_ open a ticket here; please **don't** email the address below.
## Security
@ -72,12 +66,6 @@ This package is released under the MIT License. See the bundled [LICENSE](https:
This code is principally developed and maintained by [Alex Bilbie](https://twitter.com/alexbilbie).
Special thanks to:
* [Dan Horrigan](https://github.com/dandoescode)
* [Nick Jackson](https://github.com/jacksonj04)
* [Michael Gooden](https://github.com/MichaelGooden)
* [Phil Sturgeon](https://github.com/philsturgeon)
* [and all the other contributors](https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server/contributors)
Special thanks to [all of these awesome contributors](https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server/contributors)
The initial code was developed as part of the [Linkey](http://linkey.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk) project which was funded by [JISC](http://jisc.ac.uk) under the Access and Identity Management programme.
@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
"name": "league/oauth2-server",
"description": "A lightweight and powerful OAuth 2.0 authorization and resource server library with support for all the core specification grants. This library will allow you to secure your API with OAuth and allow your applications users to approve apps that want to access their data from your API.",
"homepage": "http://oauth2.thephpleague.com/",
"homepage": "https://oauth2.thephpleague.com/",
"license": "MIT",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.4.0",
"symfony/http-foundation": "~2.4|~3.0",
"league/event": "~2.1"
"php": ">=5.5.9",
"ext-openssl": "*",
"league/event": "^2.1",
"lcobucci/jwt": "^3.1",
"paragonie/random_compat": "^1.1",
"psr/http-message": "^1.0"
"require-dev": {
"phpunit/phpunit": "4.3.*",
"mockery/mockery": "0.9.*"
"phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8 || ^5.0",
"zendframework/zend-diactoros": "^1.0"
"repositories": [
@ -53,7 +56,12 @@
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"LeagueTests\\": "tests/unit/"
"LeagueTests\\": "tests/"
"extra": {
"branch-alias": {
"dev-V5-WIP": "5.0-dev"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# Example implementations
## Installation
0. Run `composer install` in this directory to install dependencies
0. Create a private key `openssl genrsa -out private.key 1024`
0. Create a public key `openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout > public.key`
0. `cd` into the public directory
0. Start a PHP server `php -S localhost:4444`
## Testing the client credentials grant example
Send the following cURL request:
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:4444/client_credentials.php/access_token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-H "Accept: 1.0" \
--data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials" \
--data-urlencode "client_id=myawesomeapp" \
--data-urlencode "client_secret=abc123" \
--data-urlencode "scope=basic email"
## Testing the password grant example
Send the following cURL request:
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:4444/password.php/access_token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-H "Accept: 1.0" \
--data-urlencode "grant_type=password" \
--data-urlencode "client_id=myawesomeapp" \
--data-urlencode "client_secret=abc123" \
--data-urlencode "username=alex" \
--data-urlencode "password=whisky" \
--data-urlencode "scope=basic email"
## Testing the refresh token grant example
Send the following cURL request. Replace `{{REFRESH_TOKEN}}` with a refresh token from another grant above:
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:4444/refresh_token.php/access_token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-H "Accept: 1.0" \
--data-urlencode "grant_type=refresh_token" \
--data-urlencode "client_id=myawesomeapp" \
--data-urlencode "client_secret=abc123" \
--data-urlencode "refresh_token={{REFRESH_TOKEN}}"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"require": {
"slim/slim": "3.0.*"
"require-dev": {
"league/event": "^2.1",
"lcobucci/jwt": "^3.1",
"paragonie/random_compat": "^1.1",
"psr/http-message": "^1.0"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"OAuth2ServerExamples\\": "src/",
"League\\OAuth2\\Server\\": "../src/"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
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"nikic/fast-route": "^0.6",
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"psr/http-message": "^1.0"
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"email": "rob@akrabat.com",
"homepage": "http://akrabat.com"
"name": "Josh Lockhart",
"email": "hello@joshlockhart.com",
"homepage": "https://joshlockhart.com"
"name": "Gabriel Manricks",
"email": "gmanricks@me.com",
"homepage": "http://gabrielmanricks.com"
"name": "Andrew Smith",
"email": "a.smith@silentworks.co.uk",
"homepage": "http://silentworks.co.uk"
"description": "Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs",
"homepage": "http://slimframework.com",
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"phpmd/phpmd": "~2.2",
"phpunit/php-invoker": "~1.1",
"phpunit/phpunit": "~4.5",
"squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "~2.3"
"suggest": {
"mdanter/ecc": "Required to use Elliptic Curves based algorithms."
"type": "library",
"extra": {
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"license": [
"authors": [
"name": "Luís Otávio Cobucci Oblonczyk",
"email": "lcobucci@gmail.com",
"role": "Developer"
"description": "A simple library to work with JSON Web Token and JSON Web Signature",
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"time": "2016-03-24 22:46:13"
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"url": "https://api.github.com/repos/thephpleague/event/zipball/e4bfc88dbcb60c8d8a2939a71f9813e141bbe4cd",
"reference": "e4bfc88dbcb60c8d8a2939a71f9813e141bbe4cd",
"shasum": ""
"require": {
"php": ">=5.4.0"
"require-dev": {
"henrikbjorn/phpspec-code-coverage": "~1.0.1",
"phpspec/phpspec": "~2.0.0"
"type": "library",
"extra": {
"branch-alias": {
"dev-master": "2.2-dev"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"League\\Event\\": "src/"
"notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
"license": [
"authors": [
"name": "Frank de Jonge",
"email": "info@frenky.net"
"description": "Event package",
"keywords": [
"time": "2015-05-21 12:24:47"
"name": "paragonie/random_compat",
"version": "v1.4.1",
"source": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/paragonie/random_compat.git",
"reference": "c7e26a21ba357863de030f0b9e701c7d04593774"
"dist": {
"type": "zip",
"url": "https://api.github.com/repos/paragonie/random_compat/zipball/c7e26a21ba357863de030f0b9e701c7d04593774",
"reference": "c7e26a21ba357863de030f0b9e701c7d04593774",
"shasum": ""
"require": {
"php": ">=5.2.0"
"require-dev": {
"phpunit/phpunit": "4.*|5.*"
"suggest": {
"ext-libsodium": "Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes."
"type": "library",
"autoload": {
"files": [
"notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
"license": [
"authors": [
"name": "Paragon Initiative Enterprises",
"email": "security@paragonie.com",
"homepage": "https://paragonie.com"
"description": "PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7",
"keywords": [
"time": "2016-03-18 20:34:03"
"aliases": [],
"minimum-stability": "stable",
"stability-flags": [],
"prefer-stable": false,
"prefer-lowest": false,
"platform": [],
"platform-dev": []
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
use League\OAuth2\Server\ResourceServer;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\AccessTokenRepository;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Slim\App;
include __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new App([
'settings' => [
'displayErrorDetails' => true,
ResourceServer::class => function () {
// Setup the authorization server
$server = new ResourceServer(
new AccessTokenRepository(),
'file://' . __DIR__ . '/../public.key'
return $server;
new \League\OAuth2\Server\Middleware\ResourceServerMiddleware(
$app->get('/users', function (ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) use ($app) {
$users = [
'id' => 123,
'name' => 'Alex',
'email' => 'alex@thephpleague.com',
'id' => 124,
'name' => 'Frank',
'email' => 'frank@thephpleague.com',
'id' => 125,
'name' => 'Phil',
'email' => 'phil@thephpleague.com',
// If the access token doesn't have the `basic` scope hide users' names
if (in_array('basic', $request->getAttribute('oauth_scopes')) === false) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++) {
// If the access token doesn't have the `emal` scope hide users' email addresses
if (in_array('email', $request->getAttribute('oauth_scopes')) === false) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++) {
return $response->withStatus(200);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
use League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\AuthCodeGrant;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Entities\UserEntity;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\AccessTokenRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\AuthCodeRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\ClientRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\ScopeRepository;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Slim\App;
use Zend\Diactoros\Stream;
include __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new App([
'settings' => [
'displayErrorDetails' => true,
AuthorizationServer::class => function () {
// Init our repositories
$clientRepository = new ClientRepository();
$scopeRepository = new ScopeRepository();
$accessTokenRepository = new AccessTokenRepository();
$authCodeRepository = new AuthCodeRepository();
$refreshTokenRepository = new RefreshTokenRepository();
$privateKeyPath = 'file://' . __DIR__ . '/../private.key';
$publicKeyPath = 'file://' . __DIR__ . '/../public.key';
// Setup the authorization server
$server = new AuthorizationServer(
// Enable the authentication code grant on the server with a token TTL of 1 hour
new AuthCodeGrant(
new \DateInterval('PT10M')
new \DateInterval('PT1H')
return $server;
$app->get('/authorize', function (ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) use ($app) {
/* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer $server */
$server = $app->getContainer()->get(AuthorizationServer::class);
try {
// Validate the HTTP request and return an AuthorizationRequest object.
// The auth request object can be serialized into a user's session
$authRequest = $server->validateAuthorizationRequest($request);
// Once the user has logged in set the user on the AuthorizationRequest
$authRequest->setUser(new UserEntity());
// Once the user has approved or denied the client update the status
// (true = approved, false = denied)
// Return the HTTP redirect response
return $server->completeAuthorizationRequest($authRequest, $response);
} catch (OAuthServerException $exception) {
return $exception->generateHttpResponse($response);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
$body = new Stream('php://temp', 'r+');
return $response->withStatus(500)->withBody($body);
$app->post('/access_token', function (ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) use ($app) {
/* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer $server */
$server = $app->getContainer()->get(AuthorizationServer::class);
try {
return $server->respondToAccessTokenRequest($request, $response);
} catch (OAuthServerException $exception) {
return $exception->generateHttpResponse($response);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
$body = new Stream('php://temp', 'r+');
return $response->withStatus(500)->withBody($body);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
use League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\AccessTokenRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\ClientRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\ScopeRepository;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Slim\App;
use Zend\Diactoros\Stream;
include __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new App([
'settings' => [
'displayErrorDetails' => true,
AuthorizationServer::class => function () {
// Init our repositories
$clientRepository = new ClientRepository(); // instance of ClientRepositoryInterface
$scopeRepository = new ScopeRepository(); // instance of ScopeRepositoryInterface
$accessTokenRepository = new AccessTokenRepository(); // instance of AccessTokenRepositoryInterface
// Path to public and private keys
$privateKey = 'file://path/to/private.key';
//$privateKey = new CryptKey('file://path/to/private.key', 'passphrase'); // if private key has a pass phrase
$publicKey = 'file://path/to/public.key';
// Setup the authorization server
$server = new AuthorizationServer(
// Enable the client credentials grant on the server
new \League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\ClientCredentialsGrant(),
new \DateInterval('PT1H') // access tokens will expire after 1 hour
return $server;
$app->post('/access_token', function (ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) use ($app) {
/* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer $server */
$server = $app->getContainer()->get(AuthorizationServer::class);
try {
// Try to respond to the request
return $server->respondToAccessTokenRequest($request, $response);
} catch (OAuthServerException $exception) {
// All instances of OAuthServerException can be formatted into a HTTP response
return $exception->generateHttpResponse($response);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
// Unknown exception
$body = new Stream('php://temp', 'r+');
return $response->withStatus(500)->withBody($body);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
use League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\ImplicitGrant;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Entities\UserEntity;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\AccessTokenRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\ClientRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\ScopeRepository;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Slim\App;
use Zend\Diactoros\Stream;
include __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new App([
'settings' => [
'displayErrorDetails' => true,
AuthorizationServer::class => function () {
// Init our repositories
$clientRepository = new ClientRepository();
$scopeRepository = new ScopeRepository();
$accessTokenRepository = new AccessTokenRepository();
$privateKeyPath = 'file://' . __DIR__ . '/../private.key';
$publicKeyPath = 'file://' . __DIR__ . '/../public.key';
// Setup the authorization server
$server = new AuthorizationServer(
// Enable the implicit grant on the server with a token TTL of 1 hour
$server->enableGrantType(new ImplicitGrant(new \DateInterval('PT1H')));
return $server;
$app->get('/authorize', function (ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) use ($app) {
/* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer $server */
$server = $app->getContainer()->get(AuthorizationServer::class);
try {
// Validate the HTTP request and return an AuthorizationRequest object.
