Doesn't die horribly on binary files anymore. In fact, they _100%_ work now. Control chars are in reverse video, including DEL and that idiocy of VT-10x, Meta-ESC [inventor of which should be prohibited from reproducing]. Regex search is fixed also. When you specify search ('/' key), control chars turn into dots (unhighlighted), and found occurrences highlighted instead. This is reversible. Memory management fixed (was leaky as hell) and optimized. Linewrapping fixed and thoroughly tested. Max buffer size made configurable. ~ 600 bytes saved.
Please see the LICENSE file for copyright information (GPLv2) libbb is BusyBox's utility library. All of this stuff used to be stuffed into a single file named utility.c. When I split utility.c to create libbb, some of the very oldest stuff ended up without their original copyright and licensing information (which is now lost in the mists of time). If you see something that you wrote that is mis-attributed, do let me know so we can fix that up. Erik Andersen <>