
156 lines
4.7 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component type="desktop">
<summary>Imagine with AI</summary>
<launchable type="desktop-id">page.codeberg.Imaginer.Imaginer.desktop</launchable>
<content_rating type="oars-1.1"/>
<p>Generate pictures with Artificial Intelligence and save them</p>
<screenshot type="default" width="822" height="722">
<caption>Imaginer main UI</caption>
<image type="source"></image>
<url type="homepage"></url>
<url type="bugtracker"></url>
<url type="help"></url>
<url type="translate"></url>
<display_length compare="ge">360</display_length>
<keyword>Stable Diffusion</keyword>
<keyword>Image Generation</keyword>
<keyword>Image Generation with AI</keyword>
<keyword>Artificial Intelligence</keyword>
<release version="0.2.2" date="2023-5-26" type="stable">
<p>Going local</p>
<li>Add the ability to use Stable Diffusion running locally</li>
<li>Add the ability to customize filename</li>
<li>Fix some bugs</li>
<li>Update translations</li>
<release version="0.2.1" date="2023-5-18" type="stable">
<p>Unlimited Image Generation Power</p>
<li>Add custom provider (Hugging Face)</li>
<li>Fix portrait plus provider </li>
<li>Fix the ability to save credentials</li>
<li>Improve the UI</li>
<li>Rework the loading mechanism</li>
<li>Move the provider selector to the menu</li>
<li>Fix some bugs</li>
<li>Update translations</li>
<release version="0.2.0" date="2023-5-13" type="stable">
<p>Imaginer X Bavarder</p>
<li>Imaginer has been rebased on Bavarder, that's mean that now Imaginer got the Preferences window and a better provider mechanism</li>
<li>Ability to save credentials</li>
<li>Improve the new window feature</li>
<li>Add explanation of Negative prompt</li>
<li>Improve the UI</li>
<li>Move the provider selector to the menu</li>
<li>Fix some bugs</li>
<li>Update translations</li>
<release version="0.1.5" date="2023-5-12" type="stable">
<p>Add help</p>
<li>Add a new help button for explaining how to get a token</li>
<li>New website</li>
<li>Update translations</li>
<release version="0.1.4" date="2023-5-8" type="stable">
<p>Make the app better</p>
<li>Add explanation about how to get a token</li>
<li>Fix the UI looks empty and buggy</li>
<li>Improve the About window</li>
<li>Add negative prompt</li>
<li>Update translations</li>
<release version="0.1.3" date="2023-5-4" type="stable">
<p>Icon !</p>
<li>Add app icon thanks to David</li>
<release version="0.1.2" date="2023-5-3" type="stable">
<p>Appdata sorting</p>
<li>Sort appdata releases</li>
<release version="0.1.1" date="2023-5-3" type="stable">
<p>Bug fixes</p>
<li>Fix a bug causing the app to crash when the path is not selected</li>
<release version="0.1.0" date="2023-5-3" type="stable">
<p>Imagine with AI</p>
<li>Generate a picture by clicking on the Imagine button</li>
<li>Support for multiple providers</li>
<li>Loading screen</li>
<li>Support for authentificated provider</li>
<li>Banner for errors</li>