// The auth request object can be serialized into a user's session
$authRequest = $server->validateAuthorizationRequest($request);
// Once the user has logged in set the user on the AuthorizationRequest
$authRequest->setUser(new UserEntity());
// Once the user has approved or denied the client update the status
// (true = approved, false = denied)
// Return the HTTP redirect response
return $server->completeAuthorizationRequest($authRequest, $response);
} catch (OAuthServerException $exception) {
return $exception->generateHttpResponse($response);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
$body = new Stream('php://temp', 'r+');
return $response->withStatus(500)->withBody($body);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
use League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\AuthCodeGrant;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\RefreshTokenGrant;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Middleware\AuthorizationServerMiddleware;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Middleware\ResourceServerMiddleware;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\AccessTokenRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\AuthCodeRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\ClientRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\ScopeRepository;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Slim\App;
use Zend\Diactoros\Stream;
include __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new App([
'settings' => [
'displayErrorDetails' => true,
AuthorizationServer::class => function () {
// Init our repositories
$clientRepository = new ClientRepository();
$accessTokenRepository = new AccessTokenRepository();
$scopeRepository = new ScopeRepository();
$authCodeRepository = new AuthCodeRepository();
$refreshTokenRepository = new RefreshTokenRepository();
$privateKeyPath = 'file://' . __DIR__ . '/../private.key';
$publicKeyPath = 'file://' . __DIR__ . '/../public.key';
// Setup the authorization server
$server = new AuthorizationServer(
// Enable the authentication code grant on the server with a token TTL of 1 hour
new AuthCodeGrant(
new \DateInterval('PT10M')
new \DateInterval('PT1H')
// Enable the refresh token grant on the server with a token TTL of 1 month
new RefreshTokenGrant($refreshTokenRepository),
new \DateInterval('PT1M')
return $server;
// Access token issuer
$app->post('/access_token', function () {
})->add(new AuthorizationServerMiddleware($app->getContainer()->get(AuthorizationServer::class)));
// Secured API
$app->group('/api', function () {
$this->get('/user', function (ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) {
$params = [];
if (in_array('basic', $request->getAttribute('oauth_scopes', []))) {
$params = [
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'Alex',
'city' => 'London',
if (in_array('email', $request->getAttribute('oauth_scopes', []))) {
$params['email'] = 'alex@example.com';
$body = new Stream('php://temp', 'r+');
return $response->withBody($body);
})->add(new ResourceServerMiddleware($app->getContainer()->get(AuthorizationServer::class)));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
use League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\PasswordGrant;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\AccessTokenRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\ClientRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\ScopeRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\UserRepository;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Slim\App;
use Zend\Diactoros\Stream;
include __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new App([
'settings' => [
'displayErrorDetails' => true,
AuthorizationServer::class => function () {
// Init our repositories
$clientRepository = new ClientRepository();
$accessTokenRepository = new AccessTokenRepository();
$scopeRepository = new ScopeRepository();
$userRepository = new UserRepository();
$refreshTokenRepository = new RefreshTokenRepository();
$privateKeyPath = 'file://' . __DIR__ . '/../private.key';
$publicKeyPath = 'file://' . __DIR__ . '/../public.key';
// Setup the authorization server
$server = new AuthorizationServer(
// Enable the password grant on the server with a token TTL of 1 hour
new PasswordGrant($userRepository, $refreshTokenRepository),
new \DateInterval('PT1H')
return $server;
$app->post('/access_token', function (ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) use ($app) {
/* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer $server */
$server = $app->getContainer()->get(AuthorizationServer::class);
try {
return $server->respondToAccessTokenRequest($request, $response);
} catch (OAuthServerException $exception) {
return $exception->generateHttpResponse($response);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
$body = new Stream('php://temp', 'r+');
return $response->withStatus(500)->withBody($body);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
use League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\RefreshTokenGrant;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\AccessTokenRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\ClientRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepository;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories\ScopeRepository;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Slim\App;
use Zend\Diactoros\Stream;
include __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new App([
'settings' => [
'displayErrorDetails' => true,
AuthorizationServer::class => function () {
// Init our repositories
$clientRepository = new ClientRepository();
$accessTokenRepository = new AccessTokenRepository();
$scopeRepository = new ScopeRepository();
$refreshTokenRepository = new RefreshTokenRepository();
$privateKeyPath = 'file://' . __DIR__ . '/../private.key';
$publicKeyPath = 'file://' . __DIR__ . '/../public.key';
// Setup the authorization server
$server = new AuthorizationServer(
// Enable the refresh token grant on the server
$grant = new RefreshTokenGrant($refreshTokenRepository);
$grant->setRefreshTokenTTL(new \DateInterval('P1M')); // The refresh token will expire in 1 month
new \DateInterval('PT1H') // The new access token will expire after 1 hour
return $server;
$app->post('/access_token', function (ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) use ($app) {
/* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer $server */
$server = $app->getContainer()->get(AuthorizationServer::class);
try {
return $server->respondToAccessTokenRequest($request, $response);
} catch (OAuthServerException $exception) {
return $exception->generateHttpResponse($response);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
$body = new Stream('php://temp', 'r+');
return $response->withStatus(500)->withBody($body);
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
namespace RelationalExample\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;
class Users
public function get($username = null)
$query = Capsule::table('users')->select(['username', 'password', 'name', 'email', 'photo']);
if ($username !== null) {
$query->where('username', '=', $username);
$result = $query->get();
if (count($result) > 0) {
return $result;
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
namespace RelationalExample\Storage;
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AccessTokenEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ScopeEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AbstractStorage;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AccessTokenInterface;
class AccessTokenStorage extends AbstractStorage implements AccessTokenInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function get($token)
$result = Capsule::table('oauth_access_tokens')
->where('access_token', $token)
if (count($result) === 1) {
$token = (new AccessTokenEntity($this->server))
return $token;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getScopes(AccessTokenEntity $token)
$result = Capsule::table('oauth_access_token_scopes')
->select(['oauth_scopes.id', 'oauth_scopes.description'])
->join('oauth_scopes', 'oauth_access_token_scopes.scope', '=', 'oauth_scopes.id')
->where('access_token', $token->getId())
$response = [];
if (count($result) > 0) {
foreach ($result as $row) {
$scope = (new ScopeEntity($this->server))->hydrate([
'id' => $row['id'],
'description' => $row['description'],
$response[] = $scope;
return $response;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function create($token, $expireTime, $sessionId)
'access_token' => $token,
'session_id' => $sessionId,
'expire_time' => $expireTime,
* {@inheritdoc}
public function associateScope(AccessTokenEntity $token, ScopeEntity $scope)
'access_token' => $token->getId(),
'scope' => $scope->getId(),
* {@inheritdoc}
public function delete(AccessTokenEntity $token)
->where('access_token', $token->getId())
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
namespace RelationalExample\Storage;
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AuthCodeEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ScopeEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AbstractStorage;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AuthCodeInterface;
class AuthCodeStorage extends AbstractStorage implements AuthCodeInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function get($code)
$result = Capsule::table('oauth_auth_codes')
->where('auth_code', $code)
->where('expire_time', '>=', time())
if (count($result) === 1) {
$token = new AuthCodeEntity($this->server);
return $token;
public function create($token, $expireTime, $sessionId, $redirectUri)
'auth_code' => $token,
'client_redirect_uri' => $redirectUri,
'session_id' => $sessionId,
'expire_time' => $expireTime,
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getScopes(AuthCodeEntity $token)
$result = Capsule::table('oauth_auth_code_scopes')
->select(['oauth_scopes.id', 'oauth_scopes.description'])
->join('oauth_scopes', 'oauth_auth_code_scopes.scope', '=', 'oauth_scopes.id')
->where('auth_code', $token->getId())
$response = [];
if (count($result) > 0) {
foreach ($result as $row) {
$scope = (new ScopeEntity($this->server))->hydrate([
'id' => $row['id'],
'description' => $row['description'],
$response[] = $scope;
return $response;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function associateScope(AuthCodeEntity $token, ScopeEntity $scope)
'auth_code' => $token->getId(),
'scope' => $scope->getId(),
* {@inheritdoc}
public function delete(AuthCodeEntity $token)
->where('auth_code', $token->getId())
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
namespace RelationalExample\Storage;
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ClientEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\SessionEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AbstractStorage;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\ClientInterface;
class ClientStorage extends AbstractStorage implements ClientInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function get($clientId, $clientSecret = null, $redirectUri = null, $grantType = null)
$query = Capsule::table('oauth_clients')
->where('oauth_clients.id', $clientId);
if ($clientSecret !== null) {
$query->where('oauth_clients.secret', $clientSecret);
if ($redirectUri) {
$query->join('oauth_client_redirect_uris', 'oauth_clients.id', '=', 'oauth_client_redirect_uris.client_id')
->select(['oauth_clients.*', 'oauth_client_redirect_uris.*'])
->where('oauth_client_redirect_uris.redirect_uri', $redirectUri);
$result = $query->get();
if (count($result) === 1) {
$client = new ClientEntity($this->server);
'id' => $result[0]['id'],
'name' => $result[0]['name'],
return $client;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getBySession(SessionEntity $session)
$result = Capsule::table('oauth_clients')
->select(['oauth_clients.id', 'oauth_clients.name'])
->join('oauth_sessions', 'oauth_clients.id', '=', 'oauth_sessions.client_id')
->where('oauth_sessions.id', $session->getId())
if (count($result) === 1) {
$client = new ClientEntity($this->server);
'id' => $result[0]['id'],
'name' => $result[0]['name'],
return $client;
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
namespace RelationalExample\Storage;
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\RefreshTokenEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AbstractStorage;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\RefreshTokenInterface;
class RefreshTokenStorage extends AbstractStorage implements RefreshTokenInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function get($token)
$result = Capsule::table('oauth_refresh_tokens')
->where('refresh_token', $token)
if (count($result) === 1) {
$token = (new RefreshTokenEntity($this->server))
return $token;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function create($token, $expireTime, $accessToken)
'refresh_token' => $token,
'access_token' => $accessToken,
'expire_time' => $expireTime,
* {@inheritdoc}
public function delete(RefreshTokenEntity $token)
->where('refresh_token', $token->getId())
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
namespace RelationalExample\Storage;
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ScopeEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AbstractStorage;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\ScopeInterface;
class ScopeStorage extends AbstractStorage implements ScopeInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function get($scope, $grantType = null, $clientId = null)
$result = Capsule::table('oauth_scopes')
->where('id', $scope)
if (count($result) === 0) {
return (new ScopeEntity($this->server))->hydrate([
'id' => $result[0]['id'],
'description' => $result[0]['description'],
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
namespace RelationalExample\Storage;
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AccessTokenEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AuthCodeEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ScopeEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\SessionEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AbstractStorage;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\SessionInterface;
class SessionStorage extends AbstractStorage implements SessionInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getByAccessToken(AccessTokenEntity $accessToken)
$result = Capsule::table('oauth_sessions')
->select(['oauth_sessions.id', 'oauth_sessions.owner_type', 'oauth_sessions.owner_id', 'oauth_sessions.client_id', 'oauth_sessions.client_redirect_uri'])
->join('oauth_access_tokens', 'oauth_access_tokens.session_id', '=', 'oauth_sessions.id')
->where('oauth_access_tokens.access_token', $accessToken->getId())
if (count($result) === 1) {
$session = new SessionEntity($this->server);
$session->setOwner($result[0]['owner_type'], $result[0]['owner_id']);
return $session;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getByAuthCode(AuthCodeEntity $authCode)
$result = Capsule::table('oauth_sessions')
->select(['oauth_sessions.id', 'oauth_sessions.owner_type', 'oauth_sessions.owner_id', 'oauth_sessions.client_id', 'oauth_sessions.client_redirect_uri'])
->join('oauth_auth_codes', 'oauth_auth_codes.session_id', '=', 'oauth_sessions.id')
->where('oauth_auth_codes.auth_code', $authCode->getId())
if (count($result) === 1) {
$session = new SessionEntity($this->server);
$session->setOwner($result[0]['owner_type'], $result[0]['owner_id']);
return $session;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getScopes(SessionEntity $session)
$result = Capsule::table('oauth_sessions')
->join('oauth_session_scopes', 'oauth_sessions.id', '=', 'oauth_session_scopes.session_id')
->join('oauth_scopes', 'oauth_scopes.id', '=', 'oauth_session_scopes.scope')
->where('oauth_sessions.id', $session->getId())
$scopes = [];
foreach ($result as $scope) {
$scopes[] = (new ScopeEntity($this->server))->hydrate([
'id' => $scope['id'],
'description' => $scope['description'],
return $scopes;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function create($ownerType, $ownerId, $clientId, $clientRedirectUri = null)
$id = Capsule::table('oauth_sessions')
'owner_type' => $ownerType,
'owner_id' => $ownerId,
'client_id' => $clientId,
return $id;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function associateScope(SessionEntity $session, ScopeEntity $scope)
'session_id' => $session->getId(),
'scope' => $scope->getId(),
@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
use League\OAuth2\Server\ResourceServer;
use Orno\Http\Exception\NotFoundException;
use Orno\Http\Request;
use Orno\Http\Response;
use RelationalExample\Model;
use RelationalExample\Storage;
include __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
// Set up the OAuth 2.0 resource server
$sessionStorage = new Storage\SessionStorage();
$accessTokenStorage = new Storage\AccessTokenStorage();
$clientStorage = new Storage\ClientStorage();
$scopeStorage = new Storage\ScopeStorage();
$server = new ResourceServer(
// Routing setup
$request = (new Request())->createFromGlobals();
$router = new \Orno\Route\RouteCollection();
// GET /tokeninfo
$router->get('/tokeninfo', function (Request $request) use ($server) {
$accessToken = $server->getAccessToken();
$session = $server->getSessionStorage()->getByAccessToken($accessToken);
$token = [
'owner_id' => $session->getOwnerId(),
'owner_type' => $session->getOwnerType(),
'access_token' => $accessToken,
'client_id' => $session->getClient()->getId(),
'scopes' => $accessToken->getScopes(),
return new Response(json_encode($token));
// GET /users
$router->get('/users', function (Request $request) use ($server) {
$results = (new Model\Users())->get();
$users = [];
foreach ($results as $result) {
$user = [
'username' => $result['username'],
'name' => $result['name'],
if ($server->getAccessToken()->hasScope('email')) {
$user['email'] = $result['email'];
if ($server->getAccessToken()->hasScope('photo')) {
$user['photo'] = $result['photo'];
$users[] = $user;
return new Response(json_encode($users));
// GET /users/{username}
$router->get('/users/{username}', function (Request $request, Response $response, array $args) use ($server) {
$result = (new Model\Users())->get($args['username']);
if (count($result) === 0) {
throw new NotFoundException();
$user = [
'username' => $result[0]['username'],
'name' => $result[0]['name'],
if ($server->getAccessToken()->hasScope('email')) {
$user['email'] = $result[0]['email'];
if ($server->getAccessToken()->hasScope('photo')) {
$user['photo'] = $result[0]['photo'];
return new Response(json_encode($user));
$dispatcher = $router->getDispatcher();
try {
// Check that access token is present
// A successful response
$response = $dispatcher->dispatch(
} catch (\Orno\Http\Exception $e) {
// A failed response
$response = $e->getJsonResponse();
$response->setContent(json_encode(['status_code' => $e->getStatusCode(), 'message' => $e->getMessage()]));
} catch (\League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthException $e) {
$response = new Response(json_encode([
'error' => $e->errorType,
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
]), $e->httpStatusCode);
foreach ($e->getHttpHeaders() as $header) {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$response = new Orno\Http\Response();
$response->setContent(json_encode(['status_code' => 500, 'message' => $e->getMessage()]));
} finally {
// Return the response
$response->headers->set('Content-type', 'application/json');
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
use Orno\Http\Request;
use Orno\Http\Response;
use RelationalExample\Storage;
include __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
// Routing setup
$request = (new Request())->createFromGlobals();
$router = new \Orno\Route\RouteCollection();
// Set up the OAuth 2.0 authorization server
$server = new \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer();
$server->setSessionStorage(new Storage\SessionStorage());
$server->setAccessTokenStorage(new Storage\AccessTokenStorage());
$server->setRefreshTokenStorage(new Storage\RefreshTokenStorage());
$server->setClientStorage(new Storage\ClientStorage());
$server->setScopeStorage(new Storage\ScopeStorage());
$server->setAuthCodeStorage(new Storage\AuthCodeStorage());
$authCodeGrant = new \League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\AuthCodeGrant();
$refrehTokenGrant = new \League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\RefreshTokenGrant();
// Routing setup
$request = (new Request())->createFromGlobals();
$router = new \Orno\Route\RouteCollection();
$router->get('/authorize', function (Request $request) use ($server) {
// First ensure the parameters in the query string are correct
try {
$authParams = $server->getGrantType('authorization_code')->checkAuthorizeParams();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return new Response(
'error' => $e->errorType,
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
// Normally at this point you would show the user a sign-in screen and ask them to authorize the requested scopes
// ...
// ...
// ...
// Create a new authorize request which will respond with a redirect URI that the user will be redirected to
$redirectUri = $server->getGrantType('authorization_code')->newAuthorizeRequest('user', 1, $authParams);
$response = new Response('', 200, [
'Location' => $redirectUri
return $response;
$router->post('/access_token', function (Request $request) use ($server) {
try {
$response = $server->issueAccessToken();
return new Response(json_encode($response), 200);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return new Response(
'error' => $e->errorType,
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
$dispatcher = $router->getDispatcher();
try {
// A successful response
$response = $dispatcher->dispatch(
} catch (\Orno\Http\Exception $e) {
// A failed response
$response = $e->getJsonResponse();
$response->setContent(json_encode(['status_code' => $e->getStatusCode(), 'message' => $e->getMessage()]));
} catch (\League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthException $e) {
$response = new Response(json_encode([
'error' => $e->errorType,
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
]), $e->httpStatusCode);
foreach ($e->getHttpHeaders() as $header) {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$response = new Orno\Http\Response();
$response->setContent(json_encode(['status_code' => 500, 'message' => $e->getMessage()]));
} finally {
// Return the response
$response->headers->set('Content-type', 'application/json');
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
"require": {
"illuminate/database": "4.1.*",
"orno/route": "1.*",
"ircmaxell/password-compat": "1.0.2",
"league/event": "0.2.0"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"League\\OAuth2\\Server\\": "../../src/",
"RelationalExample\\": "."
