
333 lines
4.7 KiB

# testcases
# This file should be filled with test cases to test applets that:
# - can somehow produce output (we can't test sync or sleep)
# - have a GNU (or other) counterpart
# - are not interactive (don't require a ^C or anything)
# - don't require extensive setup or cleanup (a litte setup is fine)
# - don't have huge and possibly damaging effects (fsck, swapoff)
# If possible, a test case should be made that tests each option the applet
# supports. When a new option is added, a new test case should be written for
# it. When somebody reports a bug with a testcase, that testcase should be
# added here as well.
# Some other guidelines to follow:
# - please try to keep applets alphabetized, it will make life easier
# - use the file tester.sh or testcases when you need to do a non-destructive
# test on a file (i.e. cat, md5sum)
# - try to make the applet you're testing the first thing on the line (this
# not always possible)
# - (???) if you have to create a temporary file, call it TMPFILE
# ar
# basename
basename `pwd`
# cat
cat tester.sh
# chmod
# chown
# chgrp
# chroot
# chvt - can't be tested here
# clear - can't be tested here
# cmp
# cp
# mv
# cut
echo "1234" | cut -c1
echo "f1 f2" | cut -f2
# date
date -R
date -u
date +%d/%m/%y
# dc - needs an input file
# dd
dd if=/dev/urandom of=O bs=1k count=1 ; ls -l O ; rm O
# deallocvt
# df
df .
df -k
df -h
df -m
# dirname
dirname `pwd`
# dmesg (XXX: change the silly cmd business in the source)
dmesg -n 8
dmesg -s 512
# I really don't want to do this next one
#dmesg -c
# dos2unix - needs an input file
# dpkg
# dpkg_deb
# du
du -s
du -l
du -k
du -h
du -m
# dumpkmap - no counterprt?
# dutmp - no counterprt?
# echo
echo "foo bar baz"
echo -n "no newline"
# expr
# XXX: something's wrong with the way I'm doing these. Figure it out later.
#expr 1 \| 1
#expr 1 \| 0
#expr 0 \| 1
#expr 0 \| 0
#expr 1 \& 1
#expr 1 \& 0
#expr 0 \& 1
#expr 0 \& 0
#expr 0 \< 1
#expr 1 \< 0
#expr 1 \> 0
#expr 0 \> 1
#expr 0 \<= 1
#expr 1 \<= 0
#expr 1 \<= 1
#expr 1 \>= 0
#expr 0 \>= 1
#expr 1 \>= 1
#expr 1 + 2
#expr 2 - 1
#expr 2 \* 3
#expr 12 / 2
#expr 12 % 5
# somebody else can do all the string stuff
# fbset - can't be tested here
# fdflush
# find
find .
# free
# freeramdisk
# fsck.minix - won't test
# getopt
# grep
# gunzip
# gzip
# halt
# head
head tester.sh
head -n 2 tester.sh
# hostid
# hostname
hostname -s
hostname -i
hostname -d
# not going to do this next one
#hostname -F
# id
id -u
id -g
id -ur
id -un
# ifconfig
#ifconfig -a
#ifconfig eth0
#ifconfig lo
# init - won't test
# insmod - won't test
# kill
#kill -l
# not going to do any more
# length
# ln
# loadacm
# loadfont
# loadkmap
# logger
# logname
# ls
ls ../e*
ls -l ../e*
ls -s ../e*
ls -h ../e*
ls -1 ../e*
# lsmod
# makedevs
# md5sum
md5sum tester.sh
# mkdir
mkdir D ; ls -ld D ; rmdir D
# mkfifo
# we will test making one. actually testing pushing data through it requires
# more interaction than we can manage here.
# (these lines turn up an existing ls bug)
mkfifo F ; ls -l F ; rm F
mkfifo -m 0600 F ; ls -l F ; rm F
# mkfs.minix - won't test
# mknod
# mkswap - won't test
# mktemp
# more - can't test: interactive
# mount
# not going to test any more
# mt
# nc
# nfsmount
# nslookup
# ping
ping -c 3 yahoo.com
# pivot_root
# poweroff - won't test
# printf
# ps - there's lotsa differences between busybox ps and any other ps
# pwd
# rdate - won't test
# readlink
ln -sf tester.sh L ; readlink L ; rm -f L
# reboot - won't test
# renice - won't test
# reset - can't test: no output
# rm
touch F ; rm F
# rmdir
# rmmod - won't test: dangerous
# route
# rpmunpack
# sed - we can do some one-liners here; probably needs it's own input file
# setkeycodes
# sh - note that we cannot test the shell interactively here
sh -c "echo a b c"
sh -c ">"
sh -c "a"
# sleep - can't test: produces no output
# sort
sort tester.sh
sort -n tester.sh
sort -r tester.sh
# stty
# swapon - won't test: dangerous
# swapoff - won't test: dangerous
# sync - can't test: no output
# syslogd - won't test: too involved
# tail
tail tester.sh
tail -n 2 tester.sh
# tar
# tee
echo "please tee me!" | tee A B C ; cat A B C
echo "please tee me!" | tee A B C ; echo "tee me too!" | tee -a A B C ; cat A B C ; rm A B C
# telnet - can't test: interactive
# test
# tftp
# touch
# tr
true ; echo $?
false ; echo $?
# tty
# umount
# uname
# uniq
# unix2dos
# update
# uptime
# usleep
# uudecode
# uuencode
# watchdog
# wc
wc tester.sh
wc -c tester.sh
wc -w tester.sh
wc -l tester.sh
wc -L tester.sh
# wget
# which
which ls
# whoami
# xargs
ls -1 ../e* | xargs
ls -1 ../e* | xargs md5sum
# yes - can't test: interactive (needs ^C)