Ely.by PHP-CS-Fixer rules
Set of PHP-CS-Fixer rules used in development of Ely.by PHP projects. It's suited for PHP 7.4 and above.
First of all install Ely.by PHP-CS-Fixer rules via composer with PHP-CS-Fixer:
composer require --dev friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ely/php-code-style
Then create a file .php-cs-fixer.php
with the following contents:
$finder = \PhpCsFixer\Finder::create()
return \Ely\CS\Config::create()
And that's it. You can now find code style violations with following command:
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer --diff --dry-run -v fix
And then completely fix them all with:
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix
You can pass a custom set of rules to the \Ely\CS\Config::create()
call. For example, it can be used to validate a
project with PHP 7.4 compatibility:
return \Ely\CS\Config::create([
'trailing_comma_in_multiline' => [
'elements' => ['arrays', 'arguments'],
Code style
Our code style is based primarily on PSR-2, while borrowing some ideas from PSR-12 with some changes.
This example encompasses some of the rules below as a quick overview:
namespace Vendor\Package;
use Vendor\Package\SomeNamespace\ClassA;
class Foo extends Bar implements FooInterface {
use SomeTrait;
private const SAMPLE_1 = 123;
private const SAMPLE_2 = 321;
public $field1;
public Typed $field2;
public function sampleFunction(
int $a,
private readonly int $b = null,
): array {
if ($a === $this->b) {
$result = bar();
} else {
$result = BazClass::bar($this->field1, $this->field2);
return $result;
public function setToNull(): self {
$this->field1 = null;
return $this;
Key differences:
Opening braces for classes MUST be on the same line.
Opening braces for methods MUST be on the next line.
Additional rules:
There MUST be one empty line before
statement, except when there is only one statement before it.<?php function a() { $a = '123'; return $a . ' is a number'; } function b() { $a = '123'; $b = 'is'; return $a . ' ' . $b . ' a number'; }
There MUST be one blank line around class body, but there MUST be no blank lines around anonymous class body.
<?php class Test { public function method() { $obj = new class extends Foo { public function overriddenMethod() { // code body } }; } }
Visibility MUST be declared for all methods, properties and constants.
There MUST be one blank line after an each of
bodies.<?php if (true) { // some actions here } echo 'the next statement is here';
There MUST be no alignment around multiline function parameters.
<?php function foo( string $input, int $key = 0, ): void {}