"files": [
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
namespace RelationalExample\Config;
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;
include __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$capsule = new Capsule();
'driver' => 'sqlite',
'database' => __DIR__.'/oauth2.sqlite3',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
namespace RelationalExample\Config;
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;
include __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
Capsule::statement('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON');
print 'Creating users table'.PHP_EOL;
Capsule::schema()->create('users', function ($table) {
'username' => 'alexbilbie',
'password' => password_hash('whisky', PASSWORD_DEFAULT),
'name' => 'Alex Bilbie',
'email' => 'hello@alexbilbie.com',
'photo' => 'https://s.gravatar.com/avatar/14902eb1dac66b8458ebbb481d80f0a3',
'username' => 'philsturgeon',
'password' => password_hash('cider', PASSWORD_DEFAULT),
'name' => 'Phil Sturgeon',
'email' => 'email@philsturgeon.co.uk',
'photo' => 'https://s.gravatar.com/avatar/14df293d6c5cd6f05996dfc606a6a951',
print 'Creating clients table'.PHP_EOL;
Capsule::schema()->create('oauth_clients', function ($table) {
'id' => 'testclient',
'secret' => 'secret',
'name' => 'Test Client',
print 'Creating client redirect uris table'.PHP_EOL;
Capsule::schema()->create('oauth_client_redirect_uris', function ($table) {
'client_id' => 'testclient',
'redirect_uri' => 'http://example.com/redirect',
print 'Creating scopes table'.PHP_EOL;
Capsule::schema()->create('oauth_scopes', function ($table) {
'id' => 'basic',
'description' => 'Basic details about your account',
'id' => 'email',
'description' => 'Your email address',
'id' => 'photo',
'description' => 'Your photo',
print 'Creating sessions table'.PHP_EOL;
Capsule::schema()->create('oauth_sessions', function ($table) {
'owner_type' => 'client',
'owner_id' => 'testclient',
'client_id' => 'testclient',
'owner_type' => 'user',
'owner_id' => '1',
'client_id' => 'testclient',
'owner_type' => 'user',
'owner_id' => '2',
'client_id' => 'testclient',
print 'Creating access tokens table'.PHP_EOL;
Capsule::schema()->create('oauth_access_tokens', function ($table) {
'access_token' => 'iamgod',
'session_id' => '1',
'expire_time' => time() + 86400,
'access_token' => 'iamalex',
'session_id' => '2',
'expire_time' => time() + 86400,
'access_token' => 'iamphil',
'session_id' => '3',
'expire_time' => time() + 86400,
print 'Creating refresh tokens table'.PHP_EOL;
Capsule::schema()->create('oauth_refresh_tokens', function ($table) {
print 'Creating auth codes table'.PHP_EOL;
Capsule::schema()->create('oauth_auth_codes', function ($table) {
print 'Creating oauth access token scopes table'.PHP_EOL;
Capsule::schema()->create('oauth_access_token_scopes', function ($table) {
'access_token' => 'iamgod',
'scope' => 'basic',
'access_token' => 'iamgod',
'scope' => 'email',
'access_token' => 'iamgod',
'scope' => 'photo',
'access_token' => 'iamphil',
'scope' => 'email',
'access_token' => 'iamalex',
'scope' => 'photo',
print 'Creating oauth auth code scopes table'.PHP_EOL;
Capsule::schema()->create('oauth_auth_code_scopes', function ($table) {
print 'Creating oauth session scopes table'.PHP_EOL;
Capsule::schema()->create('oauth_session_scopes', function ($table) {
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
use Orno\Http\Request;
use Orno\Http\Response;
use RelationalExample\Model;
use RelationalExample\Storage;
include __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
// Routing setup
$request = (new Request())->createFromGlobals();
$router = new \Orno\Route\RouteCollection();
// Set up the OAuth 2.0 authorization server
$server = new \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer();
$server->setSessionStorage(new Storage\SessionStorage());
$server->setAccessTokenStorage(new Storage\AccessTokenStorage());
$server->setRefreshTokenStorage(new Storage\RefreshTokenStorage());
$server->setClientStorage(new Storage\ClientStorage());
$server->setScopeStorage(new Storage\ScopeStorage());
$server->setAuthCodeStorage(new Storage\AuthCodeStorage());
$clientCredentials = new \League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\ClientCredentialsGrant();
$passwordGrant = new \League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\PasswordGrant();
$passwordGrant->setVerifyCredentialsCallback(function ($username, $password) {
$result = (new Model\Users())->get($username);
if (count($result) !== 1) {
return false;
if (password_verify($password, $result[0]['password'])) {
return $username;
return false;
$refrehTokenGrant = new \League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\RefreshTokenGrant();
// Routing setup
$request = (new Request())->createFromGlobals();
$router = new \Orno\Route\RouteCollection();
$router->post('/access_token', function (Request $request) use ($server) {
try {
$response = $server->issueAccessToken();
return new Response(json_encode($response), 200);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return new Response(
'error' => $e->errorType,
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
$dispatcher = $router->getDispatcher();
try {
// A successful response
$response = $dispatcher->dispatch(
} catch (\Orno\Http\Exception $e) {
// A failed response
$response = $e->getJsonResponse();
$response->setContent(json_encode(['status_code' => $e->getStatusCode(), 'message' => $e->getMessage()]));
} catch (\League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthException $e) {
$response = new Response(json_encode([
'error' => $e->errorType,
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
]), $e->httpStatusCode);
foreach ($e->getHttpHeaders() as $header) {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$response = new Orno\Http\Response();
$response->setContent(json_encode(['status_code' => 500, 'message' => $e->getMessage()]));
} finally {
// Return the response
$response->headers->set('Content-type', 'application/json');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace OAuth2ServerExamples\Entities;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AccessTokenEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits\AccessTokenTrait;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits\EntityTrait;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits\TokenEntityTrait;
class AccessTokenEntity implements AccessTokenEntityInterface
use AccessTokenTrait, TokenEntityTrait, EntityTrait;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace OAuth2ServerExamples\Entities;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AuthCodeEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits\AuthCodeTrait;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits\EntityTrait;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits\TokenEntityTrait;
class AuthCodeEntity implements AuthCodeEntityInterface
use EntityTrait, TokenEntityTrait, AuthCodeTrait;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace OAuth2ServerExamples\Entities;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits\ClientTrait;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits\EntityTrait;
class ClientEntity implements ClientEntityInterface
use EntityTrait, ClientTrait;
public function setName($name)
$this->name = $name;
public function setRedirectUri($uri)
$this->redirectUri = $uri;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace OAuth2ServerExamples\Entities;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\RefreshTokenEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits\EntityTrait;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits\RefreshTokenTrait;
class RefreshTokenEntity implements RefreshTokenEntityInterface
use RefreshTokenTrait, EntityTrait;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace OAuth2ServerExamples\Entities;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ScopeEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits\EntityTrait;
class ScopeEntity implements ScopeEntityInterface
use EntityTrait;
public function jsonSerialize()
return $this->getIdentifier();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace OAuth2ServerExamples\Entities;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\UserEntityInterface;
class UserEntity implements UserEntityInterface
* Return the user's identifier.
* @return mixed
public function getIdentifier()
return 1;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AccessTokenEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AccessTokenRepositoryInterface;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Entities\AccessTokenEntity;
class AccessTokenRepository implements AccessTokenRepositoryInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function persistNewAccessToken(AccessTokenEntityInterface $accessTokenEntity)
// Some logic here to save the access token to a database
* {@inheritdoc}
public function revokeAccessToken($tokenId)
// Some logic here to revoke the access token
* {@inheritdoc}
public function isAccessTokenRevoked($tokenId)
return false; // Access token hasn't been revoked
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getNewToken(ClientEntityInterface $clientEntity, array $scopes, $userIdentifier = null)
$accessToken = new AccessTokenEntity();
foreach ($scopes as $scope) {
return $accessToken;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AuthCodeEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AuthCodeRepositoryInterface;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Entities\AuthCodeEntity;
class AuthCodeRepository implements AuthCodeRepositoryInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function persistNewAuthCode(AuthCodeEntityInterface $authCodeEntity)
// Some logic to persist the auth code to a database
* {@inheritdoc}
public function revokeAuthCode($codeId)
// Some logic to revoke the auth code in a database
* {@inheritdoc}
public function isAuthCodeRevoked($codeId)
return false; // The auth code has not been revoked
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getNewAuthCode()
return new AuthCodeEntity();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ClientRepositoryInterface;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Entities\ClientEntity;
class ClientRepository implements ClientRepositoryInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getClientEntity($clientIdentifier, $clientSecret = null, $redirectUri = null, $grantType = null)
$clients = [
'myawesomeapp' => [
'secret' => password_hash('abc123', PASSWORD_BCRYPT),
'name' => 'My Awesome App',
'redirect_uri' => 'http://foo/bar',
// Check if client is registered
if (array_key_exists($clientIdentifier, $clients) === false) {
$client = new ClientEntity();
return $client;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\RefreshTokenEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Entities\RefreshTokenEntity;
class RefreshTokenRepository implements RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function persistNewRefreshToken(RefreshTokenEntityInterface $refreshTokenEntityInterface)
// Some logic to persist the refresh token in a database
* {@inheritdoc}
public function revokeRefreshToken($tokenId)
// Some logic to revoke the refresh token in a database
* {@inheritdoc}
public function isRefreshTokenRevoked($tokenId)
return false; // The refresh token has not been revoked
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getNewRefreshToken()
return new RefreshTokenEntity();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ScopeRepositoryInterface;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Entities\ScopeEntity;
class ScopeRepository implements ScopeRepositoryInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getScopeEntityByIdentifier($scopeIdentifier)
$scopes = [
'basic' => [
'description' => 'Basic details about you',
'email' => [
'description' => 'Your email address',
if (array_key_exists($scopeIdentifier, $scopes) === false) {
$scope = new ScopeEntity();
return $scope;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function finalizeScopes(
array $scopes,
ClientEntityInterface $clientEntity,
$userIdentifier = null
) {
return $scopes;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace OAuth2ServerExamples\Repositories;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\UserRepositoryInterface;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Entities\ScopeEntity;
use OAuth2ServerExamples\Entities\UserEntity;
class UserRepository implements UserRepositoryInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getUserEntityByUserCredentials(
ClientEntityInterface $clientEntity
) {
if ($username === 'alex' && $password === 'whisky') {
$scope = new ScopeEntity();
$scopes[] = $scope;
return new UserEntity();
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
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highlight="true" lowUpperBound="60" highLowerBound="90"/>
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* OAuth 2.0 Abstract Server
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server;
use League\Event\Emitter;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AccessTokenInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AuthCodeInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\ClientInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\MacTokenInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\RefreshTokenInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\ScopeInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\SessionInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\TokenType\TokenTypeInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
* OAuth 2.0 Resource Server
abstract class AbstractServer
* The request object
* @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
protected $request;
* Session storage
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\SessionInterface
protected $sessionStorage;
* Access token storage
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AccessTokenInterface
protected $accessTokenStorage;
* Refresh token storage
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\RefreshTokenInterface
protected $refreshTokenStorage;
* Auth code storage
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AuthCodeInterface
protected $authCodeStorage;
* Scope storage
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\ScopeInterface
protected $scopeStorage;
* Client storage
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\ClientInterface
protected $clientStorage;
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\MacTokenInterface
protected $macStorage;
* Token type
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\TokenType\TokenTypeInterface
protected $tokenType;
* Event emitter
* @var \League\Event\Emitter
protected $eventEmitter;
* Abstract server constructor
public function __construct()
* Set an event emitter
* @param object $emitter Event emitter object
public function setEventEmitter($emitter = null)
if ($emitter === null) {
$this->eventEmitter = new Emitter();
} else {
$this->eventEmitter = $emitter;
* Add an event listener to the event emitter
* @param string $eventName Event name
* @param callable $listener Callable function or method
* @param int $priority Priority of event listener
public function addEventListener($eventName, callable $listener, $priority = Emitter::P_NORMAL)
$this->eventEmitter->addListener($eventName, $listener, $priority);
* Returns the event emitter
* @return \League\Event\Emitter
public function getEventEmitter()
return $this->eventEmitter;
* Sets the Request Object
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request The Request Object
* @return self
public function setRequest($request)
$this->request = $request;
return $this;
* Gets the Request object. It will create one from the globals if one is not set.
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
public function getRequest()
if ($this->request === null) {
$this->request = Request::createFromGlobals();
return $this->request;
* Set the client storage
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\ClientInterface $storage
* @return self
public function setClientStorage(ClientInterface $storage)
$this->clientStorage = $storage;
return $this;
* Set the session storage
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\SessionInterface $storage
* @return self
public function setSessionStorage(SessionInterface $storage)
$this->sessionStorage = $storage;
return $this;
* Set the access token storage
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AccessTokenInterface $storage
* @return self
public function setAccessTokenStorage(AccessTokenInterface $storage)
$this->accessTokenStorage = $storage;
return $this;
* Set the refresh token storage
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\RefreshTokenInterface $storage
* @return self
public function setRefreshTokenStorage(RefreshTokenInterface $storage)
$this->refreshTokenStorage = $storage;
return $this;
* Set the auth code storage
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AuthCodeInterface $storage
* @return self
public function setAuthCodeStorage(AuthCodeInterface $storage)
$this->authCodeStorage = $storage;
return $this;
* Set the scope storage
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\ScopeInterface $storage
* @return self
public function setScopeStorage(ScopeInterface $storage)
$this->scopeStorage = $storage;
return $this;
* Return the client storage
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\ClientInterface
public function getClientStorage()
return $this->clientStorage;
* Return the scope storage
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\ScopeInterface
public function getScopeStorage()
return $this->scopeStorage;
* Return the session storage
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\SessionInterface
public function getSessionStorage()
return $this->sessionStorage;
* Return the refresh token storage
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\RefreshTokenInterface
public function getRefreshTokenStorage()
return $this->refreshTokenStorage;
* Return the access token storage
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AccessTokenInterface
public function getAccessTokenStorage()
return $this->accessTokenStorage;
* Return the auth code storage
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Storage\AuthCodeInterface
public function getAuthCodeStorage()
return $this->authCodeStorage;
* Set the access token type
* @param TokenTypeInterface $tokenType The token type
* @return void
public function setTokenType(TokenTypeInterface $tokenType)
$this->tokenType = $tokenType;
* Get the access token type
* @return TokenTypeInterface
public function getTokenType()
return $this->tokenType;
* @return MacTokenInterface
public function getMacStorage()
return $this->macStorage;
* @param MacTokenInterface $macStorage
public function setMacStorage(MacTokenInterface $macStorage)
$this->macStorage = $macStorage;
@ -1,295 +1,214 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server;
use DateInterval;
use League\Event\EmitterAwareInterface;
use League\Event\EmitterAwareTrait;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\GrantTypeInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\TokenType\Bearer;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AccessTokenRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ClientRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ScopeRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\RequestTypes\AuthorizationRequest;
use League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\BearerTokenResponse;
use League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
* OAuth 2.0 authorization server class
class AuthorizationServer extends AbstractServer
class AuthorizationServer implements EmitterAwareInterface
* The delimiter between scopes specified in the scope query string parameter
* The OAuth 2 specification states it should be a space but most use a comma
* @var string
protected $scopeDelimiter = ' ';
use EmitterAwareTrait;
* The TTL (time to live) of an access token in seconds (default: 3600)
* @var integer
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\GrantTypeInterface[]
protected $accessTokenTTL = 3600;
protected $enabledGrantTypes = [];
* The registered grant response types
* @var array
* @var \DateInterval[]
protected $responseTypes = [];
protected $grantTypeAccessTokenTTL = [];
* The registered grant types
* @var array
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey
protected $grantTypes = [];
protected $privateKey;
* Require the "scope" parameter to be in checkAuthoriseParams()
* @var boolean
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey
protected $requireScopeParam = false;
protected $publicKey;
* Default scope(s) to be used if none is provided
* @var string|array
* @var ResponseTypeInterface
protected $defaultScope;
protected $responseType;
* Require the "state" parameter to be in checkAuthoriseParams()
* @var boolean
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ClientRepositoryInterface
protected $requireStateParam = false;
private $clientRepository;
* Create a new OAuth2 authorization server
* @return self
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AccessTokenRepositoryInterface
public function __construct()
private $accessTokenRepository;
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ScopeRepositoryInterface
private $scopeRepository;
* New server instance.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ClientRepositoryInterface $clientRepository
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AccessTokenRepositoryInterface $accessTokenRepository
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ScopeRepositoryInterface $scopeRepository
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey|string $privateKey
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey|string $publicKey
* @param null|\League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface $responseType
public function __construct(
ClientRepositoryInterface $clientRepository,
AccessTokenRepositoryInterface $accessTokenRepository,
ScopeRepositoryInterface $scopeRepository,
ResponseTypeInterface $responseType = null
) {
$this->clientRepository = $clientRepository;
$this->accessTokenRepository = $accessTokenRepository;
$this->scopeRepository = $scopeRepository;
if (!$privateKey instanceof CryptKey) {
$privateKey = new CryptKey($privateKey);
$this->privateKey = $privateKey;
if (!$publicKey instanceof CryptKey) {
$publicKey = new CryptKey($publicKey);
$this->publicKey = $publicKey;
$this->responseType = $responseType;
* Enable a grant type on the server.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\GrantTypeInterface $grantType
* @param \DateInterval $accessTokenTTL
public function enableGrantType(GrantTypeInterface $grantType, DateInterval $accessTokenTTL = null)
// Set Bearer as the default token type
$this->setTokenType(new Bearer());
if ($accessTokenTTL instanceof DateInterval === false) {
$accessTokenTTL = new \DateInterval('PT1H');
return $this;
$this->enabledGrantTypes[$grantType->getIdentifier()] = $grantType;
$this->grantTypeAccessTokenTTL[$grantType->getIdentifier()] = $accessTokenTTL;
* Enable support for a grant
* Validate an authorization request
* @param GrantTypeInterface $grantType A grant class which conforms to Interface/GrantTypeInterface
* @param null|string $identifier An identifier for the grant (autodetected if not passed)
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @return self
* @throws \League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\RequestTypes\AuthorizationRequest|null
public function addGrantType(GrantTypeInterface $grantType, $identifier = null)
public function validateAuthorizationRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request)
if (is_null($identifier)) {
$identifier = $grantType->getIdentifier();
$authRequest = null;
$enabledGrantTypes = $this->enabledGrantTypes;
while ($authRequest === null && $grantType = array_shift($enabledGrantTypes)) {
/** @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\GrantTypeInterface $grantType */
if ($grantType->canRespondToAuthorizationRequest($request)) {
$authRequest = $grantType->validateAuthorizationRequest($request);
return $authRequest;
// Inject server into grant
$this->grantTypes[$identifier] = $grantType;
if (!is_null($grantType->getResponseType())) {
$this->responseTypes[] = $grantType->getResponseType();
return $this;
throw OAuthServerException::unsupportedGrantType();
* Check if a grant type has been enabled
* Complete an authorization request
* @param string $identifier The grant type identifier
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\RequestTypes\AuthorizationRequest $authRequest
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response
* @return boolean Returns "true" if enabled, "false" if not
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface
public function hasGrantType($identifier)
public function completeAuthorizationRequest(AuthorizationRequest $authRequest, ResponseInterface $response)
return (array_key_exists($identifier, $this->grantTypes));
return $this->enabledGrantTypes[$authRequest->getGrantTypeId()]
* Returns response types
* Return an access token response.
