This commit is contained in:
Akis 2023-02-21 19:54:42 +02:00
parent f181774062
commit befb74f0bb
Signed by untrusted user: akis
GPG Key ID: 267BF5C6677944ED
6 changed files with 142 additions and 119 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<footer class="sticky top-full"> <footer class="sticky top-full">
<div <div
class="flex flex-col justify-center sm:flex-row gap-1 border-t border-t-solid border-t-grey p-3 text-sm" class="flex flex-col justify-center sm:flex-row gap-1 bg-secondary p-3 text-sm"
> >
<p class="flex flex-row items-center gap-1"> <p class="flex flex-row items-center gap-1">
Made with <i class="i-simple-icons:svelte text-[#FF3E00] block" /> SvelteKit Made with <i class="i-simple-icons:svelte text-[#FF3E00] block" /> SvelteKit

src/lib/Nav/Link.svelte Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
<script lang="ts">
export let link: {
href: string;
text: string;
icon?: string;
import { page } from "$app/stores";
class="flex items-center gap-2 text-sm"
class:text-accent={link.href !== "/"
? $page.url.pathname.match(link.href)
: link.href === $page.url.pathname}
{#if link.icon}
<div class={link.icon} />
<span class:navPlus1:hidden={link.icon}>{link.text}</span>

src/lib/Nav/Logo.svelte Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
class="text-text no-underline flex items-center gap-2">
<img src="/logo.png" alt="Project Segfault logo" class="w-7">
Project Segfault</a