* @return array
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response
* @throws \League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException
* @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
public function getResponseTypes()
public function respondToAccessTokenRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
return $this->responseTypes;
$tokenResponse = null;
while ($tokenResponse === null && $grantType = array_shift($this->enabledGrantTypes)) {
/** @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Grant\GrantTypeInterface $grantType */
if ($grantType->canRespondToAccessTokenRequest($request)) {
$tokenResponse = $grantType->respondToAccessTokenRequest(
if ($tokenResponse instanceof ResponseTypeInterface) {
return $tokenResponse->generateHttpResponse($response);
throw OAuthServerException::unsupportedGrantType();
* Require the "scope" parameter in checkAuthoriseParams()
* Get the token type that grants will return in the HTTP response.
* @param boolean $require
* @return self
* @return ResponseTypeInterface
public function requireScopeParam($require = true)
protected function getResponseType()
$this->requireScopeParam = $require;
return $this;
if (!$this->responseType instanceof ResponseTypeInterface) {
$this->responseType = new BearerTokenResponse($this->accessTokenRepository);
* Is the scope parameter required?
* @return bool
public function scopeParamRequired()
return $this->requireScopeParam;
* Default scope to be used if none is provided and requireScopeParam() is false
* @param string $default Name of the default scope
* @return self
public function setDefaultScope($default = null)
$this->defaultScope = $default;
return $this;
* Default scope to be used if none is provided and requireScopeParam is false
* @return string|null
public function getDefaultScope()
return $this->defaultScope;
* Require the "state" parameter in checkAuthoriseParams()
* @return bool
public function stateParamRequired()
return $this->requireStateParam;
* Require the "state" parameter in checkAuthoriseParams()
* @param boolean $require
* @return self
public function requireStateParam($require = true)
$this->requireStateParam = $require;
return $this;
* Get the scope delimiter
* @return string The scope delimiter (default: " ")
public function getScopeDelimiter()
return $this->scopeDelimiter;
* Set the scope delimiter
* @param string $scopeDelimiter
* @return self
public function setScopeDelimiter($scopeDelimiter = ' ')
$this->scopeDelimiter = $scopeDelimiter;
return $this;
* Get the TTL for an access token
* @return int The TTL
public function getAccessTokenTTL()
return $this->accessTokenTTL;
* Set the TTL for an access token
* @param int $accessTokenTTL The new TTL
* @return self
public function setAccessTokenTTL($accessTokenTTL = 3600)
$this->accessTokenTTL = $accessTokenTTL;
return $this;
* Issue an access token
* @return array Authorise request parameters
* @throws
public function issueAccessToken()
$grantType = $this->getRequest()->request->get('grant_type');
if (is_null($grantType)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('grant_type');
// Ensure grant type is one that is recognised and is enabled
if (!in_array($grantType, array_keys($this->grantTypes))) {
throw new Exception\UnsupportedGrantTypeException($grantType);
// Complete the flow
return $this->getGrantType($grantType)->completeFlow();
* Return a grant type class
* @param string $grantType The grant type identifier
* @return Grant\GrantTypeInterface
* @throws
public function getGrantType($grantType)
if (isset($this->grantTypes[$grantType])) {
return $this->grantTypes[$grantType];
throw new Exception\InvalidGrantException($grantType);
return $this->responseType;
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationValidators;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
interface AuthorizationValidatorInterface
* Determine the access token in the authorization header and append OAUth properties to the request
* as attributes.
* @param ServerRequestInterface $request
* @return ServerRequestInterface
public function validateAuthorization(ServerRequestInterface $request);
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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationValidators;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Parser;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Rsa\Sha256;
use Lcobucci\JWT\ValidationData;
use League\OAuth2\Server\CryptTrait;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AccessTokenRepositoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
class BearerTokenValidator implements AuthorizationValidatorInterface
use CryptTrait;
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AccessTokenRepositoryInterface
private $accessTokenRepository;
* BearerTokenValidator constructor.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AccessTokenRepositoryInterface $accessTokenRepository
public function __construct(AccessTokenRepositoryInterface $accessTokenRepository)
$this->accessTokenRepository = $accessTokenRepository;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function validateAuthorization(ServerRequestInterface $request)
if ($request->hasHeader('authorization') === false) {
throw OAuthServerException::accessDenied('Missing "Authorization" header');
$header = $request->getHeader('authorization');
$jwt = trim(preg_replace('/^(?:\s+)?Bearer\s/', '', $header[0]));
try {
// Attempt to parse and validate the JWT
$token = (new Parser())->parse($jwt);
if ($token->verify(new Sha256(), $this->publicKey->getKeyPath()) === false) {
throw OAuthServerException::accessDenied('Access token could not be verified');
// Ensure access token hasn't expired
$data = new ValidationData();
if ($token->validate($data) === false) {
throw OAuthServerException::accessDenied('Access token is invalid');
// Check if token has been revoked
if ($this->accessTokenRepository->isAccessTokenRevoked($token->getClaim('jti'))) {
throw OAuthServerException::accessDenied('Access token has been revoked');
// Return the request with additional attributes
return $request
->withAttribute('oauth_access_token_id', $token->getClaim('jti'))
->withAttribute('oauth_client_id', $token->getClaim('aud'))
->withAttribute('oauth_user_id', $token->getClaim('sub'))
->withAttribute('oauth_scopes', $token->getClaim('scopes'));
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $exception) {
// JWT couldn't be parsed so return the request as is
throw OAuthServerException::accessDenied($exception->getMessage());
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
* Cryptography key holder.
* @author Julián Gutiérrez <juliangut@gmail.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server;
class CryptKey
* @var string
protected $keyPath;
* @var string
protected $passPhrase;
* @param string $keyPath
* @param null|string $passPhrase
public function __construct($keyPath, $passPhrase = null)
if (strpos($keyPath, 'file://') !== 0) {
$keyPath = 'file://' . $keyPath;
if (!file_exists($keyPath) || !is_readable($keyPath)) {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Key path "%s" does not exist or is not readable', $keyPath));
$this->keyPath = $keyPath;
$this->passPhrase = $passPhrase;
* Retrieve key path.
* @return string
public function getKeyPath()
return $this->keyPath;
* Retrieve key pass phrase.
* @return null|string
public function getPassPhrase()
return $this->passPhrase;
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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
* Public/private key encryption.
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server;
trait CryptTrait
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey
protected $privateKey;
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey
protected $publicKey;
* Set path to private key.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey $privateKey
public function setPrivateKey(CryptKey $privateKey)
$this->privateKey = $privateKey;
* Set path to public key.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey $publicKey
public function setPublicKey(CryptKey $publicKey)
$this->publicKey = $publicKey;
* Encrypt data with a private key.
* @param string $unencryptedData
* @return string
protected function encrypt($unencryptedData)
$privateKey = openssl_pkey_get_private($this->privateKey->getKeyPath(), $this->privateKey->getPassPhrase());
$privateKeyDetails = @openssl_pkey_get_details($privateKey);
if ($privateKeyDetails === null) {
throw new \LogicException(
sprintf('Could not get details of private key: %s', $this->privateKey->getKeyPath())
$chunkSize = ceil($privateKeyDetails['bits'] / 8) - 11;
$output = '';
while ($unencryptedData) {
$chunk = substr($unencryptedData, 0, $chunkSize);
$unencryptedData = substr($unencryptedData, $chunkSize);
if (openssl_private_encrypt($chunk, $encrypted, $privateKey) === false) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
throw new \LogicException('Failed to encrypt data');
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$output .= $encrypted;
return base64_encode($output);
* Decrypt data with a public key.
* @param string $encryptedData
* @throws \LogicException
* @return string
protected function decrypt($encryptedData)
$publicKey = openssl_pkey_get_public($this->publicKey->getKeyPath());
$publicKeyDetails = @openssl_pkey_get_details($publicKey);
if ($publicKeyDetails === null) {
throw new \LogicException(
sprintf('Could not get details of public key: %s', $this->publicKey->getKeyPath())
$chunkSize = ceil($publicKeyDetails['bits'] / 8);
$output = '';
$encryptedData = base64_decode($encryptedData);
while ($encryptedData) {
$chunk = substr($encryptedData, 0, $chunkSize);
$encryptedData = substr($encryptedData, $chunkSize);
if (openssl_public_decrypt($chunk, $decrypted, $publicKey/*, OPENSSL_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING*/) === false) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
throw new \LogicException('Failed to decrypt data');
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$output .= $decrypted;
return $output;
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entities;
use League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey;
interface AccessTokenEntityInterface extends TokenInterface
* Generate a JWT from the access token
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey $privateKey
* @return string
public function convertToJWT(CryptKey $privateKey);
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entities;
interface AuthCodeEntityInterface extends TokenInterface
* @return string
public function getRedirectUri();
* @param string $uri
public function setRedirectUri($uri);
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entities;
interface ClientEntityInterface
* Get the client's identifier.
* @return string
public function getIdentifier();
* Get the client's name.
* @return string
public function getName();
* Returns the registered redirect URI (as a string).
* Alternatively return an indexed array of redirect URIs.
* @return string|string[]
public function getRedirectUri();
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entities;
interface RefreshTokenEntityInterface
* Get the token's identifier.
* @return string
public function getIdentifier();
* Set the token's identifier.
* @param $identifier
public function setIdentifier($identifier);
* Get the token's expiry date time.
* @return \DateTime
public function getExpiryDateTime();
* Set the date time when the token expires.
* @param \DateTime $dateTime
public function setExpiryDateTime(\DateTime $dateTime);
* Set the access token that the refresh token was associated with.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AccessTokenEntityInterface $accessToken
public function setAccessToken(AccessTokenEntityInterface $accessToken);
* Get the access token that the refresh token was originally associated with.
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AccessTokenEntityInterface
public function getAccessToken();
* Has the token expired?
* @return bool
public function isExpired();
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entities;
interface ScopeEntityInterface extends \JsonSerializable
* Get the scope's identifier.
* @return string
public function getIdentifier();
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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entities;
interface TokenInterface
* Get the token's identifier.
* @return string
public function getIdentifier();
* Set the token's identifier.
* @param $identifier
public function setIdentifier($identifier);
* Get the token's expiry date time.
* @return \DateTime
public function getExpiryDateTime();
* Set the date time when the token expires.
* @param \DateTime $dateTime
public function setExpiryDateTime(\DateTime $dateTime);
* Set the identifier of the user associated with the token.
* @param string|int $identifier The identifier of the user
public function setUserIdentifier($identifier);
* Get the token user's identifier.
* @return string|int
public function getUserIdentifier();
* Get the client that the token was issued to.
* @return ClientEntityInterface
public function getClient();
* Set the client that the token was issued to.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface $client
public function setClient(ClientEntityInterface $client);
* Associate a scope with the token.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ScopeEntityInterface $scope
public function addScope(ScopeEntityInterface $scope);
* Return an array of scopes associated with the token.
* @return ScopeEntityInterface[]
public function getScopes();
* Has the token expired?
* @return bool
public function isExpired();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Builder;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Key;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Rsa\Sha256;
use League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey;
trait AccessTokenTrait
* Generate a JWT from the access token
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey $privateKey
* @return string
public function convertToJWT(CryptKey $privateKey)
return (new Builder())
->setId($this->getIdentifier(), true)
->set('scopes', $this->getScopes())
->sign(new Sha256(), new Key($privateKey->getKeyPath(), $privateKey->getPassPhrase()))
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits;
trait AuthCodeTrait
* @var null|string
protected $redirectUri;
* @return string
public function getRedirectUri()
return $this->redirectUri;
* @param string $uri
public function setRedirectUri($uri)
$this->redirectUri = $uri;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits;
trait ClientTrait
protected $name;
protected $redirectUri;
* Get the client's name.
* @return string
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public function getName()
return $this->name;
* Returns the registered redirect URI (as a string).
* Alternatively return an indexed array of redirect URIs.
* @return string|string[]
public function getRedirectUri()
return $this->redirectUri;
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits;
trait EntityTrait
* @var string
protected $identifier;
* @return mixed
public function getIdentifier()
return $this->identifier;
* @param mixed $identifier
public function setIdentifier($identifier)
$this->identifier = $identifier;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits;
use DateTime;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AccessTokenEntityInterface;
trait RefreshTokenTrait
* @var AccessTokenEntityInterface
protected $accessToken;
* @var DateTime
protected $expiryDateTime;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setAccessToken(AccessTokenEntityInterface $accessToken)
$this->accessToken = $accessToken;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getAccessToken()
return $this->accessToken;
* Get the token's expiry date time.
* @return DateTime
public function getExpiryDateTime()
return $this->expiryDateTime;
* Set the date time when the token expires.
* @param DateTime $dateTime
public function setExpiryDateTime(DateTime $dateTime)
$this->expiryDateTime = $dateTime;
* Has the token expired?
* @return bool
public function isExpired()
return (new DateTime()) > $this->getExpiryDateTime();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Traits;
use DateTime;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ScopeEntityInterface;
trait TokenEntityTrait
* @var ScopeEntityInterface[]
protected $scopes = [];
* @var DateTime
protected $expiryDateTime;
* @var string|int
protected $userIdentifier;
* @var ClientEntityInterface
protected $client;
* Associate a scope with the token.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ScopeEntityInterface $scope
public function addScope(ScopeEntityInterface $scope)
$this->scopes[$scope->getIdentifier()] = $scope;
* Return an array of scopes associated with the token.
* @return ScopeEntityInterface[]
public function getScopes()
return array_values($this->scopes);
* Get the token's expiry date time.
* @return DateTime
public function getExpiryDateTime()
return $this->expiryDateTime;
* Set the date time when the token expires.
* @param DateTime $dateTime
public function setExpiryDateTime(DateTime $dateTime)
$this->expiryDateTime = $dateTime;
* Set the identifier of the user associated with the token.
* @param string|int $identifier The identifier of the user
public function setUserIdentifier($identifier)
$this->userIdentifier = $identifier;
* Get the token user's identifier.
* @return string|int
public function getUserIdentifier()
return $this->userIdentifier;
* Get the client that the token was issued to.
* @return ClientEntityInterface
public function getClient()
return $this->client;
* Set the client that the token was issued to.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface $client
public function setClient(ClientEntityInterface $client)
$this->client = $client;
* Has the token expired?
* @return bool
public function isExpired()
return (new DateTime()) > $this->getExpiryDateTime();
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entities;
interface UserEntityInterface
* Return the user's identifier.
* @return mixed
public function getIdentifier();
@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Abstract token
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\AbstractServer;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Util\SecureKey;
* Abstract token class
abstract class AbstractTokenEntity
* Token identifier
* @var string
protected $id;
* Associated session
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\SessionEntity
protected $session;
* Session scopes
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ScopeEntity[]
protected $scopes;
* Token expire time
* @var int
protected $expireTime = 0;
* Authorization or resource server
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\AbstractServer
protected $server;
* __construct
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\AbstractServer $server
* @return self
public function __construct(AbstractServer $server)
$this->server = $server;
return $this;
* Set session
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\SessionEntity $session
* @return self
public function setSession(SessionEntity $session)
$this->session = $session;
return $this;
* Set the expire time of the token
* @param integer $expireTime Unix time stamp
* @return self
public function setExpireTime($expireTime)
$this->expireTime = $expireTime;
return $this;
* Return token expire time
* @return int
public function getExpireTime()
return $this->expireTime;
* Is the token expired?
* @return bool
public function isExpired()
return ((time() - $this->expireTime) > 0);
* Set token ID
* @param string $id Token ID
* @return self
public function setId($id = null)
$this->id = ($id !== null) ? $id : SecureKey::generate();
return $this;
* Get the token ID
* @return string
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Associate a scope
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ScopeEntity $scope
* @return self
public function associateScope(ScopeEntity $scope)
if (!isset($this->scopes[$scope->getId()])) {
$this->scopes[$scope->getId()] = $scope;
return $this;
* Format the local scopes array
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ScopeEntity[]
* @return array
protected function formatScopes($unformatted = [])
if (is_null($unformatted)) {
return [];
$scopes = [];
foreach ($unformatted as $scope) {
if ($scope instanceof ScopeEntity) {
$scopes[$scope->getId()] = $scope;
return $scopes;
* Returns the token as a string if the object is cast as a string
* @return string
public function __toString()
if ($this->id === null) {
return '';
return $this->id;
* Expire the token
* @return void
abstract public function expire();
* Save the token
* @return void
abstract public function save();
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Access token entity
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entity;
* Access token entity class
class AccessTokenEntity extends AbstractTokenEntity
* Get session
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\SessionEntity
public function getSession()
if ($this->session instanceof SessionEntity) {
return $this->session;
$this->session = $this->server->getSessionStorage()->getByAccessToken($this);
return $this->session;
* Check if access token has an associated scope
* @param string $scope Scope to check
* @return bool
public function hasScope($scope)
if ($this->scopes === null) {
return isset($this->scopes[$scope]);
* Return all scopes associated with the access token
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ScopeEntity[]
public function getScopes()
if ($this->scopes === null) {
$this->scopes = $this->formatScopes(
return $this->scopes;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function save()
// Associate the scope with the token
foreach ($this->getScopes() as $scope) {
$this->server->getAccessTokenStorage()->associateScope($this, $scope);
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function expire()
@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Auth code entity
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entity;
* Auth Code entity class
class AuthCodeEntity extends AbstractTokenEntity
* Redirect URI
* @var string
protected $redirectUri = '';
* Set the redirect URI for the authorization request
* @param string $redirectUri
* @return self
public function setRedirectUri($redirectUri)
$this->redirectUri = $redirectUri;
return $this;
* Get the redirect URI
* @return string
public function getRedirectUri()
return $this->redirectUri;
* Generate a redirect URI
* @param string $state The state parameter if set by the client
* @param string $queryDelimeter The query delimiter ('?' for auth code grant, '#' for implicit grant)
* @return string
public function generateRedirectUri($state = null, $queryDelimeter = '?')
$uri = $this->getRedirectUri();
$uri .= (strstr($this->getRedirectUri(), $queryDelimeter) === false) ? $queryDelimeter : '&';
return $uri.http_build_query([
'code' => $this->getId(),
'state' => $state,
* Get session
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\SessionEntity
public function getSession()
if ($this->session instanceof SessionEntity) {
return $this->session;
$this->session = $this->server->getSessionStorage()->getByAuthCode($this);
return $this->session;
* Return all scopes associated with the session
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ScopeEntity[]
public function getScopes()
if ($this->scopes === null) {
$this->scopes = $this->formatScopes(
return $this->scopes;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function save()
// Associate the scope with the token
foreach ($this->getScopes() as $scope) {
$this->server->getAuthCodeStorage()->associateScope($this, $scope);
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function expire()
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Client entity
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\AbstractServer;
* Client entity class
class ClientEntity
use EntityTrait;
* Client identifier
* @var string
protected $id = null;
* Client secret
* @var string
protected $secret = null;
* Client name
* @var string
protected $name = null;
* Client redirect URI
* @var string
protected $redirectUri = null;
* Authorization or resource server
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\AbstractServer
protected $server;
* __construct
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\AbstractServer $server
* @return self
public function __construct(AbstractServer $server)
$this->server = $server;
return $this;
* Return the client identifier
* @return string
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Return the client secret
* @return string
public function getSecret()
return $this->secret;
* Get the client name
* @return string
public function getName()
return $this->name;
* Returnt the client redirect URI
* @return string
public function getRedirectUri()
return $this->redirectUri;
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Entity trait
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entity;
trait EntityTrait
* Hydrate an entity with properites
* @param array $properties
* @return self
public function hydrate(array $properties)
foreach ($properties as $prop => $val) {
if (property_exists($this, $prop)) {
$this->{$prop} = $val;
return $this;
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Refresh token entity
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entity;
* Refresh token entity class
class RefreshTokenEntity extends AbstractTokenEntity
* Access token associated to refresh token
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AccessTokenEntity
protected $accessTokenEntity;
* Id of the access token
* @var string
protected $accessTokenId;
* Set the ID of the associated access token
* @param string $accessTokenId
* @return self
public function setAccessTokenId($accessTokenId)
$this->accessTokenId = $accessTokenId;
return $this;
* Associate an access token
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AccessTokenEntity $accessTokenEntity
* @return self
public function setAccessToken(AccessTokenEntity $accessTokenEntity)
$this->accessTokenEntity = $accessTokenEntity;
return $this;
* Return access token
* @return AccessTokenEntity
public function getAccessToken()
if (! $this->accessTokenEntity instanceof AccessTokenEntity) {
$this->accessTokenEntity = $this->server->getAccessTokenStorage()->get($this->accessTokenId);
return $this->accessTokenEntity;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function save()
* {@inheritdoc}
public function expire()
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 scope entity
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\AbstractServer;
* Scope entity class
class ScopeEntity implements \JsonSerializable
use EntityTrait;
* Scope identifier
* @var string
protected $id;
* Scope description
* @var string
protected $description;
* Authorization or resource server
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\AbstractServer
protected $server;
* __construct
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\AbstractServer $server
* @return self
public function __construct(AbstractServer $server)
$this->server = $server;
return $this;
* Return the scope identifer
* @return string
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Return the scope's description
* @return string
public function getDescription()
return $this->description;
* Returns a JSON object when entity is passed into json_encode
* @return array
public function jsonSerialize()
return [
'id' => $this->getId(),
'description' => $this->getDescription()
@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 session entity
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Entity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\AbstractServer;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Event\SessionOwnerEvent;
* Session entity grant
class SessionEntity
* Session identifier
* @var string
protected $id;
* Client identifier
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ClientEntity
protected $client;
* Session owner identifier
* @var string
protected $ownerId;
* Session owner type (e.g. "user")
* @var string
protected $ownerType;
* Auth code
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AuthCodeEntity
protected $authCode;
* Access token
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AccessTokenEntity
protected $accessToken;
* Refresh token
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\RefreshTokenEntity
protected $refreshToken;
* Session scopes
* @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag
protected $scopes;
* Authorization or resource server
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer|\League\OAuth2\Server\ResourceServer
protected $server;
* __construct
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\AbstractServer $server
* @return self
public function __construct(AbstractServer $server)
$this->server = $server;
return $this;
* Set the session identifier
* @param string $id
* @return self
public function setId($id)
$this->id = $id;
return $this;
* Return the session identifier
* @return string
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Associate a scope
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ScopeEntity $scope
* @return self
public function associateScope(ScopeEntity $scope)
if (!isset($this->scopes[$scope->getId()])) {
$this->scopes[$scope->getId()] = $scope;
return $this;
* Check if access token has an associated scope
* @param string $scope Scope to check
* @return bool
public function hasScope($scope)
if ($this->scopes === null) {
return isset($this->scopes[$scope]);
* Return all scopes associated with the session
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ScopeEntity[]
public function getScopes()
if ($this->scopes === null) {
$this->scopes = $this->formatScopes($this->server->getSessionStorage()->getScopes($this));
return $this->scopes;
* Format the local scopes array
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\Scope[]
* @return array
private function formatScopes($unformatted = [])
$scopes = [];
if (is_array($unformatted)) {
foreach ($unformatted as $scope) {
if ($scope instanceof ScopeEntity) {
$scopes[$scope->getId()] = $scope;
return $scopes;
* Associate an access token with the session
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AccessTokenEntity $accessToken
* @return self
public function associateAccessToken(AccessTokenEntity $accessToken)
$this->accessToken = $accessToken;
return $this;
* Associate a refresh token with the session
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\RefreshTokenEntity $refreshToken
* @return self
public function associateRefreshToken(RefreshTokenEntity $refreshToken)
$this->refreshToken = $refreshToken;
return $this;
* Associate a client with the session
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ClientEntity $client The client
* @return self
public function associateClient(ClientEntity $client)
$this->client = $client;
return $this;
* Return the session client
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ClientEntity
public function getClient()
if ($this->client instanceof ClientEntity) {
return $this->client;
$this->client = $this->server->getClientStorage()->getBySession($this);
return $this->client;
* Set the session owner
* @param string $type The type of the owner (e.g. user, app)
* @param string $id The identifier of the owner
* @return self
public function setOwner($type, $id)
$this->ownerType = $type;
$this->ownerId = $id;
$this->server->getEventEmitter()->emit(new SessionOwnerEvent($this));
return $this;
* Return session owner identifier
* @return string
public function getOwnerId()
return $this->ownerId;
* Return session owner type
* @return string
public function getOwnerType()
return $this->ownerType;
* Save the session
* @return void
public function save()
// Save the session and get an identifier
$id = $this->server->getSessionStorage()->create(
// Associate the scope with the session
foreach ($this->getScopes() as $scope) {
$this->server->getSessionStorage()->associateScope($this, $scope);
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 client authentication failed event
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Event;
use League\Event\AbstractEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class ClientAuthenticationFailedEvent extends AbstractEvent
* Request
* @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
private $request;
* Init the event with a request
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
public function __construct(Request $request)
$this->request = $request;
* The name of the event
* @return string
public function getName()
return 'error.auth.client';
* Return request
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
public function getRequest()
return $this->request;
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 session owner event
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Event;
use League\Event\AbstractEvent;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\SessionEntity;
class SessionOwnerEvent extends AbstractEvent
* Session entity
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\SessionEntity
private $session;
* Init the event with a session
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\SessionEntity $session
public function __construct(SessionEntity $session)
$this->session = $session;
* The name of the event
* @return string
public function getName()
return 'session.owner';
* Return session
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\SessionEntity
public function getSession()
return $this->session;
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 user authentication failed event
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Event;
use League\Event\AbstractEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class UserAuthenticationFailedEvent extends AbstractEvent
* Request
* @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
private $request;
* Init the event with a request
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
public function __construct(Request $request)
$this->request = $request;
* The name of the event
* @return string
public function getName()
return 'error.auth.user';
* Return request
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
public function getRequest()
return $this->request;
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Access Denied Exception
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
* Exception class
class AccessDeniedException extends OAuthException
* {@inheritdoc}
public $httpStatusCode = 401;
* {@inheritdoc}
public $errorType = 'access_denied';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct()
parent::__construct('The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.');
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Invalid Client Exception
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
* Exception class
class InvalidClientException extends OAuthException
* {@inheritdoc}
public $httpStatusCode = 401;
* {@inheritdoc}
public $errorType = 'invalid_client';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct()
parent::__construct('Client authentication failed.');
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Invalid Credentials Exception
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
* Exception class
class InvalidCredentialsException extends OAuthException
* {@inheritdoc}
public $httpStatusCode = 401;
* {@inheritdoc}
public $errorType = 'invalid_credentials';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct()
parent::__construct('The user credentials were incorrect.');
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Invalid Grant Exception
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
* Exception class
class InvalidGrantException extends OAuthException
* {@inheritdoc}
public $httpStatusCode = 400;
* {@inheritdoc}
public $errorType = 'invalid_grant';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct($parameter)
$this->parameter = $parameter;
'The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client. Check the "%s" parameter.',
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Invalid Refresh Exception
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
* Exception class
class InvalidRefreshException extends OAuthException
* {@inheritdoc}
public $httpStatusCode = 400;
* {@inheritdoc}
public $errorType = 'invalid_request';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct()
parent::__construct('The refresh token is invalid.');
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Invalid Request Exception
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
* Exception class
class InvalidRequestException extends OAuthException
* {@inheritdoc}
public $httpStatusCode = 400;
* {@inheritdoc}
public $errorType = 'invalid_request';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct($parameter, $redirectUri = null)
$this->parameter = $parameter;
'The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "%s" parameter.',
$this->redirectUri = $redirectUri;
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Invalid Scope Exception
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
* Exception class
class InvalidScopeException extends OAuthException
* {@inheritdoc}
public $httpStatusCode = 400;
* {@inheritdoc}
public $errorType = 'invalid_scope';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct($parameter, $redirectUri = null)
$this->parameter = $parameter;
'The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed. Check the "%s" scope.',
$this->redirectUri = $redirectUri;
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Base Exception
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Util\RedirectUri;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
* Exception class
class OAuthException extends \Exception
* The HTTP status code for this exception that should be sent in the response
public $httpStatusCode = 400;
* Redirect URI if the server should redirect back to the client
* @var string|null
public $redirectUri = null;
* The exception type
public $errorType = '';
* Parameter eventually passed to Exception
public $parameter = '';
* Throw a new exception
* @param string $msg Exception Message
public function __construct($msg = 'An error occured')
* Should the server redirect back to the client?
* @return bool
public function shouldRedirect()
return is_null($this->redirectUri) ? false : true;
* Return redirect URI if set
* @return string|null
public function getRedirectUri()
return RedirectUri::make(
'error' => $this->errorType,
'message' => $this->getMessage(),
* Return parameter if set
* @return string
public function getParameter()
return $this->parameter;
* Get all headers that have to be send with the error response
* @return array Array with header values
public function getHttpHeaders()
$headers = [];
switch ($this->httpStatusCode) {
case 401:
$headers[] = 'HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized';
case 500:
$headers[] = 'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error';
case 501:
$headers[] = 'HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented';
case 400:
$headers[] = 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request';
// Add "WWW-Authenticate" header
// RFC 6749, section 5.2.:
// "If the client attempted to authenticate via the 'Authorization'
// request header field, the authorization server MUST
// respond with an HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) status code and
// include the "WWW-Authenticate" response header field
// matching the authentication scheme used by the client.
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($this->errorType === 'invalid_client') {
$authScheme = null;
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
if ($request->getUser() !== null) {
$authScheme = 'Basic';
} else {
$authHeader = $request->headers->get('Authorization');
if ($authHeader !== null) {
if (strpos($authHeader, 'Bearer') === 0) {
$authScheme = 'Bearer';
} elseif (strpos($authHeader, 'Basic') === 0) {
$authScheme = 'Basic';
} elseif (strpos($authHeader, 'MAC') === 0) {
$authScheme = 'MAC';
if ($authScheme !== null) {
$headers[] = 'WWW-Authenticate: '.$authScheme.' realm=""';
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return $headers;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
class OAuthServerException extends \Exception
* @var int
private $httpStatusCode;
* @var string
private $errorType;
* @var null|string
private $hint;
* @var null|string
private $redirectUri;
* Throw a new exception.
* @param string $message Error message
* @param int $code Error code
* @param string $errorType Error type
* @param int $httpStatusCode HTTP status code to send (default = 400)
* @param null|string $hint A helper hint
* @param null|string $redirectUri A HTTP URI to redirect the user back to
public function __construct($message, $code, $errorType, $httpStatusCode = 400, $hint = null, $redirectUri = null)
parent::__construct($message, $code);
$this->httpStatusCode = $httpStatusCode;
$this->errorType = $errorType;
$this->hint = $hint;
$this->redirectUri = $redirectUri;
* Unsupported grant type error.
* @return static
public static function unsupportedGrantType()
$errorMessage = 'The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server.';
$hint = 'Check the `grant_type` parameter';
return new static($errorMessage, 2, 'unsupported_grant_type', 400, $hint);
* Invalid request error.
* @param string $parameter The invalid parameter
* @param string|null $hint
* @return static
public static function invalidRequest($parameter, $hint = null)
$errorMessage = 'The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, ' .
'includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed.';
$hint = ($hint === null) ? sprintf('Check the `%s` parameter', $parameter) : $hint;
return new static($errorMessage, 3, 'invalid_request', 400, $hint);
* Invalid client error.
* @return static
public static function invalidClient()
$errorMessage = 'Client authentication failed';
return new static($errorMessage, 4, 'invalid_client', 401);
* Invalid scope error.