View File

@ -1,144 +1,136 @@
<script lang="ts"> <script lang="ts">
import ThemeToggle from "$lib/Nav/ThemeToggle.svelte"; import ThemeToggle from "./ThemeToggle.svelte";
import { page } from "$app/stores"; import Link from "./Link.svelte";
import { slide } from "svelte/transition" import Logo from "./Logo.svelte";
import { slide } from "svelte/transition";
import { quintOut } from "svelte/easing"; import { quintOut } from "svelte/easing";
$: currentPage = $page.url.pathname; const links = [
{ href: "/instances", text: "Instances" },
$: innerWidth = 0; { href: "/donate", text: "Donate" },
{ href: "/pubnix", text: "Pubnix" },
$: isMobile = innerWidth < 1090; { href: "/contact", text: "Contact" },
{ href: "/team", text: "Team" },
$: hasJS = typeof Window !== "undefined";
$: showMenuButton = hasJS && isMobile;
$: menuOpen = !hasJS || (hasJS && !isMobile);
$: menuOpenMobile = isMobile && menuOpen;
$: showThemeToggle = hasJS;
const toggleMenu = () => (menuOpen = !menuOpen);
const handleNavigation = () =>
showMenuButton ? (menuOpen = false) : (menuOpen = true);
const menus = [
{ name: "Instances", url: "/instances" },
{ name: "Donate", url: "/donate" },
{ name: "Pubnix", url: "/pubnix" },
{ name: "Contact", url: "/contact" },
{ name: "Team", url: "/team" },
{ {
name: "Wiki", href: "",
url: "", text: "Wiki",
external: true external: true
}, },
{ name: "Blog", url: "/blog" }, { href: "/blog", text: "Blog"},
{ {
name: "Status", href: "",
url: "", text: "Status",
external: true external: true
}, },
{ name: "Legal", url: "/legal" } { href: "/legal", text: "Legal" },
href: "",
text: "Matrix",
icon: "i-simple-icons:matrix"
href: "",
text: "GitHub",
icon: "i-simple-icons:github"
]; ];
const allowedWidth = 890;
let width: number;
$: showMenu = width > allowedWidth;
const navStyles =
"flex items-center justify-between lt-navPlus1:(flex-col items-start) gap-2 p-4 bg-secondary z-50 mb-16";
const linkContainerStyles =
"flex items-center gap-4 bg-secondary children:(no-underline text-text)";
let nav: HTMLElement;
let lastScrollTop: number;
let scrollTop: number;
const handleScroll = () => {
if (!showMenu) {
if (scrollTop > lastScrollTop) { = "-80px";
} else { = "0";
lastScrollTop = scrollTop;
</script> </script>
<svelte:window bind:innerWidth /> <svelte:window
<nav <nav
class="bg-primary {menuOpenMobile class="{navStyles} sticky w-full top-0 z-50 js transition-top duration-200"
? 'border-none' bind:this={nav}
: 'border-b border-b-solid border-b-grey'} {isMobile
? 'py-2'
: ''} flex px-2 flex-col justify-between nav:(flex-row items-center) {hasJS
? 'sticky top-0 z-50'
: 'border-b border-b-solid border-b-grey'}"
> >
<div class="flex flex-row items-center justify-between"> <!-- Slot for the progress bar -->
<a <slot />
class="flex items-center decoration-none text-text gap-2 transition-filter duration-250" <div class="flex items-center justify-between w-full">
href="/" <Logo />
on:click={() => (showMenu = !showMenu)}
aria-label="Toggle menu"
> >
<img <div
src="/logo.png" class="{showMenu
alt="Project Segfault logo"
<span>Project Segfault</span>
{#if showMenuButton}
? 'i-ic:outline-close' ? 'i-ic:outline-close'
: 'i-ic:outline-menu'} h-4 w-4 cursor-pointer mr-2" : 'i-ic:outline-menu'} navPlus1:hidden"
/> />
{/if} </button>
</div> </div>
{#if showMenu}
{#if menuOpen}
<div <div
class="links flex flex-row gap-2 {isMobile class="
? '!children:py-2' {linkContainerStyles}
: ''} {hasJS lt-navPlus1:(flex-col !items-start fixed pl-4 pb-4 z-50 w-full left-0 top-16)
? 'lt-nav:(flex flex-col pt-2 gap-2 fixed bg-primary w-full left-0 top-[2.75rem] p-2 z-50 border-b-solid border-b border-b-grey shadow shadow-secondary)' "
: 'lt-nav:(grid grid-cols-2 gap-2 pt-2 w-fit)'}"
transition:slide={{ duration: 300, easing: quintOut }} transition:slide={{ duration: 300, easing: quintOut }}
> >
{#each menus as { url, name, external }} {#each links as link}
<a <Link
class:active={url !== "/" {link}
? currentPage.match(url) on:click={() =>
: url === currentPage} width < allowedWidth
href={url} ? (showMenu = false)
on:click={handleNavigation} : (showMenu = true)}
>{#if external} />
<div class="i-ic:outline-open-in-new mr-2 h-4 w-4" />
{/each} {/each}
<a <ThemeToggle />
<div class="i-simple-icons:matrix" />
<div class="i-simple-icons:github" />
{#if showThemeToggle}
<div class="icon">
<ThemeToggle />
</div> </div>
{/if} {/if}
</nav> </nav>
<style> <noscript> { <nav class="{navStyles} no-js">
@apply text-accent; <Logo />
} <div
lt-navPlus1:(grid grid-cols-2 p-1)
{#each links as link}
<Link {link} />
.links > * { <style>
@apply py-4 px-2 text-text decoration-none transition-filter duration-250 text-sm flex items-center; .js {
} display: none;
.icon > span { </style>
@apply text-sm nav\:hidden; </noscript>
.icon {
@apply flex items-center gap-2 text-base;

View File

@ -24,5 +24,5 @@
? 'outline-light-mode' ? 'outline-light-mode'
: 'outline-dark-mode'} h-4 w-4" : 'outline-dark-mode'} h-4 w-4"
/> />
<span class="ml-2 nav:(hidden ml-1)">Toggle theme</span> <span class="ml-2 navPlus1:(hidden)">Toggle theme</span>
</button> </button>

View File

@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ export default defineConfig({
lg: "1024px", lg: "1024px",
xl: "1280px", xl: "1280px",
"2xl": "1536px", "2xl": "1536px",
nav: "1090px" nav: "890px",
navPlus1: "891px"
} }
} }
}); });