* @param string $scope The bad scope
* @param null|string $redirectUri A HTTP URI to redirect the user back to
* @return static
public static function invalidScope($scope, $redirectUri = null)
$errorMessage = 'The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed';
$hint = sprintf('Check the `%s` scope', $scope);
return new static($errorMessage, 5, 'invalid_scope', 400, $hint, $redirectUri);
* Invalid credentials error.
* @return static
public static function invalidCredentials()
return new static('The user credentials were incorrect.', 6, 'invalid_credentials', 401);
* Server error.
* @param $hint
* @return static
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public static function serverError($hint)
return new static(
'The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling'
. ' the request: ' . $hint,
* Invalid refresh token.
* @param string|null $hint
* @return static
public static function invalidRefreshToken($hint = null)
return new static('The refresh token is invalid.', 8, 'invalid_request', 400, $hint);
* Access denied.
* @param string|null $hint
* @param string|null $redirectUri
* @return static
public static function accessDenied($hint = null, $redirectUri = null)
return new static(
'The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.',
* @return string
public function getErrorType()
return $this->errorType;
* Generate a HTTP response.
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response
* @param bool $useFragment True if errors should be in the URI fragment instead of
* query string
* @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
public function generateHttpResponse(ResponseInterface $response, $useFragment = false)
$headers = $this->getHttpHeaders();
$payload = [
'error' => $this->getErrorType(),
'message' => $this->getMessage(),
if ($this->hint !== null) {
$payload['hint'] = $this->hint;
if ($this->redirectUri !== null) {
if ($useFragment === true) {
$this->redirectUri .= (strstr($this->redirectUri, '#') === false) ? '#' : '&';
} else {
$this->redirectUri .= (strstr($this->redirectUri, '?') === false) ? '?' : '&';
return $response->withStatus(302)->withHeader('Location', $this->redirectUri . http_build_query($payload));
foreach ($headers as $header => $content) {
$response = $response->withHeader($header, $content);
return $response->withStatus($this->getHttpStatusCode());
* Get all headers that have to be send with the error response.
* @return array Array with header values
public function getHttpHeaders()
$headers = [
'Content-type' => 'application/json',
// Add "WWW-Authenticate" header
// RFC 6749, section 5.2.:
// "If the client attempted to authenticate via the 'Authorization'
// request header field, the authorization server MUST
// respond with an HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) status code and
// include the "WWW-Authenticate" response header field
// matching the authentication scheme used by the client.
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ($this->errorType === 'invalid_client') {
$authScheme = 'Basic';
if (array_key_exists('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', $_SERVER) !== false
&& strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'], 'Bearer') === 0
) {
$authScheme = 'Bearer';
$headers[] = 'WWW-Authenticate: ' . $authScheme . ' realm="OAuth"';
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return $headers;
* Returns the HTTP status code to send when the exceptions is output.
* @return int
public function getHttpStatusCode()
return $this->httpStatusCode;
* @return null|string
public function getHint()
return $this->hint;
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Server Error Exception
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
* Exception class
class ServerErrorException extends OAuthException
* {@inheritdoc}
public $httpStatusCode = 500;
* {@inheritdoc}
public $errorType = 'server_error';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct($parameter = null)
$this->parameter = $parameter;
$parameter = is_null($parameter) ? 'The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.' : $parameter;
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Unauthorized Client Exception
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
* Exception class
class UnauthorizedClientException extends OAuthException
* {@inheritdoc}
public $httpStatusCode = 400;
* {@inheritdoc}
public $errorType = 'unauthorized_client';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct()
parent::__construct('The client is not authorized to request an access token using this method.');
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Invalid Request Exception
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
* Exception class
class UnsupportedGrantTypeException extends OAuthException
* {@inheritdoc}
public $httpStatusCode = 400;
* {@inheritdoc}
public $errorType = 'unsupported_grant_type';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct($parameter)
$this->parameter = $parameter;
'The authorization grant type "%s" is not supported by the authorization server.',
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Unsupported Response Type Exception
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
* Exception class
class UnsupportedResponseTypeException extends OAuthException
* {@inheritdoc}
public $httpStatusCode = 400;
* {@inheritdoc}
public $errorType = 'unsupported_response_type';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct($parameter, $redirectUri = null)
$this->parameter = $parameter;
parent::__construct('The authorization server does not support obtaining an access token using this method.');
$this->redirectUri = $redirectUri;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Abstract authorization grant.
* @author Julián Gutiérrez <juliangut@gmail.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Grant;
abstract class AbstractAuthorizeGrant extends AbstractGrant
* @param string $uri
* @param array $params
* @param string $queryDelimiter
* @return string
public function makeRedirectUri($uri, $params = [], $queryDelimiter = '?')
$uri .= (strstr($uri, $queryDelimiter) === false) ? $queryDelimiter : '&';
return $uri . http_build_query($params);
@ -1,197 +1,429 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Abstract grant
* OAuth 2.0 Abstract grant.
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Grant;
use League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ClientEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ScopeEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
use League\Event\EmitterAwareTrait;
use League\OAuth2\Server\CryptTrait;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AccessTokenEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ScopeEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AccessTokenRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AuthCodeRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ClientRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ScopeRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\UserRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\RequestEvent;
use League\OAuth2\Server\RequestTypes\AuthorizationRequest;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
* Abstract grant class
* Abstract grant class.
abstract class AbstractGrant implements GrantTypeInterface
* Grant identifier
* @var string
protected $identifier = '';
use EmitterAwareTrait, CryptTrait;
* Response type
* @var string
* @var ServerRequestInterface
protected $responseType;
protected $request;
* Callback to authenticate a user's name and password
* @var callable
* @var ClientRepositoryInterface
protected $callback;
protected $clientRepository;
* AuthServer instance
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer
* @var AccessTokenRepositoryInterface
protected $server;
protected $accessTokenRepository;
* Access token expires in override
* @var int
* @var ScopeRepositoryInterface
protected $accessTokenTTL;
protected $scopeRepository;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AuthCodeRepositoryInterface
public function getIdentifier()
protected $authCodeRepository;
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface
protected $refreshTokenRepository;
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\UserRepositoryInterface
protected $userRepository;
* @var \DateInterval
protected $refreshTokenTTL;
* @param ClientRepositoryInterface $clientRepository
public function setClientRepository(ClientRepositoryInterface $clientRepository)
return $this->identifier;
$this->clientRepository = $clientRepository;
* @param AccessTokenRepositoryInterface $accessTokenRepository
public function setAccessTokenRepository(AccessTokenRepositoryInterface $accessTokenRepository)
$this->accessTokenRepository = $accessTokenRepository;
* @param ScopeRepositoryInterface $scopeRepository
public function setScopeRepository(ScopeRepositoryInterface $scopeRepository)
$this->scopeRepository = $scopeRepository;
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface $refreshTokenRepository
public function setRefreshTokenRepository(RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface $refreshTokenRepository)
$this->refreshTokenRepository = $refreshTokenRepository;
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AuthCodeRepositoryInterface $authCodeRepository
public function setAuthCodeRepository(AuthCodeRepositoryInterface $authCodeRepository)
$this->authCodeRepository = $authCodeRepository;
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository
public function setUserRepository(UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository)
$this->userRepository = $userRepository;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setIdentifier($identifier)
public function setRefreshTokenTTL(\DateInterval $refreshTokenTTL)
$this->identifier = $identifier;
return $this;
$this->refreshTokenTTL = $refreshTokenTTL;
* {@inheritdoc}
* Validate the client.
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @throws \League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface
public function getResponseType()
protected function validateClient(ServerRequestInterface $request)
return $this->responseType;
$clientId = $this->getRequestParameter(
$this->getServerParameter('PHP_AUTH_USER', $request)
if (is_null($clientId)) {
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRequest('client_id');
* Get the TTL for an access token
* @return int The TTL
public function getAccessTokenTTL()
if ($this->accessTokenTTL) {
return $this->accessTokenTTL;
return $this->server->getAccessTokenTTL();
* Override the default access token expire time
* @param int $accessTokenTTL
* @return self
public function setAccessTokenTTL($accessTokenTTL)
$this->accessTokenTTL = $accessTokenTTL;
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setAuthorizationServer(AuthorizationServer $server)
$this->server = $server;
return $this;
* Given a list of scopes, validate them and return an array of Scope entities
* @param string $scopeParam A string of scopes (e.g. "profile email birthday")
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ClientEntity $client Client entity
* @param string|null $redirectUri The redirect URI to return the user to
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ScopeEntity[]
* @throws \League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidScopeException If scope is invalid, or no scopes passed when required
* @throws
public function validateScopes($scopeParam = '', ClientEntity $client, $redirectUri = null)
$scopesList = explode($this->server->getScopeDelimiter(), $scopeParam);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($scopesList); $i++) {
$scopesList[$i] = trim($scopesList[$i]);
if ($scopesList[$i] === '') {
unset($scopesList[$i]); // Remove any junk scopes
if (
$this->server->scopeParamRequired() === true
&& $this->server->getDefaultScope() === null
&& count($scopesList) === 0
) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('scope');
} elseif (count($scopesList) === 0 && $this->server->getDefaultScope() !== null) {
if (is_array($this->server->getDefaultScope())) {
$scopesList = $this->server->getDefaultScope();
} else {
$scopesList = [0 => $this->server->getDefaultScope()];
$scopes = [];
foreach ($scopesList as $scopeItem) {
$scope = $this->server->getScopeStorage()->get(
// If the client is confidential require the client secret
$clientSecret = $this->getRequestParameter(
$this->getServerParameter('PHP_AUTH_PW', $request)
if (($scope instanceof ScopeEntity) === false) {
throw new Exception\InvalidScopeException($scopeItem, $redirectUri);
$client = $this->clientRepository->getClientEntity(
if (!$client instanceof ClientEntityInterface) {
$this->getEmitter()->emit(new RequestEvent('client.authentication.failed', $request));
throw OAuthServerException::invalidClient();
$scopes[$scope->getId()] = $scope;
// If a redirect URI is provided ensure it matches what is pre-registered
$redirectUri = $this->getRequestParameter('redirect_uri', $request, null);
if ($redirectUri !== null) {
if (
&& (strcmp($client->getRedirectUri(), $redirectUri) !== 0)
) {
$this->getEmitter()->emit(new RequestEvent('client.authentication.failed', $request));
throw OAuthServerException::invalidClient();
} elseif (
&& in_array($redirectUri, $client->getRedirectUri()) === false
) {
$this->getEmitter()->emit(new RequestEvent('client.authentication.failed', $request));
throw OAuthServerException::invalidClient();
return $client;
* Validate scopes in the request.
* @param string $scopes
* @param string $redirectUri
* @throws \League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ScopeEntityInterface[]
public function validateScopes(
$redirectUri = null
) {
$scopesList = array_filter(
explode(self::SCOPE_DELIMITER_STRING, trim($scopes)),
function ($scope) {
return !empty($scope);
$scopes = [];
foreach ($scopesList as $scopeItem) {
$scope = $this->scopeRepository->getScopeEntityByIdentifier($scopeItem);
if (!$scope instanceof ScopeEntityInterface) {
throw OAuthServerException::invalidScope($scopeItem, $redirectUri);
$scopes[] = $scope;
return $scopes;
* Format the local scopes array
* Retrieve request parameter.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ScopeEntity[]
* @param string $parameter
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @param mixed $default
* @return array
* @return null|string
protected function formatScopes($unformated = [])
protected function getRequestParameter($parameter, ServerRequestInterface $request, $default = null)
$scopes = [];
foreach ($unformated as $scope) {
if ($scope instanceof ScopeEntity) {
$scopes[$scope->getId()] = $scope;
$requestParameters = (array) $request->getParsedBody();
return isset($requestParameters[$parameter]) ? $requestParameters[$parameter] : $default;
return $scopes;
* Retrieve query string parameter.
* @param string $parameter
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @param mixed $default
* @return null|string
protected function getQueryStringParameter($parameter, ServerRequestInterface $request, $default = null)
return isset($request->getQueryParams()[$parameter]) ? $request->getQueryParams()[$parameter] : $default;
* Retrieve cookie parameter.
* @param string $parameter
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @param mixed $default
* @return null|string
protected function getCookieParameter($parameter, ServerRequestInterface $request, $default = null)
return isset($request->getCookieParams()[$parameter]) ? $request->getCookieParams()[$parameter] : $default;
* Retrieve server parameter.
* @param string $parameter
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @param mixed $default
* @return null|string
protected function getServerParameter($parameter, ServerRequestInterface $request, $default = null)
return isset($request->getServerParams()[$parameter]) ? $request->getServerParams()[$parameter] : $default;
* Issue an access token.
* @param \DateInterval $accessTokenTTL
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface $client
* @param string $userIdentifier
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ScopeEntityInterface[] $scopes
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AccessTokenEntityInterface
protected function issueAccessToken(
\DateInterval $accessTokenTTL,
ClientEntityInterface $client,
array $scopes = []
) {
$accessToken = $this->accessTokenRepository->getNewToken($client, $scopes, $userIdentifier);
$accessToken->setExpiryDateTime((new \DateTime())->add($accessTokenTTL));
foreach ($scopes as $scope) {
return $accessToken;
* Issue an auth code.
* @param \DateInterval $authCodeTTL
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface $client
* @param string $userIdentifier
* @param string $redirectUri
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ScopeEntityInterface[] $scopes
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AuthCodeEntityInterface
protected function issueAuthCode(
\DateInterval $authCodeTTL,
ClientEntityInterface $client,
array $scopes = []
) {
$authCode = $this->authCodeRepository->getNewAuthCode();
$authCode->setExpiryDateTime((new \DateTime())->add($authCodeTTL));
foreach ($scopes as $scope) {
return $authCode;
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AccessTokenEntityInterface $accessToken
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\RefreshTokenEntityInterface
protected function issueRefreshToken(AccessTokenEntityInterface $accessToken)
$refreshToken = $this->refreshTokenRepository->getNewRefreshToken();
$refreshToken->setExpiryDateTime((new \DateTime())->add($this->refreshTokenTTL));
return $refreshToken;
* Generate a new unique identifier.
* @param int $length
* @throws \League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException
* @return string
protected function generateUniqueIdentifier($length = 40)
try {
return bin2hex(random_bytes($length));
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
} catch (\TypeError $e) {
throw OAuthServerException::serverError('An unexpected error has occurred');
} catch (\Error $e) {
throw OAuthServerException::serverError('An unexpected error has occurred');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// If you get this message, the CSPRNG failed hard.
throw OAuthServerException::serverError('Could not generate a random string');
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
* {@inheritdoc}
public function canRespondToAccessTokenRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request)
$requestParameters = (array) $request->getParsedBody();
return (
array_key_exists('grant_type', $requestParameters)
&& $requestParameters['grant_type'] === $this->getIdentifier()
* {@inheritdoc}
public function canRespondToAuthorizationRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request)
return false;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function validateAuthorizationRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request)
throw new \LogicException('This grant cannot validate an authorization request');
* {@inheritdoc}
public function completeAuthorizationRequest(AuthorizationRequest $authorizationRequest)
throw new \LogicException('This grant cannot complete an authorization request');
@ -1,303 +1,266 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Auth code grant
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Grant;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AccessTokenEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AuthCodeEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ClientEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\RefreshTokenEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\SessionEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Event;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Util\SecureKey;
use DateInterval;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ScopeEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\UserEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AuthCodeRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\RequestEvent;
use League\OAuth2\Server\RequestTypes\AuthorizationRequest;
use League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\RedirectResponse;
use League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
* Auth code grant class
class AuthCodeGrant extends AbstractGrant
class AuthCodeGrant extends AbstractAuthorizeGrant
* Grant identifier
* @var string
* @var \DateInterval
protected $identifier = 'authorization_code';
private $authCodeTTL;
* Response type
* @var string
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AuthCodeRepositoryInterface $authCodeRepository
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface $refreshTokenRepository
* @param \DateInterval $authCodeTTL
protected $responseType = 'code';
* AuthServer instance
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer
protected $server = null;
* Access token expires in override
* @var int
protected $accessTokenTTL = null;
* The TTL of the auth token
* @var integer
protected $authTokenTTL = 600;
* Whether to require the client secret when
* completing the flow.
* @var boolean
protected $requireClientSecret = true;
* Override the default access token expire time
* @param int $authTokenTTL
* @return void
public function setAuthTokenTTL($authTokenTTL)
$this->authTokenTTL = $authTokenTTL;
public function __construct(
AuthCodeRepositoryInterface $authCodeRepository,
RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface $refreshTokenRepository,
\DateInterval $authCodeTTL
) {
$this->authCodeTTL = $authCodeTTL;
$this->refreshTokenTTL = new \DateInterval('P1M');
* Respond to an access token request.
* @param bool $required True to require client secret during access
* token request. False if not. Default = true
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface $responseType
* @param \DateInterval $accessTokenTTL
* @throws \League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface
public function setRequireClientSecret($required)
$this->requireClientSecret = $required;
public function respondToAccessTokenRequest(
ServerRequestInterface $request,
ResponseTypeInterface $responseType,
DateInterval $accessTokenTTL
) {
// Validate request
$client = $this->validateClient($request);
$encryptedAuthCode = $this->getRequestParameter('code', $request, null);
if ($encryptedAuthCode === null) {
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRequest('code');
// Validate the authorization code
try {
$authCodePayload = json_decode($this->decrypt($encryptedAuthCode));
if (time() > $authCodePayload->expire_time) {
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRequest('code', 'Authorization code has expired');
if ($this->authCodeRepository->isAuthCodeRevoked($authCodePayload->auth_code_id) === true) {
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRequest('code', 'Authorization code has been revoked');
if ($authCodePayload->client_id !== $client->getIdentifier()) {
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRequest('code', 'Authorization code was not issued to this client');
// The redirect URI is required in this request
$redirectUri = $this->getRequestParameter('redirect_uri', $request, null);
if (empty($authCodePayload->redirect_uri) === false && $redirectUri === null) {
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRequest('redirect_uri');
if ($authCodePayload->redirect_uri !== $redirectUri) {
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRequest('redirect_uri', 'Invalid redirect URI');
$scopes = [];
foreach ($authCodePayload->scopes as $scopeId) {
$scope = $this->scopeRepository->getScopeEntityByIdentifier($scopeId);
if (!$scope instanceof ScopeEntityInterface) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
throw OAuthServerException::invalidScope($scopeId);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$scopes[] = $scope;
// Finalize the requested scopes
$scopes = $this->scopeRepository->finalizeScopes($scopes, $this->getIdentifier(), $client, $authCodePayload->user_id);
} catch (\LogicException $e) {
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRequest('code', 'Cannot decrypt the authorization code');
// Issue and persist access + refresh tokens
$accessToken = $this->issueAccessToken($accessTokenTTL, $client, $authCodePayload->user_id, $scopes);
$refreshToken = $this->issueRefreshToken($accessToken);
// Inject tokens into response type
// Revoke used auth code
return $responseType;
* True if client secret is required during
* access token request. False if it isn't.
* Return the grant identifier that can be used in matching up requests.
* @return bool
* @return string
public function shouldRequireClientSecret()
public function getIdentifier()
return $this->requireClientSecret;
return 'authorization_code';
* Check authorize parameters
* @return array Authorize request parameters
* @throws
* {@inheritdoc}
public function checkAuthorizeParams()
public function canRespondToAuthorizationRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request)
// Get required params
$clientId = $this->server->getRequest()->query->get('client_id', null);
return (
array_key_exists('response_type', $request->getQueryParams())
&& $request->getQueryParams()['response_type'] === 'code'
&& isset($request->getQueryParams()['client_id'])
* {@inheritdoc}
public function validateAuthorizationRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request)
$clientId = $this->getQueryStringParameter(
$this->getServerParameter('PHP_AUTH_USER', $request)
if (is_null($clientId)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('client_id');
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRequest('client_id');
$redirectUri = $this->server->getRequest()->query->get('redirect_uri', null);
if (is_null($redirectUri)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('redirect_uri');
// Validate client ID and redirect URI
$client = $this->server->getClientStorage()->get(
$client = $this->clientRepository->getClientEntity(
if (($client instanceof ClientEntity) === false) {
$this->server->getEventEmitter()->emit(new Event\ClientAuthenticationFailedEvent($this->server->getRequest()));
throw new Exception\InvalidClientException();
if ($client instanceof ClientEntityInterface === false) {
$this->getEmitter()->emit(new RequestEvent('client.authentication.failed', $request));
throw OAuthServerException::invalidClient();
$state = $this->server->getRequest()->query->get('state', null);
if ($this->server->stateParamRequired() === true && is_null($state)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('state', $redirectUri);
$redirectUri = $this->getQueryStringParameter('redirect_uri', $request);
if ($redirectUri !== null) {
if (
&& (strcmp($client->getRedirectUri(), $redirectUri) !== 0)
) {
$this->getEmitter()->emit(new RequestEvent('client.authentication.failed', $request));
throw OAuthServerException::invalidClient();
} elseif (
&& in_array($redirectUri, $client->getRedirectUri()) === false
) {
$this->getEmitter()->emit(new RequestEvent('client.authentication.failed', $request));
throw OAuthServerException::invalidClient();
$responseType = $this->server->getRequest()->query->get('response_type', null);
if (is_null($responseType)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('response_type', $redirectUri);
// Ensure response type is one that is recognised
if (!in_array($responseType, $this->server->getResponseTypes())) {
throw new Exception\UnsupportedResponseTypeException($responseType, $redirectUri);
// Validate any scopes that are in the request
$scopeParam = $this->server->getRequest()->query->get('scope', '');
$scopes = $this->validateScopes($scopeParam, $client, $redirectUri);
return [
'client' => $client,
'redirect_uri' => $redirectUri,
'state' => $state,
'response_type' => $responseType,
'scopes' => $scopes
* Parse a new authorize request
* @param string $type The session owner's type
* @param string $typeId The session owner's ID
* @param array $authParams The authorize request $_GET parameters
* @return string An authorisation code
public function newAuthorizeRequest($type, $typeId, $authParams = [])
// Create a new session
$session = new SessionEntity($this->server);
$session->setOwner($type, $typeId);
// Create a new auth code
$authCode = new AuthCodeEntity($this->server);
$authCode->setExpireTime(time() + $this->authTokenTTL);
foreach ($authParams['scopes'] as $scope) {
return $authCode->generateRedirectUri($authParams['state']);
* Complete the auth code grant
* @return array
* @throws
public function completeFlow()
// Get the required params
$clientId = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('client_id', $this->server->getRequest()->getUser());
if (is_null($clientId)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('client_id');
$clientSecret = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('client_secret',
if ($this->shouldRequireClientSecret() && is_null($clientSecret)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('client_secret');
$redirectUri = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('redirect_uri', null);
if (is_null($redirectUri)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('redirect_uri');
// Validate client ID and client secret
$client = $this->server->getClientStorage()->get(
$scopes = $this->validateScopes(
$this->getQueryStringParameter('scope', $request),
if (($client instanceof ClientEntity) === false) {
$this->server->getEventEmitter()->emit(new Event\ClientAuthenticationFailedEvent($this->server->getRequest()));
throw new Exception\InvalidClientException();
$stateParameter = $this->getQueryStringParameter('state', $request);
$authorizationRequest = new AuthorizationRequest();
return $authorizationRequest;
// Validate the auth code
$authCode = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('code', null);
if (is_null($authCode)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('code');
* {@inheritdoc}
public function completeAuthorizationRequest(AuthorizationRequest $authorizationRequest)
if ($authorizationRequest->getUser() instanceof UserEntityInterface === false) {
throw new \LogicException('An instance of UserEntityInterface should be set on the AuthorizationRequest');
$code = $this->server->getAuthCodeStorage()->get($authCode);
if (($code instanceof AuthCodeEntity) === false) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('code');
$finalRedirectUri = ($authorizationRequest->getRedirectUri() === null)
? is_array($authorizationRequest->getClient()->getRedirectUri())
? $authorizationRequest->getClient()->getRedirectUri()[0]
: $authorizationRequest->getClient()->getRedirectUri()
: $authorizationRequest->getRedirectUri();
// The user approved the client, redirect them back with an auth code
if ($authorizationRequest->isAuthorizationApproved() === true) {
$authCode = $this->issueAuthCode(
$redirectPayload['code'] = $this->encrypt(
'client_id' => $authCode->getClient()->getIdentifier(),
'redirect_uri' => $authCode->getRedirectUri(),
'auth_code_id' => $authCode->getIdentifier(),
'scopes' => $authCode->getScopes(),
'user_id' => $authCode->getUserIdentifier(),
'expire_time' => (new \DateTime())->add($this->authCodeTTL)->format('U'),
$redirectPayload['state'] = $authorizationRequest->getState();
$response = new RedirectResponse();
return $response;
// Ensure the auth code hasn't expired
if ($code->isExpired() === true) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('code');
// Check redirect URI presented matches redirect URI originally used in authorize request
if ($code->getRedirectUri() !== $redirectUri) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('redirect_uri');
$session = $code->getSession();
$authCodeScopes = $code->getScopes();
// Generate the access token
$accessToken = new AccessTokenEntity($this->server);
$accessToken->setExpireTime($this->getAccessTokenTTL() + time());
foreach ($authCodeScopes as $authCodeScope) {
foreach ($session->getScopes() as $scope) {
$this->server->getTokenType()->setParam('access_token', $accessToken->getId());
$this->server->getTokenType()->setParam('expires_in', $this->getAccessTokenTTL());
// Associate a refresh token if set
if ($this->server->hasGrantType('refresh_token')) {
$refreshToken = new RefreshTokenEntity($this->server);
$refreshToken->setExpireTime($this->server->getGrantType('refresh_token')->getRefreshTokenTTL() + time());
$this->server->getTokenType()->setParam('refresh_token', $refreshToken->getId());
// Expire the auth code
// Save all the things
if (isset($refreshToken) && $this->server->hasGrantType('refresh_token')) {
return $this->server->getTokenType()->generateResponse();
// The user denied the client, redirect them back with an error
throw OAuthServerException::accessDenied(
'The user denied the request',
@ -1,122 +1,52 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Client credentials grant
* OAuth 2.0 Client credentials grant.
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Grant;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AccessTokenEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ClientEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\SessionEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Event;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Util\SecureKey;
use League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
* Client credentials grant class
* Client credentials grant class.
class ClientCredentialsGrant extends AbstractGrant
* Grant identifier
* @var string
* {@inheritdoc}
protected $identifier = 'client_credentials';
public function respondToAccessTokenRequest(
ServerRequestInterface $request,
ResponseTypeInterface $responseType,
\DateInterval $accessTokenTTL
) {
// Validate request
$client = $this->validateClient($request);
$scopes = $this->validateScopes($this->getRequestParameter('scope', $request));
// Finalize the requested scopes
$scopes = $this->scopeRepository->finalizeScopes($scopes, $this->getIdentifier(), $client);
// Issue and persist access token
$accessToken = $this->issueAccessToken($accessTokenTTL, $client, null, $scopes);
// Inject access token into response type
return $responseType;
* Response type
* @var string
* {@inheritdoc}
protected $responseType = null;
* AuthServer instance
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer
protected $server = null;
* Access token expires in override
* @var int
protected $accessTokenTTL = null;
* Complete the client credentials grant
* @return array
* @throws
public function completeFlow()
public function getIdentifier()
// Get the required params
$clientId = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('client_id', $this->server->getRequest()->getUser());
if (is_null($clientId)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('client_id');
$clientSecret = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('client_secret',
if (is_null($clientSecret)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('client_secret');
// Validate client ID and client secret
$client = $this->server->getClientStorage()->get(
if (($client instanceof ClientEntity) === false) {
$this->server->getEventEmitter()->emit(new Event\ClientAuthenticationFailedEvent($this->server->getRequest()));
throw new Exception\InvalidClientException();
// Validate any scopes that are in the request
$scopeParam = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('scope', '');
$scopes = $this->validateScopes($scopeParam, $client);
// Create a new session
$session = new SessionEntity($this->server);
$session->setOwner('client', $client->getId());
// Generate an access token
$accessToken = new AccessTokenEntity($this->server);
$accessToken->setExpireTime($this->getAccessTokenTTL() + time());
// Associate scopes with the session and access token
foreach ($scopes as $scope) {
foreach ($session->getScopes() as $scope) {
// Save everything
$this->server->getTokenType()->setParam('access_token', $accessToken->getId());
$this->server->getTokenType()->setParam('expires_in', $this->getAccessTokenTTL());
return $this->server->getTokenType()->generateResponse();
return 'client_credentials';
@ -1,59 +1,134 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Grant type interface
* OAuth 2.0 Grant type interface.
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Grant;
use League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer;
use League\Event\EmitterAwareInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AccessTokenRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ClientRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ScopeRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\RequestTypes\AuthorizationRequest;
use League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
* Grant type interface
* Grant type interface.
interface GrantTypeInterface
interface GrantTypeInterface extends EmitterAwareInterface
* Return the identifier
* Set refresh token TTL.
* @param \DateInterval $refreshTokenTTL
public function setRefreshTokenTTL(\DateInterval $refreshTokenTTL);
* Return the grant identifier that can be used in matching up requests.
* @return string
public function getIdentifier();
* Return the identifier
* Respond to an incoming request.
* @param string $identifier
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface $responseType
* @param \DateInterval $accessTokenTTL
* @return self
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface
public function setIdentifier($identifier);
public function respondToAccessTokenRequest(
ServerRequestInterface $request,
ResponseTypeInterface $responseType,
\DateInterval $accessTokenTTL
* Return the response type
* The grant type should return true if it is able to response to an authorization request
* @return string
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @return bool
public function getResponseType();
public function canRespondToAuthorizationRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request);
* Inject the authorization server into the grant
* If the grant can respond to an authorization request this method should be called to validate the parameters of
* the request.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer $server The authorization server instance
* If the validation is successful an AuthorizationRequest object will be returned. This object can be safely
* serialized in a user's session, and can be used during user authentication and authorization.
* @return self
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @return AuthorizationRequest
public function setAuthorizationServer(AuthorizationServer $server);
public function validateAuthorizationRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request);
* Complete the grant flow
* Once a user has authenticated and authorized the client the grant can complete the authorization request.
* The AuthorizationRequest object's $userId property must be set to the authenticated user and the
* $authorizationApproved property must reflect their desire to authorize or deny the client.
* @return array
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\RequestTypes\AuthorizationRequest $authorizationRequest
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface
public function completeFlow();
public function completeAuthorizationRequest(AuthorizationRequest $authorizationRequest);
* The grant type should return true if it is able to respond to this request.
* For example most grant types will check that the $_POST['grant_type'] property matches it's identifier property.
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @return bool
public function canRespondToAccessTokenRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request);
* Set the client repository.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ClientRepositoryInterface $clientRepository
public function setClientRepository(ClientRepositoryInterface $clientRepository);
* Set the access token repository.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\AccessTokenRepositoryInterface $accessTokenRepository
public function setAccessTokenRepository(AccessTokenRepositoryInterface $accessTokenRepository);
* Set the scope repository.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\ScopeRepositoryInterface $scopeRepository
public function setScopeRepository(ScopeRepositoryInterface $scopeRepository);
* Set the path to the private key.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey $privateKey
public function setPrivateKey(CryptKey $privateKey);
* Set the path to the public key.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\CryptKey $publicKey
public function setPublicKey(CryptKey $publicKey);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Grant;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\UserEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\RequestEvent;
use League\OAuth2\Server\RequestTypes\AuthorizationRequest;
use League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\RedirectResponse;
use League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
class ImplicitGrant extends AbstractAuthorizeGrant
* @var \DateInterval
private $accessTokenTTL;
* @param \DateInterval $accessTokenTTL
public function __construct(\DateInterval $accessTokenTTL)
$this->accessTokenTTL = $accessTokenTTL;
* @param \DateInterval $refreshTokenTTL
* @throw \LogicException
public function setRefreshTokenTTL(\DateInterval $refreshTokenTTL)
throw new \LogicException('The Implicit Grant does nto return refresh tokens');
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface $refreshTokenRepository
* @throw \LogicException
public function setRefreshTokenRepository(RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface $refreshTokenRepository)
throw new \LogicException('The Implicit Grant does nto return refresh tokens');
* {@inheritdoc}
public function canRespondToAccessTokenRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request)
return false;
* Return the grant identifier that can be used in matching up requests.
* @return string
public function getIdentifier()
return 'implicit';
* Respond to an incoming request.
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface $responseType
* @param \DateInterval $accessTokenTTL
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface
public function respondToAccessTokenRequest(
ServerRequestInterface $request,
ResponseTypeInterface $responseType,
\DateInterval $accessTokenTTL
) {
throw new \LogicException('This grant does not used this method');
* {@inheritdoc}
public function canRespondToAuthorizationRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request)
return (
array_key_exists('response_type', $request->getQueryParams())
&& $request->getQueryParams()['response_type'] === 'token'
&& isset($request->getQueryParams()['client_id'])
* {@inheritdoc}
public function validateAuthorizationRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request)
$clientId = $this->getQueryStringParameter(
$this->getServerParameter('PHP_AUTH_USER', $request)
if (is_null($clientId)) {
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRequest('client_id');
$client = $this->clientRepository->getClientEntity(
if ($client instanceof ClientEntityInterface === false) {
$this->getEmitter()->emit(new RequestEvent('client.authentication.failed', $request));
throw OAuthServerException::invalidClient();
$redirectUri = $this->getQueryStringParameter('redirect_uri', $request);
if ($redirectUri !== null) {
if (
&& (strcmp($client->getRedirectUri(), $redirectUri) !== 0)
) {
$this->getEmitter()->emit(new RequestEvent('client.authentication.failed', $request));
throw OAuthServerException::invalidClient();
} elseif (
&& in_array($redirectUri, $client->getRedirectUri()) === false
) {
$this->getEmitter()->emit(new RequestEvent('client.authentication.failed', $request));
throw OAuthServerException::invalidClient();
$scopes = $this->validateScopes(
$this->getQueryStringParameter('scope', $request),
$stateParameter = $this->getQueryStringParameter('state', $request);
$authorizationRequest = new AuthorizationRequest();
return $authorizationRequest;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function completeAuthorizationRequest(AuthorizationRequest $authorizationRequest)
if ($authorizationRequest->getUser() instanceof UserEntityInterface === false) {
throw new \LogicException('An instance of UserEntityInterface should be set on the AuthorizationRequest');
$finalRedirectUri = ($authorizationRequest->getRedirectUri() === null)
? is_array($authorizationRequest->getClient()->getRedirectUri())
? $authorizationRequest->getClient()->getRedirectUri()[0]
: $authorizationRequest->getClient()->getRedirectUri()
: $authorizationRequest->getRedirectUri();
// The user approved the client, redirect them back with an access token
if ($authorizationRequest->isAuthorizationApproved() === true) {
$accessToken = $this->issueAccessToken(
$redirectPayload['access_token'] = (string) $accessToken->convertToJWT($this->privateKey);
$redirectPayload['token_type'] = 'bearer';
$redirectPayload['expires_in'] = $accessToken->getExpiryDateTime()->getTimestamp() - (new \DateTime())->getTimestamp();
$response = new RedirectResponse();
return $response;
// The user denied the client, redirect them back with an error
throw OAuthServerException::accessDenied(
'The user denied the request',
@ -1,182 +1,110 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Password grant
* OAuth 2.0 Password grant.
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Grant;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AccessTokenEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ClientEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\RefreshTokenEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\SessionEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Event;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Util\SecureKey;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\UserEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\UserRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\RequestEvent;
use League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
* Password grant class
* Password grant class.
class PasswordGrant extends AbstractGrant
* Grant identifier
* @var string
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface $refreshTokenRepository
protected $identifier = 'password';
public function __construct(
UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository,
RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface $refreshTokenRepository
) {
$this->refreshTokenTTL = new \DateInterval('P1M');
* Response type
* @var string
* {@inheritdoc}
protected $responseType;
public function respondToAccessTokenRequest(
ServerRequestInterface $request,
ResponseTypeInterface $responseType,
\DateInterval $accessTokenTTL
) {
// Validate request
$client = $this->validateClient($request);
$scopes = $this->validateScopes($this->getRequestParameter('scope', $request));
$user = $this->validateUser($request, $client);
// Finalize the requested scopes
$scopes = $this->scopeRepository->finalizeScopes($scopes, $this->getIdentifier(), $client, $user->getIdentifier());
// Issue and persist new tokens
$accessToken = $this->issueAccessToken($accessTokenTTL, $client, $user->getIdentifier(), $scopes);
$refreshToken = $this->issueRefreshToken($accessToken);
// Inject tokens into response
return $responseType;
* Callback to authenticate a user's name and password
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface $client
* @var callable
* @throws \League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException
* @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\UserEntityInterface
protected $callback;
* Access token expires in override
* @var int
protected $accessTokenTTL;
* Set the callback to verify a user's username and password
* @param callable $callback The callback function
* @return void
public function setVerifyCredentialsCallback(callable $callback)
protected function validateUser(ServerRequestInterface $request, ClientEntityInterface $client)
$this->callback = $callback;
* Return the callback function
* @return callable
* @throws
protected function getVerifyCredentialsCallback()
if (is_null($this->callback) || !is_callable($this->callback)) {
throw new Exception\ServerErrorException('Null or non-callable callback set on Password grant');
return $this->callback;
* Complete the password grant
* @return array
* @throws
public function completeFlow()
// Get the required params
$clientId = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('client_id', $this->server->getRequest()->getUser());
if (is_null($clientId)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('client_id');
$clientSecret = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('client_secret',
if (is_null($clientSecret)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('client_secret');
// Validate client ID and client secret
$client = $this->server->getClientStorage()->get(
if (($client instanceof ClientEntity) === false) {
$this->server->getEventEmitter()->emit(new Event\ClientAuthenticationFailedEvent($this->server->getRequest()));
throw new Exception\InvalidClientException();
$username = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('username', null);
$username = $this->getRequestParameter('username', $request);
if (is_null($username)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('username');
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRequest('username', '`%s` parameter is missing');
$password = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('password', null);
$password = $this->getRequestParameter('password', $request);
if (is_null($password)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('password');
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRequest('password', '`%s` parameter is missing');
// Check if user's username and password are correct
$userId = call_user_func($this->getVerifyCredentialsCallback(), $username, $password);
$user = $this->userRepository->getUserEntityByUserCredentials(
if (!$user instanceof UserEntityInterface) {
$this->getEmitter()->emit(new RequestEvent('user.authentication.failed', $request));
if ($userId === false) {
$this->server->getEventEmitter()->emit(new Event\UserAuthenticationFailedEvent($this->server->getRequest()));
throw new Exception\InvalidCredentialsException();
throw OAuthServerException::invalidCredentials();
// Validate any scopes that are in the request
$scopeParam = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('scope', '');
$scopes = $this->validateScopes($scopeParam, $client);
// Create a new session
$session = new SessionEntity($this->server);
$session->setOwner('user', $userId);
// Generate an access token
$accessToken = new AccessTokenEntity($this->server);
$accessToken->setExpireTime($this->getAccessTokenTTL() + time());
// Associate scopes with the session and access token
foreach ($scopes as $scope) {
return $user;
foreach ($session->getScopes() as $scope) {
$this->server->getTokenType()->setParam('access_token', $accessToken->getId());
$this->server->getTokenType()->setParam('expires_in', $this->getAccessTokenTTL());
// Associate a refresh token if set
if ($this->server->hasGrantType('refresh_token')) {
$refreshToken = new RefreshTokenEntity($this->server);
$refreshToken->setExpireTime($this->server->getGrantType('refresh_token')->getRefreshTokenTTL() + time());
$this->server->getTokenType()->setParam('refresh_token', $refreshToken->getId());
// Save everything
if ($this->server->hasGrantType('refresh_token')) {
return $this->server->getTokenType()->generateResponse();
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getIdentifier()
return 'password';
@ -1,223 +1,132 @@
* OAuth 2.0 Refresh token grant
* OAuth 2.0 Refresh token grant.
* @package league/oauth2-server
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Grant;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\AccessTokenEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ClientEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\RefreshTokenEntity;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Event;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Util\SecureKey;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ScopeEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\RequestEvent;
use League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\ResponseTypeInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
* Refresh token grant
* Refresh token grant.
class RefreshTokenGrant extends AbstractGrant
* {@inheritdoc}
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface $refreshTokenRepository
protected $identifier = 'refresh_token';
* Refresh token TTL (default = 604800 | 1 week)
* @var integer
protected $refreshTokenTTL = 604800;
* Rotate token (default = true)
* @var integer
protected $refreshTokenRotate = true;
* Whether to require the client secret when
* completing the flow.
* @var boolean
protected $requireClientSecret = true;
* Set the TTL of the refresh token
* @param int $refreshTokenTTL
* @return void
public function setRefreshTokenTTL($refreshTokenTTL)
public function __construct(RefreshTokenRepositoryInterface $refreshTokenRepository)
$this->refreshTokenTTL = $refreshTokenTTL;
* Get the TTL of the refresh token
* @return int
public function getRefreshTokenTTL()
return $this->refreshTokenTTL;
$this->refreshTokenTTL = new \DateInterval('P1M');
* Set the rotation boolean of the refresh token
* @param bool $refreshTokenRotate
public function setRefreshTokenRotation($refreshTokenRotate = true)
$this->refreshTokenRotate = $refreshTokenRotate;
* Get rotation boolean of the refresh token
* @return bool
public function shouldRotateRefreshTokens()
return $this->refreshTokenRotate;
* @param bool $required True to require client secret during access
* token request. False if not. Default = true
public function setRequireClientSecret($required)
$this->requireClientSecret = $required;
* True if client secret is required during
* access token request. False if it isn't.
* @return bool
public function shouldRequireClientSecret()
return $this->requireClientSecret;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function completeFlow()
$clientId = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('client_id', $this->server->getRequest()->getUser());
if (is_null($clientId)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('client_id');
$clientSecret = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('client_secret',
if ($this->shouldRequireClientSecret() && is_null($clientSecret)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('client_secret');
// Validate client ID and client secret
$client = $this->server->getClientStorage()->get(
if (($client instanceof ClientEntity) === false) {
$this->server->getEventEmitter()->emit(new Event\ClientAuthenticationFailedEvent($this->server->getRequest()));
throw new Exception\InvalidClientException();
$oldRefreshTokenParam = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('refresh_token', null);
if ($oldRefreshTokenParam === null) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRequestException('refresh_token');
// Validate refresh token
$oldRefreshToken = $this->server->getRefreshTokenStorage()->get($oldRefreshTokenParam);
if (($oldRefreshToken instanceof RefreshTokenEntity) === false) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRefreshException();
// Ensure the old refresh token hasn't expired
if ($oldRefreshToken->isExpired() === true) {
throw new Exception\InvalidRefreshException();
$oldAccessToken = $oldRefreshToken->getAccessToken();
// Get the scopes for the original session
$session = $oldAccessToken->getSession();
$scopes = $this->formatScopes($session->getScopes());
// Get and validate any requested scopes
$requestedScopesString = $this->server->getRequest()->request->get('scope', '');
$requestedScopes = $this->validateScopes($requestedScopesString, $client);
public function respondToAccessTokenRequest(
ServerRequestInterface $request,
ResponseTypeInterface $responseType,
\DateInterval $accessTokenTTL
) {
// Validate request
$client = $this->validateClient($request);
$oldRefreshToken = $this->validateOldRefreshToken($request, $client->getIdentifier());
$scopes = $this->validateScopes($this->getRequestParameter('scope', $request));
// If no new scopes are requested then give the access token the original session scopes
if (count($requestedScopes) === 0) {
$newScopes = $scopes;
if (count($scopes) === 0) {
$scopes = array_map(function ($scopeId) use ($client) {
$scope = $this->scopeRepository->getScopeEntityByIdentifier($scopeId);
if (!$scope instanceof ScopeEntityInterface) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
throw OAuthServerException::invalidScope($scopeId);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return $scope;
}, $oldRefreshToken['scopes']);
} else {
// The OAuth spec says that a refreshed access token can have the original scopes or fewer so ensure
// the request doesn't include any new scopes
foreach ($requestedScopes as $requestedScope) {
if (!isset($scopes[$requestedScope->getId()])) {
throw new Exception\InvalidScopeException($requestedScope->getId());
foreach ($scopes as $scope) {
if (in_array($scope->getIdentifier(), $oldRefreshToken['scopes']) === false) {
throw OAuthServerException::invalidScope($scope->getIdentifier());
$newScopes = $requestedScopes;
// Expire old tokens
// Issue and persist new tokens
$accessToken = $this->issueAccessToken($accessTokenTTL, $client, $oldRefreshToken['user_id'], $scopes);
$refreshToken = $this->issueRefreshToken($accessToken);
// Inject tokens into response
return $responseType;
// Generate a new access token and assign it the correct sessions
$newAccessToken = new AccessTokenEntity($this->server);
$newAccessToken->setExpireTime($this->getAccessTokenTTL() + time());
foreach ($newScopes as $newScope) {
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @param string $clientId
* @throws \League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException
* @return array
protected function validateOldRefreshToken(ServerRequestInterface $request, $clientId)
$encryptedRefreshToken = $this->getRequestParameter('refresh_token', $request);
if (is_null($encryptedRefreshToken)) {
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRequest('refresh_token');
// Expire the old token and save the new one
$this->server->getTokenType()->setParam('access_token', $newAccessToken->getId());
$this->server->getTokenType()->setParam('expires_in', $this->getAccessTokenTTL());
if ($this->shouldRotateRefreshTokens()) {
// Expire the old refresh token
// Generate a new refresh token
$newRefreshToken = new RefreshTokenEntity($this->server);
$newRefreshToken->setExpireTime($this->getRefreshTokenTTL() + time());
$this->server->getTokenType()->setParam('refresh_token', $newRefreshToken->getId());
} else {
$this->server->getTokenType()->setParam('refresh_token', $oldRefreshToken->getId());
// Validate refresh token
try {
$refreshToken = $this->decrypt($encryptedRefreshToken);
} catch (\LogicException $e) {
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRefreshToken('Cannot decrypt the refresh token');
return $this->server->getTokenType()->generateResponse();
$refreshTokenData = json_decode($refreshToken, true);
if ($refreshTokenData['client_id'] !== $clientId) {
$this->getEmitter()->emit(new RequestEvent('refresh_token.client.failed', $request));
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRefreshToken('Token is not linked to client');
if ($refreshTokenData['expire_time'] < time()) {
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRefreshToken('Token has expired');
if ($this->refreshTokenRepository->isRefreshTokenRevoked($refreshTokenData['refresh_token_id']) === true) {
throw OAuthServerException::invalidRefreshToken('Token has been revoked');
return $refreshTokenData;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getIdentifier()
return 'refresh_token';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Middleware;
use League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
class AuthorizationServerMiddleware
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer
private $server;
* AuthorizationServerMiddleware constructor.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer $server
public function __construct(AuthorizationServer $server)
$this->server = $server;
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response
* @param callable $next
* @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, callable $next)
try {
$response = $this->server->respondToAccessTokenRequest($request, $response);
} catch (OAuthServerException $exception) {
return $exception->generateHttpResponse($response);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $response->withStatus(500);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
// Pass the request and response on to the next responder in the chain
return $next($request, $response);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Middleware;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException;
use League\OAuth2\Server\ResourceServer;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
class ResourceServerMiddleware
* @var \League\OAuth2\Server\ResourceServer
private $server;
* ResourceServerMiddleware constructor.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\ResourceServer $server
public function __construct(ResourceServer $server)
$this->server = $server;
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response
* @param callable $next
* @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, callable $next)
try {
$request = $this->server->validateAuthenticatedRequest($request);
} catch (OAuthServerException $exception) {
return $exception->generateHttpResponse($response);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
return $response->withStatus(500);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
// Pass the request and response on to the next responder in the chain
return $next($request, $response);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* @author Alex Bilbie <hello@alexbilbie.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) Alex Bilbie
* @license http://mit-license.org/
* @link https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server
namespace League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AccessTokenEntityInterface;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface;
* Access token interface.
interface AccessTokenRepositoryInterface extends RepositoryInterface
* Create a new access token
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ClientEntityInterface $clientEntity
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\ScopeEntityInterface[] $scopes
* @param mixed $userIdentifier
* @return AccessTokenEntityInterface
public function getNewToken(ClientEntityInterface $clientEntity, array $scopes, $userIdentifier = null);
* Persists a new access token to permanent storage.
* @param \League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\AccessTokenEntityInterface $accessTokenEntity
public function persistNewAccessToken(AccessTokenEntityInterface $accessTokenEntity);
* Revoke an access token.
* @param string $tokenId
public function revokeAccessToken($tokenId);
* Check if the access token has been revoked.
* @param string $tokenId
* @return bool Return true if this token has been revoked
public function isAccessTokenRevoked($tokenId);
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user